IPad not scrollable on page with javascript UI Draggable page - javascript

Ok so I have a site that uses the javascript UI draggable mouse option for the web page but then when someone accesses the page from either their iphone or ipad the UI draggable script doesnt work? Is there any easy fixes for it? I was trying to find something like the iscroll for it but was unsure if I am going in the right direction.
Thanks for the help

Found the answer through this page


FullCalendar V3 more events pop over scroll bar not working

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has experienced this problem in the past or has any idea what the cause might be.
I am using the FullCalendar V3 library and when I click on the more events pop over the scrollbar does not work and I cannot scroll down to see all of the events.
The scroll bar does not work on Google Chrome Version 87.0.4280.141 however I have checked it on Firefox 84.0.2 and it scrolls ok on that browser.
I have not changed any of the library code and I have the impression it is some JavaScript that is the cause but would not know where to start.
Thank you in advance for any ideas.
Below is the popover in question:
This is caused due to a chrome smooth scrolling issue. Assuming you have no control over the browser side and therefor cannot disable that feature. Applying this to the scrolling container inside the popup should fix the issue.
pointer-events: auto !important
Note the selector I used was.
.fc-more-popover .fc-body.fc-widget-content .fc-event-container

One Page Scroll plugin not working for swipe scroll on the ipad

I have used the One Page Scroll Plugin on my website.Below is the plugin page
The scroll works fine on desktops, but I am facing a problem on the ipad.
The swipe scroll on the ipad is scrolling 4 pages down when I scroll once on my website.
Please how do I fix this problem.
Well you have javascript DOM event object like :
ontouchcancel, ontouchend, ontouchmove and ontouchstart
which can make scroll effect.
Have in mind that jquery and etc are built on top of the javascript so the basically use similar functions.
Without the code or working platform provided by you... i can't really tell you anything but redirect you to w3schools.
w3schools javascript DOM Event Object

Android and iPhone drag (touchmove,sweep)

I'm developing HTML5 app for Android and iOS. All I need is to slide hidden menu by sweeping it right and hiding it back with a left sweep.
I can use CSS3 transition for the animation so what I'm looking for is really simple framework which provides the javascript events or if someone has experience.
Thanks in Advance.
If you're familiar with jQuery in any sense, then zepto.js would be good enough (and light-weighted) to get your problem solved.

ipad Javascript slider

I'm looking to create a slider/scroller with javascript for the iPad. I created one using JQuery UI, but it's not supported on iPad.
I'm looking to create something simple, where the user can drag an image left and right along a track. I've looked all over the place for some simple insight on how to do that, all I find are tutorials or links to jquery plugins.
I'm not sure I can use the built-in slider from jquery-mobile, as I have specific images to use, and it doesn't look like it can be skinned.
Any help is welcome.
jQuery Tools Scrollable is iPad/touch friendly.
As an example, checkout the custom scrollable slider on trekk.com (works on iPad) that I built with jQuery Tools.
I recently used a plugin called Flexslider (http://flex.madebymufffin.com/) that supports swiping between images on iOS.

Facebook's mobile app/site horizontal slide menu : Jquery plugin?

Does anybody know a good horizontal slide menu jquery plugin that could emulate Facebook's relatively new mobile site/app's menu?
Basically you have a view of all the content, and when you click a button, a menu slides from the left, moving the content a little to the right (to the width of the menu sliding in). When a button on the menu is clicked, the menu slides out of view, the content slides back, and then changes corresponding to whatever menu button was clicked.
Aldomatics code doesn't behave well in windows phone and doesn't handle orientation issues
This topic is old but here is a working solution for mobile devices (Build with Jquery) :
it's working on Windows phone, iOs and Android Devices.
I've tried to keep the code as simple as possible, it's easy to understand and modifiy.
I was looking for the same thing.
The best example I can find is a paid mobile Wordpress theme:
Pretty slick and you could at least see how it is done.
I find this implementation the best example currently available:
It's not a jQuery plug-in, per se, but it should to the trick!

