How do I trigger fitVids for multiple, dynamically generated ids on a page? - javascript

I'm working on a responsive tumblr-theme based on the 1140GRID. To make the static videos fit the column, I used the jquery fitvids plugin.
My setup code looks like this:
and the accompanying html like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="ninecol"> //grid I want it to fit into
<div id="post_{PostID}">
How do I trigger fitVids for multiple, dynamically generated ids on a page?
Thank you!

You may want to put that closing DIV inside the video block.
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="ninecol"> //grid I want it to fit into
<div id="post_{PostID}">
Then, you could target all the subdivs of ninecol.
$('.ninecol > div').fitVids();


How to Select number of classes and output?

New to js.
I want to be able to say if there are 2 classes on that page then insert another class but if there is 3 classes then insert a different class.
sometimes the page will be like...
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="compare"></div>
<div class="compare"></div>
and sometimes the page might be
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="compare"></div>
<div class="compare"></div>
<div class="compare"></div>
and sometimes like
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="compare"></div>
<div class="compare"></div>
<div class="compare"></div>
<div class="compare"></div>
I need to add a class to compare if the page display 2 classes of compare or add a different class if the page has 3 classes of compare
Thanks in advance
Using jQuery you can do like this ( Assuming you are using it)
$(document).ready(function() {
if($('.compare').length >=2 ) {
//add your code as per your need.

jQuery append html loading randomly on page reresh

I have a this problem:
I use a jquery plugin fullPage.js by Alvaro Trigo on my website. The plugin script automatically inserts the html structure in certain elements... in my html I have:
<div class="section fp-auto-height-responsive" id="slider-section">
<div class="slide" id="co-delame-section">
<div class="slide-wrapper">
And when the page is loading, javascript generates extra html tags and css, so it looks like:
<div class="section fp-auto-height-responsive fp-section active fp-completely" id="slider-section" data-anchor="About" style="height: 638px;">
<div class="fp-slides">
<div class="fp-slidesContainer" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="slide fp-slide fp-table active" id="co-delame-section" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="fp-tableCell" style="height:638px;">
<div class="slide-wrapper">
I want to append more slides (slide class) for a certain page resolution, so that when user is on mobile with smaller screen, the extra slides won't load.
I do it with this javascript code:
$.get("", function (data) {
And there is the problem... it works in about 50% page loads, the problem is that sometimes it appends the slides after the fullPage generates the structure, so that the appended slides are out of the slider structure... like this:
<div class="section fp-auto-height-responsive fp-section active fp-completely" id="slider-section" data-anchor="About" style="height: 638px;">
<div class="fp-slides">
<div class="fp-slidesContainer" style="width: 100%;">
<!-- the right place of a slide -->
<div class="slide fp-slide fp-table active" id="co-delame-section" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="fp-tableCell" style="height:638px;">
<div class="slide-wrapper">
<!-- appended slides out of slider blocks -->
<div class="slide" id="jsme-partner">
<div class="slide" id="vase-problemy">
So it looks the fullPage.js script runs before the slides are appended, but in the html head tag I firstly put the script to append the slides and fullPage is loaded after...
But what is really weird is that sometimes it loads correctly, sometimes not. Clearing the cache on refresh helps sometimes, but I can't say if there is any pattern with deleting the cache.
You can check it on and give it a few refreshes with cache clearing to see...
The questions is - how can I ensure that the html is appended before the fullPage plugin modifies the code so that the appended sliders will be in a same container?
Thanks for a help! :)
Just initialice fullPage.js after you append the slides by using the $.get callback.
$.get("", function (data) {
//initialice fullPage.js here:

What can I use to get just one set of text from divs with the same class using jquery?

I have question that I feel should be simple but I am having issues getting the result I need. I can not change the HTML. Any help would be great!
I have a set up like this.
<div class="container">
<div class='mydiv'>this is text1</div>
<div class="container">
<div class='mydiv'>this is text2</div>
I am trying to get the text from each of those divs, set it to a var that I can then use to add a data attribute to the above it.
var DivText = $('mydiv').text();
$('.myAtag').attr('data', 'DivTest');
The problem I run into this that the data attribute is then filled with the text from both divs.
<div class="container">
<div class='mydiv'>this is text1</div>
<div class="container">
<div class='mydiv'>this is text2</div>
What can I use/how can I modifiy my jquery to achieve this outcome?
<div class="container">
<div class='mydiv'>this is text1</div>
<div class="container">
<div class='mydiv'>this is text2</div>
Use a callback to set each data attribute differently
$('.myAtag').attr('data-text', function() {
return $(this).next('.mydiv').text();
It's usually a good idea to use a key, as in data-whatever
You could also use data(), but that sets the data internally in jQuery and does not add an attribute

Disable section of HTML code when Javascript Disabled

I'm currently making a website for a university project where I'm using a piece of Javascript ( ) in order to generate a background that is a gallery of several images.
I'm trying to set the site so that it will display a single image as the background in the event of Javascript being turned off, but the navigation elements of this slideshow are generated using HTML code outside of the script tags and inside the body tag.
Is there a way I can set this HTML code so that it will only be included when Javascript is active, leaving the screen clear of the navigation controls when it isn't?
At request the code I'm trying to isolate is the Div tags being called below.
<!--Thumbnail Navigation-->
<div id="prevthumb"></div>
<div id="nextthumb"></div>
<!--Arrow Navigation-->
<!-- <a id="prevslide" class="load-item"></a>
<a id="nextslide" class="load-item"></a>
<div id="thumb-tray" class="load-item">
<div id="thumb-back"></div>
<div id="thumb-forward"></div>
<!--Time Bar-->
<!--<div id="progress-back" class="load-item">
<div id="progress-bar"></div>
<!--Control Bar-->
<div id="controls-wrapper" class="load-item">
<div id="controls">
<a id="play-button"><img id="pauseplay" src="img/pause.png"/></a>
<!--Slide counter-->
<div id="slidecounter">
<span class="slidenumber"></span> / <span class="totalslides"></span>
<!--Slide captions displayed here-->
<div id="slidecaption"></div>
<!--Thumb Tray button-->
<a id="tray-button"><img id="tray-arrow" src="img/button-tray-up.png"/></a>
<ul id="slide-list"></ul>
Like #jumpingcode mentioned, you would want to hide the controls in question with CSS, and show them with JavaScript.
Hide the div with CSS:
#controls-wrapper {
Then show it in your page with jQuery:
Or use .css() to have more control over what type of display property to use:
$('#controls-wrapper').css('display', 'block');

Moving a div from inside one div to another div

How do I move the contents of a div to the contents of another div?
I want to move .sidebar from .post to .carousel. How to do it by using javascript?
I want to go from this:
<div class="container">
<div class="carousel">
<div class="row">
<div class="post">
<div class="sidebar"></div>
to this:
<div class="container">
<div class="carousel">
<div class="row">
<div class="post"></div>
<div class="sidebar"></div>
I'd suggest, on the off-chance you've more than one element with that class (and assuming that in all instances they should be inserted after their parentNode):
JS Fiddle demo.
Assuming you only have only one such occurrence, you can use plain JavaScript:
var sidebar = document.getElementsByClassName('sidebar')[0];
// move after parent node
The appendChild() function moves rather than copies existing elements from their previous location in the tree. To perform a copy you would need to clone the respective elements first.
Try to use JQuery Draggable() and Droppable() functions.
See the Demo...
Droppable | JQuery UI

