JavaScript / jQuery memory usage within a browser - javascript

To what extent are jQuery / JavaScript functions stored in memory?
Once the browser has parsed the page, does it go into memory? All of it? If functions are repeatedly called, are they always from memory?
If the portion of memory allocated to scripts is filled (thinking Internet Explorer 6 on a horrible PC here), what happens? (Other than a slow browser...)
Is there a way of seeing how much memory is used by a variable or a function as a whole?

As per my knowledge, once JavaScript code has been parsed by the browser, objects remain in the memory unless dereferenced and garbage collected. Garbage collection is dependent on the JavaScript implementation of the browser though.
You can see the memory usage by JavaScript objects easily in Chrome. See here.


Why does this JavaScript cause a memory leak?

The following code is regarded as causing a memory leak because element maintains a reference to function bar and bar maintains a reference to element via closure (if I understand correctly).
Why does this cause a memory leak? Does it only cause a leak when element is a DOM node?
function foo(element, a, b) {
element.onclick = function bar() { /* uses a and b */ };
This is called a Javascript closure and is an expected feature of Javascript. This is not a memory leak in any modern browser.
If the DOM element represented by element is removed from the DOM, then the onclick handler will be garbage collected and then the closure itself will be garbage collected.
During the lifetime of element, the variables a and b will be part of the closure. This is an expected language feature as they are part of the closure that this code creates. When and if, element is deleted from the DOM and it is garbage collected, the closure and its references a and b will be eligible for garbage collection too.
There are some old browsers that did not always handle this properly, but that is generally not considered a design consideration any more for modern browsers. Further, it only caused an issue of consequence if you ran code like this over and over (removing DOM elements each time too) such that a large enough amount of memory was consumed by things that weren't being garbage collected when they should have been. This typically only happened in long running single page applications that had a lot of dynamic DOM stuff going on. But, as I said with modern browsers, this is no longer an issue as the browser's garbage collector handles this situation now.
This code only caused a memory leak in certain old versions of Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer 8 made some changes to memory management which mitigated the problem:
As all of the affected versions of Internet Explorer are now thoroughly obsolete, this is no longer an issue you need to be concerned with.

how can I verify a specific Javascript object will be garbage collected?

Is there any kind of assertion that I can make to verify that a particular object can be GC'ed in Javascript? The purpose is to have a unit test that asserts a memory leak is fixed.
at this point I don't know of any direct language support for this - I don't think Javascript has weak references or finalizers, which is how I probably would have done this in Java or C#.
You cannot have any javascript code that detects if a specific object can be GCed. The very code that would test it would keep it from being garbage collected because that code would, by definition, have a reference to it and the garbage collector will not GC something that still has a live reference to it.
The things you can do to verify that there is no memory leak:
Devise a test that runs the offending code over and over and measure the total memory usage of the browser to verify that the memory usage it not going up and up and up.
Assign a gigantic property value to the object (e.g. a mongo string) that is so large that you can clearly see if these objects are leaking in total memory usage.
Use various developer tools (which vary by browser) to look at the browser memory usage in finer detail.

Finalizers for JavaScript objects

Suppose I have some asm.js code, probably created by emscripten. Suppose it has some kind of rather large heap allocated structure, which gets returned by a asm.js function as a pointer that is picked up by some JavaScript library to be wrapped in a nice JavaScript object. Fine so far.
But what happens if that object goes out of scope and gets garbage collected. Right now, the asm.js code has no way of knowing about that, so the memory of the structure will remain allocated, causing a memory leak.
Is there some way to add a finalizer to a JavaScript object from within JavaScript?
Such a finalizer could be used to deallocate the memory in asm.js, thus avoiding the memory leak. So far I couldn't find a documented i.e. portable way to achieve this, but perhaps I've been looking in the wrong places.
Coming back to this question, I found another answer pointing out that there is a specification for weak references and finalization which some browsers implement. The central component for finalization is FinalizationRegistry.
So depending on which browsers you target, this may be possible now. If you need to support browsers without this feature, using explicit release calls, it might be possible to use the finalizers where supported to detect memory leaks (i.e. objects not explicitly released in JavaScript code) and let the developer know so they can fix this.
The simple answer is that there is no support for this.
Since asm.js code needs to manage its own memory, everything that interacts with objects stored on the asm side need to respect the memory manager that asm uses rather than the memory manager that the browser uses. The best that you can do is to explicitly call a method on any object referencing internal asm memory whenever you create or destroy a reference to it.

Count all objects and variables in use

Is it possible to count created objects and variables in javascript?
I am using Google Chrome to analyse my web app. But to debug and find the objects that causes "Memory Leak" is not so easy (at least for me). So I want to know all objects and variables that are created on the current page so I can know if they are removed.
No, you can't do that in Chrome (or any other major browser). You can use Chrome's "memory" page (chrome://memory/) to get some idea what's going on, but it's not down to the object level, and it's important to understand that garbage collection does not happen synchronously or immediately. The browser / JavaScript engine may well allocate memory, use it for some JavaScript objects, and then later correctly understand that those objects aren't used anymore, but keep the memory handy for future use.
Instead, what you can do is study how JavaScript works in detail, which tells you what will (usually) be kept in memory, and why. Understand how closures work (disclosure: that's a post on my anemic little blog), and understand how IE doesn't handle circular references between DOM elements and JavaScript objects well (specifically, it doesn't clean them up well when nothing refers to either of them anymore, which is otherwise not normally a problem). And in general, don't worry too much about it until/unless you have a specific issue to address. (Which absolutely happens, but not as much as people sometimes think.)

JQuery Remove and memory leaks

Im working on a game, and ive seen a lot of memory consuption, im using jquery animate, and after the animation is done, i .remove() the element, my question is, after removing an element from the dom tree, the object still exist in memory?
Javascript is a garbage collected language. That means that an object in memory will be released when no code holds any references to it and (for a DOM object) it's not in the DOM. So, when you remove an object from the DOM, as long as no other part of your javascript has a reference to that DOM object, the DOM object will be cleaned up and it's memory returned to the available memory pool when the garbage collector gets a chance to run.
Keep in mind that when memory is freed by the garbage collector, it may not be returned to the system right away or ever. It may stay as memory allocated to the browser, but it will be available for use by other memory requests within the browser. So, freeing memory in your script won't necessarily make the total memory used by the browser go down.
It is only a memory leak if repeatedly carrying out the same operation over and over causes the total memory used by the browser to continually rise. Only then can you be sure that some memory is being permanently consumed by a "leak".
There are a number of nuances about garbage collection, particularly for older versions of IE, but for modern browsers, mostly what you need to keep in mind is that if you hold a reference to an object in your own javascript data structures, it will not be garbage collected. If you don't hold a reference to it and it's not in the DOM, it will be freed and its memory recycled.
If there are no references to the element, garbage collection will clean it up on its next run. You're just fine using .remove, but don't bother worrying about the garbage collection.

