Boilerplate for phonegap with backbone js - javascript

I want to use backbone for phonegap. I am new to these framework. I spent quite a lot of time in understanding the structure, still I am not having clear picture.My plan is to use boilerplate for backbone. But I m still confused how to proceed with this.
I would like to hear from anyone for step by step procedure of how to use boilerplate for backbone to develop phonegap application.
Which boilerplate from the git is recommended?
Can I get any link or video for the same?
Can anyone suggest whether I should use Twitter Bootstrap or Jquery Mobile for frontend.
Totally I have thought about the structure as boilerplate for backbone(require+underscore)+bootstarp (or jquery mobile). Can anyone guide me through the steps to follow.
Thanks in advance,


Laravel and Angular(JS), where to start with Angular?

I'm a software engineer and want to learn developing web applications with PHP and JavaScript. I'm familliar with C#, object oriented programming and working with frameworks.
So i decided to learn directly creating an web application based on a framework (Laravel, as we work with this framework on my work also). I start understanding how the framework works and as programming is not new for me i also understand the basics of PHP.
For the front-end i want to use Angular JS as i heard a lot of positive things about it. During my research on Google about Angular and Angular in combination with Laravel i read that we already have Angular V2 and V4.
I have a few questions about this:
What is the best version to start with? This because i heared the
good things about V1 (and the combi with Laravel), but V2 and V4 has
a complete other concept? I'm a bit confused if it has the same
purpose and if it is still a good approach to combine the newer
versions with Laravel?
I can find how to combine Laravel with AngularJS(1) and how to structure the project, but cant find a good tutorial or explaination how to combine/structure Laravel with
Angular 2 or 4. This also confuses me.... Are the newer versions not
a good combination with Laravel anymore?, Angular just uses Json
API's so why not? or are i'm wrong.
What i found about Laravel and the newer Angular versions is that it is a no-go to use both in 1 project. The advice is to use 2
different projects? I do not understand why as i can still make them
independed from eachtoher in 1 project by a nice folder structure.
So if this is true, what is the reason behind?
If it is no problem to combine both in 1 project, i prefer to do this. But what is the best practice to add Angular into the Laravel project? especially for the folder structure? Is there a tutorial which describes how to use these 2 frameworks in 1 project?
I hope that someone can give me a "kickstart" how to start with increasing my skills.
I would suggest using Vue.js instead if you are familiar with new Laravel 5.x. It is supported by default and plays together pretty good.
In my previous projects I used Laravel 3/4 + Backbone.js. Backbone, to me, is much better then diving into a full framework that your entire structure ( html + js ) depends on multiple custom tags etc. Backbone gives you a better approach on that case that you can use it partially in some modules etc or you can build your entire layout with it.

2 AngularJS apps on the same website, multiple pages

I am trying to implement this AngularJS/Bootstrap Typeahead app and also use AngularJS for search functionality as well. I have the Typeahead implemented and working, however I can not seem to figure out how to implement 2 AngularJS apps on the same website...?
The first comment really helped because I didn't fully understand AngularJS, was just learning at the time. The first comment helped to realize my misunderstanding and gave the "light bulb" moment of just having 2 separate modules to include the functionality that I needed.
AngularJS - being modular - is great! You can really build capable apps using it.

New to PhoneGap, need guidance to get started

Ok, I've been in planning for developing a PhoneGap app for a few months, and it's come time for me to start coding. There are a few things I am confused about that I need to clear up before I can get going, because things don't seem to be going well.
To begin, I am using PhoneGap to build this app because I plan to release it to multiple platforms (primarily iOS and Android) and based on the tutorials for Objective-C that I've read, I'd much rather use JavaScript/jQuery/jQueryMobile to develop the app. If anyone thinks that these are not appropriate reasons to be using PhoneGap and that I should be using something else, please let me know.
I seem to be misunderstanding some things that are apparently self-explanatory about PhoneGap, and after hours of scouring the internet looking for answers, I can't seem to find anyone else who has had the same problems as me. To clarify, I am quite comfortable with my HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills. I literally just need to GET STARTED.
I see the terms PhoneGap and Cordova used interchangeably. From the sources I've seen they are pretty much synonymous, but I'd like to know what the ACTUAL difference is.
I'm fairly certain I have PhoneGap installed. I can run PhoneGap commands and I was able to get the basic Hello World application and run it on an iPhone emulator. I then began to make changes to the files and rebuilt and reinstalled to test it and it replaced all my changes with the original application. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I feel like I'm missing something.
Can I use other JavaScript libraries like jQuery or jQuery Mobile with PhoneGap? I'm not sure what I'm limited to, or if I can use them, what the best way is to do that.
I've seen example applications that were able to use PHP even though many sources say that you can't. How is this done?
Can multiple pages be used or is it better to modify one to make it seem like there are multiple pages?
Any other suggestions on exactly how to get started will help. Thanks!
Only edit the files in your www folder, because when you run
phonegap build ios
it copies files from the www folder into the various different platform folders (depending on which platforms you've added) and compiles an application out of them. - lots of sample apps and tutorials - ditto - ditto - tutorials!forum/phonegap - official group
Cordova is the open source community driven version of the framework, Phonegap is a "snapshot" of cordova at a given point that Adobe specifically supports through it's build service, there are small differences but on the whole they're more or less identical in feature set and use.
You can use any JS libraries you want, and you'd use them exactly as you would normally on the web.
PHP code cannot be used inside a phonegap/cordova app but there's nothing to stop you loading data from external sources.
Regarding multiple pages, I'd generally stick with a single page and just show/hide parts of it as needed, just so you're not having to deal with re-loading libraries on each page load and adding overhead to the app itself.
As for where to start - there's a few good books out there but you could do worse than to give this tutorial a go..

Getting Started with Durandal

I'm interested in building a SPA application. From what I can tell, Durandal provides the majority of what I'm looking for. Except, I'm looking for the most basic possible example that uses durandal. The sample app that's included uses bootstrap and sammy.
Is Bootstrap and Sammy required? If not, is there a sample I can see somewhere that doesn't have the code? I just want a basic app with two screens to use as an example. Yet, I can't seem to find the bare minimum example anywhere.
Thank you,
Version 1.20 of Durandal uses Sammy.js for routing if you include the optional router plugin. It is not necessary, but a pretty good idea to use it to simplify learning Durandal without having to learn how to route.
Durandal 2.0 is scheduled for release this month that gets rid of Sammy.js's dependency and has it's own router.
To find an example or sample app using Durandal that doesn't rely on either Sammy.js or Bootstrap will be difficult because they are easy to include, everyone understands them, and it's hard to go wrong when using these to simplify a sample app.
If you are looking for a very simple sample you can look up John Papa's CodeCamper JumpStart, but it includes a lot of other dependencies. The Durandal Starter Kit however is available on nuget and from and has a single view and is an excellent way to start learning Durandal.js.

How to start with phonegap development?

Hi I have gone throught the site: phonegap
I have also read the documentation provided there, but is there any easy way tutorial available for that?
I have less idea about javascript coding and what I found is phonegap is entirely based on javascript. Can anyone guide me from where to start with?
Thanks in advance.
Mrunal : This will give you the insight of
PhoneGap APIs with source: : Here you will get the complete
source code of Drupal PhoneGap app which runs of Android. iPhone and
BlackBerry. This source will help you to understand the PhoneGap
development techniques
they do have detailed set-up instructions and gettin started help.
You don't need JavaScript for a basic Phonegap App. What they do is basically translate a WebPage to a App for the desired Plattform. Therefore you just need to know as much Javascript as your app needs.
Afaik you can also use frameworks like jQuery.
More tutorials are available here:
Here on UI Development:
And there is many more.
Maybe you can look into general Javascript tutorials first if you look for a special effect or so.
Amazon has more books on PhoneGap that offers basic tutorials and code walkthroughs. Here is a new book with sample code available for download.

