Google maps v3 boundary hightlight - javascript

I've got a problem. In google maps research, when you search a province/region, the result appear with the province boundary hightlight. but when we do same localization in my code, I have same result excepte![enter image description here][1] no boundaries are hightlighted.
I tried maptype and mapstyle, but nothing works like the search on google maps.
Can someone help me?

This feature isn't exposed that I am aware of.
here is another question that explains how to accomplish this on your own.
Highlighting borders of state and cities of US in Google Map API 3


How to add text description to point google maps api

I would like to add to maps the point's description (red text), like the image bellow. I can't find how to do it on the google maps API.
Then, you want to put a custom text on your map. You could check for Google Maps Custom Overlays property here is the documentation also other people answered this question by giving examples in here and here(this includes working example).Hope these helps!

Area/Boundary lat long of a location of a given area

Suppose I search using a location something like (Texas) now I want to mark the area of Texas using a polygon. So for drawing polygon i need the the lat long of that area. I search in google and discuss with some of my friend i found those links. From those links I understand that google doesn't provide the information.
I need a solution in google map V2 so that i can implement it in my android project. So my question is how can i get those area lat long? Here is some link of my requirement-
Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline
Outline areas on a Google Map using Google Map API v3
Highlighting borders of state and cities of US in Google Map API 3
And here is some screenshot-
You may want to check out Google's developer guide for Geocoding:

Adding new places in google maps

I am using Google javascript api Currently. I would like to add new places like add small villages in the map, these small village does not appear in google map even when I am highest zoom. I know villages Lat/Lang and would like to add them when someone zoom in map (placed in my website). I can use Marker to accomplish similar, But it is not same as having places by default appear on map.
I tried searching stackoverflow and elsehere on net, But could not find any references. If someone can please sugggest on it
You need to request it from google:
You need to drew a polygon of the city borders.
every request must to be approved by google.
Hope its help.
I used MarkWithLabel to accompalish

Take an image from google map

I have a problem with google map now. That is I dont know how to capture a picture from google map. I developed my app which used google map api ver3 and it can show multiple markers, lines, my app's icons, circles and many things like that. So, it's hard to use Google static map API url such as,MA
Hope everyone there suggest any solution for me! Thank you !
P/S: I used google map v3,

Replacing Google Maps with Cloudmade map?

I'm trying to implement something like Paul Kulchenko's datamark:
and I was wondering if there was a way to replace the Google Map with a Cloudmade one. I realize now that there's Google's Styled Maps tool, but I'd like to know of a Cloudmade map working with Google Maps API classes.
Thank you, and Happy Holidays!
Google Maps lets you place your own custom tile overlays on top of (or instead of) the default tiles. See for documentation on this, or for some OSM specific examples.

