How can I set the duration of this jQuery animation proportionally? - javascript

I've created a quick test to show what I'm trying to do:
If you click the "Toggle Width" button once, a square will take one second to grow to full width. Click it again, and it will take one second to shrink down to zero width.
However, click the "Toggle Width" button twice in rapid succession - the second time when the square has grown to only a small fraction of its total width (like 10%) - you'll notice that the animation still takes a full second to return the square to zero width, which looks awkward, IMO.
While that behavior is expected, I'd like the latter animation to happen in an amount of time that's proportional to the width that it's covering. In other words, if you click "Toggle Width" a second time when the square is at 10% of its total width, I'd like it to take about 1/10th of a second to shrink back to zero width.
It should be relatively easy (I think) to make the value of the duration property dynamic, calculated when the jQuery click handler is run, to measure the current width of the square and determine the duration accordingly.
However, am I missing a better way to do this? Does jQuery provide an easy way, or expose some sort of method or property to make this easier?

I don't think jQuery has any built-in utility for doing this. The math required to do what you want is fairly straightforward, however, so I'd suggest just going that route. Something like:
var expanded = false;
$('input').click(function() {
var duration;
if (expanded) {
duration = ($('div').width() / 100) * 1000;
$('div').animate({ width: '0' }, { queue: false, duration: duration });
expanded = false;
} else {
duration = ((100 - $('div').width()) / 100) * 1000;
$('div').animate({ width: '100px' }, { queue: false, duration: duration });
expanded = true;
Here's a working example:
If you've got some free time on your hands, maybe you could make the duration interpolation logic a bit more generic and package it up as a jQuery extension/plugin.

This is what you want -
var expanded = false;
$('input').click(function() {
var width = $('div').width(); //gives the current width of the div as a number (without 'px' etc.)
if (expanded) {
width: '0'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: (width/100 * 1000)// (current width/total width * 1 sec in ms) });
expanded = false;
} else {
width: '100px'
}, {
queue: false,
duration: 1000
expanded = true;


Callback after element moved

I have list that scrolls up using velocity. I want to play sound each time, first visible item of the list scrolled up.
<div class="viewport" data-winner="">
<ul class="participants-holder container" id="ph">
<li>...<li> //many li elements
moveToEl(name) {
translateY: -(offsetToScroll)+'px'
}, {
duration: 15000,
easing: [.74,0,.26,1],
complete: (el) => {
// complete animation callback
progress: (els, complete, remaining, start, tweenVal) => {
console.log(Math.floor(complete * 100) + '%')
// I think some check should do during progress animation
How to handle event or track changes when each element or entire list are scrolled up by certain pixels, for instance 62px. How can I detect this and call callback function on this happened.
You can find the current TranslateY using something like[^0-9.]/g, '');
from, and compare it to the previous value plus an offset.
In the Roulette class add this.prevTranslatePos = 0.0; for storing the old value.
progress: (els, complete, remaining, start) => {
// from
var translatePos =[^0-9.]/g, '');
if (translatePos >= (this.prevTranslatePos + 62))
//console.log(translatePos, this.prevTranslatePos);
this.prevTranslatePos = translatePos;
this.sound.currentTime = 0;;
Demo applied to the 'Go To' button only:
Note that the sound cuts out when it runs too quickly, but that could be handled a few different ways.
Add a scroll eventListener to the parent element of the list (I believe it's participants-holder in your case), and within that do a check for whether the right amount of pixels have moved since the last check. Store the current position, and compare it to the last time you moved the desired amount.
Hope that helps!

Function to animate progress bar based on another function

Given a function with parameters in an array, where the first number is the delay time, and the width property is how much to fill the bar by:
var barFill = new AnimationSequence(bar, [
[100, { width: '10%' }],
[200, { width: '20%' }],
[200, { width: '50%' }],
[200, { width: '80%' }],
[300, { width: '90%' }],
[100, { width: '100%' }]
I'm trying to write a function to take those two parameters and animate the filling of the progress bar. So far I have this function:
function AnimationSequence() {
var elem = document.getElementById("myBar");
var width = 10;
var id = setInterval(frame, 10);
function frame() {
if (width >= 100) {
} else {
width++; = width + '%';
document.getElementById("label").innerHTML = width * 1 + '%';
This is the current JSFIDDLE: link
Ok... whats wrong with Your code:
You defined onclick in html - please don't do that. Use JS to attach listeners
You are firing 'showProgress' which doesn't exist
You are using 'new' operator. You should only use it when You want to create new instance of given 'class' (JS has no real classes), and in this case - You just want to execute function.
You are using setInterval when what You really want is setTimeout (or at least I think so)
You want to animate elements without requestAnimationFrame - well it's basically bad idea, but You can do that.
I'm attaching fiddle, which does what You wanted (or at least I think so), but be aware that such a simple thing should have been done with CSS. If You do not care about actual progress of process, and You just want to show user an progress bar, than use CSS transition (I've already done it in snippet), and trigger class which will set width to 100%, on button click.
Theres fiddle for You.

Doing something on second click with Snap.svg

I am writing a basic code for an animation on click with Snap.svg. It looks like this:
var s = Snap(500, 500);
var circle = s.rect(100,100,100,100);{
var width = circle.attr('width');
var height = circle.attr('height');
width: width/2,
height :height/2
}, 2000);
I make a rectangle in the top left corner of the container and animate it's width on a click. THEN, however, I want to do something different on the second click, return it to its original state for example.
I'd also be glad to learn how do you handle this second click in Javascript in general.
For example: press this button once and the slide navigation opens. Tap it second time and the navigation dissappears.
Thanks in advance!
You can do that by using the event.detail property. In your case, that would be: {
var width = circle.attr('width');
var height = circle.attr('height');
if (e.detail == 1) {
width: width/2,
height :height/2
}, 2000);
} else if (e.detail == 2) {
circle.animate({ //example
}, 2000);
There, the animation to change back to the original sizes plays when the user performs a double click (so 2x fast). If you basically want to toggle the element, instead of reverting it on doubleclick, you can simply check if the element has a width or height style other than its initial width or height: {
var width = circle.attr('width');
var height = circle.attr('height');
if (parseInt( == parseInt(width) || ! {
width: width/2,
height :height/2
}, 2000);
} else {
circle.animate({ //example
}, 2000);
Then the if() will return true when either the width attribute is equal to the width style, or when the width style is empty/not defined.
You'd want to store what state of the click.
There are many different ways to go about this, but I'll choose two:
Create a counter variable (say, counter) and increment it each time the click handler runs. Then, each time, to decide what to do, see if the number is even or odd:
var counter = 0;{
if(counter % 2 == 0){
Alternatively, you can use a Boolean that changes each time to keep track of which action to perform.
var flag = true;{
flag = false;
flag = true;

Slide boxes with margin-left check if overslided

I made a simple content/box slider which uses the following javascript:
$('#left').click(function () {
marginLeft: '-=800px'
}, 500);
$('#right').click(function () {
marginLeft: '+=800px'
}, 500);
Here is the demo:
What I want to do and I can't figure out how to show and hide arrows(left and right box) as the all the boxes slided.
So I clicked 4 time to the LEFT and slided all the boxes! then hide "left" so that you can't give more -800px
What can I do?
What you can do is check after the animation completes to see if the margin-left property is smaller or larger than the bounds of the video <div>. If it is, depending on which navigation button was clicked, hide the appropriate navigation link.
Check out the code below:
$('#left').click(function () {
// reset the #right navigation button to show
marginLeft: '-=800px'
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
// grab the margin-left property
var mLeft = parseInt($('#videos').css('marginLeft'));
// store the width of the #video div
// invert the number since the margin left is a negative value
var videoWidth = $('#videos').width() * -1;
// if the left margin that is set is less than the videoWidth var,
// hide the #left navigation. Otherwise, keep it shown
if(mLeft < videoWidth){
} else {
// do similar things if the right button is clicked
$('#right').click(function () {
marginLeft: '+=800px'
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
var mRight = parseInt($('#videos').css('marginLeft'));
if(mRight > 100){
} else {
Check out the jsfiddle:
There are many jQuery plugins for this. First determine how many results there are, then determine how many you want visible, then use another variable to keep track with how many are hidden to the left and how many are hidden to the right. So...
var total = TOTAL_RESULTS;
var leftScrolled = 0;
var rightScrolled = total - 3; // minus 3, since you want 3 displayed at a time.
instead of using marginLeft I would wrap all of these inside of a wrapper and set the positions to absolute. Then animate using "left" property or "right". There's a lot of code required to do this, well not MUCH, but since there are many plugins, I think you'd be better off searching for a plugin and look for examples on how to do this. marginLeft is just not the way to go, since it can cause many viewing problems depending on what version of browser you are using.

set the size of the element when using animation in javascript

I want to use some animation in my page,so I google "javascript animation",I found this wonderful tutorial:
The JavaScript animation is implemented as gradual changing of DOM element styles or canvas objects.
The whole process is split into pieces, and each piece is called by
timer. Because the timer interval is very small, the animation looks
So it seems that the dom animation is implemented by set the size of the element step by step.
This is the The generic animation provided by the tutorial:
function animate(opts) {
var start = new Date
var id = setInterval(function() {
var timePassed = new Date - start
var progress = timePassed / opts.duration
if (progress > 1) progress = 1
var delta =
if (progress == 1) {
}, opts.delay || 10)
However I found that if an element in the page does not have the "width or height" property in its "style" property. How can we use them??
Now,suppose I have an element in the page with id "tip_info" who does not show at first,when I click an button,I want it opend with the animation.
<div id="wrapper" sytle="display:none">the content</div>
<input type="button" onclick="animate()" value="open"/>
Now,I try to use the generic animation:
var ele=document.getElementById('wrapper');
delay: 10,
duration: duration || 1000, // 1 sec by default
delta: delta,
step: function(delta) { The_Final_Width*delta + "px"; The_Final_Height*delta + "px"
But how can I know the "The_Final_Width" and "The_Final_Height" value???
Its width and height should be changed according to the content inner the element.
Even when the animation complete,normally,the element does not need the "width" and "height" attrubutes,it just need the "display='block'".
So does it mean that an element want to be animated must have the explict size?
I would do it in three steps:
Use a jQuery function or a custom function to quickly display:block the div, get its size (width/height), and display:none again. It would be so fast that a human eye can't see it.
Animate with the width/height I got previously
At the end of the animation, I would set width/height to auto or initial. So if you add some content in it, it will increase its size automatically.

