jQuery live change on checkbox IE8 - javascript

I have a couple of checkboxes loaded in with Ajax (because of database data),
Now I want to do some actions when these checkboxes changes from unchecked to checked and vice versa.
I am also using this for my checkbox:
this is my checkbox code:
<input type="checkbox" id="boats" class="boatID-2 afvaartijdID-3 boats" style="position: absolute; z-index: -1; visibility: hidden;">
I have tried live change function and on change function but both wont work in IE8.
Like this
//do stuff
//do stuff
I have the latest version of jQuery.
Anybody any idea how to solve this?

$(".boats").live("click", function(){
// do stuff
In newer version of jQuery its recommeded to use on() and off() instead of live() / die()
$(document).on("click", ".boats", function(){
// do stuff

The addon I used for my checkbox
This one: http://widowmaker.kiev.ua/checkbox/
Was bugging in IE8 with the change event.
I couldnt use the live or on function to get change working, but the plugin had a couple of method to trigger change.
You where able to use the check and uncheck event to trigger change event.
So that solved the problem.
thanks all


Why is jQuery select event listener triggering multiple times?

Please run this sample in Google Chrome browser.
Stack Snippet
$(function() {
$(":input").select(function() {
$("div").text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$("button").click(function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button>Click To Select</button>
<input type="text" value="Some text">
Here why jQuery select event listener is triggering multiple times? Does anyone know the reason behind this? And is there any workaround solution for this without using timeout?
The $(":input") selector is selecting the button too, so it causes recursion. Either use just $("input"), or $(":input:not(button)").
I noticed when the three events are fired, the first doesn't have originalEvent property, so we definitely can dismiss it, and the second two has very similar (however not identical) timestamp. You can store the last timestamp in some variable and in event listener compare it with the event's timestamp. If the rounded values of these two are the same, you can dismiss this event.
$(function() {
var lastTimeStamp;
$("input").select(function(event) {
if (!event.originalEvent ||
lastTimeStamp === Math.round(event.timeStamp)) return;
lastTimeStamp = Math.round(event.timeStamp);
$("div").text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$("button").click(function() {
See updated JS Fiddle.
It appears the issue is a combination of:
the :input selector gets the input and the button, hence multiple events triggered.
even when using just input as the selector there is some odd event propagation being triggered on related elements which is raising the select event handler multiple times.
To avoid both of the above, use input as the selector and also use preventDefault() in the event handler. stopPropagation() may also be required, depending on your HTML stucture.
$(function() {
$('input').select(function(e) {
// e.stopPropagation(); // optional
$('#message').text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$('button').click(function() {
Working example
UPDATE: We were all fooled. The select() function needs a prevent default.
Rory McCrossan figured it out. Well done mate.
Incidentally, I'm not sure what the benefit of select() actually is! Something like focus() or on('focus',) might make more sense. Not Sure what the context is however. The below still follows:
Why waste time using generalised tag/type selectors which may change? Use an ID, and pick out only the one you want.
If you want to detect multiple, use a class. If you want to use multiple, but figure out which one you clicked, use a class and an ID. Bind with the class, and identify using $this.attr('id').
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button>Click To Select</button>
<input type="text" value="Some text" id="pick-me">
$(function() {
$("#pick-me").select(function(event) {
$("div").text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$("button").click(function() {

jQuery onclick load randomly working with firefox

So I have a few "boxes" with an onclick function:
<div class="box" onclick="load(1);return false;"></div>
<div class="box" onclick="load(2);return false;"></div>
The onclick functions trigger a function that reads the content of a few seperate .php files (example1.php and example2.php).
These files contain other boxes made with fieldset instead of a div.
function load(num){
And the function above is changing the content of this div down here:
<div id="loadthis">Load my fieldset boxes</div>
So far everything works, until I click on the fieldset boxes.
The background color of the fieldset should change when I click it and the radio inside the fieldset should be selected too (because of css styling), but both of this does not happen. But I can still select the radio when clicking the radio (not the box).
I have tested it in IE and in Chrome, this code works there most of the time.
But in firefox I cannot select the fieldset box 50% of the time.
I tried to experiment with the .on( class but it gives me the same effect.
$('fieldset.type-a').children('.row').children('.box.col-4').on("click", load);
function load(){
var index = $('fieldset.type-a').children('.row').children('.box.col-4').index( this );
Okay so after some searching I found that there is already an onclick function in a different .js file that being called:
function handleStep2() {
$('.step-form-2 input[type=radio]').change(function () {
$(this).attr('checked', 'checked');
$('.step-form-2 .select-box .box').click(function () {
I am now going to try to merge the codes and see if that gets rid of the bug with the active class not being activated on click.
SOLVED: I solved it by indeed merging both the codes to 1 click function. Thanks for all your help guys, But I still wonder if this could be done a different way?
Look into event delegation, and if you're using jQuery it's easy
look into the jQuery API for .on(
Also you want to make sure you're using unobtrusive JS, so pull that out of your HTML, put it in a .js file as an event listener and load the script after the DOM has loaded as the last thing before your closing </body> tag
It should be a delay about loading php files content.
Is it work when you click one of them even takes time?
Maybe you should ajax for loading php files. By the way you can send data to php files using GET or POST methods.
You can check this examples.
If your function is initalized in an IIFE, inline js can´t access this function.
It´s weird that you say this sometimes works..
IIFE is a wrapper function to create capsules, so the client can´t modify your script in runtime.
Looks like this:
/* code */
It would be much better to create js-events:
on('body', 'click', '.box', function(e) {
console.log(e.target); // this is the clicked list item
Hope it helps..

Why does the select2-removing event not trigger in select2 with allowClear?

I want to hook an event in my select2 once it gets cleared. The select2 was initalized with allowClear: true. Yet the event
$select.on('select2-removed', function(event) {
does not trigger when resetting the select2 with the clear button.
select2 v4.0.3
$('#smartsearch').on('select2:unselecting', function (e) {
alert('You clicked on X');
For all the select2 Options & Events
For me the only thing that worked is the 'select2:unselect' event... (In non-multiple select box)
According to the select2 source code, the clear method use the event select2-clearing instead of select2-removing. So you should listen to this event too.
select2-clearing and select2-removing are triggered before the removal. select2-removed is triggered after.
Keep in mind that clear does not always trigger the select2-removed event. It look like this event is triggered only if an element is actually removed from the input.
I got it working with the 'select2-removed'-event instead of 'select2-removing' when using the clear button.
As to why it does not trigger still eludes me.
I wanted to get data about the element just got removed on removed event. Following code worked for me;
$('#selector').on('select2:unselect', function (e) {
var data = e.params.data;
If you are working with 4 or above version then use
$('#id').on('select2:unselecting', function (e) {
alert('You clicked on X');
Below 4 version
$('#id').on('select2-removing', function (e) {
alert('You clicked on X');
Make sure for 4 or above version it is select2:unselecting colon(:)
Less than 4 version it is select2-removing -(hyphen)

Input:Checked jQuery vs CSS?

Unless I am mistaken. jQuery and CSS handle the :checked selector very differently. In CSS when I use :checked, styles are applied appropriately as I click around, but in jQuery it only seems to recognize what was originally in the DOM on page-load. Am I missing something?
Here is my Fiddle
In jQuery:
$('input:checked').click(function () {
input:checked+label {font-weight:bold;color:#5EAF1E}
I should clarify that what I am looking to do is trigger behavior if a user clicks an already selected radio button.
Try setting up the handler this way:
$('body').on('click', 'input:checked', function() {
// ...
The way you have it, you're finding all the elements that are checked when that code runs. The above uses event bubbling so that the test is made when each "click" happens.
Inside your handler, you're updating the style for all checked elements, even though any particular click will only change one. That's not a huge deal if the number of checkboxes isn't too big.
edit — some further thought, and a helpful followup question, makes me realize that inside an event handler for a radio button "click" event, the button will always be ":checked". The value of the "checked" property is updated by the browser before the event is dispatched. (That'll be reversed if the default action of the event is prevented.)
I think it'll be necessary to add a class or use .data() to keep track of a shadow for the "checked" property. When a button is clicked, you'd see if your own flag is set; if so, that means the button was set before being clicked. If not, you set the flag. You'll also want to clear the flag of all like-named radio buttons.
You bound the event only to the inputs that were initially checked. Remove :checked from the first selector and it works as intended (but ugly.)
$('input').click(function () {
you would of course need to "undo" the css change you made with jQuery to make it go away when the input is unchecked.
$('input').click(function () {
Keep track of the status of the radio buttons. For example, use .data() to keep an in-memory state of the radio buttons.
$(function () {
var $radio = $(":radio");
$radio.filter(":checked").data("checked", true);
$radio.on("click", function () {
if ($(this).data("checked")) {
alert("Already selected");
$radio.data("checked", false).filter(":checked").data("checked", true);
See it live here.
I think you want to use .change() here.
$('input:radio').change(function () {
$('input, input+label').css('background', '');
$('input:checked, input:checked+label').css('background', '#f00');
See it live here.

jQuery Class selector not working

I'm struggling to make an alert come up when an anchor tag with a specific class is clicked inside of a div.
My html section in question looks like this...
<div id="foo">
<a class='bar' href='#'>Next</a>
The jQuery section is as follows..
My problem is that I cannot get this alert to come up, I think that I'm properly selecting the class "next", but it won't pick it up for some reason. I've also tried almost everything on this page but nothing is working. If I don't try to specify the anchor tag i.e. $('#foo').click(function()... then it works, but there will be multiple anchor tags within this div, so simply having the alert executed when the div is clicked won't work for what I need. The website this is on is a search engine using ajax to send information to do_search.php. Within the do_search.php I make pagination decisions based on how many results are found, and if applicable, a next, previous, last, and first link may be made and echoed.
EDIT: I just figured it out, it was my placement of the .next function, since it wasn't created on the initial document load but instead after a result had been returned, I moved the .next function to the success part of the ajax function since that is where the buttons will be created if they need to be, now it works.
Try using the live() command:
$(".bar").live("click", function(){ alert(); });
Because you load your button via AJAX, the click event isn't binded to it. If you use the live() command, it will automatically bind events to all elements created after the page has loaded.
More details, here
.live is now deprecated and is the selected answer for this. The answer is in the comments in the selected answer above. Here is the solution that resolved it for me:
$(document).on('click','.bar', function() { alert(); });
Thanks to #Blazemonger for the fix.
You surely missed $(document).ready(). Your code should be:
Hope this helps. Cheers
Make sure you have included JQuery Library properly.
Make sure your script has written between $(document).ready() in short $(function(){ });
Demo : http://jsfiddle.net/W9PXG/1/
<div id="foo">
<a class='bar' href='#'>Next</a>

