Referencing Page Method in ASP.Net Web Service - javascript

I am trying to access a page method from centralized module.
I tried putting it in a master page it didn't work
I tried putting it in a web service and did the following
added its path to the script manager that its existed in the master page
added a web service reference to the project
configured the web.config for the page methods
Also didn't work (kept telling me that "PageMethods is not defined" <- JavaScript error)
tried to access the page methods through http request from Javascript, got server error response (500)
What am I missing?

I followed example #2 at this link and it worked fine (the samples appear to be broken however):
Here are the steps I took:
1) create a basic .asmx web service with 'HelloWorld' method
2) add the attribute [ScriptService] to the 'HelloWorld' method (and any methods in the web service that you want to call from your page script)
3) add a ScriptManager to the page, referencing the web service, and including InlineScript="true"
4) call the page from Javascript like this:
ServiceNamespace.ServiceClass.Method(parameters, callback);
function callback(result)
The fact that you're getting a 500 error tells me that there's an error in your web service. I would start here: can you open your web service URL in a browser successfully, and invoke its methods?


How to find the source file that generate VM Script?

My Rails application generate incorrect JS VM Script as circled that cause a issue.
How can I track to the source that generate it? (Source JS that created it not the displayed one in screenshots)
I've check on Firefox but issue still occured with different file name.
I found this issue when I deployed this service into production in AWS EC2 only.
Start the service in local got no issue
Use Network tab to inspect suspecious call which cause additional VM_____ script.
I've inspect and check Network
There's a xhr called inside some widget
That xhr call this appilication script again as eval function
So all resource in this page loaded twice
I've disable that JS and it's work now.
There's no additional VM____ in the inspection anymore

Silent Renewal in Ionic 3 with Identity Server 4

So I am trying to implement silent renewal in an ionic 3 application, I am still learning about the whole thing so I'll try to be as descriptive as possible please correct me if I am wrong.
I am using Implicit flow for my authentication using the In App Browser.
The user is redirected to the authentication server page
After a success authentication I retrieve the id-token & access-token
As I understand the id-token is for authentication and access-token is for authorization with the API.
I have followed this article to help me set this up (Particularly the "Deploy to Mobile Device" section) for my Identity Server.
As done in the article I am using angular-oauth2-oidc to assist me with storing information about redirect links, issuer, etc...
I have attempted to achieve this in 3 different ways, 2 of them work but I don't understand how to retrieve the new access-token and id-token, and the last one returns an error. each of them left me with questions.
First: oauthService
The angular-oauth2-oidc library has a silentRefresh() method, and this github MD describes how to use it using a hidden iframe very vaguely so I barely understand how this works. I have created a silent-refresh.html page in the same directory, but using http://localhost:8000/silent-refresh.html return's a 404. Calling the silentRefresh() method successfully re-authenticates on the server side but the request times-out on the client side, as said in the MD file, something is wrong with the iframe.
Question 1: Does the library create a new iframe and then waits for a response to the http://localhost:8000/silent-refresh.html page but is never found so I never get my response? How to proceed to retrieve my tokens?
Second: iframe
So here I follow this article where I create an iframe and add it to the body. I create my own url (similar to the one made by the silentRefresh() method), and assign it to the src of the iframe. Again on the server side everything is fine and it tries to return the tokens to http://localhost:8000.
public startRenew(url: string) {
this._sessionIframe.src = url;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this._sessionIframe.onload = () => {
Question 2: How to proceed to retrieve the tokens? as it doesn't update my tokens automatically, and I don't see how the code above can do it.
Third: In App Browser
I thought this would work fine as I already know how to process the request using the In App Browser. So I tried to use the same url that worked for the iframe in the 2nd part. However this returns an error: prompt=none was requested. But user is not authenticated. on the server side, which tells that the server can't find the session so it doesn't know who is requesting the token renewal.
Question 3: Is there a specific reason this won't work other than I made a mistake?
NOTE: Took longer than expected to write this will edit this in a bit.
So I looked in to the implementation of the silent refresh, to see what it does. It creates an iframe with a default id, unless you override it. That cleared up a lot of confusion as to what was actually happening.
The next mistake I did was placing the silent-refresh.html file in the src/ folder, that makes it inaccessible to the iframe. Instead the file should have been placed in the www/ folder.
Then inside the iframe I kept getting the net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error. This was due to CORS and is solved by editing the Client int the Config.cs file on the Authentication Server:
AllowedCorsOrigins = { "http://localhost:8100", "http://<ip>:8100/", "http://<ip>:8100/silent-refresh.html" },
WARNING: This didn't work once I wanted to take this outside serving in the browser (ionic serve) or emulating on my device with ionic cordova run android -c-l-s, these made the root url return something like http://<ip>/. But once ran with ionic cordova run android (without the flags), window.location.href would return file:///<example>/<something>/index.html, using this sort of path (file:///<example>/<something>/silent-refresh.html) as a redirect url caused an ERR_UNSAFE_REDIRECT error to display in the iframe.
Perhaps silentRefresh() is an Angular only solution?
In App Browser
The mistake that caused the original error was having clearsessioncache and clearcache set to yes when creating the browser, caused the session to be wiped so the authentication server didn't know who it was duh, now reduced to this:
const browser =, '_blank',
'location=no, hidden=yes'
Regular redirect url of http://localhost:8100 could be used to catch the request with the new tokens. And the silent-refresh.html page is not needed.
Here is the code for creating the oauthUrl:
buildOAuthRefreshUrl(nonce): string {
return this.oauthService.issuer + '/connect/authorize?' +
'response_type=id_token%20token' +
'&client_id=' + this.oauthService.clientId +
'&state=' + nonce +
'&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.oauthService.redirectUri) +
'&scope=' + encodeURI(this.oauthService.scope) +
'&nonce=' + nonce +
The rest of the code is pretty much identical to the originally mentioned article

Swift Headless WKWebView; running XMLHttpRequest

How can I run an XMLHttpRequest from within a WKWebView that I have created in Swift?
Currently, I use the WKWebView to access a page on a server I own. This page contains my Javascript. However, when I attempt to make an XMLHttpRequest by using WKWebView.evaluateJavaScript (i.e. call a javascript function that makes an XMLHttpRequest) the Javascript code executes successfully but the Safari debugger shows "Failed to load resource".
However, if I 'manually' make an XMLHttpRequest by using the console in the Safari debugger and then call my request function from my app, it works fine - but only once!
I'm at a bit of a loss as to why this is...
As mentioned in the comments, a better solution than bundling the Javascript with my swift library is to host the scripts on a page that is accessed via the WKWebView. Previous information maintained below;
Some background: I have been tasked with producing a Swift library that wraps our current Javascript API. I had hoped to use a WKWebView to simply load and execute our existing javascript code, however any XMLHttpRequests that I run simply return error (fire the onerror callback) instantly. The error object returned to onerror is {"position":0,"totalSize":0}
This thread seems to suggest that my WKWebView needs a 'parent' in order to execute javascript correctly. I have attempted to reproduce their code in Swift, but to no effect (see below)
let webConf = WKWebViewConfiguration()
WKWebView webView = WKWebView(frame: CGRectZero, configuration: webConf)
In order to get to this point, I have had to set 'App Transport Security Settings -> Allow Arbitrary Loads' to 'YES' in my info.plist file, in order to enable non-https requests.

Showing Google login page in GWT Frame

I'm developing a GWT application that uses Google login. For this I have a Java servlet that redirects the user to the Google login page based on the UserService.createLogin() function. The Java servlet in question can be accessed at "/login" URL. Previously, whenever users click the login button in the application, I opened a window as follows,"/login", "Bla", "");
Then, when the login procedure is successful (UserService.getCurrentUser() != null) I perform a redirect in the Java servlet as follows,
The success.html file contains a simple line where the onLoad() does the following,
<body onLoad="window.opener.loginSucceededCallback();window.close();"/>
This causes the original window to close and calls a JavaScript callback function 'loginSucceededCallback' which I registered in the GWT class which called the This works fine.
I'm showing the Google login in a separate window because I don't want the GWT application to have to reload. However, it would be much nicer if I could embed the Google login page inside the GWT app instead of showing it in a popup window (or a separate tab). For this, I was considering to use the Frame() or NamedFrame() object which allows display of external pages. I can successfully show the Google login page in such a frame, however when login (at Google) succeeds I cannot get the JavaScript code in success.html to correctly call the callback function in the GWT code. There is no clear 'window' or 'window.opener' object anymore, at least I think. My JavaScript knowledge is also kind of limited and none of the existing forum posts made me see the light...
Does anybody have an idea how to link together these pieces of code such that a successful login on the server side gets noticed by the GWT client? Can I do something with a FormPanel and Frame()?
You can use something like this
frame.addLoadHandler(new LoadHandler() {
public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) {
if(frame.getUrl().equals("your link here"))

405 error not allowed whereas I have javascript error [duplicate]

I am trying to host an ASP.NET MVC4 web application with IIS 7.5. When debugging the app everything works fine (I'm assuming this is because of Windows Authentication).
However, when I publish the app and browse to it I get a 405 Method not allowed error:
POST http://localhost/ 405 (Method Not Allowed)
i.(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
From what I've been reading this is either a problem with the Handler Mappings in IIS or some configuration is needed in the web.config. Either way, I have not found the correct solution.
Could anyone tell me what my web.config should include to all POSTS? And/or how to set up the correct Handler mapping in IIS, as I am new to web development and find the number of options a bit overwhelming.
The piece of javascript that throws the error is the following:
$.post("/", { latitude: locLat, longitude: locLon, username: $('#onlineUsers').attr('itemid') });
A 405 is thrown by IIS when an HTTP verb(GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,etc.) is requested and is not supported/disallowed by the designated handler.
You'll need to open the IIS manager -> Default Web Site -> Handler Mappings (Or the handler mappings specific to your web-application)
In here you'll need to play with the handler mappings as one of them is not allowing "POST" verbs.
As you are not posting to any specific page (.aspx, .ashx, etc.), it will be difficult to identify the exact handler that is causing you issues.
Handlers of interest may be:
ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_32bit /64bit
Once you identify the handler your request is being routed to, double click it to open the dialogue.
From there click "Request Restrictions" then "Verbs"
Make sure the appropriate verb is present in the text area.
As I mentioned before, I'm not sure which handler is handling your request as you are not posting to any particular page (you may have URL re-writing in place that is routing your request appropriately).
If the above fails, you may need to check if WebDAV Publishing is installed and remove it (restart required).
Maybe you should modify your post'URl format like this:
some users here are having shared hosting and not dedicated servers, so they might not be able to get access to the IIS control panel..
this is my case and here is what I found..
I have my web application on the root directory created through Godaddy control panel.. and the POST request is acknowledged ..
then I used the FileZilla to create a testing folder for my jquery ..( notice i used FileZilla , so the web application and hence the IIS of GoDaddy is not aware that I wanted this folder to be part of my we application )
then whenever I test this jQuery on this testing folder.. I get that error [405 Method not allowed]..
the solution was extremely simple :
I moved my testing page out of that testing folder created by FileZilla and located it inside a folder that was created through Godaddy control panel ( in this case the IIS will be aware that this page is part of my web application :) )
Hope that will help those on Shared hosting

