Drag'nDrop plugin for jQuery - javascript

Is there any drag'n'drop plugins which looks like this: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/inettuts/ but also can remember block position after draging in cookies.

I think you are looking for this
Here is the demo

You can take a look at jQuery UI

The best drag and drop implementation I've seen is the sortable class in BBC's Glow library
see it working here: Sortable - glow


Re-arrangeable, Draggable , Sortable divs within grid

So think if a dashboard view, which contains different divs for lets say text blocks. I want the client(user) to be able to rearrange them in a X by Y grid system.
I have an idea about how to achieve this, but I am mainly looking for a library or a specific framework that can do this. Is anyone aware of any built solution?
I dont care about css framework bootstrap etc I can use any of them.
I think React JS is well suited for this.
Link to get started with sorting: http://webcloud.se/sortable-list-component-react-js/
Link to get started with dragging:
This seems to be exactly what you're looking for: https://github.com/STRML/react-grid-layout
Something like this?
jQuery Sortable UI:
Apart from the great and quick answer from Turk. There are more options such as http://packery.metafizzy.co and http://gridster.net

Draggable Highcharts SVG Element

The demo here:
Is it possible to drag those labels around with the library? Or do we need jQuery UI?
Edit: I've tried to manipulate the SVG elements with jQuery UI draggable but it didn't not work
I'm interested to know, for those who have used this library, can I drag labels in this demo using the library?
It is stated in the download section that you can use the library with or without jQuery. Your answer was one click away...

Is there a Grid Alignment System in JavaScript?

I was wondering whether anyone knew of a JavaScript alignment system like the one on this page: http://trilancer.com/jpolite2/index1.html where you can drag the modules on the page into place? Thanks in advance.
jQuery UI Sortable provides something pretty close to this.
See the portlets demo here.

Im after a jquery plugin like this

Hi I am after a jquery plugin to achieve the effect seen on http://www.maxmedia.com/ the ability to click and drag around a container with momentum.
I couldnt find it anywhere.
You should be able to acheive that effect using jQuery Ui Draggable and applying a delay on the transition.
if you watch into the javascript you can find a library called jquery overscroll, it is used to obtain the innertion of dragging.
You can find it here: http://www.azoffdesign.com/overscroll

Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library?

Does anyone know how to achieve the cover-flow effect using JavaScript to scroll through a bunch of images. I'm not talking about the 3D rotating itunes cover-art, but the effect that happens when you hit the space bar in a folder of documents, allowing you to preview them in a lightbox fashion.
is the best I ever found.
a true 'CoverFlow', highly configurable, cross-browser, very smooth action, has relections and supports scroll wheel + keyboard control. - has to be what your looking for!
Not sure if you're talking about Coverflow (scroll through images) or Quicklook (preview files in lightbox), try editing your question.
Here's some JS Coverflow implementations:
MooFlow - Coverflow for MooTools
Coverflow in JS proof of concept
Coverflow using JS and CSS Transforms (Webkit only)
I think this is what you want http://addyosmani.com/blog/jqueryuicoverflow/
I tried using the the Jack's Asylum cover flow but it wouldn't let me easily remove and re-add an entire coverflow. I eventually found http://finnrudolph.de/ImageFlow and not only is it more reliable, it's easier to hook into, uses less markup, and doesn't jitter when flipping through images. It's by far the best I've found, and I've tried several on this page.
There is an Apple style Gallery Slider over at
http://www.jqueryfordesigners.com/slider-gallery/ which uses jQuery and the UI.
jCoverflip was just released and is very customizable.
colorbox has such amazing features..loving it.
Also like this one http://www.webappers.com/2008/03/05/galleria-simple-but-nice-jquery-image-gallery/
Is this what you are looking for?
"Create an Apple Itunes-like banner rotator/slideshow with jQuery" is an article explaining how you can make such effect using jQuery.
You can also view the
live demo.
Try Jquery Interface Elements here - http://interface.eyecon.ro/docs/carousel
Here's a sample. http://interface.eyecon.ro/demos/carousel.html
I looked around for a Jquery image carousel a few months ago and didn't find a good one so I gave up. This one was the best I could find.
Check out momoflow: http://flow.momolog.info
True coverflow effect, and performant on Webkit (Safari and Chrome) and Opera, ok on Firefox.
Just to let you all know, xFlow! has had some major work done on it and is vastly improved.
Go to http://xflow.pwhitrow.com for more info and the latest version.
i am currently working on this and planning on releasing it as a jQuery-ui plugin.
-> http://coulisse.luvdasun.com/
please let me know if you are interested and what you are hoping to see in such a plugin.
the effect that happens when you hit the space bar in a folder of
documents, allowing you to preview them in a lightbox fashion
Looks like a classic lightbox plugin is needed. This is my favorite jQuery lightbox plugin: http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/. It's easy to customize, etc.
This one looks really promising, and closer to the actual Apple coverflow effect than the other examples:

