Executing Commands Javascript - javascript

I want to execute a command by the click of a button, and not when the page loads.
function hey() {
Do I add something to the code above or to the button?
<input type="button" value="Click Me" onclick="hey()" />

Have you taken the time to type in your question into the magical Google box yet? Surely you'll see something like this:
<input type="button" value="Click me, now" onclick="hey()" />

Say you have the function that alerts a window to the user.
<script type="text/javascript">
function showMe() {
alert('You clicked on the button');
<button onclick="showMe()">Button</button>
This will make sure that the function is only called when the button is clicked upon and not when the page is loaded.

Okay, so you have a code that should work for alerting something on the click of a button. But you state that the code is running on page load. You have to check you code, looking for:
An onload attribute on the body tag, something like <body onload="hey()">
A call to hey somewhere else on your js code. Look for hey().
Maybe a reference to the button followed by a call to .click()
There is something else on your code causing the function to be called, you'll have to scan your code to find out what it is.


Inserting a big JavaScript in a html onlick Tag

I have a big JavaScript Code in a html file like
Now, this whole paragraph should only execute if the user clicks on a button (or something like that)
for example
<button id="MyButton" onclick= ???>MyButton</Button>
Thanks Guys :)
Wrap your code in a function, and specify that function in your button onclick.
function doSomething() {
<button id="MyButton" onclick="doSomething()">MyButton</button>

Calling a recursive javascript within a form

I have this problem. I am trying to make a button "click it self" using a setTimeout function in javascript. I need this small piece of code to function to be able to simulate a refresh. The problem is, because the button on which I'm calling the refresh is within a form tag, this operation only occurs once, instead of continuously repeating itself. Here is my javascript
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function ClickMe(){
alert("Function works");
Here is the element on which I am calling it.
<input id="auto" type="submit" value="Click" onClick="ClickMe()" />
If you remove the "<form></form>" tag, the code runs normally by calling itself again and again every 5 seconds. Byt once you add the "<form>" tag, the function is only called once. If someone could help me out, I'll be really grateful. Thanks
For whatever reason you want to do this, just change your submit to a button like so:
<input id="auto" type="button" value="Click" onClick="ClickMe()" />
also, you should note that you're going to keep creating more and more intervals for this each time it's ran.
When you wrap the input with form, the form is submitted, you can avoid that by returning false in the ClickMe function.
function ClickMe(){
alert("Function works");
return false;

HTML/JS Execution Order

I am trying to understand the Execution Order of HTML and JS functions.
<!DOCTYPE html>
function myFunction()
var x=document.getElementsByName("check1");
function myFunction1()
var x=document.getElementsByName("check1");
<body onload="myFunction()">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" unchecked enabled value="N"/>
<input type="button" value="Button" onclick="myFunction1()"/>
Finally the element "check1" value is =Y.
finally checkbox is checked and disabled.
Can anyone explain about this.
I have already gone through this link which is very useful:
Load and execution sequence of a web page?
Still the above example will help bit more .Thanks
first you change the name of functions.. it must be different. then the execuation order is
first onbody load function is called then input button function called.
you can even check it by alert that.
The "myFunction()" method called in on load event so that it executed immediately after a page is loaded. and the function "myFunction1()" called on button click event .And you are initializing check box value with "N" value thats why it displaying n after every page load function
If I understood your question you mean why your checkbox value is 'Y' despite you disabled the checkbox.
disabling checkbox only make it inactive as far as User Interface is concerned but through script you can still change the value.

HTML Input type image won't redirect upon click?

I have the following code, which works fine:
<input type="button" name="btnHello" value="Hello" onclick="Test();"/>
and here is the JS function:
function Test() {
window.location.href = "Page2.aspx";
When I click my Hello button, it redirects to Page2.aspx like expected. But when I change my button to an image button:
<input type="image" src="images/myimage.jpg" name="btnHello" onclick="Test();"/>
It no longer works. The page posts back, but its more like a refresh. I can put an alert in the JS function to see that it is getting called, but I'm not sure why the redirect doesn't work? Has anyone ever experienced this?
I know its probably something stupid, but I'm stumped.
Many thanks in advance!
You need to return false from the event handler to prevent the default action.
However, since you don't want it to postback in the first place, you might as well use an ordinary <img /> instead of an <input />.
The redirect is getting cancelled because you are doing a postback. Add return false; after the function test();
onclick="test();return false;"
Try using an img tag:
<img src="images/myimage.jpg" name="btnHello" onclick="Test();"/>
input type image does not have a onclick event. You need to use the img tag instead.
<img onclick="Test();">

Javascript URL inside an iframe does not execute in Firefox

I have written this code for Firefox:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
<form action="javascript:void(alert('Yes'));">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
It correctly displays the alert box.
However, when i run this inside an iframe, with this code:
<html><body><iframe src="click.php"></iframe></body></html>
i don't get the alert box, not even if i click the submit button myself.
What is going on exactly? The same code works in Chromium
Well, don't do that then!
It doesn't make any sense to submit a form to a javascript: URL. Use a submit event handler to pick up the form submission and execute script, eg using jQuery:
$('#someform').submit(function() {
return false;
A good rule of thumb about when to use javascript: URLs is: never.
It looks like it's a problem with FF4 so I'll discuss it on their bugzilla if it's really their fault. I have modified the source so I'm not even sure it is a bug...

