Any recommendations for starter tutorials for Titanium Mobile? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm just starting to code in Javascript and in Titanium. Does anyone out there have recommendations for starter tutorials? Would prefer tutorials that are somewhat step-by-step and actually describe stuff instead of just throwing a huge chunk of code with no explanations; like being thrown into Kitchensink without any explanations; since debugging is difficult to implement in Titanium.
I'm also gonna recommend some tutorials that I've found useful so far:

I love this tutorial. It starts from the very basic and discusses quite a lot of modules:
Edit 2018, 7 years after originally writing this answer.
There are tons of guides now, a LOT of them on the official documentation:!/guide
Also the alloy kitchensink is a great go-to

It is better to explore the KitchenSink example that is provided by Titanium Appcelerator team itself! here is the link to download the latest version for the same. All the best. :)

You can start from The Wiki for Titanium .

I will give a +1 to the Kitchen Sink example but don't use it as a best practices on how to structure your app. There are a lot of examples of how to use the api and learn about the different options but the way they structure the project is just bad practice.
For project structure take a look at tweetanium and struct.
Finally, check out Appcelerator on Vimeo


How is MDN for a first time Javascript learner - best alternatives? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As the title suggests, I've been getting into Javascript. I began with W3schools, but was told they're not all their search results suggest.
I have a fair amount of programming experience, so while it is not necessarily over my head, I do feel that without any practice problems or challenges it's hard to have the lessons stick. It feels more like a reference source than an instructional tutorial.
Thoughts and recommendations appreciated!
I've seen other answers asking about Javascript tutorials, but the post I keep finding my way to is nearly 6 years old, and was edited 4 years ago. A lot can change in that amount of time, and from what I've gathered MDN has especially changed quite a bit since then.
The MDN is the resource for web development and there's tons of articles showing you how to do things, not just reference pages. Stick to it like glue. It isn't perfect in the literal sense, but it is the standard reference for most web developers.
Other useful resources include:
jsfiddle to play with your javascript
caniuse to see if your javascript will work across browsers (although usually the MDN is accurate in what you can and can't use)
and a new favorite of mine regex101 for regular expressions.
also, search engines are always your friends with web development so use them as much as possible.
edit - sorry, connection crapped out and didn't notice links where broken

Plugin that detects images in a webpage like Imgur [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to make a cross-browser plugin that detects images from a webpage like imgur and pinterest. I have been looking at that a good option? the API is tricky to understand. If anyone has experience with something like this or can give me a good starting point, i would really appreciate it.
In general, the Crossrider framework supports cross browser extension development and provides APIs and plugins to make it easier, but at the end of the day it's up to you to evaluate the framework and see whether it meets your needs. The tutorial you quoted relates to creating a bookmarklet extension and does not pertain to images.
For your specific requirement, there is an images plugin (see the Plugins page) that facilitates working with images on a page.
As #Lix correctly mentions, this is not the place to ask such general questions and hence I recommend that you start by reading the Crossrider docs and searching the forum. If you have any further general questions, email them to
Of course, if you have any specific code related questions, Stack Overflow is another great place to get answers ;-)
[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]

Where can I find an adapter to use Breeze JS with Rails? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been looking for a good REST api management adapter for AngularJS that works with my Rails backend. I need it to be able to handle client side caching, client side lookups, and Object relational mapping (ORM). Breeze.js looks like the right solution and they've mentioned that they were working on a Rails demo a few months ago, but I have been unable to locate it. I've also checked out Restangular, Modelcore, and JayData, but none of them seem to have the features I need. Has anyone:
Used rails with breezeJS?
Written their own adapter for BreezeJS and could advise me in writing a Rails one
Know of an alternative solution]
It's a great question. We are working on a Rails adapter for Breeze but no concrete date yet for when it will be released. The first version may be a bit anemic but we plan on improving it rapidly. Please stay tuned.

Angular Boilerplate [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There seem to be quite some angular.js boilerplate-kits to get started; angular-seed, some using requirejs and so on, but lots of the ones I found appear to be quite dated. Being new to angular: is there any boilerplate "to go", something hyped everybody uses? I'm looking for a good, proved way to give my app structure.
Things I could find so far include
I agree with finishingmove, it depends on your project.
I'm a huge fan of ng-boilerplate.
It has an awesome modular structure. I prefer it over to stacks or sock drawer.
There is no one correct way to structure every application.
And definitely nothing more mainstream than what you've already found.
Start from that and work your way towards what's optimal for your current application.
I would recommend a simpler structure at first (naturally separate vendor from application files, CSS etc.), then refactoring as you go along.

Some good websites to learn about JavaScript and programming architecture? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm not sure if 'architecture' is the correct term, but I've been looking for some articles online which talk about programming design and more about how best to use languages such as JavaScript in a code design sense rather than the actual syntax itself.
I have found many websites but a lot seem to be very out dated, and I'm not sure what developments have taken place with JavaScript over the years so do not know how old is too old.
If anybody could suggest some great websites, or maybe specific articles you think would be useful, that would be highly appreciated.
I am a beginner programmer currently using JavaScript with XML and of course HTML & CSS, and I'm currently trying to get further into and learn more about web development.
Must read:
Javascript: the good parts
Correct design, both in syntax as in 'real' code design.
Recently while researching for a JS architecture design project, I found these two presentations very valuable:
YUI Theatre Video: Nicholas C. Zakas — Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture
PureMVC Standard Overview Presentation
If you want a starting point, have a look at which is a reference architecture for large scale javascript development. Disclaimer: I'm the author of it

