Can't alert href val? - javascript

The following code gives me an alert with nothing but a # symbol inside it. Why?
EDIT: I should note that the code is inside a jQuery .click event...if I place it outside of that, it works properly. Here is the fuller code:
var _href = $("#continue").attr("href");
EDIT2: This all works fine in jsfiddle. But in the xcode iphone simulator I just get #.

Judging by only the code you typed, probably the code runs too early. Try wrapping the JS in
$(function() {
// your code here
// your code here
Well, since it's an iPhone simulator, it changes things. Remember, nobody can help you unless you give all the details of the problem, no matter how much experience they have.
Did you try the touchstart / touchend / tap events instead of click? As far as I know, Apple has been having problems with the click events. Also, click events on mobile devices will have a slower response (a delay of approx 300ms if I remember well) so you're better just using touch specific events.
What are you building? Is it a mobile web app or? Will it run in a standard mobile browser or something like PhoneGap etc?
Ok. It works as long as the code is not called on Click. This eliminates the possibility of another piece of code replacing your "href" with another value because that code would have to be inside your $('#continue').click(function(){ }); block.
The click event is simulated on a touch phone, that's why the touch events are faster (they are native) and less likely to cause problems. You should also make sure that you return false there and not follow the link, that might be what's replacing your "href".

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
$('#continue').click(function(e) {
var _href = $(this).attr('href');
the return is legacy code, used by some
browsers to detect if current event handler
is braking default behaviour
the e.preventDefault() function is the jQuery
way to do it
Without this line the link is followed and a refresh occurs killing the current script.


How to 'disable are you sure you want to navigate away from this page' in post-new , have tried MANY solutions of onbeforeunload

Hey I'm making a custom backend for Wordpress, it's a bit 'ghetto' but it turned out to be bigger than expected so I'm running with it. Works perfectly fine stylistically and functionally but for some reason if I submit a new post with it, I get "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" or whichever browser equivalent.
I've tried a shitton of variations of onbeforeunload = null, returning blank functions, etc, none of the solutions have worked on any browser, so I assume it's something to do with Wordpress backend constantly updating...?, I read that it might be a factor that you can't bind onbeforeunload like a normal event as well, so a combination of these two makes me wonder, how can I permanently silence "are you sure" notices on a page, no questions asked?
It seems everywhere on the web is a variation of this question and/or setting the onbeforeunload null worked for them, it does not in any sense for me, even in inline JS onthe form. I have no idea why it's even triggering, I assume I moved something when reconstructing the WP submit form that causes it to ungroup data... or something, but I just need to silence all dialog from this page that is "save changes", that's all, seems like it's easy enough with a bind/event handler but they haven't worked and I don't quite get how the event works.
I've tried this and some other binds thus far, as well as putting return onbeforeunload null function inline the form
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
return null;
window.onbeforeunload = null;
jQuery('a, input').click(function(){
window.onbeforeunload = null;
If the events were registered using jquery with $(window).on('beforeunload' you can remove them using $(window).off('beforeunload'
This example demonstrates the click event, but it works the same with the beforeunload event:
$(function() {
$(window).on('click', function() {
$(window).on('click', function() {
<script src=""></script>

How to find out what JavaScript function triggered HTML change?

I am having a problem on a WordPress site. I have a function which slides down a certain <div>. It is:
var title = $(this);
var key ='key');
var msg = $('#tb_msg_'+key);
After executing this function, the <div> slides up again immediately. I think this might be due another script, but I have absolutely no idea how to find which function does this. Is there any way of finding this out? Things I have tried:
Adding breakpoints in my function. This showed me that the folding up happened outside my function.
Using Firebug to break on HTML change. This however redirected to jquery.js, but I did not know how to find out which function triggered the jQuery.
Using Firebug to list the events of my onclick event, but this only showed my function.
These didn't work for me. I also searched for a way to do a function backtrace in Firebug, but without any success.
Use unminified version of jQuery (just for the test and because its more easy to debug).
Look for the dispatch function.
Put a breakpoint in the function where there is an apply usage.
After the code breaks use the F11 to navigate to the binding function.

How to prevent scrolling to the top after unhiding/hiding text?

There is an old StackOverflow question on how to unhide/hide text using +/- symbols.
Cheeso posted a nice solution with some sample code. It was just what I was looking for, although the original poster didn't agree. :-)
I'm using the code on a web site that is intended to be used on mobile devices. The only problem is that the page jumps back to the top of the screen whenever the +/- is tapped.
Is there anyway to get around that? Thanks.
In your click event handler, return false.
$('a.selector').click(function() {
return false;
Here is the answer that Cheeso provided to me in email. I am posting it here for the benefit of others who follow. This didn't quite work and I am in the process of figuring out why.
If you change this line
$('div p a[href="#"]').click(function() { expando(this); });
to this:
$('div p a[href="#"]').click(function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); expando(this); });
...I think it should stop scrolling to the top.
When a user clicks on a link that has a hash character, the browser is expected to scroll to the location on the page where the fragment marker is placed. Like a bookmark. For example, in this URL: The fragment (bookmark) is #Militarism , and if you click that link, your browser will scroll to that section.
In the case of that sample I wrote, the hrefs are bare # characters, which implies an empty fragment. And I suppose the browser is scrolling to the default location, which (I guess) is "the top of the page".
To avoid this, just call ev.preventDefault() in the click handler. This is a jQuery trick that suppresses the normal handling of the click; in your case, it suppresses the part where the browser tries to scroll to a non-existent anchor.
Implement event.preventDefault() in the click handler.
$('a').click(function(e) {
// more code here

IE not triggering onclick

For some reason IE won't trigger an onclick event. I have a link in my webpage which should renew a captcha image, but no matter what I try, the onclick event won't trigger. I even tried this to test the onclick event:
<a href="#" id="rc" onclick='alert("test"); return false;'>change image</a>
But nothing happened. I also tried to add the onclick event using js in the window.onload event, same result. All other javascript scripts do work, so js is working. Does anyone has any idea why this doesn't work?
by the way, the event doesn't work in any version of IE, and it does work in any other browser.
Edit: If you want to see the full source, go to:
The page is in Dutch, but the sourcecode is (of course) HTML, so you must be able to understand that.
edit2: I've found a solution myself, and you're never gonna believe what's wrong:
When I'm logged in to the control panel, a div is added at the top of the page, similar to the one shown in ie7 (which tells you you're browser is too old). However, when I don't add a border to that div, the captcha refresh button doesn't work. This doesn't make any sense at all, but at least I've found a solution...
Try with the below:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="rc" onclick='alert("test"); return false;'>change image</a>
Also have a look at Which "href" value should I use for JavaScript links, "#" or "javascript:void(0)"?
You are doing it in the wrong order
FIRST add the onload, THEN change the source
var cImg;
function renewCaptcha(){
cImg = new Image();
cImg.onload=function(){document.getElementById("captcha").src = cImg.src;};
cImg.src='/Img/captcha/securimage_show.php?' + Math.random();
Few tips to ponder!
check if javascript:alert("test") on your ie address bar pops up the message.
Also check and make sure that javascript option is not turned off.
You may also want to reset your ie settings and see if it work.
Also try to see if same works on your fellow colleague's computer.

HTML anchor link with no scroll or jump

I have various links which all have unique id's that are "pseudo-anchors." I want them to affect the url hash value and the click magic is all handled by some mootools code. However, when I click on the links they scroll to themselves (or to the top in one case). I don't want to scroll anywhere, but also need my javascript to execute and to have the hash value in the url update.
Simulated sample code:
button 1
button 2
So if you were to click on the "button 1" link, the url could be
Does anyone have any ideas for this? Simply having some javascript return void kills the scrolling but also kills my javascript (though I could probably work around that with an onclick) but more importantly, prevents the hash value in the url to change.
The whole point of an anchor link is to scroll a page to a particular point. So if you don't want that to happen, you need to attach an onclick handler and return false. Even just adding it as an attribute should work:
button 1
A side of effect of the above is that the URL itself won't change, since returning false will cancel the event. So since you want the URL to actually change, you can set the window.location.hash variable to the value that you want (that is the only property of the URL that you can change without the browser forcing a reload). You can probably attach an event handler and call something like window.location.hash = though I'm not sure how mootools handles events.
(Also you need all of the IDs to be unique)
You can use the code below to avoid scrolling:
I'm probably missing something, but why not just give them different IDs?
button 1
button 2
Or whatever convention you'd prefer.
Also, preventDefault
$(your-selector).click(function (event) {
//rest of your code here
I found the solution. Here I save an old location from calling href
and restore it after scrolling
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function keepLocation(oldOffset) {
if (window.pageYOffset!= null){
if (document.body.scrollWidth!= null){
and in body of page
<a href="#tab1" onclick="keepLocation(window.pageYOffset);" >Item</a>
Thanks to sitepoint
An easier way would probably be to add it as a GET. That is, instead of
This won't have any effect on how the page is displayed (unless you want it to), and most scripting languages already have tools in place to easily (and safely) read the data.
Well here we are 7 years after this answer was published and I found a different way to make it work: just point the window.location.hash to a non-existent anchor! It doesn't work for <a>s but works perfectly in <div>s.
<div onclick="window.location.hash = '#NonExistentAnchor';">button 1</div>
Worked fine in Chrome 56, Firefox 52 and Edge (IE?) 38. Another good point is that this doesn't produce any console errors or warnings.
Hope it helps somebody besides me.
There is a solution without any JavaScript at all:
I will not jump to the top
button 1
function setHash(hash) {
history.pushState(null, null, "#"+hash);
event.preventDefault() stops browser from what it normally would do on clicking, and history.pushState adds to the sessions history stack.
For further discussion, see here and here

