Collision detection between a line and a circle in JavaScript - javascript

I'm looking for a definitive answer, maybe a function cos I'm slow, that will determine if a line segment and circle have collided, in javascript (working with canvas)
A function like the one below that simply returns true if collided or false if not would be awesome. I might even donate a baby to you.
function isCollided(lineP1x, lineP1y, lineP2x, lineP2y, circlex, circley, radius) {
I've found plenty of formulas, like this one, but they are over my head.

Here you will need some Math:
This is the basic concept if you don't know how to solve equations in general. I will leave the rest of the thinking to you. ;) Figuring out CD's length isn't that hard.
If you are asking how, that's how:
Finding collisions in JavaScript is kind of complicated.

I Spent about a day and a half to make it perfect.. Hope this helps.
function collisionCircleLine(circle,line){ // Both are objects
var side1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(circle.x - line.p1.x,2) + Math.pow(circle.y - line.p1.y,2)); // Thats the pythagoras theoram If I can spell it right
var side2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(circle.x - line.p2.x,2) + Math.pow(circle.y - line.p2.y,2));
var base = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(line.p2.x - line.p1.x,2) + Math.pow(line.p2.y - line.p1.y,2));
if(circle.radius > side1 || circle.radius > side2)
return true;
var angle1 = Math.atan2( line.p2.x - line.p1.x, line.p2.y - line.p1.y ) - Math.atan2( circle.x - line.p1.x, circle.y - line.p1.y ); // Some complicated Math
var angle2 = Math.atan2( line.p1.x - line.p2.x, line.p1.y - line.p2.y ) - Math.atan2( circle.x - line.p2.x, circle.y - line.p2.y ); // Some complicated Math again
if(angle1 > Math.PI / 2 || angle2 > Math.PI / 2) // Making sure if any angle is an obtuse one and Math.PI / 2 = 90 deg
return false;
// Now if none are true then
var semiperimeter = (side1 + side2 + base) / 2;
var areaOfTriangle = Math.sqrt( semiperimeter * (semiperimeter - side1) * (semiperimeter - side2) * (semiperimeter - base) ); // Heron's formula for the area
var height = 2*areaOfTriangle/base;
if( height < circle.radius )
return true;
return false;
And that is how you do it..

Matt DesLauriers published a Javascript library for this problem at The API is straightforward:
var circle = [5, 5],
radius = 25,
a = [5, 6],
b = [10, 10]
var hit = collide(a, b, circle, radius)

function pointCircleCollide(point, circle, r) {
if (r===0) return false
var dx = circle[0] - point[0]
var dy = circle[1] - point[1]
return dx * dx + dy * dy <= r * r
var tmp = [0, 0]
function lineCircleCollide(a, b, circle, radius, nearest) {
//check to see if start or end points lie within circle
if (pointCircleCollide(a, circle, radius)) {
if (nearest) {
nearest[0] = a[0]
nearest[1] = a[1]
return true
} if (pointCircleCollide(b, circle, radius)) {
if (nearest) {
nearest[0] = b[0]
nearest[1] = b[1]
return true
var x1 = a[0],
y1 = a[1],
x2 = b[0],
y2 = b[1],
cx = circle[0],
cy = circle[1]
//vector d
var dx = x2 - x1
var dy = y2 - y1
//vector lc
var lcx = cx - x1
var lcy = cy - y1
//project lc onto d, resulting in vector p
var dLen2 = dx * dx + dy * dy //len2 of d
var px = dx
var py = dy
if (dLen2 > 0) {
var dp = (lcx * dx + lcy * dy) / dLen2
px *= dp
py *= dp
if (!nearest)
nearest = tmp
nearest[0] = x1 + px
nearest[1] = y1 + py
//len2 of p
var pLen2 = px * px + py * py
//check collision
return pointCircleCollide(nearest, circle, radius)
&& pLen2 <= dLen2 && (px * dx + py * dy) >= 0
var circle = [5, 5],
radius = 25,
a = [5, 6],
b = [10, 10]
var hit = lineCircleCollide(a, b, circle, radius)


How can I find the midpoint of an arc with JavaScript?

I need to find the midpoint of the arc USING JavaScript
I want to find M in terms of the following information:
A.X and A.Y, the coordinates of A
B.X and B.Y, the coordinates of B
Radius, the radius of the arc
C.X and C.Y, the center of the arc
How do I compute the coordinates of M?
I have a problem with the x sign
var a = {x:x1,y:y1}
var b = {x:x2,y:y2}
var c = {x:cx,y:cy}
var theta1 = Math.atan(a.y / a.y);
var theta2 = Math.atan(b.y / b.x)
var theta = (theta1 + theta2) / 2;
var mx = r * Math.cos(theta);
var my = r * Math.sin(theta);
var positive
if (cx > 0) {
positive = 1
} else {
positive = -1
var midx = positive * (Math.abs(mx) + Math.abs(cx))
var midy = my + cy
writeBlock(cx, cy);
writeBlock(mx, my, x1, y1, x2, y2);
Here's how I would do it, using a unit circle to make things simple:
const A = { x: 0, y: 1 };
const B = { x: 1, y: 0 };
const C = { x: 0, y: 0 };
// get A and B as vectors relative to C
const vA = { x: A.x - C.x, y: A.y - C.y };
const vB = { x: B.x - C.x, y: B.y - C.y };
// angle between A and B
const angle = Math.atan2(vA.y, vA.x) - Math.atan2(vB.y, vB.x);
// half of that
const half = angle / 2;
// rotate point B by half of the angle
const s = Math.sin(half);
const c = Math.cos(half);
const xnew = vB.x * c - vB.y * s;
const ynew = vB.x * s + vB.y * c;
// midpoint is new coords plus C
const midpoint = { x: xnew + C.x, y: ynew + C.y };
console.log(midpoint); // { x: sqrt2 / 2, y: sqrt2 / 2 }
Please note that this assumes that point B is always "after" A (going clockwise) and it always assumes the arc is defined clockwise.
Sum CA and CB vectors, making bisector D
Normalize bisector dividing by its length
Multiply normalized bisector by R
Add result to C to get M
Dx = A.x + B.x - 2*C.x
Dy = A.y + B.y - 2*C.y
Len = sqrt(Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy)
f = R / Len
Mx = C.x + Dx * f
My = C.y + Dy * f
(doesn't work for 180 degrees arc, for that case just rotate Dx by 90)

Is this code for determining if a circle and line SEGMENT intersects correct?

It's apparently very hard to find the answer to whether a line segment and circle intersect. For example, if you google you'll find this question and even the top two answers seem wrong.
The accepted answer has a comment saying: This seems to compute the intersection of a circle with a line, not a segment Scroll down to the next answer and you'll find another comment saying Isn't this answer in incomplete? It finds whether a circle and line intersect, not a line segment.
I've then tried to search for a function for determining if just a segment intersects a circle, but to no avail. The best I could find is a pseudocode explanation here.
I've tried to adapt his code and while it seems to work, it seems overly verbose and I'm not sure if my implementation is correct. I'm asking whether or not this is correct and if it is, is there indeed no better way of determining this? What is the ideal way of determining if a line segment and circle intersects? Please note, I only need to know if they intersect, not where they intersect.
I've provided a full demo reproduction below so you can also visualize it.
function lineSegmentIntersectsCircle(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, r) {
let deltaX = x2 - x1;
let deltaY = y2 - y1;
let mag = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
let unitX = deltaX / mag;
let unitY = deltaY / mag;
let d = (cx - x1) * unitY - (cy - y1) * unitX;
if (d < -r || d > r) { return false; }
let x1CXDelta = x1 - cx;
let y1CYDelta = y1 - cy;
let x2CXDelta = x2 - cx;
let y2CYDelta = y2 - cy;
let pointOneWithinCircle = x1CXDelta * x1CXDelta + y1CYDelta * y1CYDelta < r * r;
if (pointOneWithinCircle) { return true; }
let pointTwoWithinCircle = x2CXDelta * x2CXDelta + y2CYDelta * y2CYDelta < r * r;
if (pointTwoWithinCircle) { return true; }
let foo = unitX * x1 + unitY * y1;
let bar = unitX * cx + unitY * cy;
let baz = unitX * x2 + unitY * y2;
return (foo < bar && bar < baz) || (baz < bar && bar < foo);
let ctx = document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d");
function drawCircle(xCenter, yCenter, radius) {
ctx.arc(xCenter, yCenter, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
let circleX = 340;
let circleY = 250;
let circleR = 60;
let lineX1 = 50;
let lineY1 = 350;
let lineX2 = 285;
let lineY2 = 250;
draw = () => {
ctx.fillStyle = "#b2c7ef";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 800);
ctx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
drawCircle(circleX, circleY, circleR);
drawLine(lineX1, lineY1, lineX2, lineY2);
console.log(lineSegmentIntersectsCircle(lineX1, lineY1, lineX2, lineY2, circleX, circleY, circleR))
canvas { display: flex; margin: 0 auto; }
<canvas width="400" height="400"></canvas>
I think it would be a simpler to (1) compute the line-disk intersection, which is either empty, a point, or a line segment (2) test whether the intersection intersects the line segment.
The points of the line are ((1-t) x1 + t x2, (1-t) y1 + t y2) for all real t. Let x(t) = (1-t) x1 + t x2 - cx and y(t) = (1-t) y1 + t y2 - cy. The line-disk intersection is nonempty if and only if the polynomial x(t)^2 + y(t)^2 - r^2 = 0 has real roots t1 <= t2. In this case, the line-disk intersection is all t in [t1, t2]. The line segment is all t in [0, 1]. The two intersect if and only if t1 <= 1 and t2 >= 0.
Computing t1 and t2 requires a square root, which we can avoid. Let a, b, c be such that x(t)^2 + y(t)^2 - r^2 = a t^2 + b t + c. We have t1 + t2 = -b/a and t1 t2 = c/a.
The roots t1 and t2 are real if and only if b^2 - 4 a c >= 0.
The condition t1 <= 1 is false if and only if t1 - 1 > 0 and t2 - 1 > 0, which in turn is true if and only if (t1 - 1) + (t2 - 1) > 0 and (t1 - 1) (t2 - 1) > 0, which is equivalent to -b/a - 2 > 0 and c/a + b/a + 1 > 0. Since a > 0, this simplifies to -b > 2 a and c + b + a > 0.
The condition t2 >= 0 is false if and only if t1 < 0 and t2 < 0, which in turn is true if and only if t1 + t2 = -b/a < 0 and t1 t2 = c/a > 0. Since a > 0, this simplifies to b > 0 and c > 0.
Implementation in Javascript.
function lineSegmentIntersectsCircleOptimized(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, r) {
let x_linear = x2 - x1;
let x_constant = x1 - cx;
let y_linear = y2 - y1;
let y_constant = y1 - cy;
let a = x_linear * x_linear + y_linear * y_linear;
let half_b = x_linear * x_constant + y_linear * y_constant;
let c = x_constant * x_constant + y_constant * y_constant - r * r;
return (
half_b * half_b >= a * c &&
(-half_b <= a || c + half_b + half_b + a <= 0) &&
(half_b <= 0 || c <= 0)
function lineSegmentIntersectsCircle(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, r) {
let deltaX = x2 - x1;
let deltaY = y2 - y1;
let mag = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
let unitX = deltaX / mag;
let unitY = deltaY / mag;
let d = (cx - x1) * unitY - (cy - y1) * unitX;
if (d < -r || d > r) {
return false;
let x1CXDelta = x1 - cx;
let y1CYDelta = y1 - cy;
let x2CXDelta = x2 - cx;
let y2CYDelta = y2 - cy;
let pointOneWithinCircle =
x1CXDelta * x1CXDelta + y1CYDelta * y1CYDelta < r * r;
if (pointOneWithinCircle) {
return true;
let pointTwoWithinCircle =
x2CXDelta * x2CXDelta + y2CYDelta * y2CYDelta < r * r;
if (pointTwoWithinCircle) {
return true;
let foo = unitX * x1 + unitY * y1;
let bar = unitX * cx + unitY * cy;
let baz = unitX * x2 + unitY * y2;
return (foo < bar && bar < baz) || (baz < bar && bar < foo);
function test() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
let x1 = Math.random();
let y1 = Math.random();
let x2 = Math.random();
let y2 = Math.random();
let cx = Math.random();
let cy = Math.random();
let r = Math.random();
if (
lineSegmentIntersectsCircle(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, r) !=
lineSegmentIntersectsCircleOptimized(x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, r)
) {

Collision detection between ball and arc, and between arc and arc

I'm making a pong style game in JavaScript where the paddle is curved. I already have collision between 2 balls but I seem to be having trouble with the ball and arc.
I've looked at this thread already:
Collision detection of a ball with an arc
But I can't seem to make the answer there work for me. Perhaps because I draw the arc differently.
Here's my variables as well as how the paddle is being drawn onto the canvas. When the player presses a key, the angles for the paddle are incremented so it revolves around the player.
If anyone can help I would appreciate it.
function Player(name, radius, innerColour, outerColour, x, y)
this.prop = {
name: name,
innerColour: innerColour,
outerColour: outerColour
this.phys = {
x: x,
y: y,
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
mass: radius ** 3,
radius: radius
this.padd = {
innerRadius: 65,
outerRadius: 85,
active: true,
startAngle: 225,
centerAngle: 270,
endAngle: 315,
rotation: false
this.draw = function()
var inR = this.padd.innerRadius;
var outR = this.padd.outerRadius;
var inC = Math.sqrt((inR ** 2) * 2);
var outC = Math.sqrt((outR ** 2) * 2);
var sAng = this.padd.startAngle;
var cAng = this.padd.centerAngle;
var eAng = this.padd.endAngle;
//Draw paddle
ctx.moveTo(this.rotatePoint(inR, sAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(inR, sAng, "y"));
ctx.arcTo (this.rotatePoint(inC, cAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(inC, cAng, "y"),
this.rotatePoint(inR, eAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(inR, eAng, "y"), inR);
ctx.lineTo(this.rotatePoint(outR, eAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(outR, eAng, "y"))
ctx.arcTo (this.rotatePoint(outC, cAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(outC, cAng, "y"),
this.rotatePoint(outR, sAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(outR, sAng, "y"), outR);
ctx.lineTo(this.rotatePoint(inR, sAng, "x"), this.rotatePoint(inR, sAng, "y"));
ctx.fillStyle = this.prop.outerColour;
this.rotatePoint = function(radius, angle, axis)
var x = this.phys.x;
var y = this.phys.y;
var radians = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var x1 = x + radius;
var newX = Math.cos(radians) * (x1 - x) + x;
var newY = Math.sin(radians) * (x1 - x) + y;
if (axis == "x")
return newX;
else if (axis == "y")
return newY;
Edit: Sorry I forgot to add my attempt at the collision code.
I run it every frame but it doesn't seem to detect when they're colliding.
The objects array is both every ball on the screen and the 2 players, and the players array just contains the 2 players.
//Calculates events, speed and trajectory for paddle collisions
function paddleCollision()
for (var obj in objects)
for (var player in players)
var sAng = players[player].padd.startAngle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var eAng = players[player].padd.endAngle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var inR = players[player].padd.innerRadius;
var outR = players[player].padd.outerRadius;
var ballR = objects[obj].phys.radius;
var collides = false;
var dX = objects[obj].phys.x - players[player].phys.x;
var dY = objects[obj].phys.y - players[player].phys.y;
var dist = Math.sqrt((dX ** 2) + (dY ** 2));
var dir = Math.atan2(dY, dX);
var tanAng = Math.asin(ballR / dist);
var dir0 = dir + tanAng;
var dir1 = dir - tanAng;
if (dist + ballR > inR && dist - ballR < outR)
var d = dir > sAng && dir < eAng;
var d0 = dir0 > sAng && dir0 < eAng;
var d1 = dir1 > sAng && dir1 < eAng;
if (d || d0 && d1)
collides = true;
else if (d0 != d1)
var x0 = players[player].phys.x + outR * Math.cos(sAng) - objects[obj].phys.x;
var y0 = players[player].phys.y + outR * Math.sin(sAng) - objects[obj].phys.y;
var x1 = players[player].phys.x + outR * Math.cos(eAng) - objects[obj].phys.x;
var y1 = players[player].phys.y + outR * Math.sin(eAng) - objects[obj].phys.y;
if ((x0 ** 2) + (y0 ** 2) < (ballR ** 2) || (x1 ** 2) + (y1 ** 2) < (ballR ** 2))
collides = true;
if (collides)
This worked for me:
function arcsCollision(first, second) {
const dx = first.x - second.x;
const dy = first.y - second.y;
const distance = Math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2);
return (
(first.radius + second.radius + 0.1)
function arcAndRectCollision(arc, rect) {
return (
arc.x - arc.radius < rect.x ||
arc.x + arc.radius > rect.width ||
arc.y - arc.radius < rect.y ||
arc.y + arc.radius > rect.height
You can go to this website for more info.

How to curve a unit mesh between 2 unit vectors

I'm trying to draw 2 unit vectors and then draw an arc between them. I'm not looking for any solution, rather I want to know why my specific solution is not working.
First I pick 2 unit vectors at random.
function rand(min, max) {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
var points = [{},{}];
points[0].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
points[1].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
Note: the math here is in 3D but I'm using a 2d example by just keeping the vectors in the XY plane
I can draw those 2 unit vectors in a canvas
// move to center of canvas
var scale = ctx.canvas.width / 2 * 0.9;
ctx.transform(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.scale(scale, scale); // expand the unit fill the canvas
// draw a line for each unit vector
points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(point.direction[0], point.direction[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = point.color;
That works.
Next I want to make a matrix that puts the XY plane with its Y axis aligned with the first unit vector and in the same plane as the plane described by the 2 unit vectors
var zAxis = normalize(cross(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
var xAxis = normalize(cross(zAxis, points[0].direction));
var yAxis = points[0].direction;
I then draw a unit grid using that matrix
xAxis[0] * scale, xAxis[1] * scale,
yAxis[0] * scale, yAxis[1] * scale,
ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
for (var y = 0; y < 20; ++y) {
var v0 = (y + 0) / 20;
var v1 = (y + 1) / 20;
for (var x = 0; x < 20; ++x) {
var u0 = (x + 0) / 20;
var u1 = (x + 1) / 20;
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u1, v0);
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u0, v1);
That works too. Run the sample below and see the pink unit grid is always aligned with the green unit vector and facing in the direction of the red unit vector.
Finally using the data for the unit grid I want to bend it the correct amount to fill the space between the 2 unit vectors. Given it's a unit grid it seems like I should be able to do this
var cosineOfAngleBetween = dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction);
var expand = (1 + -cosineOfAngleBetween) / 2 * Math.PI;
var angle = x * expand; // x goes from 0 to 1
var newX = sin(angle) * y; // y goes from 0 to 1
var newY = cos(angle) * y;
And if I plot newX and newY for every grid point it seems like I should get the correct arc between the 2 unit vectors.
Taking the dot product of the two unit vectors should give me the cosine of the angle between them which goes from 1 if they are coincident to -1 if they are opposite. In my case I need expand to go from 0 to PI so (1 + -dot(p0, p1)) / 2 * PI seems like it should work.
But it doesn't. See the blue arc which is the unit grid points as input to the code above.
Some things I checked. I checked zAxis is correct. It's always either [0,0,1] or [0,0,-1] which is correct. I checked xAxis and yAxis are unit vectors. They are. I checked manually setting expand to PI * .5, PI, PI * 2 and it does exactly what I expect. PI * .5 gets a 90 degree arc, 1/4th of the way around from the blue unit vector. PI gets a half circle exactly as I expect. PI * 2 gets a full circle.
That makes it seem like dot(p0,p1) is wrong but looking at the dot function it seems correct and if test it with various easy vectors it returns what I expect dot([1,0,0], [1,0,0]) returns 1. dot([-1,0,0],[1,0,0]) returns -1. dot([1,0,0],[0,1,0]) returns 0. dot([1,0,0],normalize([1,1,0])) returns 0.707...
What am I missing?
Here's the code live
function cross(a, b) {
var dst = []
dst[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
dst[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
dst[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
return dst;
function normalize(a) {
var dst = [];
var lenSq = a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2];
var len = Math.sqrt(lenSq);
if (len > 0.00001) {
dst[0] = a[0] / len;
dst[1] = a[1] / len;
dst[2] = a[2] / len;
} else {
dst[0] = 0;
dst[1] = 0;
dst[2] = 0;
return dst;
function dot(a, b) {
return (a[0] * b[0]) + (a[1] * b[1]) + (a[2] * b[2]);
var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas");
canvas.width = 200;
canvas.height = 200;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
function rand(min, max) {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
var points = [
direction: [0,0,0],
color: "green",
direction: [0,0,0],
color: "red",
var expand = 1;
var scale = ctx.canvas.width / 2 * 0.8;
function pickPoints() {
points[0].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
points[1].direction = normalize([rand(-1, 1), rand(-1, 1), 0]);
expand = (1 + -dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction)) / 2 * Math.PI;
console.log("expand:", expand);
function render() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);;
ctx.translate(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
ctx.lineWidth = 3 / scale;
points.forEach(function(point) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(point.direction[0], point.direction[1]);
ctx.strokeStyle = point.color;
var zAxis = normalize(cross(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
var xAxis = normalize(cross(zAxis, points[0].direction));
var yAxis = points[0].direction;
xAxis[0] * scale, xAxis[1] * scale,
yAxis[0] * scale, yAxis[1] * scale,
ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2);
ctx.lineWidth = 0.5 / scale;
ctx.strokeStyle = "pink";
ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";
function drawPatch(curved) {
for (var y = 0; y < 20; ++y) {
var v0 = (y + 0) / 20;
var v1 = (y + 1) / 20;
for (var x = 0; x < 20; ++x) {
var u0 = (x + 0) / 20;
var u1 = (x + 1) / 20;
if (curved) {
var a0 = u0 * expand;
var x0 = Math.sin(a0) * v0;
var y0 = Math.cos(a0) * v0;
var a1 = u1 * expand;
var x1 = Math.sin(a1) * v0;
var y1 = Math.cos(a1) * v0;
var a2 = u0 * expand;
var x2 = Math.sin(a0) * v1;
var y2 = Math.cos(a0) * v1;
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
} else {
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u1, v0);
ctx.moveTo(u0, v0);
ctx.lineTo(u0, v1);
window.addEventListener('click', pickPoints);
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
div {
display: flex;
<div><canvas></canvas><p> Click for new points</p></div>
There's nothing wrong with your dot product function. It's the way you're using it:
expand = (1 + -dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction)) / 2 * Math.PI;
should be:
expand = Math.acos(dot(points[0].direction, points[1].direction));
The expand variable, as you use it, is an angle (in radians). The dot product gives you the cosine of the angle, but not the angle itself. While the cosine of an angle varies between 1 and -1 for input [0,pi], that value does not map linearly back to the angle itself.
In other words, it doesn't work because the cosine of an angle cannot be transformed into the angle itself simply by scaling it. That's what arcsine is for.
Note that in general, you can often get by using your original formula (or any simple formula that maps that [-1,1] domain to a range of [0,pi]) if all you need is an approximation, but it will never give an exact angle except at the extremes.
This can be seen visually by plotting the two functions on top of each other:

Drawing soft brush

I'm trying to create a smooth brush in HTML5, an example is below.
This is what I tried, it's something. But it's not as smooth as the image above.
Editor.Drawing.Context.globalAlpha = 0.3;
var amount = 3;
for(var t = -amount; t <= amount; t += 3) {
for(var n = -amount; n <= amount; n += 3) {
Editor.Drawing.Context.drawImage(Editor.Drawing.ClipCanvas, -(n-1), -(t-1));
And it looks like this.
Using brushes
Choose a brush, this can be an image with predefined brushes or you can make one using an off-screen canvas and draw a radial gradient into it. For simplicity I made a simple image brush such as these:
Then for each new point drawn to the canvas:
Calculate the diff between the previous and current point
Calculate the length of the line so we can use an absolute step value independent of length
Iterate over the length using a normalized value and the previously calculated step value
The step value can be anything that looks good as a result - it largely depends on the smoothness of the brush as well as its general size (smoother brushes will require smaller steps to blend into each other).
For this demo I used brush-width, the smaller values that are used, the more brushes will be drawn along the line, nicer result, but can also slow down the program, so find a value that compromises quality and speed.
For example:
This will be called every time a new point is registered when drawing:
function brushLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var diffX = Math.abs(x2 - x1), // calc diffs
diffY = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
dist = Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY), // find length
step = 20 / (dist ? dist : 1), // "resolution"
i = 0, // iterator for length
t = 0, // t [0, 1]
b, x, y;
while (i <= dist) {
t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, i / dist));
x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * t;
y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * t;
b = (Math.random() * 3) | 0;
ctx.drawImage(brush, x - bw * 0.5, y - bh * 0.5); // draw brush
i += step;
var brush = new Image();
brush.onload = ready;
brush.src = "//";
function ready() {
var c = document.querySelector("canvas"),
ctx = c.getContext("2d"),
isDown = false, px, py,
bw = this.width, bh = this.height;
c.onmousedown = c.ontouchstart = function(e) {
isDown = true;
var pos = getPos(e);
px = pos.x;
py = pos.y;
window.onmousemove = window.ontouchmove = function(e) {
if (isDown) draw(e);
window.onmouseup = window.ontouchend = function(e) {
isDown = false
function getPos(e) {
if (e.touches) e = e.touches[0];
var r = c.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: e.clientX - r.left,
y: e.clientY -
function draw(e) {
var pos = getPos(e);
brushLine(ctx, px, py, pos.x, pos.y);
px = pos.x;
py = pos.y;
function brushLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var diffX = Math.abs(x2 - x1),
diffY = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
dist = Math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY),
step = bw / (dist ? dist : 1),
i = 0,
t = 0,
b, x, y;
while (i <= dist) {
t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, i / dist));
x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * t;
y = y1 + (y2 - y1) * t;
b = (Math.random() * 3) | 0;
ctx.drawImage(brush, x - bw * 0.5, y - bh * 0.5);
i += step
body {background: #777}
canvas {background: #fff;cursor:crosshair}
<canvas width=630 height=500></canvas>
You can use this technique to simulate a variety of brushes.
Tip: with a small modification you can also variate the width depending on velocity to increase realism (not shown).

