Inserting content into iframe javascript - javascript

How can we insert the content of 1 iframe into another. Is this possible?

if I understood your question correctly.
Something like this. But you should optimize this part of code before use it.
var oIFrame1 = document.getElementById("myframe1"),
oIFrame2 = document.getElementById("myframe2");
var oDoc1 = (oIFrame1.contentWindow || oIFrame1.contentDocument);
if (oDoc1.document) oDoc1 = oDoc1.document;
var oDoc2 = (oIFrame2.contentWindow || oIFrame2.contentDocument);
if (oDoc2.document) oDoc2 = oDoc2.document;
oDoc1.body.innerHTML = oDoc2.body.innerHTML;


Trying to figure out how to create links using createTextNode

First off I would like to say, the person that originally created this portion of the code is no longer on the team.
We are creating a development tool to Administrate and Develop servers for our game, that has its own programming language.
I'm using JavaFX with WebView to generate the chat area of the development tool to communicate with other developers and staff. However I want it so hen you post a link it actually shows as a link instead of plain text. I have tried things such as AutoLinker with no success. Here is the HTML portion of the webview.
<script src=".././scripts/Autolinker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
app = null;
const messages = document.getElementById("messages");
function addMessage(message, options) {
const p = document.createElement("p");
const c = message.indexOf(":");
const modifiedMessage = message; //replaceURLWithHTMLLinks(message);
const ridBrackets = options.replace(/[\[\]']/g, "");
const tokenize = ridBrackets.split(",", 2);
const rcChatOptions = tokenize;
const mFontColor = tokenize[rcChatOptions.BFONTCOLOR];
let timeStampFormat = tokenize[rcChatOptions.TIMESTAMP];
if(c > -1) {
const u = document.createElement("span");
const a = document.createElement("a");
u.className = "user";
if(mFontColor != null) { = mFontColor;
} else { = "#00c02b";
//Turn plain text links into actual links
u.appendChild(document.createTextNode(, c + 1))));
if(document.selectedfont != null) { = document.selectedfont;
p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(modifiedMessage.substring(c + 1)));
} else {
// Append message and scroll to bottom (if at bottom)
const scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;
const scrolledToBottom = scrollTop + window.innerHeight >= document.body.scrollHeight;
if(scrolledToBottom) {
window.scrollTo(document.body.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight);
} else {
} = "transparent";
I removed portions of the code that I felt was just a distraction.
This what the tool looks like
this is what it looks like using AutoLinker
(So auto linker is doing its job, it just still isn't rending as HyperLinks)
It looks like the TextNode is created after collecting some substring which would be the link. Here's an example of what it would look like if a link was created directly in js then passed to the TextNode.
One thing you can do is place the text inside of an a tag within a paragraph and then convert like so:
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.innerHTML = 'Website: <a href="" </a>
link.href = '';
After getting pointed in the right direction (By Frank, Thank You) I found a javascript Library that helped me accomplish what I was looking for.
Here is an example!
saferInnerHTML(message, modifiedMessage, true);
The last param is an option, append or overwrite.
Obviously, I will have to do some CSS work to make them not display as buttons. But it is exactly what I was trying to achieve.

Javascript functions do not work after updating content (Using Document Ready atm.)

I have a question I am working with a form based shopping cart add function and a livesearch (PHP) function where it requests new data with the same classes. I have seen multiple examples besides (document.ready) but none of them seemed to work correctly after the DOM Content has been modified by the PHP livesearch function. (The current method is on the document ready function as you guys can see.
Thanks in advance!
// Icon Click Focus
$('.product').on('click', function() {
var strId = '';
var strId = $(this).attr('class');
var strId2 = strId.replace(' product','');
var strId3 = strId2.replace('product-','');
var formData = "product"+strId3;
document.getElementById("product_toevoeg_id").value = strId3;
var productNaam = $("#"+formData+" .f-productnaam").val();
document.getElementById("productnaam").innerHTML = productNaam;
document.getElementById("product_naam_form").value = productNaam;
var productIngredienten = $("#"+formData+" .f-ingredienten").val();
document.getElementById("ingredienten").innerHTML = productIngredienten;
document.getElementById("ingredienten_form").value = productIngredienten;

Javascript pulling content from commented html

Bit of a JS newbie, I have a tracking script that reads the meta data of the page and places the right scripts on that page using this:
var element = document.querySelector('meta[name="tracking-title"]');
var content = element && element.getAttribute("content");
This obviously posts the correct tag to console so I can make sure it's working .. and it does in a test situation. However, on the actual website the meta data i'm targeting is produced on the page by a Java application and beyond my control, the problem is it is in a commented out area. This script cannot read within a commented out area. ie
<!-- your tracking meta is here
<meta name="tracking-title" content="this-is-the-first-page">
Tracking finished -->
Any ideas appreciated.
You can use this code:
var html = document.querySelector('html');
var content;
function traverse(node) {
if (node.nodeType == 8) { // comment
var text = node.textContent.replace(/<!--|-->/g, '');
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = text;
var element = div.querySelector('meta[name="tracking-title"]');
if (element) {
content = element.getAttribute("content");
var children = node.childNodes;
if (children.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
One way is to use a NodeIterator and get comment nodes. Quick example below. You will still need to parse the returned value for the data you want but I am sure you can extend this here to do what you want.
var commentedOutHTml = [];
var iterator = document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, false);
var currentNode;
while (currentNode = iterator.nextNode()) {
You can try this. This will require you to use jQuery however.
$(function() {
return this.nodeType == 8;
}).each(function(i, e){

Opening webpage in javascript on trigger

I'm using a script called "HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT" to help me with my job. Right now it's set up in a way that any time there is a new posting the page plays a audible sound/ding. Normally when this happens I have to switch tabs and manually click on the new listing to preview it. I'm trying to make it so it automatically opens the listing before/after dinging. Also if possible having it put focus on that tab if I'm in a different one. Is any of this possible, where should I start? I'll post the code and some areas of interest I noticed, I just don't know what to do with these areas.. Thank you in advance.
The function that runs when a new hit is found I think:
function newHits(dingNoise) {
if (dingNoise || newHitDing)
I think "preview_link" is the var I need to automatically open after the ding sound plays.
var preview_link = "/mturk/preview?groupId=" + group_ID;
So my logic was something like:
function newHits(dingNoise) {
if (dingNoise || newHitDing)
document.getElementById("ding_noise"+audio_index).play();"/mturk/preview?groupId=") + group_ID;
Which did not work.. Here's the full script if anyone has any ideas.. Thanks again.
EDIT: I don't think the way I originally wanted to do this will work, nothing in the code knows/points to the actual new listings. All that's defined in the code is the preview link function. If there is some way to have it call/open that "var preview_link = "/mturk/preview?groupId=" + group_ID;" after the ding, that would probably be what I need.
for (var j = 0; j < $requester.length; j++)
var $hits = $requester.eq(j).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().find('td[class="capsule_field_text"]');
var requester_name = $requester.eq(j).text().trim();
var requester_link = $requester.eq(j).attr('href');
var group_ID=(listy[j] ? listy[j] : "");
var masters = false;
var title = $title.eq(j).text().trim();
var preview_link = "/mturk/preview?groupId=" + group_ID;
//console.log(title+" "+group_ID +" "+ listy[j]);
if (!group_ID || group_ID.length == 0){
preview_link = requester_link;
title += " (Requester link substituted)";
var reward = $reward.eq(j).text().trim();
var hits = $hits.eq(4).text().trim();
var time = $times.eq(j).parent()[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML;
var description = $descriptions.eq(j).parent()[0].nextSibling.nextSibling.innerHTML;
var requester_id = requester_link.replace('/mturk/searchbar?selectedSearchType=hitgroups&requesterId=','');
var accept_link;
accept_link = preview_link.replace('preview','previewandaccept');
I'm thinking you want to do:
window.location.replace( + '/mturk/preview?groupId='+ group_ID)
I'm actually not sure if you need the + part.

Add a black drop shadow to an image through InDesign JavaScript scripting

I am an absolute beginner with JavaScript scripting for InDesign.
I create an object like this:
var rectbox = doc.pages.item(0).rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[20,20,70,120]});
var image ='/path/image.pdf'));
and now I simply want to add a black drop shadow.
Can someone help me?
It seems to me impossible to find some example about. It is incredible...
Many thanks!
Here are some examples howto implement a shadow. (page 57).
Try this:
var rectbox = doc.pages.item(0).rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[20,20,70,120]});
var image ='/path/image.pdf'));
var myFillTransparencySettings1 = rectbox.fillTransparencySettings;
myFillTransparencySettings1.dropShadowSettings.mode = ShadowMode.drop;
myFillTransparencySettings1.dropShadowSettings.angle = 90;
myFillTransparencySettings1.dropShadowSettings.xOffset = 0;
myFillTransparencySettings1.dropShadowSettings.yOffset = 0;
myFillTransparencySettings1.dropShadowSettings.size = 6;
Ok, here is the solution: if my box contains a filling color, ok, it works; but, if the box contains an image or something else, then I need to use transparencySettings instead of fillTransparencySettings:
var myTransparencySettings = rectbox.transparencySettings;
var rectbox = doc.pages.item(0).rectangles.add({geometricBounds:[20,20,70,120]});
var image ='/path/image.pdf'));
var myTS = rectbox.transparencySettings;
myTS.dropShadowSettings.mode = ShadowMode.drop;
works perfectly!
Many thanks to Johan, however!

