Firefox warning message - javascript

I have a weird issue with firebug with my current javascript code
I have a web page with javascript and jQuery and I get this message:
use of getattributenodens is deprecated. use getattributens instead
I use jQuery 1.5.2 and Firefox 8, I get this error also on Windows 7 and XP. I tried mac also
I don't use getattributenodens in my code,
Who can fix this error? Thanks

Its just a warning, so developers can update their code with plenty of time.
You are a fair few versions behind in jQuery. If you upgrade to the current version (1.7.1), I think you will find this error message no longer exists.
Visit jQuery Website -
Direct link to newest version —


Jquery git version

I'm using jquery git version ( in my javascript and today when I opened the page, nothing works. It has worked for the last 3 years. Anyone else gets this? It looks like there has been updated at 2019-04-29T20:56Z. I know it unstable version, but is it I or anyone else also has this? When I use the 3.4 version, everything works fine. I'm using firefox and first error in console says TypeError: $.isArray is not a function[Learn More] and second
jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).dialog is not a function #file:///C:/xxxx/xxx/xxx.js:20:19
Git version currently links to 4.0 pre, which is a large overhaul of jQuery to reflect updates to JavaScript. $.isArray was thus deprecated in 3.2, and consequently removed in 4.0, because JavaScript now has Array.isArray.
$.fn.dialog was never a part of jQuery that I know of (you might be thinking of jQuery UI?)

Firebug issue: "Step Over" misbehaves with recursive functions

I've had a strange problem in Firebug. Actually, I googled for this and found something on the web.
Issue 5176 on Firebug Project
I don't want to describe the problem as it is exactly the same as described by this link. But... I didn't realise how to fix it. I don't know what does JSD stand for and if I need to update something.
I have up-to-date Debian system, thoung my browser is Iceweasel (Firefox) 17.0.10 and Firebug is 1.11.4
JSD stands for JavaScript Debugger and means the API exposed by Firefox, which is used by Firebug to debug JavaScript within it's Script panel. There's a new version of this API called JSD2, which the Firebug Working Group is adapting for the next major version of Firebug.
Unfortunately there's no way to fix this on the user side, nor will it be fixed in the old JSD API, because Mozilla doesn't maintain it anymore.
Though as soon as the JSD2 is adapted by Firebug this bug will be gone.
Though note, when that version of Firebug is released in the next few months it will require at least Firefox/Iceweasel 29.0 or 30.0. So you'll need to update to the latest version of your browser then.

Can't get JQuery postMessage plugin to work on IE

I'm trying to use this jQuery postMessage plugin to pass messages between a couple of windows. While it's working great under FF/Chrome, it just doesn't seem to work under IE8 nor IE9.
The line I'm using is:
$.postMessage('hello world', opener.location.toString(), opener);
In IE8, I get the following error message:
No such interface supported
Code: 0
line: 112
char: 7
I can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong. I noticed this library is a bit outdated (though it does say to be working on IE8), so I tried downloading jquery-1.3.2 which it is said to be working on, and it still didn't work.
Any tips about how to solve this (or possibly any references to other cross-browser libraries with the same ability) will be much appreciated.
This appears to be a limitation of Internet Explorer. postMessage will only work between frames of the same page, not between windows or tabs.
For more information, see: (Issue #1)

How do you debug IE & jQuery errors like this

I'm developing in Javascript for quite a long time now. Usually when I hit an error in IE I know roughly where it originated even if the message received from IE is useless bunch of text. When I don't know where the error originated, I usually try to "delete" parts of my code, until the error doesn't repeat itself, and that start manually checking line by line until I find the error.
I'm sure that it's far from the best approach, so I'd like to ask you how you debug error like these:
If you are using IE8+, you can press F12 on a page to open the Developers Tools.
This contains a JavaScript debugger, much like Firebug & Chrome Dev Tools
In response to the comment under the question, if IE is throwing a cryptic error that you are unsure of, there is a couple of steps I would do.
Is it an IE only error? Does the same error occur in Firefox? Chrome?
Is the error occurring in a 3rd party library. If you believe it is, use an un-minified version of the library.
Can you replicate the error outside of your website? Can you make the error occur in a for instance?
If you still can't narrow down the issue, post a question on SO with your code, any error messages, and expectations of the result.
Try using non-minified version of jQuery - it will give you a better idea where exactly the error is. Also, if you use VS 2010 to debug your js code in IE, it will break at the error line. This always works fine for me.
IE is the only browser that I've managed to successfully use the fantastic Visual Studio script debugger with - in my experience Visual Studio is hands down the best script debugger out there, so quite often I find myself in the reverse situation to you (running broken scripts in IE just so I can use the script debugger)
See How to debug JavaScript in Internet Explorer for instructions on how to use Visual Studio Express to debug scripts in IE - if you own a full edition of Visual Studio then its much simpler (just attach to IE as normal).

ie8 javascript not running or loading

I have un-installed and re-installed IE8 a few time and javascript will not run.
I have checked jQuery and numerous sites, and run simple examples like alert("hi"); nothing works. The ie8 developer tools under script debugging says
"Breakpoint cannot be set in this location, the code in the document is not loaded"
This also happens when using the Spoon plugin and IE7 Or IE8.
also any of these scripts work just fine in firefox.
Any ideas or help is much appreciated!
Go to Internet Options, Security, Custom Level, and enable Active Scripting under Scripting.
OS: WinXp service pack2
issue in IE7 and IE8
I had spent alot of time today, uninstalling and reinstalling IE v 7 & 8. I had checked the security settings multiple times. Even disabled my firewall, nothing worked. eventually a friend of mine found the clue.
Apparently IE7 & IE8 use the same javascript registered DLL which had become un-registered for whatever reason.
To fix it:
Start > Run...
In the Run box, type in (without quotes) "regsvr32 jscript.dll"
You should receive a popup says that it registration succeeded.
I had the same problem, but the issue for me was the way I defined my block of script. I used type="application/javascript". This is supposed to be the correct way to do it, but IE only wants text/javascript.
IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Disable script debugging (uncheck)
ensure tag ends with > instead of />
None of the above worked for me,
Reserved keyword
It was blocked because I tried to invoke my custom export function from my custom object. The 'export' keyword seemed to be reserved in IE.
Chrome works fine comme toujours.
In my case the problem was that IE8, doesn't support Object.defineProperty, which lead to all JavaScript not working.
I found out about that problem, when I started debugging JavaScript in IE8 and got the error Object doesn't support this action.
This helped me, apparently IE doesn't always load script when running from local drive. I had to add a "Mark of the Web".
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- saved from url=(0021) -->
for my case which was in IE11 in windows server 2008 R2
at first my site was recognized as internet zone which IE Security Level bar was configured high and not normal.
but adding my site simply to Trusted Sites which have low security via Internet options - Security tab - resolved the problem.
Looks like there can be multiple causes for the same symptom. For me it turned out to be the ActiveX controls/active content was blocked (I'm developing on local and had forgotten that IE likes to make things nice and secure from local).
Side note: With IE9 (I just upgraded) they moved the 'yellow bar' to the bottom and I was failing to notice it. MS is missing more than hitting lately on their UX/UI design
(see for example the ribbon interface visual overload
I tried
regsvr32 jscript.dll, but it didn't work.
Then I tried
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\jscript.dll
regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript.dll
And it works!
In my case, the JavaScript key const lead to an error that stop JavaScript execution. The key word is not support in the IE 10(and early version). See this for more infomation.

