How to start with phonegap development? - javascript

Hi I have gone throught the site: phonegap
I have also read the documentation provided there, but is there any easy way tutorial available for that?
I have less idea about javascript coding and what I found is phonegap is entirely based on javascript. Can anyone guide me from where to start with?
Thanks in advance.
Mrunal : This will give you the insight of
PhoneGap APIs with source: : Here you will get the complete
source code of Drupal PhoneGap app which runs of Android. iPhone and
BlackBerry. This source will help you to understand the PhoneGap
development techniques

they do have detailed set-up instructions and gettin started help.
You don't need JavaScript for a basic Phonegap App. What they do is basically translate a WebPage to a App for the desired Plattform. Therefore you just need to know as much Javascript as your app needs.
Afaik you can also use frameworks like jQuery.
More tutorials are available here:
Here on UI Development:
And there is many more.
Maybe you can look into general Javascript tutorials first if you look for a special effect or so.

Amazon has more books on PhoneGap that offers basic tutorials and code walkthroughs. Here is a new book with sample code available for download.


Where could I find the useable-native-apis when coding NativeScript App?

The article accessing-native-apis-with-javascript tells us how to use naive-Apis with js code. It is good.
But, I don't know where is the native-Apis because I never come into Android. Is it a necessary to know basic of Android knowledges for all Nativescript learner?
So I turned to Android developer site to find the list, and I falled in an other rabbit hole. It is so complicate to me.
Can you give us a usable-native-Apis-list to access the native-Apis easily?
For example, I want to use device's contacts in my App, so I turn to Android-developer-guide site to find which API is the right one. I get a lot of APIs named "contact****", which one is the target? It's painful to seek the answer for a learner of Nativescript.
"The beauty of Nativescript is .....", I turn to Nativescript just because of these words.
But, if I should learn about all the native APIs to see the beauty in the end?
when you need to use native api , you can search for that , and you will find java code for that for example
In this answer you need getContentResolver then you search in android docs to get the package name of getContentResolver
In the begin of page you see android.content.Context so you can use android.content.Context.getContentResolver
Note :
knowing java and a little android develope with java wold really help.
Note2 : checking other plugins to see how others use native api really helps.

Boilerplate for phonegap with backbone js

I want to use backbone for phonegap. I am new to these framework. I spent quite a lot of time in understanding the structure, still I am not having clear picture.My plan is to use boilerplate for backbone. But I m still confused how to proceed with this.
I would like to hear from anyone for step by step procedure of how to use boilerplate for backbone to develop phonegap application.
Which boilerplate from the git is recommended?
Can I get any link or video for the same?
Can anyone suggest whether I should use Twitter Bootstrap or Jquery Mobile for frontend.
Totally I have thought about the structure as boilerplate for backbone(require+underscore)+bootstarp (or jquery mobile). Can anyone guide me through the steps to follow.
Thanks in advance,

How to run javascript app by creating android project?

Hi I have app which is written in javascript. Now i want to create a android project by using this javascript code.
Can any one please guide me how can i do this. I mean how to call javascript userintereface, javascript functions in my android code.
If possible please provide me a good tutorial guide where i can read in detail and understand the actual things. I have searched it on google but didnt find any thing so posting here.
Any help is appricated.
check this link:
Can't Find variable in Phonegap using javascript
and also I have prefer this link for more details for initial developer.
I have explained how to use phone gap and java script in android project in first link.
Hope it will help you.

Javascript wrappers for Twitter

I am planning to build a JS based twitter client. Information about libraries/clients is pretty old on other SO Questions. I was wondering if anyone has come across wrappers other than Spaz and TwitterHelper.
Addition : Please note this will be client app which I also plan to run on mobiles using phonegap.
Thanks :-)
I recently wrote an OAuth library for JavaScript that might help you. You can find it here:
There's also some example documentation on how to extend it for use with Twitter:
See Anywhere, an official Twitter Javascript library. Full documentation here.

rss help in iphone development

Since my last question was deleted without giving me a chance to reply: I want to build a similar rss parser feed to:
Can anyone give me really good tutorials that I could build a similar iphone app for my rss feed.
I can see it uses jquery, javascript, and ajax.
If any can check out the code to head me in the right direction.
If you are a paid Apple Developer, there is an excellent example project in the developer portal called Top Paid Apps. I've used part of that code in several projects that required XML parsing.
That should be all you need to parse an RSS feed and present it in a list view.
The example you have provided is a web page.
So any of the many online tutorials should help you create a browser based RSS parser that will work in a most web browsers, including iPhone/iPad safari, example.
You might then want to style it look more like a native iPhone app, dashcode could probably help you out here.

