Graphical markov chain in javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a Markov chain that I would like to represent graphically in javascript. I need to represent the nodes, links, and transition probabilities. Perhaps something like one of these two diagrams:
Finding a good image library (like Raphael) is not the problem. The problem, for me, is finding a way to make sure the nodes are laid out nicely, with a minimal amount of lines crossing in front of other nodes or lines. Something like the "Lay out diagram" option in OmniGraffle (I'm sure there's a similar feature in Visio).
Is there a JS library that can do this for me, and if not does anyone have any idea how to approach a problem like this? Note that my markov chains are likely to be a lot more complex then the examples above.

You might make out okay with one of the directed graph libraries like D3 or one of the directed graph layers on Raphael.

I'm using mxGraph for this currently. It's not free, but it's a case of you get what you pay for.

Viz.js can be used for this, it is a Javascript port of Graphviz.


Diagram library for adjacency matrix [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there any javascript or python library for directly visualize incidence matrix which draw arrows and nodes? Like this.
For python, you can use networkx. The link is a gallery of graph visualizations, with associated source code.
For javascript, you can take a look at D3 Data-Driven Documents, another gallery of visualizations, some of which might be close to what you want.
Just as mtadd suggested Newtorkx has a very complete library to perform network analysis and basic visualization. The igraph library is another possibility. For better visualization I would consider using Gephi (java based) which is pretty intuitive and easy to manipulate.
Here is a link for a tutorial to use networkx and a link for a tutorial on gephi.

Angular Boilerplate [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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There seem to be quite some angular.js boilerplate-kits to get started; angular-seed, some using requirejs and so on, but lots of the ones I found appear to be quite dated. Being new to angular: is there any boilerplate "to go", something hyped everybody uses? I'm looking for a good, proved way to give my app structure.
Things I could find so far include
I agree with finishingmove, it depends on your project.
I'm a huge fan of ng-boilerplate.
It has an awesome modular structure. I prefer it over to stacks or sock drawer.
There is no one correct way to structure every application.
And definitely nothing more mainstream than what you've already found.
Start from that and work your way towards what's optimal for your current application.
I would recommend a simpler structure at first (naturally separate vendor from application files, CSS etc.), then refactoring as you go along.

Preventative tools for typos in class and id names [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are there any basic debugging tools for HTML/CSS/JavaScript that would help to identify typos?
For times when "#fron" should be "#from". I'm not talking about the code itself, but for things like class names and ids.
I know there are robust IDEs, but just wondering if there are some fairly basic tools or extensions that I'm simply unaware of.
Before I post a question here, I try to review the code thoroughly, but I'm my own worst proofreader.
Two things I have found to be useful is this:
I use deadweight for the css:
Or ucss
And for my client side rendering, i grab the page contents with phantomjs, then run it by vnu and deadweight/ucss.
I would say check this out as well. Ran the first two examples through firebug's console and got exactly what your looking for.
Problem is the first(ilia choly's) shows only classes, although it's in an alert. The second example (MisterGreen's) is a lot cleaner, gives you both classes and ids but spits them into the console and gives you unnecessary results. Try it, pick one. No need to code it into your page. Worst part could be manually going through them all.
How to get list of Css class use in the HTML file?

a good javascript/jquery color scheme generator (like kuler) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a color picker and color scheme generator based on javascript-html (preferably as a jQuery plugin).
The picker should be able to suggest seconday and tertiary colors based on a selected primary color and a selected scheme rule (triads, monocomatic, complimentary, etc..).
It should works something like this
It shouldn't be as copmprehensive as kuler though, and not take up more space than the colorpicker from here
I've been searching already of course, and couldn't find any. I'll be ready to get one developed, but would like to hear any suggestions for existing solutions or solutions that provide some of the functionality I'm looking for here (to fork from)..
Check this:
Color selection is a bit wonky but there are several color rules in place to spit out some combinations.

I need some simple logic/programming exercises for a junior programmer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently teaching an employee ECMA script as it is needed in maintaining a workflow system we use and i need some challenges to use as exercises.
We have covered most of the language and he is now pretty familiar with the syntax so i just need him to get using it. I need to provide him exercises which make him think logically.
For example, he understands what an if and a switch is but a little unsure when to use one over the other. I just need to give him some exercises to let him have a go at working out a solution, then i'll sit with him, review his code and give advice.
Basically he just needs practice now. Is there any online resources which can give me a list of stuff to do? I found a few and we've worked through them (i.e. 99 bottles of beer, etc). We need some more.
Project Euler is always a good challenge/exercise for everyone.
You can probably find suitable exercises on the Coding Kata sites.
Otherwise maybe check out a book with exercises in it.

