How to add text description to point google maps api - javascript

I would like to add to maps the point's description (red text), like the image bellow. I can't find how to do it on the google maps API.

Then, you want to put a custom text on your map. You could check for Google Maps Custom Overlays property here is the documentation also other people answered this question by giving examples in here and here(this includes working example).Hope these helps!


Area/Boundary lat long of a location of a given area

Suppose I search using a location something like (Texas) now I want to mark the area of Texas using a polygon. So for drawing polygon i need the the lat long of that area. I search in google and discuss with some of my friend i found those links. From those links I understand that google doesn't provide the information.
I need a solution in google map V2 so that i can implement it in my android project. So my question is how can i get those area lat long? Here is some link of my requirement-
Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline
Outline areas on a Google Map using Google Map API v3
Highlighting borders of state and cities of US in Google Map API 3
And here is some screenshot-
You may want to check out Google's developer guide for Geocoding:

Blank map MapType wanted in google maps v3

I'm trying to find a way of producing a solid color map in Google Maps v3 API, making that another selection in my drop-down MapTypes menu. My understanding is that was possible with v2 using MAP_TYPE_NONE, but I can't find a comparable functionality in v3.
I find I can produce gray background using
MaptypeTypes.push(new gmaps.ags.MapType("http://",{name:'No map'}));
but besides being a kludge, that takes around 5 seconds to kick in. I do want to do something via the drop-down MapTypes menu, which I assume means via the Map Registry, rather than having to create a new button solely for that purpose.
FWIW a working example (with kludge) is at
Yes, you can do that. Check the documentation about Modifying the Map Type Registry and creating Styled Maps.
A good tool to help you build your custom style is the Styled Maps Wizard.
Hope this helps!

Google maps v3 boundary hightlight

I've got a problem. In google maps research, when you search a province/region, the result appear with the province boundary hightlight. but when we do same localization in my code, I have same result excepte![enter image description here][1] no boundaries are hightlighted.
I tried maptype and mapstyle, but nothing works like the search on google maps.
Can someone help me?
This feature isn't exposed that I am aware of.
here is another question that explains how to accomplish this on your own.
Highlighting borders of state and cities of US in Google Map API 3

api v 3 google maps selecting cities

Hello is it possible to select custom address after geocoding?
Like in image below?
Also can look on this link from Google maps: click here
This is currently not available directly in the Maps API. However, if you had the polygon boundaries of the region, you could create a polygon overlay.
The Twitter-API has a service that returns those polygon-boundaries.
Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result
Use a tool to create the boundary by creating it and it will get converted into a JSON file... Use the coordinates of the JSON file to create the polygon....

Give different color to each country in google map

Does anyone know how to give a different color to each country in a google map?
in the world map
Blue overlay to UK, then RED china...etc
I wonder if google provide API to give color to each country
Using Google Maps this is really not easy, as #oezi said you would need to build overlays of every country you want to color, which frankly sounds like a mess.
But if you don't need all of the functionalities of Google Maps, perhaps you can use a Map Chart from the fantastic Google Chart Tools (aka Chart API). You can check and tinker with a working example of a Colored Map (among some others) in the interactive Chart Wizard
2017 UPDATE: This answer is quite old and as such the Map Charts API has been deprecated by Google. You can use the Geocharts from the Google Charts API instead:
Hope this helps!
you may check this question,it's the same question you are asking.
How to color countries using google maps?
it's talking about google Geocharts in google maps.
there is a possibility to change the map style. and there is a very nice interactive example here - but, as far as i can see, it isn't possible to change the style of a specific country using this, so you'll have to build your own overlays using polygons.
First, find the shape file in .kml format. Tip: try googling "kml uk" or "kml china".
Once you have the KMLfile, host it somewhere and then call it as a var inside your Google Maps API initMap like this:
var myCustomRegion = new google.maps.KmlLayer({
map: map
Now your shape is laid into your map.
You can style the shape using the <LineStyle> and <PolyStyle> tags inside the KML file itself.

