Circular reference breakers for JSON written in JavaScript - javascript

I know only one, the cycle.js from Crockford's JSON-JS, but it is recursive and appears very slow, it take 2-5 seconds to JSON.stringify(JSON.decycle(random_graph_with_30_vertices)) and hit recursion depth limit for larger graphs. Are there better non-recursive alternatives?

Try Cereal
It is not recursive. The output format is less readable, but it's still actually JSON. I believe it's fairly fast, but I've not benchmarked it against cycle. It has been used in anger in a few projects. It also solves more than just cycle-detection which may or may not be to your liking.


Javascript performance improvement by the way variable is accessed [duplicate]

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Closed 9 years ago.
It seems that the phrase "Premature Optimization" is the buzz-word of the day. For some reason, iphone programmers in particular seem to think of avoiding premature optimization as a pro-active goal, rather than the natural result of simply avoiding distraction. The problem is, the term is beginning to be applied more and more to cases that are completely inappropriate.
For example, I've seen a growing number of people say not to worry about the complexity of an algorithm, because that's premature optimization (eg Help sorting an NSArray across two properties (with NSSortDescriptor?)). Frankly, I think this is just laziness, and appalling to disciplined computer science.
But it has occurred to me that maybe considering the complexity and performance of algorithms is going the way of assembly loop unrolling, and other optimization techniques that are now considered unnecessary.
What do you think? Are we at the point now where deciding between an O(n^n) and O(n!) complexity algorithm is irrelevant? What about O(n) vs O(n*n)?
What do you consider "premature optimization"? What practical rules do you use to consciously or unconsciously avoid it?
I know my description is a bit general, but I'm interested in specific, practical rules or best practices people use to avoid "pre-mature optimization", particularly on the iphone platform.
Answering this requires you to first answer the question of "what is pre-mature optimization?". Since that definition clearly varies so greatly, any meaningful answer requires the author to define the term. That's why I don't really think this is a CW question. Again, if people disagree, I'll change it.
What is premature optimization?
Premature optimization is the process of optimizing your code (usually for performance) before you know whether or not it is worthwhile to do so. An example of premature optimization is optimizing the code before you have profiled it to find out where the performance bottleneck is. An even more extreme example of premature optimization is optimizing before you have run your program and established that it is running too slowly.
Are we at the point now where deciding between an O(n^n) and O(n!) complexity algorithm is irrelevant? What about O(n) vs O(n*n)?
It depends on the size of n and how often your code will get called.
If n is always less than 5 then the asymptotic performance is irrelevant. In this case the size of the constants will matter more. A simple O(n * n) algorithm could beat a more complicated O(n log n) algorithm for small n. Or the measurable difference could be so small that it doesn't matter.
I still think that there are too many people that spend time optimizing the 90% of code that doesn't matter instead of the 10% that does. No-one cares if some code takes 10ms instead of 1ms if that code is hardly ever called. There are times when just doing something simple that works and moving on is a good choice, even though you know that the algorithmic complexity is not optimal.
Every hour you spend optimizing rarely called code is one hour less that you can spend on adding features people actually want.
My vote goes for most people optimize what they think is the weak point, but they don't profile.
So regardless of how well you know algorithms and regardless of how well you've written your code, you don't know what else is happening outside your module. What do the APIs you've called do behind the scenes? Can you always gaurantee that the particular order of ops is the fastest?
This is what is meant by Premature Optimization. Anything that you think is an optimization that has not been rigorously tested by way of a profiler or other definitive tool (clock cycles by ops is not a bad thing, but it only tells you performance characteristics ~ actual calls is more important than timing, usually), is a premature optimization.
#k_b says it well above me, and it's what I say too. Make it right, make it simple, then profile, then tweak. Repeat as necessary.
Order of priority: 1. It has to work
2. It has to be maintainable
3. It has to be machine-efficient
That was from the first week of my first programming course. In 1982.
"Premature optimization" is any time Priority 3 has been considered before Priority 1 or 2.
Note that modern programming techniques (abstractions and interfaces) are designed to make this prioritization easier.
The one gray area: during the initial design, you do have to check that your solutions are not inherently cripplingly slow. Otherwise, don't worry about performance until you at least have some working code.
For some people, optimization is part of the fun of writing code, premature or not. I like to optimize, and restrain myself for the sake of legibility. The advice not to optimize so much is for the people that like to optimize.
iphone programmers in particular seem
to think of avoiding premature
optimization as a pro-active goal
The majority of iPhone code is UI related. There is not much need to optimize. There is a need not to choose a poor design that will result in bad performance, but once you start coding up a good design there is little need for optimization. So in that context, avoiding optimization is a reasonable goal.
What do you consider "premature
optimization"? What practical rules do
you use to consciously or
unconsciously avoid it?
Using the Agile approach (rapid iterations with refinement of requirements through interactions with users) is helpful as the awareness that the current interface is probably going to change drastically after the next session with the users makes it easier to focus on developing the essential features of the application rather than the performance.
If not, a few iterations where you spent a lot of time optimizing a feature that was entirely discarded after the session with the user should give you the message.
Algorithm complexity, and even choice, is an issue that should be hidden behind an interface. For example, a List is an abstraction that can be implemented various ways with different efficiencies for different situations.
Sometimes avoiding premature optimization can aid design, because if you design with the idea that you will need to optimize later, then you are more inclined to develop at the abstract level (e.g. list) rather than the iimplementation (e.g. Array or linked list) level.
This can result in simpler, and more readable code, in addition to avoiding distraction. If programmed to the interface, different implementations can be swapped in later to optmize. Prematurely optimizing leads to the risk that implementation details may be prematurely exposed and coupled with other software components that should not see these details.
What practical rules do you use to
consciously or unconsciously avoid it?
One way to avoid unnecessary optimization is to consider the relative cost benefit:
A) Cost for programmer to optimize code + cost to test said optimization + cost of maintaining more complex code resulting from said optimization
B) Cost to upgrade server on which software runs or simply buy another one (if scalable)
If A >> B consider whether it's the right thing to do. [Ignoring for the moment the environmental cost of B which may or may not be a concern to your organization]
This applies more generally than just to premature optimization but it can help instill in your developers a sense that spending their time doing optimization work is a cost and should not be undertaken unless there is a real measurable difference in something that actually matters like: number of servers required or customer satisfaction through improved response times.
If management can't see the benefit in reduced $ and customers can't see the benefit in better response times, ask yourself why you are doing it.
I think this is a question of common sense. There's a need to understand the big picture, or even what's happening under the hood, to be able to consider when a so-called "premature" move is justified.
I've worked with solutions where web service calls were necessary to calculate new values based on the contents of a local list. The way this was implemented was by making a web request per value. It wouldn't be premature optimization to send several values at a time. The same thing goes for the use of database transactions for multiple operations, i.e. multiple inserts.
When it comes to algorithms, initially the most important thing is to get it right and as simple as possible. Worrying about stack vs heap issues at that point would be madness.

Why for loop with cached length is slower than simple for loop?

I am reading the book "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja". But I am confused with the figure that I found on in this book. From my view, simple for loop lost time to get the length of array so if the length is cached before, the speed would be improved. But the picture below showed the opposite result. Could someone give me the reason? .Thanks.
Performance in js is a question of how much the engine optimized the code. And how the engine optimizes code depends on the developers that wrote the optimization. And those developers want the average code to run fast, that means the more "normal" your code is, the faster it runs. So maybe iterating over an array in the first way is so common that someone heavily optimized it. Whatsoever the only real result we can gain from that data is: both ways are fast enough to not care about the difference.

HTML canvas performance when drawing lots of lines

I'm currently writing an application that displays a lot, and I mean, a lot of 2D paths (made of hundreds, thousands of tiny segments) on an HTML5 canvas. Typically, a few million points. These points are downloaded from a server into a binary ArrayBuffer.
I probably won't be using that many points in the real world, but I'm kinda interested in how I could improve the performance. You can call it curiosity if you want ;)
Anyway, I've tested the following solutions :
Using gl.LINES or gl.LINE_STRIP with WebGL, and compute everything in shaders on the GPU. Currently the fastest, can display up to 10M segments without flinching on my Macbook Air. But there are very strict constraints for the binary format if you want to avoid processing things in JavaScript, which is slow.
Using Canvas2D, draw a huge path with all the segments in one stroke() call. When I'm getting past 100k points, the page freezes for a few seconds before the canvas is updated. So, not working here.
Using Canvas2D, but draw each path with its own stroke() call. Despite what others have been saying on the internet, this is much faster than drawing everything in one call, but still a lot slower than WebGL. Things start to get bad when I reach about 500k segments.
The two Canvas2D solutions require looping through all the points of all the paths in JavaScript, so this is quite slow. Do you know of any method(s) that could improve JavaScript's iteration speed in an ArrayBuffer, or processing speed in general?
But, what's strange is, the screen isn't updated immediately after all the canvas draw calls have finished. When I start getting to the performance limit, there is a noticeable delay between the end of the draw calls and the update of the canvas. Do you have any idea where that comes from, and is there a way to reduce it?
First, WebGL was a nice and hype idea, but the amount of processing required to decode and display the binary data simply doesn't work in shaders, so I ruled it out.
Here are the main bottlenecks I've encountered. Some of them are quite common in general programming, but it's a good idea to remember them :
It's best to use multiple, small for loops
Create variables and closures at the highest level possible, don't create them inside the for loops
Render your data in chunks, and use setTimeout to schedule the next chunk after a few milliseconds : that way, the user will still be able to use the UI
JavaScript objects and arrays are fast and cheap, use them. It's best to read/write them in sequential order, from the beginning to the end.
If you don't write data sequentially in an array, use objects (because non-sequential read-writes are cheap for objects) and push the indexes into an index array. I used a SortedList implementation to keep the indexes sorted, which I found here. Overhead was minimal (about 10-20% of the rendering time), and in the end it was well worth it.
That's about everything I remember. If I do find something else, I'll update this answer!

CPU vs Memory usage (theory)

I found some interesting post about memory usage and CPU usage here on Stack Overflow, however none of them had a direct approach to the apparently simple question:
As a generic strategy in a JavaScript app, is it better in terms of performances to use memory (storing data) or CPU (recalculating data each time)?
I refer to javascript usage in common browsers environment (FF, Chrome, IE>8)
Does anybody have a more direct and documented answer to this?
--- EDIT ---
Ok, I understand the question is very generic. I try to reduce the "scope".
Reading your answer I realized that the real question is: "how to undestand the memory limit under which my javascript code still has good performances?".
Environment: common browsers environment (FF, Chrome, IE>8)
Functions I use are not very complex math functions, but can produce quite a huge amount of data (300-400kb) and I wanted to understand if it was better to recalculate them every time or just store results in variables.
Vaguely related - JS in browsers is extremely memory hungry when you start using large objects / arrays. If you think about binary data produced by canvas elements, or other rich media APIs, then clearly you do not want to be storing this data in traditional ways - disregarding performance issues, which are also important.
From the MDN article talking about JS Typed Arrays:
As web applications become more and more powerful, adding features such as audio and video manipulation, access to raw data using WebSockets, and so forth, it has become clear that there are times when it would be helpful for JavaScript code to be able to quickly and easily manipulate raw binary data.
Here's a JS Perf comparison of arrays, and another looking at canvas in particular, so you can get some direct examples on how they work. Hope this is useful.
It's just another variation on the size/performance tradeoff. Storing values increases size, recalculating decreases performance.
In some cases, the calculation is complex, and the memory usage is small. This is particularly true for maths functions.
In other cases, the memory needed would be huge, and calculations are simple. This is particularly true when the output would be a large data structure, and you can calculate an element in the structure easily.
Other factors you will need to take into account is what resources are available. If you have very limited memory then you may have no choice, and if it is a background process then perhaps using lots of memory is not desirable. If the calculation needs to be done very often then you are more likely to store the value than if it's done once a month...
There are a lot of factors in the tradeoff, and so there is no "generic" answer, only a set of guidelines you can follow as each case arises.

'Fixed' for loop - what is more efficient?

I'm creating a tic-tac-toe game, and one of the functions has to iterate through each of the 9 fields (tic-tac-toe is played on a 3x3 grid). I was wondering what is more efficient (which one is perhaps faster, or what is the preferred way of scripting in such situation) - using two for nested loops like this:
for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
for(var j=0; j<3; j++) {
checkField(i, j);
or hard-coding it like this:
checkField(0, 0);
checkField(0, 1);
checkField(0, 2);
checkField(1, 0);
checkField(1, 1);
checkField(1, 2);
checkField(2, 0);
checkField(2, 1);
checkField(2, 2);
As there are only 9 combinations, it would be perhaps overkill to use two nested for loops, but then again this is clearer to read. The for loop, however, will increment variables and check whether i and j are smaller than 3 every time as well.
In this example, the time saving at least might be negligible, but what is the preferred way of coding in this case?
Do not hard code 9 lines of the same code!
Flexibility / Maintenance
Code Length
This is a premature micro-optimization. In this case always go for the clearer solution - so use the for loops:) And by the way, think about if tomorrow the grid is 4x4:)
Time savings: negligible. Probably un-measurable.
Preferred style: nested for loops. Ok, you'll probably never make it a 4x4 or 5x5 or 3d (or 4d!) tic-tac-toe - but it's a good habit to get into. Also easier to see if you forgot something and avoids cut-and-paste errors.
Ironically hard-coding the checks will probably be faster, but (and here's the important bit) meaninglessly so.
As such, what you should really aim for is the maximum clarity of intent for what you're trying to achieve. Also, you should try and make life easier for any future improvements (that may not be carried out by you.) For example, if the tic-tac-toe grid was expanded to 4x4 which solution would be the best?
On this basis I'd be tempted to go with the loop approach along with the appropriate level of commenting, etc.
We should forget about small
efficiencies, say about 97% of the
time: premature optimization is the
root of all evil.
-- Donald Knuth
Definitely the first one. First of all, the performance difference will be absolutely negligible - my guess is the unrolled program will run slower because more time is required to compile/interpret it because it is longer (plus, additional client, server and router processing power and bandwidth will be required).
Secondly, and as a generalization, you don't know which version would be faster. Maybe some interpreter would increment registers for the first version, but load the parameters from memory (waaay slower) for the second one?
Especially in the case of JavaScript, you have absolutely no fixed specification on how fast (future!) interpreters and compilers work, so this "optimization" is absolutely pointless and confusing other programmers working with your code at best.
Please don't hardcode it. Never do something like that.
More than one time? Use a loop.
Also, you are worrying about a problem you don't have, really.
As you mentioned, the time saving will be negligible. Even if you would put that grid to a 100 times 100 square, you still won't see any difference.
If we go a bit larger though, say 10.000 times 10.000, we might see some difference. I wonder what that might be, because the compilers and optimisers are very good and especially in a loop the environment might speed things up by having this information (function will be called several times).
Why don't you try it out and share your results with us?
In practise, however, I would never recommend going for the second approach. Readability and flexibility is far more important than CPU time. And optimising early, as they say, is quite evil in itself because it obfuscates the code and introduces a lot of unnecessary complexity without really contributing to performance.

