loop into js object - javascript

i have this js object:
var tags = [{ 'x' : '42','y' : '25','id' : '1', 'linea' : '1'},{ 'x' : '378','y' : '24','id' : '2', 'linea' : '1'}];
i try to loop in this way:
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
var x = tags[i].x -10;
var y = tags[i].y -10;
var offsetX = x + 20;
var offsetY = y + 20;
if( left >= x && left <= offsetX ){
document.location.href = 'x.php?a='+ tags[i].linea +'&b=' + tags[i].id;
But i loose the first!
Is this the correcy way??

You don't loose the first (sounds like it was a car key). You problem is your anonymous function, that closes over its parent scope when executed( for your .bind() method). It creates, what we call, a Closure.
Its a very common mistake in ECMAscript there. You need to invoke an additional context to avoid this issue.
$(myDiv).bind('click',(function( index ){
return function() {
document.location.href = 'x.php?a='+ tags[index].linea +'&b=' + tags[index].id;
}( i ))).css('cursor','pointer');
If you don't do that, all of those anonymous function context will share the same parent context in their scope-chain. Without describing that too much in detail now, it'll end up that all event handlers would reference the same variable i.
Beside that, it looks like you're binding multiple click event handlers to the same element myDIV. Each handler would cause the browser to redirect to another url, so, this will bring trouble. I can't even tell if the first or the last handler will win this race.

Variable scope.. change to this and it should work fine:
var lineA = tags[i].linea;
var id = tags[i].id;
document.location.href = 'x.php?a='+ lineA +'&b=' + id;
The problem is with i being the loop iterator, so when you click myDiv it will have the last value always.
Edit: after looking into it, I could see you are taking the wrong approach. What you are after is identifying where the user clicked inside the <div> and redirect to different location according to your array. For this, such code should work:
var tags = [{ 'x' : '42','y' : '25','id' : '1', 'linea' : '1'},{ 'x' : '378','y' : '24','id' : '2', 'linea' : '1'}];
$("#myDiv").bind('click',function(event) {
var left = event.pageX - $(this).position().left;
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
var x = tags[i].x -10;
var y = tags[i].y -10;
var offsetX = x + 20;
var offsetY = y + 20;
if( left >= x && left <= offsetX ){
var lineA = tags[i].linea;
var id = tags[i].id;
document.location.href = 'x.php?a='+ lineA +'&b=' + id;
The code should be pretty clear, anyway it's not possible to have only parts of the element with hand cursor - I advise you not to mess too much as it will be really complicated.
Live test case.
Edit 2: Having the "clickable" parts of the element with different cursor is easier than I initially thought, you just have to handle the onmousemove event as well and in there set the cursor:
var posLeft = $("#myDiv").position().left;
$("#myDiv").bind('click',function(event) {
var tag = GetHoveredTag(event);
if (tag) {
var lineA = tag.linea;
var id = tag.id;
document.location.href = 'x.php?a='+ lineA +'&b=' + id;
}).bind("mousemove", function(event) {
var tag = GetHoveredTag(event);
var cursor = (tag) ? "pointer" : "";
$(this).css("cursor", cursor);
function GetHoveredTag(event) {
var left = event.pageX - posLeft;
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
var x = tags[i].x -10;
var y = tags[i].y -10;
var offsetX = x + 20;
var offsetY = y + 20;
if( left >= x && left <= offsetX )
return tags[i];
return 0;
Updated fiddle.


Div Positioning is calculated fine but need explanation how it is working

Can someone explain how this is working. I am creating sidepanel ad and to place the panels i want the position of the width. When i upload the script on my server then i get a small script which we place on the publisher website and where our script runs inside the iframe. Here is the screen shot.
My script is highlighted in yellow which is getting the position of the div which is in red box class='content'.
Here is the code i have used.
function getPosition(element) {
var xPosition = 0;
var yPosition = 0;
var left = 0;
var top = 0;
var i = 0;
while (element) {
xPosition = (element.offsetLeft);
yPosition = (element.offsetTop);
console.log("TOP Pos: "+yPosition+"Left Pos: "+xPosition);
if (i == 1) {
left = xPosition;
top = yPosition;
element = element.offsetParent;
return {
x: left,
y: top
This is how i am calling the getPosition method
function ReadDivPos(selector) {
var _divPos = "";
var parentDoc = window;
while (parentDoc !== parentDoc.parent) {
parentDoc = parentDoc.parent;
parentDoc = parentDoc.document;
var parentDiv = parentDoc.getElementsByTagName('div');
var divs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parentDiv.length; i++) {
if (parentDiv[i].className == "content") {
var pos = getPosition(parentDiv[i]);
var x = pos["x"];
var y = pos["y"];
console.log("Values+ Top: " + y + " Left: " + x);
var w = parentDiv[i].offsetWidth;
_divPos += x + "," + w + "," + y + "," + (x + w) + ","+window.screen.availWidth+"\\n";
console.log("Values+ x: " + _divPos);
return _divPos;
This is the values i am getting .
I got the correct values in the second attempt ,i.e,
TOP Pos: 185Left Pos: 197
Top:185 and Left 197 which is correct but why i got Top 2 and Left 0 for the first time and second time i got correct values. Since i am getting the values in the second attempt so i have fixed this using i==1
if (i == 1) {
left = xPosition;
top = yPosition;
i dont think this is the best approach but thats how i am getting the correct values. can anyone explain me this why it is working fine on the second attempt. Thanks in advance
Anyone explain me this ? Thanks
I'm willing to bet that it's because the element you're searching for (by the way, getElementsByClassName is a thing) is relatively positioned to the element containing it and thus has position 0,2 or what-ev.
That getPosition function crawls up the parent tree, so the parent node spits out the right position because it's relative to the document.
Finally, the document itself is relative to itself and thus has zero offset.

Move each character of a div based on mouse movement

I'm developing a site and I don't know how to create a javascript animation that looks like this:
I have a div that have some text on it, and when the user moves his mouse over this text, I want each character to move independently of each other, in order to maintain a certain distance from it (the mouse). Also, I want this animation to have rotation, but it isn't that important now. Here's an image explanation:
Here's what I did so far:
<div class="div1">Hello World</div>
var chars = $(".div1").html().split('');
for(var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++){
$(".div1").append("<span class='letter'>"+chars[i]+"</span>");
Can someone help me to achieve this effect? I don't know how to proceed and there's no site or answer that helped me. You can use jQuery or pure JavaScript but, please, keep it simple! Thank you.
Oh here we go, I've found a solution for this.
What I did was using a different class name for each character (.letter + character number) and then created a way of moving the characters depending on the mouse position and distance compared to each character, so, for example, when the distance between the mouse and a character is less than X, and the mouse Y is less than the character Y, then the character will go down.
Thanks to adeneo and Derek
Here's the relevant code:
var chars = $(".div1").html().split('');
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
$(".div1").append("<span class='letter" + i + "'>" + chars[i] + "</span>");
$(".letter" + i).css({
$(".letter" + i).css({
"transition": "0.5s"
$(document).on("mousemove", function (e) {
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
var x = e.pageX,
y = e.pageY;
var distx = x - $(".letter" + i).offset().left + ($(".letter" + i).width() / 2);
var disty = y - $(".letter" + i).offset().top;
if (Math.abs(distx) < 24 && Math.abs(disty) < 24) {
if (distx > 6 || distx < -6) {
if (x < $(".letter" + i).offset().left) {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"left": + (24 / Math.abs(distx) * Math.abs(distx)),
"position": "relative"
} else {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"left": - (24 / Math.abs(distx) * Math.abs(distx)),
"position": "relative"
if (disty > 12 || disty < -12) {
if (y < $(".letter" + i).offset().top + 6) {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"top": + (24 / Math.abs(disty) * Math.abs(disty)),
"position": "relative"
} else {
$(".letter" + i).css({
"top": - (24 / Math.abs(disty) * Math.abs(disty)),
"position": "relative"
distx = 0;
disty = 0;
<div class="div1">Hello World</div>
Updated JSFiddle with CSS Transitions to improve smoothness
Well since you say yo want to learn, i'll give a code to help you out, but you have to work your way through, i haven't test it, i just wrote it blindly so it propably won't work but might give you a good idea of what must be done.
<div class="container">
<div id="coolDiv" class="scatterContainer">Hello World</div>
display: inline;
.container {
margin: 30px auto;
LetterScatterer = (function() {
function LetterScatterer(id) {
this.id = id
this.$el = $('#' + this.id);
this.rangeOfaction = 3; // Number of characters to affect
this.maxVerticalMovement = 10; // Value in px
this.minVerticalMovement = 2
this.duration = 100; // In miliseconds
// Event Listeners
return function(e){
var x = e.pageX;
var y = e.pageY;
return _this.scatter(x, y);
LetterScatterer.prototype.splitCharacters = function() {
var nodes = [];
var nodesQ = 0;
var _this = this;
this.chars = $el.text().split('');
for(var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++){
var markup = "<span class='letter'>"+chars[i]+"</span>";
this.$nodes = $(nodes);
this.nodesWidth = [];
var width = $(this).outerWidth();
LetterScatterer.prototype.scatter = function(x, y) {
var epicenter;
var offset = 0;
var midPoint, farestLeft;
for(var i = 0, len = this.nodesWidth.length; i < len; i++){
offset += this.nodesWidth[i];
if(x <= offset){
epicenter = i;
leftRange = (this.rangeOfaction - 1) / 2; // We remove one, this is our epicenter, then we get left and right halves
farestLeft = epicenter - leftRange;
for(var i = farestLeft; i < this.rangeOfaction; i++){
LetterScatterer.prototype.animateY = function(node, verticalDisplacement) {
var $node = $(node);
$node.animate({margin-top: verticalDisplacement + 'px'}, this.duration);
return LetterScatterer;
letterScatterer = new LetterScatterer('coolDiv');
What you see in the code is a classlike function, first you pass it the id of the element containing the text that will be scattered. There are some config varaibles, range of action is lets say, if you mouse over one character, how many characters to the left and to the right (also including the current hovered element) should be animated, the max and min verticalMovement, determines how much should move the one that is hovered (max) and those further apart will use min, those in between should interpolate, but i didn't code that far.
We then got a mousemove listener, that calls the method scatter, this method finds which items is currently hovered by adding up each character widht, but now i think about it, it should be easier to just add a listener to the span, and get the current index of that element with the jQuery method index(), then based on that index you animate that one and those in the range. You must create the code that calculates the rotation, and x movement if you want to, but i think i gave you a lot to start, it took me a while to code it, so i hope it helps and this answer satisfies your question. :)

Adobe AIR application remember and set window state in JavaScript

I have a single window AIR application created with FlashDevelop and would like it to remember the size and position of the window when the user closes it. When it re opens it would resize and go to that position.
Found an AS3 script that will do that but my application has no AS3. There is only an html and js file.
When the window is closed it should save the state of the window and when it's opened it should load the saved state and resize/move to the saved state. Here is what I have on $(document).ready
var width = screen.width;
var height = screen.height;
var p=new DOMParser();
var xml,x,y,windowWidth,windowHeight;
var f = window.runtime.flash.filesystem.File
if (f.exists){
var s = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream();
try {
x = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0].getAttribute("x"),10);
y = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0].getAttribute("y"),10);
windowWidth = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0].getAttribute("width"),10);
windowHeight =
x = (x >= width) ? 20 : x;
y = (y >= height) ? 0 : y;
x = (x <= (width*-1)) ? 20 : x;
y = (y <= (height*-1)) ? 0 : y;
if (windowWidth >= (width-60) && windowHeight >= (height-60)) {
//the x and y are not set
window.runtime.flash.display.NativeWindow.x =20;
window.runtime.flash.display.NativeWindow.y = 0;
// not yet sure if the following works
// x and y don't do anything here either
window.runtime.flash.display.NativeWindow.x = x;
window.runtime.trace("sitting window x:",x);
window.runtime.flash.display.NativeWindow.y = y;
}catch (e) {
When the window is closed I want my function to save the state of the window but whatever I try the function is never called: $(window).on("close"... or window.onclose= or <document onunluoad=... The lengthy guide doesn't seem to have anything on how to get the current window:
Creating windows is covered and once having it you can manipulate it but I never create a window, the application.xml looks like this:
<title>App Title</title>
So I have the following questions:
How do I add event listeners to the current window?
How do I set current window x and y when it loads?
Can I size and move the window before it is visible as right now it
seems to resize but looks kind of flaky as it opens initially at
default size and then reiszes to the previously stored values.
Solved it using window.nativeWindow (note the lower case n of nativeWindow, it's upper case in AS3). Here is the code:
var width = screen.width;
var height = screen.height;
var p=new DOMParser();
var xml,x,y,windowWidth,windowHeight;
var f = window.runtime.flash.filesystem.File
if (f.exists){
var s = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream();
try {
x = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0].getAttribute("x"),10);
y = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0].getAttribute("y"),10);
windowWidth = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0]
windowHeight = parseInt(xml.childNodes[0]
x = (x >= width) ? 20 : x;
y = (y >= height) ? 0 : y;
x = (x <= (width*-1)) ? 20 : x;
y = (y <= (height*-1)) ? 0 : y;
if (windowWidth >= (width-60) && windowHeight >= (height-60)) {
window.nativeWindow.x =20;
window.nativeWindow.y = 0;
window.nativeWindow.height = height-60;
window.nativeWindow.x = x;
window.nativeWindow.y = y;
}catch (e) {
window.nativeWindow.x = 20;
window.nativeWindow.y = 0;
window.nativeWindow.width = 866;
window.nativeWindow.height = height-60;
(window.runtime.flash.events.Event.CLOSING, function(e){
var xml = '<position x="'+window.nativeWindow.x
+'" y="'+window.nativeWindow.y+'" width="'
+ window.nativeWindow.width + '" height="'
+ window.nativeWindow.height + '"/>';
var f = window.runtime.flash.filesystem.File.
f = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.File(f.nativePath);
var s = new window.runtime.flash.filesystem.FileStream();
}catch (e){
In the application.xml:
<title>app title</title>
Setting visible false makes it smoothly appear in the last position the user closed it.

Use JavaScript to alter width of a div

I have some JavaScript code and a button which already has an event/action assigned to it, and I want to add a second event to the button. Currently the relevant bit of code looks like this:
events: {onclick: "showTab('"+n+"')"},
How do I amend this code so that it also increases the 'width' property of a div with class='panel', by a fixed amount e.g. 50px?
I understand. Problem is I don't know how to change id, only classname. The div is constructed in JavaScript using buildDomModel as follows:
{ tag: "div", className: "tab_panel",
id: "tab_panel",
childs: [...]}
But the id doesn't get changed to 'tab_panel'. HOWEVER, classname does get changed to 'tab_panel' which is why i tried to use getelementbyclass. So the div has no id and I don't know how to create one using the buildDomModel but I can give unique class. I have put the code in original post too.
events: {onclick: "showTab('"+n+"'); $('div.panel').width('50px');"},
Or you might want to add below line to showTab function.
Or you can do with vanilla javascript:
function setWidth()
// since you are using a class panel, means more than one div, using loop
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
// check if this div has panel class
if (divs[i].getAttribute('class') === 'panel')
// set the width now
divs[i].setAttribute('width', '50px');
Or if you want to apply the width to just one specific div, give that div an id and use this function instead:
function setWidth()
var div = document.getElementById('div_id');
div.setAttribute('width', '50px');
And later use it like this:
events: {onclick: "showTab('"+n+"'); setWidth();"},
Or you might want to add below line to showTab function.
Update 2:
Ok modify the function like this:
function setWidth()
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
// check if this div has panel class
if (divs[i].getAttribute('class') === 'tab_panel')
// get previous width
var prevWidth = getComputedWidth(divs[i]);
// set the width now
divs[i].setAttribute('width', (prevWidth + 50));
function getComputedWidth(theElt){
tmphght = document.getElementById(theElt).offsetWidth;
docObj = document.getElementById(theElt);
var tmphght1 = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(docObj, "").getPropertyValue("width");
tmphght = tmphght1.split('px');
tmphght = tmphght[0];
return tmphght;
Note that with jQuery it should be this code in all:
function setWidth(){
jQuery(this).attr('style', 'width:' + (jQuery(this).width() + 50));
instead of the function you can use this line of JQuery code:
any way if you dont want it to be JQuery then this function should work :
function setWidth() {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
// check if this div has panel class
if (divs[i].getAttribute('class') === 'tab_panel') {
// set the style now
divs[i].setAttribute('style', 'width:100px');
putting width attribute to div wouldnt work, you need to set its style,
so i expect any of the code i provided to work.
oh no the one i sent early just set width to a new value
this one should fix your problem :
var x = $('div.tab_panel')[0].style.width.replace("px", "");
x = x + 50;
$('div.tab_panel').attr('style', "width:" + x + "px");
ok here is a non JQuery Version :
function setWidth() {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
if (divs[i].getAttribute('class') === 'tab_panel') {
var x = divs[i].style.width.replace("px", "");
x = x + 50;
divs[i].setAttribute('style', 'width:' + x + 'px');
ok here it is :
function Button1_onclick() {
var x = $('div.tab_panel')[0].clientWidth;
x = x + 50;
$('div.tab_panel').attr('style', "width:" + x + "px");
non JQuert:
function setWidth() {
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
if (divs[i].getAttribute('class') === 'tab_panel') {
var x = divs[i].offsetWidth;
x = x + 50;
divs[i].setAttribute('style', 'width:' + x + 'px');
this should work

How to get top and left style property values in Javascript

I have a little bit of Javascript that almost works correctly. Here's the code:
function toggle(curlink) {
curlink.style.backgroundColor = curlink.style.backgroundColor == "yellow" ? "transparent" : "yellow";
var maindiv = document.getElementById("grid");
var links = maindiv.getElementsByTagName("a");
var list = "";
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
var link = links[i];
if (link.style.backgroundColor == "yellow") {
list += ("," + parseInt(link.style.left, 10) + "-" + parseInt(link.style.top, 10));
document.theForm.theList.value = list.substring(1);
return false;
window.onload = function() {
var links = document.getElementById("grid").getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
links[i].onclick = function() { return toggle(this); }
The issue is with line #9; it only works when I specify values for the top and left style property of every link in the array. How do I get the top and left style property values (or X and Y coordinates) of each link in the array with Javascript when those values aren't given?
Also, what would the code above look like in jquery? Not that it's needed - I just want to reduce the code a little and dabble in the jquery framework (I'm a Javascript newbie).
Thanks in advance,
link.offsetLeft and link.offsetTop. More about finding position here. They'll be positions relative to the offsetParent, but the link shows a way to get position relative to the document.
offsetParent will evaluate to the body if the parent elements are positioned statically or there's no table in the parent hierarchy. If you want a position other than body then update the parent of the links to have a non-static position, perhaps relative
I'm not familiar with JQuery so I can't help there
The jQuery might look something like this. Untested.
// Get all <a> descendents of #grid
var $anchors = $('#grid a');
// Bind a click handler to the anchors.
var $clickedAnchor = $(this);
var coordinates = [];
// Set the background color of the anchor.
$clickedAnchor.css('background-color', $clickedAnchor.css('background-color') == 'yellow' ? 'transparent' : 'yellow');
// Loop through each anchor.
var $anchor = $(this);
if ($anchor.css('background-color') == 'yellow') {
var offset = $anchor.offset();
coordinates.push(offset.left + '-' + offset.top);
// Or maybe..
// var parentOffset = $('#grid').offset();
// coordinates.push((offset.left - parentOffset.left) + '-' + (offset.top - parentOffset.top));
return false;

