Im after a jquery plugin like this - javascript

Hi I am after a jquery plugin to achieve the effect seen on the ability to click and drag around a container with momentum.
I couldnt find it anywhere.

You should be able to acheive that effect using jQuery Ui Draggable and applying a delay on the transition.

if you watch into the javascript you can find a library called jquery overscroll, it is used to obtain the innertion of dragging.
You can find it here:


Draggable Highcharts SVG Element

The demo here:
Is it possible to drag those labels around with the library? Or do we need jQuery UI?
Edit: I've tried to manipulate the SVG elements with jQuery UI draggable but it didn't not work
I'm interested to know, for those who have used this library, can I drag labels in this demo using the library?
It is stated in the download section that you can use the library with or without jQuery. Your answer was one click away...

How to basically re-arrange DIVs as jQuery masonry does?

Masonry is an advanced jQuery plugin with various options. Since my knowledge in jQuery is limited, I cannot understand how it works by reading the masonry code. What is the basic jQuery API behind a plugin like this for re-arrangement of DIVs? I mean how we can basically and simply re-arrange DIVs with the aid of jQuery?
NOTE: As discussed in the comments, Masonry was an example for the behavior I am referring to. I want to know how jQuery can basically re-arrange the position of DIVs.
Ok, so let's say you have 3 divs and you just want them arranged on load. Let's say by height. Let's also say for this example that you don't care to animate them, you just want them arranged by height.
Here's the jsfiddle:
using jquery I sort the elements by height then re-draw them in their new order on the screen.
I am learning how to do the same thing Ali. If you provide an example of specifically what you want to re-arrange, I can post a better answer. In the meantime, this link has been invaluable:
Also, I found that searching google with the terms 'JQuery DOM manipulation' provided lots of good information and some great tutorials.

jQuery: Animate using CSS3 instead of JavaScript

I'm converting a jQuery-based web application for use on iPad and need to make use of the hardware-accelerated performance of CSS3 animations. I'm already using fadeIn, fadeOut and some positioning animation so ideally I'd like a plugin which overrides these functions to make use of CSS3 without me having to change the core functionality.
I've searched around but can't find anyone that has tackled this problem, so I'm considering writing a plugin myself, but I wanted to make sure someone else hadn't already done it.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
How about checking out

How to implement "Drag-Select" functionaility within Javascript?

I would like to implement some "Drag-select" functionality into a project of mine but i'm unsure how to implement it.
The creation of the selection area is not a problem, it's the capturing of elements within the area itself which is confusing me.
A jQuery example found here.
Selectable Demo
If you can use jquery there are some plugins that do this operation. Anyway you can check if the position of the element is contained into the selection area coordinates and, if it is, you select it. has a nice implementation of drag-n-drop, but then you have to include this rather large library. Or you could investigate how they done it for that matter, since its open-source.

jQuery UI Draggable snap rulers

I am setting up a drag and drop interface using jquery and jquery-ui. I've got element snapping working, which is nice, but now I'm trying to get elements to snap at a distance, using some sort of automatic temporary guide rulers.
A very good implementation is on the mac version of Powerpoint. Here's a screenshot of a drag in progress:
Is there some sort of jQuery plugin that exists for this? If there isn't a plugin, is there some easy way to draw lines that would be snap-able? Is there algorithm for dealing with calculating points and working out which lines to create?
You could always copy/paste the snap-part of the draggable.js and change some css values. That would be the easiest way to implement it, since the base is already written in jquery-ui.

