Using Strings as KEY of map in javascript - javascript

Im using this 'map' on js:
var myMap = new Object();
myMap[key1]=value1; //like this n times...
but i want to use the key as some combination of two strings meaning:
function getMapValue(str1,str2){...}
i dont mind joining the two strings into one long string and use the function with the long string
any ideas?

You can make a map of maps (just be sure to check that the intermediate map exists when accessing it)
var myMap = {}; //dont use "new Object()". It is evil.
function insert(k1, k2, v){
if(!(k1 in myMap)){ myMap[k1] = {}; }
myMap[k1][k2] = v;
function get(k1, k2){
return myMap[k1] && myMap[k1][k2];
And if you want to join two substrings into a single one you can use the plus operator to concatenate things.
var customKey = k1 + '|' + k2;
Just be sure your separator can't be used in a normal key to avoid conflicts.

If I got you right, the following should help:
var myMap = {"key1" : "something1", "key2" : "something2"};
to get value for a key, you you use, either: return myMap.key1;
Or: return myMap.["key1"];
If you had/did: myMap["key1key2"] = "MagicHappens!";
you could use myMap.key1key2 to get the value or myMap["key1key2"], or even: return myMap["key1"+"key2"];
var x = "key1";
var y = "key2";
return myMap[x+y];
in your getter function, you get the two variables for the keys which you can then directly use.


How to write to multiple arrays based off numbers?

Say I have two arrays and an integer.
var int = 1; //or 0 depending on other circumstances
var ar0 = [0]
var ar1= [1]
Is there a way to use the integer to determine which array to write to? Like if int = 1 then I could have something along the lines of
'ar'+ int
that would choose the correct array? Or do I need a bunch of if-statements?
I'd like to be able to identify and edit the array that I need to edit by a number that was given to me.
What you are trying to do is to set up an environment. However, you cannot access variables in what is called the Variable Environment in JavaScript by name such as with 'ar' + int. If it is in the global scope that is kind of possible by using window['ar'+int] but this is bad practice and also assumes that the variable is global.
What you should do is wrap those in an object and then use the reference in the object to locate the array.
var int = 1;
var environmentObject = {};
environmentObject['ar0'] = [0];//string notation assignment example
environmentObject.ar1 = [1];//dot notation assignment example
and now you can easily access your array by name
var myarr = environmentObject[`ar`+int];
You could use an eval
var int = 1;
var ar0 = [0];
var ar1 = [1];
eval('ar' + int).push(2);
console.log(ar1); // 1, 2
But it is a bad practice. For your case, if you have only two integers(0, 1) better to use if statement:
if(int) { // 0 is falsy, 1 is truth
} else {
Or as Oriol mentioned, using ternary operator:
(int ? ar1 : ar0).push(...);

javascript get json inner value

Let's I have next object
var o = { "foo" : {"bar" : "omg"} };
I can get value of key foo using
o["foo"] // return {"bar" : "omg"}
and I can get value of key bar inside foo using
o["foo"]["bar"] // return "omg"
Can I get value of key bar inside foo using brackets [] single time.
Somethong like
o[""] // not working(
o["foo/bar"] // not working(
It is fairly common to create a getter function to do something like this. From the comment:
I have object o and string '', and i want get "omg".
var getProp = function (theObject, propString) {
var current = theObject;
var split = propString.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (current.hasOwnProperty(split[i])) {
current = current[split[i]];
return current;
Note: this is a thrown together example, you'd want to bullet proof and buff it up before dropping it on your site.
No, you must use o["foo"]["bar"] because it's an object inside another object. If you want to access it with "", it means you must create the first object like this:
var o = {"": "omg"}
o[""] or o["foo/bar"] are not valid for your example. You could use this notation that is cleaner:
var bar = // bar will contain 'omg'
there is a way, but I'm not sure this is what you asked for:
it is dangerous though, and doesn't use [] , but if what you want is to use a string for accessing any object it works
Unfortunately, you can only use o["foo"]["bar"] or

Best way of basically doing a `where` clause in Javascript?

I'm trying to parse some JSON that is sent to me and it's all in the format of
[{key:value},{key2:value2}, ... ]
What would be the best way to get the value of key2 in this? Is there a way to do it without doing a for loop?
You could use the Select function from the Underscore.js library.
Not really, but it wouldn't be hard to create a function to do that. However, it would indeed involves a for loop.
For the sake of completion, that would be the function:
function selectWhere(data, propertyName) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][propertyName] !== null) return data[i][propertyName];
return null;
var key2value = selectWhere(data, "key2");
Javascript Array comes with methods that do just what you are asking for - find entries without you having to code a for-loop.
You provide them with the condition that you want. A compact and convenient way to do that is with an arrow (or "lambda") function. In your case, you are looking for array entries that have a specific key, so the arrow function could look something like this:
e => e.hasOwnProperty("key2")
Following the lead of some of the others, let's start with the assumption
var arr = [{key:"value"}, {key2:"value2"}, {key3:"value3"}]
If you expect that at most one member of the array has the key you want, you can use the find() function. It will test each array member until it finds one where your condition is true, and return it. If none are true, you'll get undefined.
var foundentry = arr.find(e => e.hasOwnProperty("key2"))
Either foundentry will be undefined or it will be the {key2:"value2"} that you are looking for, and can extract value2 from it.
If arr can have more than one entry with the key that you are looking for, then instead of find() use filter(). It gives back an array of entries that meet your criteria.
var foundarray = arr.filter(e => e.hasOwnProperty("key2"))
jQuery grep() is a good analog for a Where clause:
var array = [{key:1},{key:2}, {key:3}, {key:4}, {key:5}];
var filtered = jQuery.grep(array, function( item, index ) {
return ( item.key !== 4 && index > 1 );
Your filtered array will then contain two elements,
[{key:3}, {key:5}]
You can't do it with an array, but you can make an associative array like object with it. Once you make it, you can use it like hash.
var arr = [{key:value},{key2:value2}, ... ], obj = {};
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
$.extend(obj, arr[i]);
console.log(obj.key2); // value2
Here's an example that prototype's the Array object. Note: this is shown for example - find is not a good name for this function, and this probably will not be needed for all arrays
Instead, consider just using the function definition and creating a function like getObjVal, calling like getObjVal(arr,'propName'), similar to LaurenT's answer.
var arr = [{key:'value'},{key2:'value2'}];
// for-loop example
Array.prototype.find = function (prop){
for(var i=this.length; i--; )
if (typeof this[i][prop] !== 'undefined')
return this[i][prop];
return undefined;
// for-each loop example
Array.prototype.find = function (prop){
for (var i in this)
if ( this.hasOwnProperty(i) && typeof this[i][prop] !== "undefined" )
return this[i][prop];
return undefined;
console.log( arr.find('key2') ); // 'value2'
console.log( arr.find('key3') ); // undefined
Use .filter() method for this object array, for example in your case:
var objArray = [{key:"Hello"},{key2:"Welcome"} ];
var key2Value=objArray.filter(x=>x.key2)[0].key2;
Regex - no for loop:
var key2Val = jsonString.match(/\{key2:[^\}]+(?=\})/)[0].substring("{key2:".length);
Top answer does the job. Here's a one liner version of it using lodash (same as underscore for the most part):
var result = _.filter(data, _.partialRight(_.has, 'key2'));
In lodash, select is just an alias for filter. I pass it the data array filled with objects. I use _.has as the the filter function since it does exactly what we want: check if a property exists.
_.has expects two args:
_.has(object, path)
Since _.has expects two arguments, and I know one of them is always constant (the path argument). I use the _.partialRight function to append the constant key2. _.partialRight returns a new function that expects one argument: the object to inspect. The new function checks if obj.key2 exists.
Heyas. You can use the lodash library's .reduce() or .transform() functions to implement this. Lodash is more modular than underscore (Underscore around 5kb, Lodash around 17kb), but is generally lighter because you only include the specific modules you need
(please see: for discussion). For this demonstration I will import the entire module (generally not an issue on the backend):
I wrote these snippets for either scenario which handle both numeric and non-numeric arguments.
Pull in lodash:
var _ = require('lodash');
_.reduce() to where clause:
var delim = ' WHERE ', where = _.isEmpty(options) ? '' : _.reduce(options, function(r, v, k) {
var w = r + delim + k + '=' + (_.isNumber(v) ? v : ("'" + v + "'"));
delim = ' AND ';
return w;
}, '');
_.transform() to where clause:
var where = _.isEmpty(options) ? '' : ' WHERE ', delim = '';
_.transform(options, function(r, v, k) {
where = where + delim + k + '=' + (_.isNumber(v) ? v : ("'" + v + "'"));
delim = ' AND ';
Hope that helps.
Try this:
var parsedJSON = JSON.parse(stringJSON);
var value = parsedJSON['key2'];

variable as index in an associative array - Javascript

I'm trying to create an associative array, create an empty array, and then add a (indexName -> value) pair:
var arrayName = new Array;
arrayName["indexName"] = value;
// i know i can also do the last line like this:
arrayName.indexName = value;
When I assign the value to the indexName I want indexName to be dynamic and the value of a variable. So I tried this:
arrayName[eval("nume")] = value;
var var1 = "index";
var var2 = "Name";
var nume = '"' + var1 + var2 + '"';
but: alert(arrayName["indexName"]); doesn't return "value"... it says "undefined"
Is there something I’m missing? (I’m not familiar with eval() ); if the way I’m trying is a dead end, is there another way to make the index name of the associative array value dynamic?
At first I don't think you need a real array object to do what you need, you can use a plain object.
You can simply use the bracket notation to access a property, using the value of a variable:
var obj = {};
var nume = var1 + var2;
obj[nume] = value;
Array's are simply objects, the concept of an "associative array" can be achieved by using a simple object, objects are collections of properties that contain values.
True arrays are useful when you need to store numeric indexes, they automatically update their length property when you assign an index or you push a value to it.
You would use objects to do that:
var hash = {}
hash["foo"] = "foo"; = "bar";
// This is the dynamic approach: Your key is a string:
baz = "baz"
hash[baz] = "hello";
To iterate, just use a for loop or $.each() in jQuery.
use arrayName[var1+var2]
Note that arrayName.var is the same as arrayName["var"] -- it's just syntactic sugar. The second form is mostly used when dealing with the kind of problems that you are facing - dynamic object keys, and keys that are not alphanumeric (think of arrayName[".eval()"]; this is a perfectly legal object key that has nothing to do with the javascript eval() function)
Are you looking for variableName = 'bla'+'foo'; arrayRef[variableName] = 'something'; ?
And even so, you should use an object literal instead. x = {}; x[variablename] = 'blah';
You want a plain object with the same bracket notaiton here, like this:
var arrayName = {};
arrayName["indexName"] = value;
Indeed, there was no need for an array object, a simple object did the job; further more an array introduced the need to use quotes inside the square brackets obj["var1 + var2"] to access the object property's value and not the value associated with an index (i think); the quotes transformed "var1 + var2" into a string. Using a simple object eliminated the need for quotes, so I can use obj[var1 + var2], wich worked :)
Thanks everyone !
I did something like like following;
let parentArray = [];
let childArray = [1, 2, 3]; = 'my-array-1';
To access that by name in ES6;
parentArray.filter(x => == 'my-array-1');

Using a variable as identifier in a json array

I'm wondering if it is possible to use assigned variables as identifier in a json array. When I tried this, I was getting some unexpected results:
(Code is simplified, parameters are passed in a different way)
var parameter = 'animal';
var value = 'pony';
Util.urlAppendParameters(url, {
parameter: value
Util.urlAppendParameters = function(url, parameters) {
for (var x in parameters) {
Now the alert popup says: 'parameter' instead of 'animal'. I know I could use a different method (creating an array and assigning every parameter on a new line), but I want to keep my code compact.
So my question is: Is it possible to use a variable as an identifier in the json array, and if so, could you please tell me how?
Thanks in advance!
You will need to build your object in two steps, and use the [] property accessor:
var parameter = 'animal';
var value = 'pony';
var obj = {};
obj[parameter] = value;
Util.urlAppendParameters (url, obj);
I don't think JSON Array is the more correct term, I would call it Object literal.
No, you can't use a variable as an identifier within an object literal like that. The parser is expecting a name there so you can't do much else but provide a string. Similarly you couldn't do something like this:
var parameter = 'animal';
var parameter = 'value'; //<- Parser expects a name, nothing more, so original parameter will not be used as name
The only work around if you really really want to use an object literal on a single line is to use eval:
Util.urlAppendParameters (url, eval("({" + parameter + " : value})");
Depending on your needs you could also build your object with a helper function;
Util.createParameters = function(args) {
var O = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 2)
O[arguments[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
return O
Util.urlAppendParameters (url, Util.createParameters(parameter, value, "p2", "v2"));

