Ajax calls within the changing Div - javascript

i am working on my first Ajax Project and i cannot find a solution for this problem:
This is my Ajax Code:
var seite = $('div.ipadSeite');
$('a').on('click', function(e){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
seite.load( href );
And this is the index.php:
....<div id="ipadHeader">
<li>100% |=|</li>
echo date("h:i a");
<div class="ipadSeite">
<img src="../images/homescreen.png" id="homescreenImage" />
<div id="appIcon"><p>TWT</p></div>
When first starting the Application the Link: a href="seiten/1app.php is working! So I created an Home Button to go Back to the index.php. This is the File wich is loaded trough Ajax to go back "home":
<img src="../images/homescreen.png" id="homescreenImage" />
<div id="appIcon"><p>TWT</p></div>
It simply loads the same content in "ipadSeite".
My first Question: This is wrong right? It should be easier? But when linking to index.php it loads the whole site (header, footer ..) and the functionality breaks.
Second Question: My Solution works, but when i click on the button another time, it dont makes an Ajax Request. Instead it opens a regular link but without CSS. I really cannot find any solution for that. I hope you guys understand my problem and my explanation.
Thank you very much!

Delegate function:
$(document).delegate('a','click',function(){//Write your function here})
'On' I find very situational. 'Delegate' and 'live' both work well with asynchronously load elements.

First I think you reference the div by class while you have it in id
var seite = $('div.ipadSeite'); => var seite = $('#ipadSeite');

As far as I can see from a cursory glance you are not using AJAX but simply utilising jQuery's functions.
What exactly are you trying to do? If you lay out a point by point run through of what a user journey is then I am sure someone can help you.
have you tried accessing a specific section on the homepage:
$("#new-nav").load("/ #jq-footerNavigation li");
The above code says get some data from homepage '/' and load it into the '#new-nav' element
In your case it should be .load('/ .ipadSeite' )


When I click a link, click a link on another page?

Really struggling to think of a solution to this problem. I have thought anchor links might help (using the #example on the end of a link to scroll to a position on the page) but not sure how best to implement them.
So on the homepage of my site I have a list of links, that correlate to tabs on another page.
The links on the homepage:
(What is e-Bate, What are rebates etc.)
When you click one of the tabs on the other page, it activates a script which shows a certain div below:
This is how the tabs are shown:
<div class="page-links">
<li>What is e-Bate?</li>
<li>What are rebates?</li>
<li>e-Bate features</li>
<li>How e-Bate works</li>
<li>Case studies</li>
<div class="page-contents">
<div id="whatebate" class="hideshowdiv">
<?php echo CFS()->get('whatisebate'); ?>
<div id="whatrebate" class="hideshowdiv">
<?php echo CFS()->get('what_are_rebates'); ?>
<div id="ebatefeat" class="hideshowdiv">
<?php echo CFS()->get('e_bate_features'); ?>
<div id="howebate" class="hideshowdiv">
<?php echo CFS()->get('how_e_bate_works'); ?>
<div id="casestud" class="hideshowdiv">
<?php echo CFS()->get('case_studies'); ?>
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(".page-contents div.hideshowdiv").hide();
// Show chosen div, and hide all others
jQuery("a").click(function (e)
jQuery("#" + jQuery(this).attr("class")).fadeIn().siblings('div.hideshowdiv').hide();
So when one of the links is clicked on the homepage, for instance, the 'What is e-Bate?' link, I want it to go to the other page, and click the corresponding tab, showing the content for that section. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
This is very possible and you had half the equation with the anchors. Now you just need to write a small function to parse out the URL and check for a certain tag.
So something like this:
if (location.href.indexOf("#example") != -1) {
//This is where you put your function to show the tab
if (location.href.indexOf("#anotherexample") != -1) {
//This is where you put your function to show the tab
Well, if you can use PHP, then it is indeed pretty easy:
First, you need to create a PHP file, obvious with an input parameter, preference, two GET variables, the first one being the link of the page you want to visit and the second one can be, well that depends on how you want it to be, it can be a div id, or a div class or pretty much id of anything you want to click on the second site (You MUST KNOW which button/link you want to click on the second site)
Then first in your php code, store these two things into variables, Let us take $Path and $DivToClick,
Now, use this PHP function:
Here, the path is an required field, rest is all optional.. and then after that, echo a JQuery code which will do something like this
function ClickTheButton ()
$('#divId').click ();
Now, let me explain what we are doing here... First, you are sending link to a php script that get all the contents of that webpage and display it on my screen, and then when you are echo-ing the JQuery code, you are telling browser, that yes, this is the part of the page, execute it and simulate the action of click on this page, and thus the click action is simulated and things are done as per your need...
Hope this helps... :)

Trying to build a content locker using jQuery

I am very new to jQuery and not entirely sure what I'm doing. Will try my best to explain the problem I'm facing.
I'm trying to lock some content on a landing page until a user shares the link using FB, Twitter, LinkedIN or G+. The first version of the script I wrote (which worked fine) ran like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
[css stuff]
<div id="something">
<li> Link1 </li>
<li> Link2 </li>
The problem I'm now facing is changing out this code to replace the list elements with social share buttons. As they are no longer under .class, but classes like fb-share-button and twitter-share-button. Please help me understand what I need to modify to accommodate this? PS: This is not a Wordpress site.
function clearroadblock()
$('#roadblockdiv').css('display', 'none');
This is the way I'm clearing the overlay once a click is detected, BTW.
Can I wrap the social buttons in divs, assign them IDs and use those IDs to trigger the click like below?
<div id="Button">
You can have multiple classes on an element by separating them with a space. Try the following:
class="class fb-share-button"
Your jquery will still work off the "class" class. I would recommend you change this name to something more meaningful though. Your css can target the "class" for general styles, but you can also target fb and twitter separately.
I decided to create a quick JSFiddle for this.
Some of the styles etc won't be the same as what you're doing, but the problem is resolved. I've created a div with id main that contains the content that you want to hide. There's an absolutely positioned div over the top of this, this is the roadblock. The javascript is showing the roadblock (assuming that's what you wanted to do with buildroadblock()).
On click of a link in the ul with id socialMedia we call clearroadblock. Notice the lack of parenthesis. This hides the roadblock.
This isn't a great way of preventing someone from seeing information, you might want to think about pulling the content down from the server when the action is performed, however, I think this answers your question.

Display href link into div

I want to display the href link in the <div id="display"></div> tag so when I press anything in the menu or in my list it'll just open in the div with display as its id.
I have this menu like this done
<div class="menu">
<div id="display"></div>
and my JavaScript is like this
$('#display').html($('.menu a').html());
I don't know much about javascript, but I think the javascript code is actually wrong, I would appreciate is someone would help me.
I want to display the href
You need to fetch href property for that you can use .prop()
$('#display').html($('.menu a').prop('href'));
In case you mean retrieve the page and place it in the div:
// bind click event to all anchors within .menu
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
// fetch the page using AJAX and place the results in #display
// prevent navigating away from the page (default action of anchor)
(Or maybe it's just me, but the question seems very hard to understand. :shrug:)
$('.menu a').on('click',function(e){
e.preventDefault(); //this will keep your link from loading
var href = $(e.currentTarget()).attr('href');
We can use an iframe to display the link in the <a> tag.
Here's a fiddle
Here is my version...
<div class="menu">
<a id="xxx" href="http://stackoverflow.com" onkeydown="myFunc()">HOME</a>
<div id="display"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var data = $("a#xxx").attr("href");

calling an external script and .load jquery conflict

I'm pretty sure this is another DOH! facepalm questions but as designer and not a programmer I need some help getting it right.
What I have is an index file calling local .html files via jQuery .load. Just like this:
(some tabs functionality not relative here - thus the link target call)
<div id=lightbox">
<div class="load">
<script type="text/javascript">
I also have an external .js file that has a bunch of functions that handles some lightboxes among other things. Standard <script src="js/typography.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Which contains:
$(".open-lightbox").on("click", function(){
My problem is that if the externally called .html file has any elements dependent on the .js file ie. the lightbox popup it doesn't work.
something like :
LightBox Link
<div class="lightbox">
lightbox content
If i move the html code right to the index page instead of the .load, no problem, same if I moved the JS as an inline <script>...</script> rather than calling it extrenally. Works fine in both cases.
My spidey sense tells me this has something to do with my function and .load not executing in the order I need them to, but my javascript copy/paste skills only go this far.
Can anyone tell me if I can make this combination work? I'd really appreciate it.
Maybe I explained my self poorly so let me try and post a better example.
If my index code is as followed everything works: My lightbox pops up as intended.
<li>Link to open Tab Content</li>
<div id="thistabid">
<--Tab Content below-->
<div class="somehtmlpage-load">
LightBox Link
<div class="lightbox">
lightbox content
<--End Tab Content-->
When the said tab is clicked the content inside "thistabid" show up. Whatever that content may be.
Now if i do :
<li>Link to open Tab Content</li>
<div id="thistabid">
<--Tab Content below-->
<div class="somehtmlpage-load">
<script type="text/javascript">
<--End Tab Content-->
The lightbox doesn't work. The content of lightbox.html is
LightBox Link
<div class="lightbox">
lightbox content
Same as the html in the 1st example where everything works. The only difference it's being jQuery loaded rather than hard coded.
What I mean by "if the externally called .html file has any elements dependent on the .js file ie. the lightbox popup" is that if the html is part of the externally called file then the lightbox function isn't working. If it's hard coded it pops up like intended.
On 1st glance the .on seems like should be the solution but most likley my implementation of it is off the mark :/
The 'on' or the 'live' function needs to be applied through an element that exists on the page. Generally some parent of the actual element is used. Can you try something on the following lines with the correct references to the elements on your page:
<li>Link to open Tab Content</li>
<div id="thistabid">
<--Tab Content below-->
<div class="somehtmlpage-load">
<!--leave tab empty for now -->
<--End Tab Content-->
//live or on needs to be applied to an element that exists on th page
$('#thistabid').on('click', '.open-lightbox', function(){
$('#thistabid').on('click', '.close-lightbox', function(){
There seems to be a race condition between your load() and document ready.
To address this you'll need to:
either wait for the load() to complete before you attach the click events
or attach the click to the container of your load() step and use event delegation.
See this page and this other one for more information on how to use on() for delegation.
The code would look like this:
$(".somehtmlpage-load").on("click", ".open-lightbox", function(){
Using a SSI solved my problem. I was trying to keep it all Local Drive friendly but it seemed to be causing more problems than anticipated.
Pick your favorite dev environment...I didn't run into any conflicts on either.
ASP - <!--#include file = "examples/lightbox.html" -->
PHP - <?php include 'examples/lightbox.html';?>
Just in case someone else runs into a similar problem.

Cannot redirect to any website - jQuery

i'am beginning with jQuery and really need help. I have image with hover, which show two buttons - edit and delete. And after click on gallery-edit button i just need redirect to any website. But it doesnt have any effect. This is my code:
<ul class="thumbnails galler">
<li id="image-1" class="thumbnail">
<a style="background:url({$basePath}/images/products/item1.jpg)" title="Sample Image 1" href="{$basePath}/images/products/item1.jpg"><img class="grayscale" src="{$basePath}/images/products/item1.jpg" alt="Sample Image 1"></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
//gallery controlls container animation
$('ul.galler li').hover(function(){
$(this).append('<div class="well gallery-controls">'+
'<p><i class="icon-edit"></i> <i class="icon-remove"></i></p>'+
//gallery edit
return false;
$.get does not redirect, it does an ajax request for the url provided. You should use location.href = {url} instead.
If you know the href, you can use native javascript to do this instead.
window.location.href = //insert url here;
But the problem with your code is that you are trying to retrieve the href through the this keyword. The this keyword refers to the event, not the actual anchor element you're trying to reference. To get the link, you want to use e.currentTarget.href instead.
EDIT: For some stupid reason, I didn't notice you were also using $.get. That function is not useful for what you want. Just use the native properties provided by the Window object to redirect the browser, as I and at least one other poster has shown you above.

