issue with Javascript image changer - javascript

I have a script running on my page to change the images. I want to repeat it 6 times to use in other places on the same page, but it wont work when I repeat it.
var delay = 2000 //set delay in miliseconds
var curindex = 0
var randomimages = new Array()
randomimages[0] = "hhh200.jpg"
randomimages[1] = "ray200.jpg"
var preload = new Array()
for (n = 0; n < randomimages.length; n++) {
preload[n] = new Image()
preload[n].src = randomimages[n]
document.write('<img name="defaultimage" src="' + randomimages[Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomimages.length))] + '">')
function rotateimage() {
if (curindex == (tempindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomimages.length)))) {
curindex = curindex == 0 ? 1 : curindex - 1
} else curindex = tempindex
document.images.defaultimage.src = randomimages[curindex]
setInterval("rotateimage()", delay)
Can anyone see why it's not working?

If you are just copying and pasting it somewhere else in the page as is, then you are overriding your variable values, and you are giving both images the same name, so those are 2 problems right there. You should put it all inside on function and call that function in the 2 places you want.
Try this.
function randomImage(randomImages, imageName) {
var delay = 2000 //set delay in miliseconds
var curindex = 0
var preload = new Array()
for (n = 0; n < randomImages.length; n++) {
preload[n] = new Image()
preload[n].src = randomImages[n]
document.write('<img name="' + imageName + '" src="' + randomImages[Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomImages.length))] + '">');
function rotateimage() {
var tempindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (randomImages.length));
if (curindex == tempindex) {
curindex = curindex == 0 ? 1 : curindex - 1
} else curindex = tempindex
document.images[imageName].src = randomImages[curindex];
setInterval("rotateimage()", delay);
// and then to use it, create your image arrays outside of the function, and call the function.
var images1 = new Array();
images1[0] = "hhh200.jpg";
images1[1] = "ray200.jpg";
var images2 = new Array();
images2[0] = "hhh200.jpg";
images2[1] = "ray200.jpg";
randomImage(images1, 'imageOneName');
randomImage(images2, 'imageTwoName');
I have not tested this code, but this is the general idea you should follow.


Nested for loop incrementation producing inconsistent result

I'm trying to use the variable of the current iteration of the loop in the nested loop.
However when I execute the following code the loop incorrectly starts at f = 6, and then it correctly iterates over the nested loop.
I've removed all the other code and then it works normally. However I have no clue what could possibly be interfering with the loop. There probably is a reason for it and I wish you guys could help me figure this out - and probably learn something more about why this behaviour occurs the way it does.
for (var f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
var JSONURL = "";
$.ajax( JSONURL, {
dataType: "json"
.done(function(json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.timeslots.length; i++) {
var StartHour = json.timeslots[i].begintijd.split(":")[0];
var StartMinute = json.timeslots[i].begintijd.split(":")[1];
var EndHour = json.timeslots[i].eindtijd.split(":")[0];
var EndMinute = json.timeslots[i].eindtijd.split(":")[1];
//Calculate top distance of block in pixels
if (StartHour < 20) {
var TopDistance = ((parseInt(StartHour) - 9) * 240) + (parseInt(StartMinute) * 4);
//Calculate height of block in pixels
var BlockHeight = ((((parseInt(EndHour) * 60) + (parseInt(EndMinute))) - ((parseInt(StartHour) * 60) + (parseInt(StartMinute)))) * 4) - 2.5;
//Generate HTML for blocks
var html_first = '<div data-ix="show-pop-up" class="w-clearfix time-block event-block" style="height:'+BlockHeight+'px; top:'+TopDistance+'px; background-color:'+json.timeslots[i].achtergrondkleur+';">';
if (json.timeslots[i].afbeelding.length > 0) {
var html_mid = '<div class="avatar" style="background-image:url('+json.timeslots[i].afbeelding+');"></div>';
else {
html_mid = "";
var html_last = '<h4 class="card-title">'+json.timeslots[i].naam+'</h4><div class="time-indication">'+json.timeslots[i].begintijd+'</div><div class="speaker-description">'+json.timeslots[i].functie+'</div><div class="hidden-content"><div class="pop-up-wrapper" style="background-color:'+json.timeslots[i].achtergrondkleur+';"><div class="w-clearfix pop-up-header-background"><div data-ix="hide-pop-up" class="close-icon" id="PopupClose"></div><h3 class="white pop-up-title">'+json.timeslots[i].naam+'</h3><div class="pop-up-subtitle">'+json.timeslots[i].functie+'</div></div><div class="w-clearfix pop-up-body"><div class="pop-up-avatar" style="background-image:url('+json.timeslots[i].afbeelding+');"></div><div class="w-clearfix"><div class="pop-up-card-detail-wrap"><div class="time-label">Begint om</div><div class="pop-up-time-text">'+json.timeslots[i].begintijd+'</div></div><div class="pop-up-card-detail-wrap"><div class="time-label">Eindigt om</div><div class="pop-up-time-text">'+json.timeslots[i].eindtijd+'</div></div><div class="pop-up-card-detail-wrap"><div class="time-label">plek</div><div class="pop-up-time-text">Zaal 1</div></div></div><p class="pop-up-paragraph">'+json.timeslots[i].beschrijving_lang+'</p></div><div class="pop-up-footer">Meer over deze spreker</div></div></div></div>';
var html = html_first+html_mid+html_last;
var TargetDiv = "#Locatie"+f+"Column";
alert("Parent loop increment: "+f);
alert("Child loop increment: "+i);
It starts at f = 6 because your callback doesn't get called until after f equals 6
What you may do is something to the effect of:
for (var f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
var JSONURL = "";
$.ajax( JSONURL, {
dataType: "json"
.done(handleResponse.bind(null, f));
function handleResponse(f, json) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.timeslots.length; i++) {
var StartHour = json.timeslots[i].begintijd.split(":")[0];
var StartMinute = json.timeslots[i].begintijd.split(":")[1];
var EndHour = json.timeslots[i].eindtijd.split(":")[0];
var EndMinute = json.timeslots[i].eindtijd.split(":")[1];
//Calculate top distance of block in pixels
if (StartHour < 20) {
var TopDistance = ((parseInt(StartHour) - 9) * 240) + (parseInt(StartMinute) * 4);
//Calculate height of block in pixels
var BlockHeight = ((((parseInt(EndHour) * 60) + (parseInt(EndMinute))) - ((parseInt(StartHour) * 60) + (parseInt(StartMinute)))) * 4) - 2.5;
//Generate HTML for blocks
var html_first = '<div data-ix="show-pop-up" class="w-clearfix time-block event-block" style="height:'+BlockHeight+'px; top:'+TopDistance+'px; background-color:'+json.timeslots[i].achtergrondkleur+';">';
if (json.timeslots[i].afbeelding.length > 0) {
var html_mid = '<div class="avatar" style="background-image:url('+json.timeslots[i].afbeelding+');"></div>';
else {
html_mid = "";
var html_last = '<h4 class="card-title">'+json.timeslots[i].naam+'</h4><div class="time-indication">'+json.timeslots[i].begintijd+'</div><div class="speaker-description">'+json.timeslots[i].functie+'</div><div class="hidden-content"><div class="pop-up-wrapper" style="background-color:'+json.timeslots[i].achtergrondkleur+';"><div class="w-clearfix pop-up-header-background"><div data-ix="hide-pop-up" class="close-icon" id="PopupClose"></div><h3 class="white pop-up-title">'+json.timeslots[i].naam+'</h3><div class="pop-up-subtitle">'+json.timeslots[i].functie+'</div></div><div class="w-clearfix pop-up-body"><div class="pop-up-avatar" style="background-image:url('+json.timeslots[i].afbeelding+');"></div><div class="w-clearfix"><div class="pop-up-card-detail-wrap"><div class="time-label">Begint om</div><div class="pop-up-time-text">'+json.timeslots[i].begintijd+'</div></div><div class="pop-up-card-detail-wrap"><div class="time-label">Eindigt om</div><div class="pop-up-time-text">'+json.timeslots[i].eindtijd+'</div></div><div class="pop-up-card-detail-wrap"><div class="time-label">plek</div><div class="pop-up-time-text">Zaal 1</div></div></div><p class="pop-up-paragraph">'+json.timeslots[i].beschrijving_lang+'</p></div><div class="pop-up-footer">Meer over deze spreker</div></div></div></div>';
var html = html_first+html_mid+html_last;
var TargetDiv = "#Locatie"+f+"Column";
alert("Parent loop increment: "+f);
alert("Child loop increment: "+i);
What this does is call handleResponse by passing in the value of f at the time that the loop is run.
The problem is not the nested loop, but the asynchronous call inside the loop. To resolve this issue you can use an immediately-invoked-anonymous-function to pass the correct value to your function, like so :
for (var f = 0; f < 6; f++) {
(function(foo) {
//ajax call
//your ajax call will now have the correct number

Reset values Issue

Building a dice game and you get 3 rolls. Once you finish your turn i'm trying to have a "reset" button that will reset the values back to the original spot so the "next person" can play. The values reset as I expected but when I "roll" none of the functions are taking place and i'm pretty new in js so i'm not sure what the problem is.
var playerScore = document.getElementById('firstPlayerScore');
var rollButton = document.getElementById('roll_button');
var dice1 = new dice(1);
var dice2 = new dice(2);
var dice3 = new dice(3);
var dice4 = new dice(4);
var dice5 = new dice(5);
var diceArray = [dice1, dice2, dice3, dice4, dice5];
var cargo = 0;
var numOfRolls = 0;
var cargoButton = document.getElementById('cargo');
var canHaveCargo = false;
function restart(){
dice1 = new dice(1);
dice2 = new dice(2);
dice3 = new dice(3);
dice4 = new dice(4);
dice5 = new dice(5);
diceArray = [dice1, dice2, dice3, dice4, dice5];
cargo = 0;
numOfRolls = 0;
canHaveCargo = false;
//dice object
function dice(id){ = id;
this.currentRoll = 1;
this.previousRoll = 1;
this.isSelected = false;
this.diceImageUrl = "img/dice/dice1.png";
this.roll = function(){
this.previousRoll = this.currentRoll;
this.currentRoll = getRandomRoll(1, 6);
//returns an array of all dice that are not currently selected so they can be rolled.
function getRollableDiceList(){
var tempDiceList = [];
for(var i = 0; i < diceArray.length; i++){
return tempDiceList;
// gets a random number between min and max (including min and max)
function getRandomRoll(min,max){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max-min + 1) + min);
// calls the roll function on each dice
function rollDice(rollableDiceList){
for(var i = 0; i < rollableDiceList.length; i++){
// updates each dice with the new url for the image that corresponds to what their current roll is
function updateDiceImageUrl(){
for(var i = 0; i < diceArray.length; i++){
var currentDice = diceArray[i];
currentDice.diceImageUrl = "" + currentDice.currentRoll + ".png";
//update div image with img that cooresponds to their current roll
//Displays the image that matches the roll on each dice
function updateDiceDivImage(currentDice) {
document.getElementById("dice" = "url('" + currentDice.diceImageUrl +"')";
// returns an array of all
function getNonSelectedDice(){
var tempArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i < diceArray.length; i++){
tempArray.sort(function(a, b){
return b.currentRoll - a.currentRoll;
return tempArray;
function getSelectedDice(){
var selectedDice = [];
for(var i = 0; i < diceArray.length; i++){
return selectedDice;
//boolean variables
var shipExist = false;
var captExist = false;
var crewExist = false;
//checks each dice for ship captain and crew. Auto select the first 6, 5 , 4.
function checkForShipCaptCrew(){
//array of dice that are not marked selected
var nonSelectedDice = getNonSelectedDice();
for(var i = 0; i < nonSelectedDice.length; i++){
//temp variable that represents the current dice in the list
currentDice = nonSelectedDice[i];
if (!shipExist) {
if (currentDice.currentRoll == 6) {
shipExist = true;
currentDice.isSelected = true;
if (shipExist && !captExist) {
if (currentDice.currentRoll == 5) {
captExist = true;
currentDice.isSelected = true;
if (shipExist && captExist && !crewExist) {
if (currentDice.currentRoll == 4) {
crewExist = true;
currentDice.isSelected = true;
canHaveCargo = true;
function addGlow(){
var selectedDice = getSelectedDice();
for (var i = 0; i < selectedDice.length; i++){
var addGlowDice = selectedDice[i];
var element = document.getElementById('dice' +;
element.className = element.className + " glowing";
function getCargo(){
var cargo = 0;
var moreDice = getNonSelectedDice();
if (canHaveCargo){
for(var i=0; i < moreDice.length; i++){
cargo += moreDice[i].currentRoll;
playerScore.innerHTML = 'You have got ' + cargo + ' in ' + numOfRolls + ' rolls!';
} else {
alert("You don't have Ship Captain and the Crew yet!");
rollButton.addEventListener('click', function(){
//generate rollable dice list
if (numOfRolls < 3) {
var rollableDiceList = getRollableDiceList();
//roll each dice
//update dice images
// //auto select first 6, 5, 4 (in that order)
// //adds a red glow to each dice that is selected
cargoButton.addEventListener('click', getCargo);
var startButton = document.getElementById('restart');
startButton.addEventListener('click', restart);
Here is a link to the live game since it's the only way I can describe the problem since I don't know what's not working. If you roll the dice a couple times the dice will get a blue border and be "saved" according to the rules. Now after you hit th restart button that doesn't happen anymore.
Thanks for the help in advance guys
Just add this to your restart()
function restart(){
shipExist = false;
capExist = false;
crewExist = false;
It's hard to replicate without a fiddle, but it seems that you are adding and removing the 'glowing' class using separate processes. Have you tried adding the glowing class the same way you are removing it?
See an example within a fiddle:

jQuery addClass or other methods doesn't seem to works on an element

(Sorry for my bad english)
I know, this question has been posted so many times, but the threads that I read didn't fix my problem.
I have a grid, with a random black cell drawn for each time I refresh the page. When the time come to "00:01", the cell need to replicate with the neighbors cells, I tried to put a background-color with jQuery, I tried to use attr('id', 'replicant'), I tried addClass... Nothing seem to work :S
Here the code for the draw :
function drawReplicant(replicant, cellTab)
for (var i = 0; i < replicant.length; i++) {
if($.inArray(replicant[i], cellTab))
var concat = 'row'+replicant[i].x+'col'+replicant[i].y;
And here, the full code :
var lastClicked;
var cellTab = Array();
var replicant = Array();
var neightbors = Array();
var newReplicant = Array();
var randomRow = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var randomCol = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var rows = 10;
var cols = 10;
var grid = clickableGrid(rows, cols,randomRow,randomCol,cellTab, function(el,row,col,i){
console.log("You clicked on element:",el);
console.log("You clicked on row:",row);
console.log("You clicked on col:",col);
console.log("You clicked on item #:",i);
lastClicked = el;
function clickableGrid( rows, cols, randomRow, randomCol, cellTab, callback ){
var i=0;
var grid = document.createElement('table');
grid.className = 'grid';
for (var r=0;r<rows;++r){
var tr = grid.appendChild(document.createElement('tr'));
for (var c=0;c<cols;++c){
var cell = tr.appendChild(document.createElement('td'));
if(randomCol == c && randomRow == r)
storeCoordinate(r, c, replicant);
$(cell).css('background', '#000000');
storeCoordinate(r, c, cellTab);
return function(){
return grid;
function storeCoordinate(xVal, yVal, array)
array.push({x: xVal, y: yVal});
function replicate(replicant)
for (var i = 0; i < replicant.length; i++) {
var supRowX = replicant[i].x-1;
var supRowY = replicant[i].y;
storeCoordinate(supRowX, supRowY, newReplicant);
var subRowX = replicant[i].x+1;
var subRowY = replicant[i].y;
storeCoordinate(subRowX, subRowY, newReplicant);
var supColsX = replicant[i].x;
var supColsY = replicant[i].y-1;
storeCoordinate(supColsX, supColsY, newReplicant);
var subColsX = replicant[i].x;
var subColsY = replicant[i].y+1;
storeCoordinate(subColsX, subColsY, newReplicant);
function drawReplicant(replicant, cellTab)
for (var i = 0; i < replicant.length; i++) {
if($.inArray(replicant[i], cellTab))
var concat = 'row'+replicant[i].x+'col'+replicant[i].y;
var w = null; // initialize variable
// function to start the timer
function startTimer()
// First check whether Web Workers are supported
if (typeof(Worker)!=="undefined"){
// Check whether Web Worker has been created. If not, create a new Web Worker based on the Javascript file simple-timer.js
if (w==null){
w = new Worker("w.countdown.js");
// Update timer div with output from Web Worker
w.onmessage = function (event) {
var bool = false;
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML =;
if( == "00:01")
replicant = newReplicant;
drawReplicant(replicant, cellTab);
} else {
// Web workers are not supported by your browser
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support Web Workers ...";
// function to stop the timer
function stopTimer()
timerStart = true;
w = null;
The replication WORKS, I have my new replicants in my array. But when I loop in this array to draw them, it doesn't seem to work although I'm able to get the cell to draw with :
var concat = 'row'+replicant[i].x+'col'+replicant[i].y;
If my first black cell if at the row4col4 position, this line will return :
And then, when the timer will restart, those 5 black cells will replicate with their neighbors, etc.
I use a web worker for the timer, here the code :
var timerStart = true;
function myTimer(d0)
// get current time
var d=(new Date()).valueOf();
// calculate time difference between now and initial time
var diff = d-d0;
// calculate number of minutes
var minutes = Math.floor(diff/1000/60);
// calculate number of seconds
var seconds = Math.floor(diff/1000)-minutes*60;
var myVar = null;
// if number of minutes less than 10, add a leading "0"
minutes = minutes.toString();
if (minutes.length == 1){
minutes = "0"+minutes;
// if number of seconds less than 10, add a leading "0"
seconds = seconds.toString();
if (seconds.length == 1){
seconds = "0"+seconds;
if(seconds >= 20)
seconds = "00";
// return output to Web Worker
if (timerStart){
// get current time
var d0=(new Date()).valueOf();
// repeat myTimer(d0) every 100 ms
// timer should not start anymore since it has been started
timerStart = false;
Thanks a lot :-)

Why isn't my JS working (in wordpress)?

What I'm trying to do is have a number count-up on my page that increases at a steady increment/interval. I created stylized images to represent each number 0-9 in the count-up, so I also need to replace each number with its respective image. The first Function in the code represents that task, and the second script is the actual count-up. I'm using wordpress so I've added the JS file and enqueued it in the header.php file.
Here's where I had my problem: I was able to get the count-up to work, but the counterimages(input) function doesn't want to work for me. It might be an issue with how I am trying to "call" on the function on the WordPress page.
If anyone could help me out I would be very grateful!
function counterimages(input) {
var output = ""
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var chr = input.substring(i, i + 1)
if (chr == '£') {
output += '<img border="0" src="img/pound.gif">';
} else if (chr == '.') {
output += '<img border="0" src="img/dot.gif">';
} else {
output += '<img border="0" src="'+(chr+1)+'.png">';
return output;
var START_DATE = new Date("October 21, 2012 22:30:00"); // put in the starting date here
var INTERVAL = 1; // refresh interval in seconds
var INCREMENT = 769.2; // increase per tick (1/0.0013 ~ 769)
var START_VALUE = 35000; // initial value when it's the start date
var count = 0;
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var msInterval = INTERVAL * 1000;
var now = new Date();
count = parseInt((now - START_DATE)/msInterval) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;
window.setInterval( function(){
count += INCREMENT;
}, msInterval);
You are missing a bracket in the counterimages function
function counterimages(input) {
var output = ""
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var chr = input.substring(i, i + 1)
if (chr == '£') {
output += '<img border="0" src="img/pound.gif">';
} else if (chr == '.') {
output += '<img border="0" src="img/dot.gif">';
} else {
output += '<img border="0" src="' + (chr + 1) + '.png">';
return output;
var START_DATE = new Date("October 21, 2012 22:30:00"); // put in the starting date here
var INTERVAL = 1; // refresh interval in seconds
var INCREMENT = 769.2; // increase per tick (1/0.0013 ~ 769)
var START_VALUE = 35000; // initial value when it's the start date
var count = 0;
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var msInterval = INTERVAL * 1000;
var now = new Date();
count = parseInt((now - START_DATE) / msInterval) * INCREMENT + START_VALUE;
window.setInterval(function () {
count += INCREMENT;
}, msInterval);

Javascript string comparison fails on page load

I have a forum site installed where I added a auto-resize mod which resizes all the images when the page is loaded
window.onload = resizeimg;
function resizeimg()
if (document.getElementsByTagName)
for (i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('img').length; i++)
var check = 0;
var str = '';
im = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[i];
var n =str.match(/sitelogo/gi);
if(n == null)
check = 1;
if (im.width > 600 && im.src !=str )
{ = '600px';
eval("pop" + String(i) + " = new Function(\"pop ='" + im.src + "','phpbbegypt','fullscale','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); pop.focus();\")");
eval("im.onclick = pop" + String(i) + ";");
if (document.all) = 'hand';
if (!document.all) = 'pointer';
Now what I am trying to is exclude my header logo, so that it would not be resized for that I introduced the string comparison and hardcoded my logo URL, I do not understand why that check fails and my logo still got resized; I also tried several other things like introducing a check variable whether the match function is working but obviously it does noet work, could you please help me with that?
window.onload = resizeimg;
function resizeimg() {
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
for (i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
var im = imgs[i];
if (im.width > 600 && !im.src.match(/sitelogo/)) { = '600px';
eval("pop" + String(i) + " = new Function(\"pop ='" + im.src + "','phpbbegypt','fullscale','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); pop.focus();\")");
eval("im.onclick = pop" + String(i) + ";"); = (document.all) ? 'hand' : 'pointer';
im.title = im.src;

