getElementById.value and getElementById.value? - javascript

I have a problem regarding this two values from my textboxes (text, text2), seems like text2 only show its value, is there any way I can get rid of these things. Any help would be so much appreciated.
parameters = ('text=' + document.getElementById('text').value) && ('text2=' + document.getElementById('text2').value;'POST', 'try.php', true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

parameters = ('text=' + document.getElementById('text').value) && ('text2=' + document.getElementById('text2').value;
This line is wrong. && does not mean "concatenate": it means "logical and". Basically, it means "return false if either side of the operator is falsy, otherwise, return the right-hand-side". So this will always return 'text2=' + document.getElementById('text2').value, because this is the right-hand-side of the && operator.
You need to concatenate them, for which the operator, as you use quite correctly otherwise, is +.
parameters = 'text=' + document.getElementById('text').value + '&' + 'text2=' + document.getElementById('text2').value;
Note that you should probably also use encodeURIComponent to make sure you're making valid HTTP requests:
parameters = 'text=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('text').value) + '&' + 'text2=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('text2').value);

Don't use && to concatenate strings, use +. There are also unbalanced brackets and you are missing the "&" to separate your parameters in the URL string.
parameters = 'text=' + document.getElementById('text').value + '&text2=' + document.getElementById('text2').value;


Javascript .indexof 'typeError' error despite forcing string conversion

JS drives me insane with issues like this. I have the following code which creates a string (composed of session data and date information) to be written to an array, as such:
var _writes = String(req.session.subscriber + ":" + req.session.postal + "[" + + "]=" + _onYear + "-" + _onMonth + "-" + _onDay + "-" + _onHour + "-" + _onMinute);
Later, I wish to perform an 'indexof' command on the string of the array, as such:
for (_cycle = 0; _cycle < _users.length; ++_cycle) {
_seeks = String(_users[_cycle]);
_score = _seeks.indexof("="); //ERROR THROWN HERE
//do other stuff here...
} //for loop
My error is "TypeError: _seeks.indexof is not a function"...? I thought by converting everything to a string I should be able to perform the 'indexof' command. Can somebody please advise what the issue is here? I thank you in advance.
Probably not a js issue. You are using "indexof" instead of "indexOf" (Uppercase O). Check
It should be:
Don't give up, it will make sense soon :)

replace segment of a URL with regex

I have a button that takes a value from a checkbox and inserts it dynamically into a URL parameter. the URL looks like this:
&site=site1 is what is being updated dynamically by the value of a checkbox. My code for that looked like below at first:
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + + location.pathname +;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
The problem with the first approach is when you click the button multiple times, it just adds the new parameters to the URL, so it ends up looking like:
When I only need to change &site=site3&page=1 - I tried using a regex to select that part of the URL and replace it with the new one. My attempt at that is below:
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + + location.pathname +;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = filterSite + '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
var url = filterUrl.match(/&([^ ]*)/)[1];
console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
window.location.replace(url, filterUrl);
What this block does is remove the search query and just returns which gives a 404.
I need to somehow update a segment of a URL, and not the entire thing. I believe I need to do some sort of regex to target it and change it. What are the next steps? How can I update a certain section of a URL?
EDIT: This is where it stands now:
// apply filter, go to page
$("#apply-filter").click(function() {
var filterSite;
var filterSelection;
var filterUrl;
filterSite = "http://" + + location.pathname +;
filterSelection = $('.search-filter-dialog input[type="checkbox"]:checked').val();
filterUrl = filterSite + '&site=' + filterSelection + '&page=1';
var url = filterUrl.match(/&([^ ]*)/)[1];
// console.log(filterUrl + " - " + filterSite);
if (window.location.href.indexOf("&site=") > -1) {
filterSite.replace(/&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection);
} else {
but the .replace() method doesn't seem to be working.
Correct me if I got it wrong:
You have something like this: and you need to update ONLY THIS PART: &site=site1.
One way:
filterSite.replace(/&site=site\d+/,'&site=site' + filterSelection);
This works only if the updatable part of the url is ALWAYS going to be of the form &site=site<number>, ie: filterSelection is always a number
anyhow, let me know
Assuming what you mean by The .replace() method won't change the parameter, is that the URL won't change, you are right: when you do this:
filterSite.replace(/&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection);
what you are modifying is the variable filterSite, the page won't automatically reload to the new url, which I think is what you intend after seeing this other line:
replace it with:;
to make the page go to the new url
More about and its arguments
One last thing, I noticed you are using /&site=\d+/,'&site=' + filterSelection as args for replace which will not match So, unless you changed the structure of the url, you might want to look on that too.
let me know
URL Constructor
var uri = new URL( "" );
>> true
uri.searchParams.set( "site", "site2" );
uri.searchParams.set( "page", "2" );
>> ""
Browser Suport: ( ? )[ Chrome 49, Firefox 44, Opera 36, IE12 ]
I suggest you to use A POST request method and Jquery has already a method to construct that params to send based in the form

First character of a string fusionning with a %

So i'm sending a String with javascript to a php page :
if(cp.value!=''){ +" LIKE '%"+ cp.value +"%'";
s+=" AND "" LIKE '%"+ sec.value +"%'";
if(sec.value!=''){disappear" LIKE '%"+ sec.value +"%'";
var connect = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (connect.readyState==4 && connect.status==200){
var resu=connect.responseText;
var tab=document.getElementById("main_tab");
The string sent is for exemple :
CP_Stage LIKE '%90%' AND secteur_stage LIKE '%ait%'
But when i print the request in the php page i have something like :
SELECT * FROM Stage WHERE CP_Stage LIKE '�%' AND secteur_stage LIKE '%ait%';
i have no idea why my first number disappear with the first %.
If anyone have an idea it would be awesome, thanks !
The percent-sign is a special charcter. Any special characters like %,&,? etc need to be encoded. Your "%90" is converted to an Ascii-Value. You have to encode these values with encodeURIComponent.
s += + " LIKE '" + encodeURIComponent("%" + cp.value + "%") + "'";
Note that encodeURIComponent does not escape the ' character. If your cp.value has an ' you have to replace it with its encoding value: %27.
By the way.. its a bad idea to send mySQL-queries from client-side - thats a major security flaw. Send only the values and build your queries on server-side.

pass toString(number) in innerHTML

This is my first post, I am "new" to javascript but experienced in actionscript. I'm having an issue that should not be one, can't get my head around it.
In the code below all I want to do is pass a integer variable (stackID) as an img id attribute inside innerHTML. It must be some detail I just don't know but I have searched for hours on google to no avail. Help would be greatly aprreciated. Whatever I do, it seems I can only pass <img id="string">, which of course is not what I want. Can't pass <img id=numVariable>, or <img id=String(numVariable)>, there must surely be a way to do this ?
Thanks folks !
Here is the line of code :
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id=String(stackID) onclick="close(">';
You're trying to pass it in the string.
What you want to do is:
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="' + String(stackID) + '" onclick="close(' + + ')">';
Oh and since you're already making a string, you don't need the String() convert, you can just id="' + stackID + '"
Javascript is loosely typed and will automatically convert (to the best of its abilities) anything you want to interpolate in a string:
var num = 1;
"sup" + num; // => "sup1"
It's cool, but be careful though, it can lead to some weird surprises:
var obj = {};
"sup" + obj.missingKey; // => "supundefined"
In that case, obj.missingKey === undefined, and String(undefined) === "undefined", so "sup" + obj.missingKey becomes in fact "sup" + "undefined"
javascript has not string interpolation. Concatenate stackId like:
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="' + stackID + '" onclick="close(">';
Use '+' to join chunks like this:
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="' + String(stackID) + '" onclick="close(' + + ')">';
Try this, you make the variable is dynamic:
var x = 0;
x = x +1;
div.innerHTML='<img src="img/xbut.png" id="name_' + x + '" onclick="close(">';

javascript - function with dot notation using concatenation and array value

<script src="modernizr-1.7.min.js"></script>
var modernizr_fields = new Array("canvas","video","webgl");
for (i=0; i < modernizr_fields.length; i++) {
document.writeln(modernizr_fields[i] + " ");
if (Modernizr + "." + modernizr_fields[i])
I know the problem is with this line: "if (Modernizr + "." + modernizr_fields[i])" as it is always evaluating to "true"
Please help with my syntax.
You need:
if (Modernizr[modernizr_fields[i]]) {
The format obj.field only works with literal field names, if field is instead a variable you have you use obj[field]

