What is the context of a function in an array? - javascript

This is something that I'm sure I should know the answer to, but either I'm just being stupid or I've just somehow never come across this before...
Given the following array, declared in the global scope:
var arr = [function() {
I would have expected this to refer to the Window object. However, when calling the function:
arr[0]();​ //Logs Array
It appears that this actually refers to the array. Then, when I store a reference to the function in another variable and call that, this does refer to the Window object:
var func = arr[0];
func(); //Logs Window
So, why does the context of the function change? Here's a fiddle demonstrating the above two cases.

When you call a function as property of an object, such as obj.func(), this refers to obj.
This is exactly what you are doing here. arr is your object and 0 is the property holding a function.
Note: After all, arrays are just objects and their elements are the values of their properties (though properties are typically numerical strings (all properties are strings)).
See MDN - this for more information, in this case:
When a function is called as a method of an object, its this is set to the object the method is called on.
In your second case, you call the function "standalone", hence this refers to window. If the code was run in strict mode though, this would be undefined.

This is because this keyword is actually an operator which returns the reference to the holder (or owner) of a function where it was called. Since in first case the holder is an array (which is an object) it returns an array. In the second case the holder is the window object.
See this article for more details.

be noted:
in JavaScript, this always refers to the function owner.
you can read more about it at quirksmode.

Because the element is a member of the array, and this always points to the owner object (unless you play with bind()/ call()/ apply() etc). If you're not part of an object, this will be the global object; which is window in the browser environment. The exception to this is if you're in strict mode, where this will be undefined.
What you're doing is effectively the same as:
var ar = {
'0' : function () {
var func = ar[0];
... which may make more sense conceptually.


Why "this" refers to Window in forEach in javascript? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
The invocation context (this) of the forEach function call
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
If I run this code, window object gets printed to console.
var arr= [1,2,34,5,6,7,7,8];
Why does it not refer to arr object or specific items in array object? I want to understand the reason behind it, like what's going on. this gets defined using by new, or the object invoking this function, right?
.forEach() specifies the value of this within the iterator based on its 2nd parameter, thisArg.
arr.forEach(callback[, thisArg])
So, it will only use a particular object if you provide it:
}, arr); // <---
Otherwise, the value of this will be the default value of a normal function call -- either undefined in strict mode or the global object (window in browsers) in non-strict.
function foo(e) {
foo(); // [object Window]
[1].forEach(foo); // (same)
Though, the arr is still provided to the iterator, just as its 3rd argument:
arr.forEach(function (e, i, arr) {
This comes from two different factors of how the engine will determine the this value for the function, the thisArg optional parameter to forEach, and whether or not the code is in strict mode.
From MDN:
If a thisArg parameter is provided to forEach(), it will be passed to callback when invoked, for use as its this value. Otherwise, the value undefined will be passed for use as its this value. The this value ultimately observable by callback is determined according to the usual rules for determining the this seen by a function.
These rules are elsewhere documented as follows:
Inside a function, the value of this depends on how the function is called.
function f1(){
return this;
f1() === window; // global object
In this case, the value of this is not set by the call. Since the code is not in strict mode, the value of this must always be an object so it defaults to the global object. (emphasis added)
Note that this behavior changes in strict mode. If you add "use strict" to the top of the call back, it will log undefined to the console.
In short, if you want the this value to refer to the array, arr, you just need to call forEach like this:
var arr= [1,2,34,5,6,7,7,8];
}, arr);
Because the specification says so. Relevant parts: Array.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] )
5. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.
7.c.ii Call the [[Call]] internal method of callbackfn with T as the this value and argument list containing kValue, k, and O.
Now, we all know (hopefully) that if a function is to be called with a this value of null or undefined, this is set to the global object instead. Here is a refresher:
10.4.3 Entering Function Code
If the function code is strict code, set the ThisBinding to thisArg.
Else if thisArg is null or undefined, set the ThisBinding to the global object.
As you can also see, this will not point to the global object if we are not in strict mode (the default).
I want to understand the reason behind it
Why it was decided to do it this way can likely only be explained by someone who worked on the language. You could ask at https://esdiscuss.org or http://es-discourse.com/.
this gets defined using by new, or the object invoking this function, right?
Yes. And in this case, it's forEach that invokes your function. Since no special precautions[1] are made, it simply passes nothing for this[2] just like any non-method function call, which will result into the global object as your function is sloppy code[3].
1: Like passing a second argument to forEach, which would be used for this
2: The spec says it should pass undefined
3: Meaning, that it does not use strict mode. In strict code, this would literally really be undefined.
The function you've passed into forEach does not have the same context as your object. The forEach (as well as map etc) functions run detached from any object, so functions passed into them are executed in global scope by default.
You could be explicit and fix that in one of two ways.
give the forEach a context to run in (as suggested by every other answer)
This uses code like:
var arr = [...];
var iterator = function(e) { console.log(this); };
arr.forEach(iterator, this);
make your iteration function explicitly bound to your object first
this uses code like:
var arr = [...];
var iterator = function(e) { console.log(this); };
var iteratorWithThisContext = iterator.bind(this);
The bind(<context>) function is a core javascript function for taking any function, and any context, and returning a new function that will always execute with the specified context when called, no matter who's doing the calling, or when:
var fn = function() { console.log(this); }
fn(); // window
var fndoc = fn.bind(document);
fndoc(); // document
var arr = [];
var fnarr = fn.bind(arr);
fnarr(); // the array
From MDN:
If a thisArg parameter is provided to forEach(), it will be passed to callback when invoked, for use as its this value. Otherwise, the value undefined will be passed for use as its this value. The this value ultimately observable by callback is determined according to the usual rules for determining the this seen by a function.
If you expect this to be the array, you have to call arr.forEach(function(e){}, arr); using the optional second paramater, thisArg.
Well that's very interesting.
You can include a second argument for the this object when calling forEach. If not provided, this will be limited to the same scope as if you were simply to write for (var i in arr) {.. }. I suspect they did this so that the forEach function behaves as closely to a built-in syntactical feature of JS as possible.
Because the function being called here is not being called as an object method, this refers to the current object context, and in a browser console window, that's the window object.
This Mozilla Developer Network article goes into great depth about what this means in different contexts.

Can you get the property name through which a function was called?

I've done a lot of searching and some playing around, and I'm pretty sure the answer to this question is no, but I'm hoping a JavaScript expert might have a trick up his sleeve that can do this.
A JavaScript function can be referenced by multiple properties, even on completely different objects, so there's no such thing as the object or property that holds the function. But any time you actually call a function, you must have done so via a single object (at the very least, the window object for global function calls) and property on that object.
(A function can also be called via a function-local variable, but we can consider the function-local variable to be a property of the activation object of the scope, so that case is not an exception to this rule.)
My question is, is there a way to get that property name that was used to call the function, from inside the function body? I don't want to pass in the property name as an argument, or closure around a variable in an enclosing scope, or store the name as a separate property on the object that holds the function reference and have the function access that name property on the this object.
Here's an example of what I want to do:
var callName1 = function() { var callName = /* some magic */; alert(callName); };
var obj1 = {'callName2':callName1, 'callName3':callName1 };
var obj2 = {'callName4':callName1, 'callName5':callName1 };
callName1(); // should alert 'callName1'
obj1.callName2(); // should alert 'callName2'
obj1.callName3(); // should alert 'callName3'
obj2.callName4(); // should alert 'callName4'
obj2.callName5(); // should alert 'callName5'
From my searching, it looks like the closest you can get to the above is arguments.callee.name, but that won't work, because that only returns the name that was fixed to the function object when it was defined, and only if it was defined as a named function (which the function in my example is not).
I also considered that maybe you could iterate over all properties of the this object and test for equality with arguments.callee to find the property whose value is a reference to the function itself, but that won't work either (in the general case), because there could be multiple references to the function in the object's own (or inherited) property set, as in my example. (Also, that seems like it would be kind of an inefficient solution.)
Can this be done?
Short answer:
No, you cannot get "the property name" used to call your function.
There may be no name at all, or multiple names across different scopes, so "the property name" is pretty ill defined.
arguments.callee is deprecated and should not be used.
There exists no solution that does not use arguments or closure.
Long answer:
As thefourtheye commented, you should rethink what you are trying to do and ask that instead in a new question. But there are some common misconceptions, so I will try to explain why you cannot get the "simple property name".
The reason is because it is not simple.
Before we go ahead, let us clarify something. Activation Objects are not objects at all.
The ECMAScript 5.1 specification calls them Environment Records (10.2.1), but a more common term is Scope chain.
In a browser the global scope is (often) the window object, but all other scopes are not objects.
There may be an object that you use to call a function, and when you call a function you must be in some scope.
With few exceptions, scopes are not objects, and objects are not scopes.
Then, there are many names.
When you call a function, you need to reference it, such as through an object property. This reference may have a name.
Scope chain has declarations, which always have a name.
A Function (the real function, not reference) may also have a function name - your arguments.callee.name - which is fixed at declaration.
Not only are they different names, they are not (always) the "the property name" you are seeking.
var obj = { prop : function f(){} }, func = obj.prop;
// "obj" and "func" are declarations.
// Function name is "f" - use this name instead of arguments.callee
// Property name is "prop"
func(); // Reference name is "func"
obj.prop(); // Reference names are "obj" and "prop"
// But they are the same function!
// P.S. "this" in f is undefined (strict mode) or window (non-strict)
So, a function reference may comes from a binding (e.g. function declaration), an Object (arguments.callee), or a variable.
They are all References (8.7). And reference does have a name (so to speak).
The catch is, a function reference does not always come from an object or the scope chain, and its name is not always defined.
For example a common closure technique:
(function(i){ /* what is my name? */ })(i)
Even if the reference does have a name, a function call (11.2.3) does not pass the reference or its name to the function in any way.
Which keeps the JavaScript engine sane. Consider this example:
eval("(new Function('return function a(){}'))()")() // Calls function 'a'.
The final function call refers the eval function, which refers the result of a new global scope (in strict mode, anyway), which refers a function call statement, which refers a group, which refers an anonymous Function object, and which contains code that expresses and returns a function called 'a'.
If you want to get the "property name" from within a, which one should it get? "eval"? "Function"? "anonymous"? "a"? All of them?
Before you answer, consider complications such as function access across iframes, which has different globals as well as cross origin restriction, or interaction with native functions (Function.prototype.bind for example), and you will see how it quickly becomes hell.
This is also why arguments.caller, __caller__, and other similar techniques are now all deprecated.
The "property name" of a function is even more ill defined than the caller, almost unrealistic.
At least caller is always an execution context (not necessary a function).
So, not knowing what your real problem is, the best bet of getting the "property name" is using closure.
there is no reflection, but you can use function behavior to make adding your own fairly painless, and without resorting to try/catch, arguments.callee, Function.caller, or other strongly frowned-upon behavior, just wasteful looping:
// returning a function from inside a function always creates a new, unique function we can self-identify later:
function callName() {
return function callMe(){
for(var it in this) if(this[it]===callMe) return alert(it);
//the one ugly about this is the extra "()" at the end:
var obj1 = {'callName2':callName(), 'callName3':callName() };
var obj2 = {'callName4':callName(), 'callName5':callName() };
//test out the tattle-tale function:
obj1.callName2(); // alerts 'callName2'
obj2.callName5(); // alerts 'callName5'
if you REALLY want to make it look like an assignment and avoid the execution parens each time in the object literal, you can do this hacky routine to create an invoking alias:
function callName() {
return function callMe(){
for(var it in this) if(this[it]===callMe) return alert(it);
//make an alias to execute a function each time it's used :
Object.defineProperty(window, 'callNamer', {get: function(){ return callName() }});
//use the alias to assign a tattle-tale function (look ma, no parens!):
var obj1 = {'callName2': callNamer, 'callName3': callNamer };
var obj2 = {'callName4': callNamer, 'callName5': callNamer };
//try it out:
obj1.callName2(); // alerts 'callName2'
obj2.callName5(); // alerts 'callName5'
all that aside, you can probably accomplish what you need to do without all the looping required by this approach.
works on globals or object properties
requires no repetitive key/name passing
uses no proprietary or deprecated features
does not use arguments or closure
surrounding code executes faster (optimized) than
a try/catch version
is not confused by repeated uses
can handle new and deleted (renamed) properties
doesn't work on private vars, which have no property name
partially loops owner object each access
slower computation than a memorized property or code-time repetition
won't survive call/bind/apply
wont survive a setTimeout without bind() or a wrapper function
cannot easily be cloned
honestly, i think all the ways of accomplishing this task are "less than ideal", to be polite, and i would recommend you just bite the coding bullet and pass extra key names, or automate that by using a method to add properties to a blank object instead of coding it all in an object literal.
Sort Of.
It depends on the browser. (Chrome=OK, Firefox=Nope)
You can use a factory to create the function, and a call stack parsing hack that will probably get me arrested.
This solution works in my version of Chrome on Windows 7, but the approach could be adapted to other browsers (if they support stack and show the property name in the call stack like Chrome does). I would not recommend doing this in production code as it is a pretty brittle hack; instead improve the architecture of your program so that you do not need to rely on knowing the name of the calling property. You didn't post details about your problem domain so this is just a fun little thought experiment; to wit:
JSFiddle demo: http://jsfiddle.net/tv9m36fr/
Runnable snippet: (scroll down and click Run code snippet)
function getCallerName(ex) {
// parse the call stack to find name of caller; assumes called from object property
// todo: replace with regex (left as exercise for the reader)
// this works in chrome on win7. other browsers may format differently(?) but not tested.
// easy enough to extend this concept to be browser-specific if rules are known.
// this is only for educational purposes; I would not do this in production code.
var stack = ex.stack.toString();
var idx = stack.indexOf('\n');
var lines = ex.stack.substring(idx + 1);
var objectSentinel = 'Object.';
idx = lines.indexOf(objectSentinel);
var line = lines.substring(idx + objectSentinel.length);
idx = line.indexOf(' ');
var callerName = line.substring(0, idx);
return callerName;
var Factory = {
getFunction: function () {
return function () {
var callName = "";
try {
throw up; // you don't *have* to throw to get stack trace, but it's more fun!
} catch (ex) {
callName = getCallerName(ex);
var obj1 = {
'callName2': Factory.getFunction(),
'callName3': Factory.getFunction()
var obj2 = {
'callName4': Factory.getFunction(),
'callName5': Factory.getFunction()
obj1.callName2(); // should alert 'callName2'
obj1.callName3(); // should alert 'callName3'
obj2.callName4(); // should alert 'callName4'
obj2.callName5(); // should alert 'callName5'

Why does this refer to window or object based on where parenthesis are placed? And return undefined

I am working on flexible javascript widget. In the course of some testing, I noticed that the context of this changes based on whether the parenthesis used to call a function are placed inside an object or in the global context of its call. Why do the parenthesis matter? And why would parenthesis inside the object refer to window and when placed in global context refer to the object. It seems like it would be the other way around.
Also undefined is returned in both instances. Is there a way to execute the function without returning anything?
I feel like I'm missing something important about this and don't want to miss out.
//this refers to window
var dataSource = {
read: read()
function read(){
//this refers to dataSource object
var dataSource = {
read: read
function read(){
Your code is doing two different things.
The first example is executing read() as the object definition is executed (read() is available because it's a function declaration and is hoisted, though this isn't related to the problem you're experiencing). It is called without any context so its this is window (as per the specification, where window is the browser's global object).
The second example has a reference to read(), which is then executed at the end of the block. Because it's executed as a property of dataSource, its this will become that. However, if you first assigned that reference to somewhere else and then invoked it via that reference, you'd again lose that this context.
For fine-grained control of this, take a look at bind(), call() and apply().
Also undefined is returned in both instances. Is there a way to execute the function without returning anything?
A function always has a return value (undefined if not explicitly set), but you're free to ignore it.
The scoping of this can be a tricky topic in javascript. That said, I can expand my answer on the general rules regarding the scope of this if need be.
But to answer your specific question, whenever you reference this inside an object literal, it by default, refers to the object literal itself.
Edit: as long as the function was invoked as a property of the object literal.
Where as, almost in any other situation I can call to mind, this will refer to the window object unless specified when invoking said function using apply() or call().
When this is used outside of objects it refers to the global object which in browser environment is window. Otherwise it refers to the last bareword before the last dot in the invocation.
For example:
function foo () {return this};
var bin = {bar:{foo:foo},foo:foo};
foo(); // returns window
bin.foo(); // returns bin
bin.bar.foo(); // returns bar
// ^
// |
// '------ last bareword before the last dot in the invocation
Now, as to why the location of the parenthesis matter. I think you should be able to guess by now:
When we add a parenthesis to a word (variable/name/reference) what we're doing is make a function call:
foo(); // call foo
If we don't add the parenthesis, what we're doing is refer to the object:
foo; // this contains the function foo
Note that not adding the parens is not calling the function. Therefore it should be obvious that when you do:
var bar = { foofoo : foo() }
What you're doing is passing the result of the function foo to bar.foofoo. The function is invoked without any "dots" in its invocation path. Therefore it doesn't belong to any object and therefore the rule of this == window applies.
On the other hand if you do:
var bar = { foo : foo }
What you're doing is assign the function foo to bar.foo. When you later call it as:
the invocation contains a "dot" therefore the rule about the last object before the last dot applies.
See my previous answer to a related question for a detailed explanation on how this works in javascript: How does the "this" keyword in Javascript act within an object literal?

The 'this' keyword in functions

Taken from ejohn.org:
function katana(){
this.isSharp = true;
assert( isSharp === true, "A global object now exists with that name and value." );
This comes out as true.
Could anyone explain this?
Inside the function we see this.isSharp = true, doesn't that create an object which should have the propery isSharp, and its value would be true? (I would think the object is katana, since it calls the function, so katana.isSharp would be true).
In other words, what exactly does the this refer to?
How come isSharp is created as an object?
this is really wonky in JavaScript.
this is determined based on the context surrounding a function call, not as a property of the function. If a function is called like this:
then this will refer to the global object. Adding a property to the global object is equivalent to adding a global variable, as you saw happen. If a function is called like this:
then this will refer to foo. Example:
> function printx() { console.log(this.x); }
> x = 300
> obj1 = {x: 20, printx: printx};
> obj2 = {x: 50, printx: printx};
> printx();
> obj1.printx();
> obj2.printx();
Finally, if a function is called like this:
new f()
then a new object is created, this refers to that new object, and the expression new f() evaluates to either that new object, or the object returned by f() if f() returns an object.
It's all in the spec. Very weird.
You don't use new, so this is the global object (window) in the function.
is really
window.katana(); // the passed context is window
That's why the assertion isSharp===true, which tests in fact window.isSharp, returns true.
If you want to create a new instance of katana, use new katana(), and then this will be the new instance inside the function, leaving window.isSharp untouched.
doesn't that create an object which should have the propery isSharp, and its value would be true?
No, because the function was not invoked as a constructor. If you had var obj = new katana(), then you'd get an object with an isSharp property. Otherwise, it's just a function call, so what should this be? JavaScript doesn't know, so it decides it's undefined and falls back to the global object (unless in strict mode).
Determining the value of this inside functions in JavaScript can be confusing, because it's determined dynamically, depending on how the function is called. The basic rules are, this will be the global object unless:
the function is called as an object method (then this will be the object), or
the function is called as a constructor, with the new operator (in which case this will point to the new object being constructed)
More details on MDN
this refers to the object context of the call.
In your case it is window.katana();
So this refers to window

Is "this" necessary in javascript apart from variable definition

My question is dead simple.
I just casually discovered that once you have defined a property with this. into an object, you don't need to prepend this. anymore when you want to call them.
So this. is really meant to be used ad definition time, like var?
I found it my self shortly after, i was referencing the window object with this. since i called my object without using new, so like it was a function.
One extra question, maybe for comments. Inside the main object, if i create a new object, and use this during the object definition, this this what will be referring to?
No, unless the context of this is a global object, such as window. Take the following example:
function Foo(bar) {
this.data = bar;
console.log(this.data); // OK
console.log(data); // ReferenceError
In this example, you'll get a ReferenceError: data is not defined on the first console.log(data), unless, data is a global variable. To access the instance's public member, you have to use this.data.
Understanding JavaScript’s this keyword
The this keyword
There are all sorts of circumstances where you MUST use this in order to reference the right data.
These two implementations do very different things:
Array.prototype.truncate(newLen) {
// sets the length property on the current Array object
this.length = newLen;
Array.prototype.truncate(newLen) {
// sets a global variable named length
length = newLen;
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
You MUST use this in order to control what happens if you want to modify the current object. Your assumption that you can leave it off and it will still modify the current object's properties is not correct. If you leave it off, you are modifying global variables, not member properties.
So this. is really meant to be used ad definition time, like var?
No, the point of this is to be the current scope of execution. You can (and will) run into weird errors if you don't use this. For example, imagine you are an object with a property val and then on the prototype of that object you have
App.obj = function(){
this.val = 'initial';
obj.prototype.myMethod = function(val) {
// how would you assign argument val to object val?
also note that your reasoning breaks down with methods.
obj.prototype.meth2 = function(){
myMethod(); // fails where this.myMethod() would work.
See http://jsfiddle.net/BRsqH/:
function f(){
var hidden='TOP SECRET!';
var instance=new f();
alert('Public data: '+instance.public+ /* gives "hello!" */
'\nHidden data: '+instance.hidden /* gives undefined */
Variables created with var are hidden and cannot be viewed nor modified outside the function which created them.
But variables created with this are public, so you can access them outside the function.
I think I got it.
I defined my object as function My_Object(){...} and then called it with MyObject(). This way the My_Object was treated as a function, not an object and therefore this == window.
So in the end I was attaching properties and methods to window instead of My_Object! That's way there were available without prepending .this.
The right way to initialize My_Object as an object is to call it like this new My_Object, isn't right?

