jQuery UI Tabs: Targeting Dynamic Tab from a Link - javascript

Recently I've been looking at opening a tab using this script:
$('.tofour').click(function() { // bind click event to link
$tabs.tabs('select', 3); // switch to third tab
return false;
However my specific problem is that the site I'm working on does not always load the same tab set. The tabs can change dependent on whether certain information exists. Example:
In certain situations we'll have enough data for:
Product Data (#overview)
Specifications (#specs)
Accessories (#accessories)
Services (#services)
Customer Reviews (#reviews)
And in other situations there will be only enough data to populate two tabs
Product Data (#overview)
Accessories (#accessories)
As you can imagine this creates a problem as the tab number can change; the Specification tab (#specs) might be either the second tab, or the first tab (if Product Data doesn't exist), or Specifications tab might not exist at all.
So, for the sake of argument, lets say I wish to target the Specifications tab. I guess the first thing would be to check if the div id #specs exists. Then I guess I've got to create a link that will target that. But can I target an id instead of a tab number, as in the usual example (above)?
Can anyone help with this? My jQuery skills are, I'm ashamed to admit, pretty poor.
I thank you kindly in advance.

You could get the index via this code, then check if it's -1 (that means it doesn't exist)
Note: This assumes that the a tag for the tab has the id of specs
var index = $('#tabs a').index($('#specs'));
if (index > -1) {
$('#tabs').tabs('select', index);

Create a javascript array containing the tab id as the key and the tab index as the value:
// if you're using php and the tabs that need to be generated are in a variable called $tabs
// you could work this out in other languages
$count = count($tabs);
$tab = $tabs[$i];
echo 'tab_indexes[' . $tab['id'] . '] = ' . $i . ';'; // id as in #specs, etc
Then use the array in jQuery:
$('#to_specs').click(function() { // bind click event to link
$('#tabs').tabs('select', tab_indexes['#specs']); // switch to specs tab
return false;

This should be good for the scenario
You can replace element.id.match('specs') with your desired condition
$('.tofour').click(function(evt) {
$('#tabs a').each(function(index,element){
if(index != -1 && element.id.match('specs')){
$('#tabs').tabs('select', index);
return false;

$('#tabs').tabs({ selected: "#tabs-1" });
Try this. Let me know further.


to change some css property once backing to an already-visited page

There are 2 pages, a link from first page to second one.www.example.com/second.html.
then a link from second page to a specific section on first one www.example.com/first.html#specificSection.
is there a way to change some css property on first page once backing from second one by Java Script?
let urlChunks = window.location.href.split('#');
if (urlChunks.length === 2 && urlChunks[1] === 'specificSection') {
// add your class
If length is 2, it means a parameter was found after #, checking its value is safe in the condition that follows the and.
You can check the url on first page load, and if it is www.example.com/first.html#specificSection assume that the user came from the second page and apply any styling to your elements.
So you would check
(function () {
if (window.location.href === 'www.example.com/first.html#specificSection') {
// do anything here
UPDATE according to #Ravenous comment
You can also check document.referrer and compare it with the url of your second page. That would be more precise way to detect if the user came from the second page I think.

Web page doesn't behave as though checkboxes are checked after manipulating in the console

Excuse my limited ability to be able to frame the question. I need to check 100 boxes to apply an accounting rule to 100 bank entries (in FreeAgent). In the console in Google Chrome I have typed the following, which succesfully checks the first box in the list. (Once it works I will put it in a loop so it checks all of them but I'm not at that point yet.)
var x = document.getElementsByClassName('FormElement-checkbox');
x[1].firstElementChild.checked = true;
When I try to continue with the procedure, the web page doesn't "realise" that the boxes have been checked. I can only get it to work if I physically click the checkboxes individually on the page - the fact they appear checked doesn't seem to matter to the page. So there is obviously something I am missing.
I can succesfully enter text into boxes and select items in drop downs. I have tried inspecting the checkbox element and seeing what happens when it is checked by clicking on it, but I can't see any difference in the HTML. I have explored a lot of the attributes in the javascript for that object when typing
which is how I found the .firstElementChild.checked = true in the first place.
I don't know whether it is something specific to the page itself or whether in general I don't have enough experience to be able to tackle all data entry situations yet. I have tried searching for answers on this forum and elsewhere.
Have you tried something like this:
var x = document.getElementsByClassName('FormElement-checkbox')
x[0].checked = true;
or use the click() method on checkbox element.
Part of HTML document might be helpful.
This happens most likely because of some JS/CSS trickery - the elements are listening to click event rather than change in HTML property. Try raising .click event
var cbs = document.getElementsByClassName("FormElement-checkbox")
for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++){
Try this:
var x = document.getElementsByClassName('FormElement-checkbox');
var result = "document.getElementsByClassName('FormElement-checkbox')";
for (var i=0, len=x.length|0; i<len; i=i+1|0) {
result += "\n " + x[i].textContent;
You can also try using:
to get the first element with the class_name (or)
to get a list of elements with the class_name
You can find everything about Document.getElementsByClassName() here at this link

Javascript Help on Dropdown filter

I was able to find a solution on Stackoverflow that display HTML "li" elements based on a filter (see attachement). Essentially based on css class'es defined in HTML elements, it populates the drop down list that you can select from.
I would like to be modify javascript below so that when you navigate to one of the "li" elements pages (as seen here: https://jsfiddle.net/quwfmepL/2/ e.g. Note: Chose one Test1 element and it goes to the page1.html page) ..but when you hit the back button on the page1.html to page where filter resides, it doesn't remember last filter choice. As it does now, you are required to filter same choice again. I think what I need to do is look at the browser history, but not sure if there is an easier option. I was hoping it could be in the format of query string or like.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var $tagList = $('#tag-list'),
optionArr = [];
$("#demo-list li a").each(function(index, item) {
$.each($(this).attr('class').split(' '), function(i, option){
if ($.inArray(option, optionArr) == -1) {
$tagList.append('<option value="'+option+'">'+option.replace('-', ' ').replace('_', ' ')+'</option>');
// Look at the URL for filter and modify here #
$tagList.on('change', function() {
var selection = $tagList.val();
if (selection == "all") {
$('#demo-list li a').show();
} else {
$('#demo-list li a').hide();
$('#demo-list li a.'+selection).show();
Any suggestions or hints? Any help is appreciated.
Fiddle is acting a bit strangely (not working) for me.
You may want to just set a cookie inside of the .change function, that'd probably be the easiest way to do it. When the filter page loads, check to see if the cookie is set, and if it is, run the filter based on the stored cookie value.
Try out: https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie
Alternatively, and probably even better, you can use webstorage (localstorage) to accomplish the same thing.

Format text as user inputs in a contenteditable div

I'm attempting to make a page that allows users to input text and it will automatically format the input -- as in a screenplay format (similar to Amazon's StoryWriter).
So far I can check for text with ":contains('example text')" and add/remove classes to it. The problem is that all of the following p tags inherit that class.
My solution so far is to use .next() to remove the class I added, but that is limited since there might be need for a line break in the script (in dialogue for instance) and that will remove the dialogue class.
$('.content').on('input', function() {
I can't get || to work in the :contains parameter either, but that's the least of my issues.
I have a JS fiddle
I've worked on this for a while now, and if I could change only the node that contains the text (INT. or EXT. in this example) and leaves the rest alone that would work and I could apply it to the rest of the script.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm new to the stackoverflow so thank you.
See the comments in the code below for an explanation of what's going on.
Fiddle Example
var main = function(){
var content = $('.content');
content.on('input', function() {
$("p.input").each(function() {
//Get the html content for the current p input.
var text = $(this).html();
//indexOf will return a positive value if "INT." or "EXT." exists in the html
if (text.indexOf('INT.') !== -1 || text.indexOf('EXT.') !== -1) {
//You could include additional "if else" blocks to check and apply different conditions
else { //The required text does not exist, so remove the class for the current input
};//main close

How to get ids from divs that were dragged into a drop zone on button click javascript

I'm trying to find a way to get the ids from dragged divs after they are in the drop zone.
All the drag components have an id from drag1 - drag8 and the drop zone is div drop zone. Because there are no divs in the drop zone when the page loads I want to gather the ids on a save button for now with a text box entry and drop down menu select.
I have tried the code below:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#dropzone div").click(function() {
var index = $("#dropzone div").index(this);
$("#dropzone_drag").html("Index " + drag + " was clicked");
And I use jQuery for the text box, which works nicely:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#save').click(function() {
How do I find the ids from dragged divs after they are in the drop zone?
After playing around i came up with the following:
var ids = {};
ids[i] = $(this).prop('id');
which at the moment says undefined, but i did manage to put it on the save button so it no longer pops up when i open the page.
Any suggests please?
In my comprehension .index(this) returns the index of the element relative to the list "#dropzone div"., which may or may not contain the elements in the order you want. But if all your elements have a common class, say ".foo_bar" it probably would be easier to know the id given an clicked element.
Otherwise, as you're using this on the function, if this is one of your "drags" it is probably easier to pick the id from this than to try the indexes.
Try doing it like that and maybe it'll word better.
ids = {};
ids[$(this).prop('id')] = $(this).prop('id').replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
the code .replace() means that we are removing characters (in this case anything that isn't a number) from the string so we end up with it's true number. Instead of it's place in the DOM.
If i didn't comprehend well your problem, correct my comprehension errors and i will edit the answer. And an html of the zones would be nice ;)
The following code worked for me:
var div = document.getElementById('dropzone')
and on the button i added:
alert( div.innerHTML )
The result gave me all of the div information from it's html page so i could select the information i wanted to push to the database.
Thank you all for you input and advice.

