Extjs: only show checkbox when another field has a value - javascript

i have a grid with a checkboxcolumn, all works fine but i would like to only show the checkbox if another field has a certain value. I work with version 3.3.1 but i guess that an example from another version would get me started.
If not possible, disabling the checkbox would also be fine.
Do i have to do that in a renderer or a listener and how ?
var checkColumn = new Ext.grid.CheckColumn({
header: 'Checklist OK ?',
dataIndex: 'checklist_ok',
width: 20,
align: 'center'
cmDiverse = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {"sortable": true, "menuDisabled":false, "align":"right"},
store: storeDiverse,
columns: [
{"id":"id", "header": "id", "hidden": true, "dataIndex": "id", "width": 20},
gridDiverse = new Ext.ux.grid.livegrid.EditorGridPanel({
id : "gridDiverse",
enableDragDrop : false,
loadMask : true,
clicksToEdit : 1,
layout :'anchor',
cm : cmDiverse,

You can extend your Ext.ux.grid.livegrid.EditorGridPanel like this:
config = Ext.apply({
cm: this.createColumnModel()
createColumnModel: function(){

Found it myself, added the following renderer to checkColumn
renderer : function(v, p, record){
var type3m = record.get('type3m');
if ((['6M','11e']).indexOf(String(type3m)) != -1){ //if the field type3m contains certain values
p.css += ' x-grid3-check-col-td';
return '<div class="x-grid3-check-col'+(v?'-on':'')+' x-grid3-cc-'+this.id+'"> </div>';


Select2 and Jexcel add new option to dropdown

I have this code of Jexel with Select2 where I load the default values for each jexcel row from an array and use select2 for the dropdown:
However I wish to know how can I populate the options from select2 with the values from var data?
Also how can I add new country to the select2 dropdown if not found when typing.
var data = [
var customDropDown1 = {
// Methods
closeEditor : function(cell, save) {
// Get value
var txt = $(cell).find('.editor').val();
// Set visual value
// Close edition
// Save history
return txt;
openEditor : function(cell) {
// Get current content
var currentValue = $(cell).text();
// Create the editor
var editor = document.createElement('select');
$(editor).prop('class', 'editor');
// Create the instance of the plugin
$(editor).select2().on('select2-blur', function() {
$('#' + $.fn.jexcel.current).jexcel('closeEditor', $(cell), true);
getValue : function(cell) {
return $(cell).text();
setValue : function(cell, value) {
return true;
columns: [ { editor:customDropDown1 } ],
colHeaders: ['Country'],
colWidths: [ 300 ]
Any tips are welcomed :) thanks a lot!
I think you can use last version of JExcel (v4). You will have more options and more option editor.
With this new version, you can create editor with set custom value. And you have an option for dropdown for add new item
and this documentation : https://bossanova.uk/jsuites/dropdown-and-autocomplete/new-options
Example :
var data5 = [
[1, 'Beatles'],
[2, 'Beatles'],
[3, 'Beatles'],
[4, 'Beatles'],
jexcel(document.getElementById('spreadsheet5'), {
data: data5,
columns: [
type: 'dropdown',
title: 'Name',
width: '300px',
source: [
{ id:'1', name:'Paul' },
{ id:'2', name:'Ringo' },
{ id:'3', name:'George' },
{ id:'4', name:'John' },
options: { newOptions: true } // Option for add new options
source: ['Beatles'],
otherwise if you want keep v2, i suggest use external source on var, and add new item on this variable. Because the editor is created only on open cell.

itemmouseleave event is not getting called if we move cursor quickly

I have treepanel. On some specific condition I want to show image on mouse enter and remove that image on mouseleave in treenode. but when i hover the mouse quickly image get added but not getting removed as itemmouseleave event is not getting fired.
I have prepared jsfiidle to understand my problem in which I am trying to change text of node on mouseenter and mouseleave. on slow motion it is working fine but if hover quickly it shows mouseenter even if we are away from node.
Link to jsfiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/79ZkX/238/
Ext.create("Ext.tree.Panel", {
title: "Car Simple Tree",
width: 400,
height: 600,
store: store,
rootVisible: false,
lines: true, // will show lines to display hierarchy.
useArrows: true, //this is a cool feature - converts the + signs into Windows-7 like arrows. "lines" will not be displayed
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners: {
itemmouseenter: function(_this, _item) {
var name = _item.get("name");
_item.set("name", "mouseenter");
itemmouseleave: function(_this, _item) {
//var name = _item.get('name');
_item.set("name", "leave");
columns: [
xtype: "treecolumn",
dataIndex: "name", // value field which will be displayed on screen
flex: 1
I want to remove the image on mouseleave. Thanks
Added manual workaround for this. On Fast Mouse Hover itemmouseleave event will not get triggered. so i am maintaining array of hovered node and on mouseenter of node, checking if array contain element then set text of that node.
added code to this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/79ZkX/250/
Ext.create('Ext.tree.Panel', {
title: 'Car Simple Tree',
width: 400,
height: 600,
store: store,
rootVisible: false,
visibleNodes: [],
lines: true, // will show lines to display hierarchy.
useArrows: true, //this is a cool feature - converts the + signs into Windows-7 like arrows. "lines" will not be displayed
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
listeners : {
itemmouseenter: function(_this, _item) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.visibleNodes.length; i++) {
var node = this.visibleNodes[i];
node.set('name', "leave");
this.visibleNodes.splice(i, 1);
var name = _item.get('name');
_item.set('name', "mouseenter");
itemmouseleave: function(_this, _item) {
//var name = _item.get('name');
_item.set('name', "leave");
var index = this.visibleNodes.indexOf(_node);
if (index != -1){
this.visibleNodes.splice(index, 1);
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
dataIndex: 'name', // value field which will be displayed on screen
flex: 1

adding a jqgrid column that is a result of two other columns

I want to sum the column values of a jqGrid table.I have four columns in my jqGrid"SL", "Item", "Quantity", "Rate","Amount",where Amount is the result of Quantity*Rate this multiplication is not a query retrieved data.It is done inside the javascript code.Now I want to sum the amount column.Summation is showing correctly.I've checked it with an alert but when I tried to set it on footer row$grid.jqGrid('footerData', 'set', { 'amountcalculate': parseFloat(colSum)}); it is showing NAN.why is it not working.I have used footer row earlier and did summation.It worked perfectly.When I tried to add the column value which is a result of two other columns then it does not work.
Here is my code
subGrid : true,
subGridRowExpanded: function (subgridId, rowid) {
var subgridTableId = subgridId + "_t";
$("#" + subgridId).html("<table id='" + subgridTableId + "'></table>");
$("#" + subgridTableId).jqGrid({
datatype: "json",
url: "/bbbb/regfgfgfisterFgshGood /listReceivableOrderDetails?id=" + rowid,
colNames: ["SL", "Item", "Quantity", "Rate","Amount"],
colModel: [
{name: "sl", width: 40, align: 'center'},
{name: "item", width: 230, align: 'left'},
{name: "quantity", width: 100, align: 'center'},
{name: "amount", width: 100, align: 'right'},
{ name: "amountcalculate", width: 60,
formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject)
var rq = parseFloat(rowObject[2] );
var up = parseFloat(rowObject[3] );
return parseFloat(rq * up).toFixed(2);
height: "100%",
rowNum: -1,
sortname: "name",
footerrow : true,
idPrefix: "s_" + rowid + "_"
var $grid = $("#" + subgridTableId);
var colSum = $grid.jqGrid('getCol', 'amountcalculate', false, 'sum');
$grid.jqGrid('footerData', 'set', { 'amountcalculate': parseFloat(colSum)});
Please include in all your questions the information about the version of jqGrid, which you use (can use) and the fork of jqGrid (free jqGrid, commercial Guriddo jqGrid JS or an old jqGrid in version <=4.7). The solution can have depend on the information.
I suppose that the origin of your problem is the usage of custom formatter without specifying the corresponding unformatter function. See the documentation.
In general, it's better to replace custom formatter to jsonmap function, which return the calculated value based on the value of tow other properties. It allows for example to combine the jsonmap function with another formatter, for example with formatter: "currency", formatter: "integer" and so on.

Apply background-color to dxDataGrid control and export to Excel

I'm using DevExpress's dxDataGrid in a ASP.NET project for show some data stored on a SQL Server database.
The following code shows how I'm setting the dxDataGrid control for render the data:
// Variables.
var vlrMin = [];
var vlrMax = [];
var vlr_to_match = 0;
var colors = [];
var final_rst = "";
// Add values to variables:
// Add values to variables:
// Start configuration.
dataSource: [{
"Dept": "Local services",
"Employee": "John Doe",
"TotalHours": "11"
paging: {
pageSize: 10
export: {
allowExportSelectedData: true,
enabled: true,
fileName: 'Reporte 1',
texts: {
exportAll: 'Export all',
exportSelectedRows: 'Export selected row(s).',
exportTo: 'Export'
searchPanel: {
visible: true
filterRow: {
visible: true,
showOperationChooser: true
allowColumnReordering: true,
grouping: {
autoExpandAll: true
groupPanel: {
visible: true
pager: {
showPageSizeSelector: true,
allowedPageSizes: [5, 10, 20],
showInfo: true
columns: ['Dept',
'Employee', {
dataField: 'TotalHours',
allowFiltering: true,
allowSorting: true,
cellTemplate: function(container, options) {
/* Value to check if matches with the criteria. */
var vlr_to_match = options.value;
/* Loop elements. */
for (var mn = 0; mn < vlrMin.length; mn++) {
if (vlr_to_match >= vlrMin[mn] && vlr_to_match <= vlrMax[mn]) {
final_rst = colors[mn];
/* Apply custom style to element. */
.attr('style', 'background-color: ' + final_rst)
This is the results in the dxDataGrid control:
But, when I open the generated file "using the DevExpress functionality" I'm not getting the same results as is shown in the screenshot (i.e; the cell has values, but no styles are applied).
According to the documentation, and after apply a color to an specific cell in the dxDataGrid control, when the exported Excel file is opened, the cell is not getting the same result as is shown in the dxDataGrid control.
My question is:
How can apply styles to a dxDataGrid cell and apply such results to the generated Excel file?
unfortunately, based on the quite recent (2016-09-20) reply from DX stuff in their support forum, there is no way in DevExtreme suit to export dxDataGrid to excel with formatting.
See yourself: https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T429240
If you were using the DevEpress ASPxGridView control together with ASPxGridViewExporter you would be able to customize format in the exported Excel doc per cell or per row.

Updating Columns Dynamically - Alloy UI

I'm trying to change columns dynamically in my Alloy UI DataTable - depending on what button is selected, columns are changed depending on which data is returned.
My columns get updated, however the actual data is never included in the table. When I don't define any columns both the columns and data are returned - I of course want control of how my columns are displayed and want to set their attributes
Below is my code:
var dataTable = new Y.DataTable({ //Defining Datatable with no columns preset
editEvent: 'dblclick',
plugins: [{
cfg: {
highlightRange: false
'click', //On Click...
function() {
var category = $(this).attr("id"); //value retrieved from id of button selected
dataSource = new Y.DataSource.IO({source: '/searchMyData
dataType: 'json',
on: {
success: function(e) {
response = e.data.responseText;
setColumnNames(category); //Set the Columns...
data = Y.JSON.parse(response);
dataTable.set('data', data);//Then the Data
failure: function() {
function setColumnNames(tabName){ //Defining Columns
var columns1 = [
{ key: 'id', label: 'ID', width: '70px' },
{ key: 'name', label: 'Name', width: '70px' }
var columns2 = [
{ key: 'id', label: 'ID', width: '70px' },
{ key: 'addr', label: 'Address', width: '70px' }
switch (category) {
case "person":
dataTable.set('columns', columns1);
case "address":
dataTable.set('columns', columns2);
There's no issue with the data returning from the ajax request, only when it comes to loading it to the table with a new set of columns defined. I've tried the reset() method on both columns and data on each click, but no luck.
It turns out the keys returned from my request were being capitalized and included underscores (just how they're defined in the database) - I've also noticed defining the columns key is case sensitive. If I changed a single character from lower case to upper than the column would not display data.

