Starting a process via Javascript [Using Rhino JS] - javascript

I'm working with a tool that only allows for Javascript as the scriptting language. With the script, I need to launch a process. How would I go about this?
The javascript code is running on the client that will launch the process. The javascript interpeter is RhinoJS.
So my question remains:
1. Is there a way that I can call a specific Java class from Rhino [ProcessBuilder]?
2. Is there a way to launch an executable from Javascript? [I've tried the UniversalXPConnect route, but it turns out that the version of Rhino I'm using doesn't really worry about permissions]

That was quick [I found the answer right after I asked]:
var pb = new java.lang.ProcessBuilder("notepad.exe", "c:\test");
Basically RhinoJS has a quirk to allow it to directly access Java functionality. So basically once should just launch the process from there.


Electron/Netralinojs source source code "protection"

I am evaluating which framework to create a desktop app. A requirement I have is that the source code "protection" (no one should see the original source code).
For Neautrlinojs I have found this:
Now we are using the .asar format (But it is .neu in our scenario). Therefore, I will close this issue. Thanks for reporting the issue/idea.
But, as I know, the sourcecode (js) of an asar file che be obtained.
Is there a way to make impossible to get the "original" code from the build of Neautrlinojs or Electron?
I know that in a build made with nw.js, source code is very difficult to be obtained
For this kind of requirement, which framework is the most suitable?
Thank you!
If you need source code protection you need to use a tool that builds your source code to a native binary. NW.js allows for this by capturing your JS code running in memory in the V8 engine (a "V8 Snapshot"). Which means you need to run it's nwjc tool on each platform to capture it running in memory.
Other tools exist for creating Cross-Platform Desktop Apps (XPDAs):
However if you want to use JavaScript as your source code, your only real option is NW.js, or to store it on a remote server and access it via the internet. - Official website - Community website

interact with a console program using javascript

I'm currently making a chess web-based app. Now that I want to add in the stockfish chess engine which I will have to interact with in the command line. I've searched the internet and there's the child_process exe related to Node.js. I know how to use it, but only when it is compiled with Node (for example "node file.js" in the command line) but then i don't know how to call that from my main javascript file which contains the chessboard and stuff.
Is there a way to do it (if that's even possible) or you may suggest me another way to do it please :D ?
As you using stockfish - It's not necessary to be CLI version.
Here is a pure JavaScript implementation:

How to compile Javascript console application locally?

I am a beginner in Javascript, I decided to practice Javascript by problem solving using it, I found an online judge that accepts Javascript V8 4.8.0 code.
So, I searched online to get that version of Javascript V8 on my machine, but I couldn't find any easy way, All the pages were explaining how to build it, and it seems to be a process that I don't need to go through.
Is there an easy way to compile and run command line apps written in Javascript on my machine?
Note: I don't want to use node.js because I tried using it's I/O and
as a beginner I think it is complex in some way.
Update: I found that package manager which provides a version of V8 JavaScript Engine and I managed to install it.
Yet another problem appeared: whenever I try to run a js file writing d8 myfile.js in command line nothing happens as if it is an empty program, knowing that I tryied to d8.exe file and it is working, and I made sure the PATH is inserted in the environment variables.
What am I doing wrong?
The easiest way to get started with JavaScript is probably to use it in a browser. You can type simple things directly into the browser's JavaScript console (check the menu); or you can embed your code in a simple HTML document.
If you want, you can even pretty easily implement the readline()/print() functions, so you can pretend to be doing stdin/stdout based I/O: just read from an array of strings, and send output to console.log (or create DOM nodes if you want to be fancy and/or learn how to generate dynamic website content by hand).
Side note: V8 4.8 is severely outdated, don't use it to execute code you haven't written yourself.

How can I get a JavaScript v8 console for offline usage?

I am practicing online programming contest held by codeforces, and I try to play javascript with it. However, I find it very difficult to setup my environment for offline test, they have readline() for input to stdio and print()/write() for output in stdout. Any help? Thanks.
For practising Javascript, you could use any thing from the chrome development console to online editors like JSFiddle. Nodejs allows you to run Javascript (which is used for client side rendering) on a server. What this means is that using node, you could run javascript on your terminal. As for the input , output functions you mentioned, it is easy to require them as node modules or use appropriate Javascript libraries for the same.

How to run JavaScript/AppleScript from cocoa app?

I am trying to execute some AppleScript from Objective-C using NSAppleScript... however, the code I am trying is the new JavaScript for automation in Yosemite. It does not appear to do anything when it is run, however, normal AppleScript works fine.
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
NSAppleScript *scriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:
iCal = Application(\"Calendar\");\n\
iCal.includeStandardAdditions = true;\n\
[scriptObject executeAndReturnError: nil];
How can I get this to run?
NSAppleScript is hardwired to compile source code as AppleScript. You'd need to use OSAKit instead, which is shoddy and undocumented, but at least allows you to specify which language to use when compiling from source. Alternatively, you could kludge a workaround by piping your source to osacompile -l JavaScript, then loading the resulting compiled .scpt file into NSAppleScript.
However, it's not clear from your example why you're using NSAppleScript. If you want to execute user-supplied scripts you should probably look at NSUserAppleScriptTask: it's even crappier than NSAppleScript, but it's designed to run the script in a subprocess outside your app's sandbox. (NSAppleScript runs scripts in-process, which in a sandboxed app prevents user scripts talking to arbitrary applications.)
OTOH, if you're only using NSAppleScript to run your own code, you'd be much better using Scripting Bridge (which is crappy and broken, but may be sufficient if your needs are modest), or use AppleScript via the AppleScript-ObjC bridge, which allows your ObjC code to use AppleScript-based 'classes' much as if they were native Cocoa classes. Given that AppleScript is the only supported solution that knows how to speak Apple event correctly (JXA's riddled with flaws too), I'd recommend the latter.

