problem facing in javascript function returning value - javascript

I have two javascript functions. from validateSearchStirng() i am calling checkSolrServerAvailibility(), from which i am expecting to return flag=1 if ajax request is successful otherwise flag=0. but each time checkSolrServerAvailibility() returning flag=0. Why so and what i need to do for getting correct result
function validateSearchStirng(sort,order,itemPerPage,showPage)
var serverflag;
var msg= "<hr /><font size="+size+" ><b>Solr Server Not Runing </b></font><hr /> ";
function checkSolrServerAvailibility(sort,order,itemPerPage,showPage,query,solrURL)
var start=itemPerPage*(showPage-1);
var end=itemPerPage;
var flag=0
url: solrURL+"/solr/db/select/?qt=dismax&wt=json&&start="+start+"& rows="+end+"&q="+query+"&json.wrf=?",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json){

async : false
You should turn this flag to false.
Then you will get the desired results

You should probably forget about using JS functions this way and do it using callbacks. So basically instead of doing something like that:
do something like that:
var processServerFlagCallback = function(flag){
// do something with your flag
checkSolrServerAvailibility(..., processServerFlagCallback);
and inside checkSolrServerAvailability, when you have information about success, invoke given callback with 1 as parameter, and in case of error - with 0 as parameter.
To see how to determine that an error occured during request, please see jQuery's .ajax() documentation on error parameter.

You need to redesign your solution to something like
function checkSolrServerAvailibility(sort,order,itemPerPage,showPage,query,solrURL, success, error){
url: "",
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json){
success.apply(this, arguments);
error.apply(this, arguments);
function onAvailabilityCheck(json, textStatus, jqXHR){
function onAvailabilityCheckError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
var msg= "<hr /><font size="+size+" ><b>Solr Server Not Runing </b></font><hr /> ";
function validateSearchStirng(sort,order,itemPerPage,showPage){
checkSolrServerAvailibility(sort,order,itemPerPage,showPage,query,solrURL, onAvailabilityCheck, onAvailabilityCheckError);
Since you are working with ajax request which by definition asynchronous in nature, your code will not work because once the client sent the ajax request to server it will not wait for the server response to comeback. It will keep executing the next lines... that means your flag will always be set to false.
To solve this problem my suggestion will be is to use callback methods to handle both success and failure cases as shown.
In the case of a successful ajax request the onAvailabilityCheck method will be called with the given parameters and if the ajax request is a failure the onAvailabilityCheckError method will be called.


generalizing ajax call into function

I'm trying to attempt to generalize my ajax calls into a function as follows. I have not done this before and am not sure sure if I'm doing it correctly.
var reg_no=$("#reg_no").val();
//populate fields
function ajax_call(data,success_function){
success_function(data); //variable function works??
function updateFormFields(data){
//some code here to handle data array
What I'm trying to do here is avoid rewriting the whole ajax code by passing the data array and the function to be executed on success. What I'm not sure is the use of variable functions as i have done.
A note to be made is that the whole thing works for an ajax call if updateFormFields() code was moved into the success handler in the ajax call and the ajax_call() was not defined as a seperate function but implemented right after the comment "populate fields". I just have no experience in trying it this way and I need to know if this is possible or not.
Thank You
In Javascript, functions are first class objects, meaning you can pass them around as parameters.
function json_post(url, data, success_function, error_function) {
}).then(success_function, error_function);
Then you can call it as
json_post("../control/supplier-c.php", { data: "data" }, function (res) {
console.log('Ajax req successful');
}, function (res) {
console.log('Error in ajax req');
In your case, you can do:
ajax_call(data, updateFormFields);
and it should work as expected.
There's no need to wrap the success function, you can just apply apply it directly.
function ajax_call(data, success_function) {
success: success_function
An even better idea is to avoid the legacy success and error callbacks and instead return the jQuery promise. You can use standard promise methods .then() and `.
function ajax_call(data) {
return $.ajax({
.then(function(data) {
// this runs if it succeeds
.fail(function(err) {
// this runs if it failed
Promises have a huge benefit to being chain-able, making the code flatter, avoiding the nest of "christmas tree callbacks".
I would recommend checking success_function as well as failure_function to handle server response (XHR) errors also.
function success_function(){
//code to handle success callback
function error_function(){
//code to handle failure callback
function ajax_call(data, success_function, error_function) {
if (typeof success_function === 'function' && typeof error_function === 'function') {
type: "POST",
url: "../control/supplier-c.php",
dataType: "json",
data: data,

Getting undefined when calling the function

I have this function which parses the JSON. I am getting undefined when I am calling it in a .live function.
Here is the function that I have created,
function getAbc() {
var details;
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
url : '/index.php/data',
type : 'GET',
data : 'persons[]=' + id,
success : function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
details = JSON.parse(data);
return details;
I am simply calling like this, getAbc(). And is there any way that I can access details variable in the function?
Use continuation passing style. The $.ajax is async in nature.
function getAbc(callback) {
var details;
var id = $(this).attr('data-id');
url : '/index.php/data',
type : 'GET',
data : 'persons[]=' + id,
success : function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
details = JSON.parse(data);
function getAbc(function (details) {
That's because ajax happens asynchronously. That means getAbc returns before success is invoked, because the request goes over the wire. You need to use details in the success callback, not after the getAbc method returns. Alternatively, in success call another method that uses details, and pass details to that method.
This is due to the way AJAX works.
AJAX requests are asynchronous, which means they do not return immediately.
When you make an AJAX call, a request is made that completes at an unknown time.
You can use a callback function to handle the results.
A callback function is a function that gets executed AFTER the response is received from the AJAX request.
You can specify a callback function and pass it to your AJAX call.

waiting for an ajax reply

I have a javascript function called GetRequest() that calls the server with $.ajax() and receives a json string:
function GetRequest(ThePage) {
RequestedPage = parseInt(ThePageNumber,10);
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "../Pages/MyPage.aspx/GetPage",
data: "{'ThePage':'" + ThePageNumber + "'}",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
var data = msg.hasOwnProperty("d") ? msg.d : msg;
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
I have a function called ShowData() that calls GetRequest() and must wait until GetRequest receives its data before continuing.
function ShowData() {
//some code that determines the page number
//wait until the data is in
I use GetRequest in several places so I can't use its success function in the context of ShowData.
How do I make my function ShowData pause its execution until GetRequest is finished? I thought of changing the OnSuccessCallBack function and determine which function initially called GetRequest() but I'm not sure on how to best do this.
Thanks for your suggestions.
add a function pass-in to GetRequest like so:
function GetRequest(pageNumber, successCallback){
//I admit this isn't "elegant" but it's most assuredly readable
var callback;
if (successCallback == null) {
callback = //default callback definition here
} else {
callback = successCallback;
//do everything else the same here
//except use the callback defined above
This gives you the flexibility to add in a separate callback handler for the onsuccess
Alternately, do the same as above, but use the "onComplete" handler unless you need the data specifically on the return (it doesn't appear as tho you do).
I'm going to strenuously suggest that you do use callbacks for asynchronous code instead of trying to shoehorn in sync requests. It's much better to just adopt a coding style that revolves around async requests when working in javascript, especially where you're already doing AJAX (which is by definition intended to be async).
Pass async:false along with the ajax options..
type: "POST",
You can make your call only synchronous by using ajax prefilters:
function ShowData() {
//some code that determines the page number
$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
options.async = false;
//wait until the data is in

javascript & jQuery scope question

I have the following method:
function priceRange(FESTIVALID){
url : '/actions/festheads.cfc?method=getPriceRangeByGUID',
type : 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data) {"AJAX:qPrices",data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ '+data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);
return formatedPriceRange;
The second correctly displays the formatedPriceRange,
but outside the function is undefined.
how can I access this variable out side the priceRange function?
It's normal, that's how AJAX works. It's asynchronous, meaning that the jQuery.ajax function returns immediately and in this case formatedPriceRange hasn't yet been assigned a value and once the server responds (which can be for example 10 seconds later), the success callback is invoked and the variable is assigned a value.
So always consume the results of your AJAX requests inside the success callback function.
You also have the possibility to pass the async: false option to your jQuery.ajax call which will perform a synchronous request to the server and block until the result is retrieved. Obviously this will lead to your browser freezing during the execution of the request. So it would no longer be AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And Xml) but SJAX (Synchronous Javascript and Xml).
You have to make sure that the AJAX request finishes before you access the price range data.
You need to expose the price range data outside the scope of the success function.
Here's how you can do it:
function priceRange(FESTIVALID, callback) {
url: '/actions/festheads.cfc?method=getPriceRangeByGUID',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {"AJAX:qPrices", data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ ' + data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);, formatedPriceRange);
} //success
}); //ajax;
var myFestivalID = 1;
priceRange(myFestivalID, function(priceRange) {
// this code runs when the ajax call is complete
alert('The formatted price range is:' + priceRange);
how can I access this variable out
side the priceRange function?
Like Darin said, you have to use your results in the success callback function.
Assuming you're using your current function like this:
var range = priceRange(festivalId);
// ... doing stuff with range variable
You'll want reorganize your code so that anything you do with the range variable stems from the success callback. For example, you can create a function to handle updating the UI with the new range:
function handleRangeVariabe(range) {
/// ... do stuff with range variable
Call it from success:
success: function(data) {"AJAX:qPrices",data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ '+data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);
Flower the steps of sample Code:
//declare function
function priceRange(FESTIVALID, functionCallBack){
//1º step
url : '/actions/festheads.cfc?method=getPriceRangeByGUID',
type : 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data) {
//3º step, because this function will only trigger when server responds to request
//handle data in other function
//more code
//2º step
//no return value, because this method no know when the data will return of server
//return formatedPriceRange;
var formatedPriceRange;
//using function
princeRange(1 , function(data){"AJAX:qPrices",data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ '+data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);

Checking a Url in Jquery/Javascript

All I need is a method that returns true if the Url is responding. Unfortunately, I'm new to jQuery and it's making my attempts at writing that method rather frustrating.
I've seen several examples of jQuery using .ajax, but the code is consistently failing on me. What's wrong?
var urlExists = function(url){
//When I call the function, code is still executing here.
type: 'HEAD',
url: url,
success: function() {
return true;
error: function() {
return false;
//But not here...
That isn't how AJAX works. AJAX is fundamentally asynchronous (that's actually what the first 'A' stands for), which means rather than you call a function and it returns a value, instead you call a function and pass in a callback, and that callback will be called with the value.
What do you want to do after you know whether the URL is responding or not? If you intended to use this method like this:
//do stuff
var exists = urlExists(url);
//do more stuff based on the boolean value of exists
Then what you instead have to do is:
//do stuff
urlExists(url, function(exists){
//do more stuff based on the boolean value of exists
where urlExists() is:
function urlExists(url, callback){
type: 'HEAD',
url: url,
success: function(){
error: function() {
urlExists() can not return because it needs wait for the request.
Either pass it a callback, or make it synchronous (not recommended, because it locks the browser).
var urlExists = function(url, callback) {
if ( ! $.isFunction(callback)) {
throw Error('Not a valid callback');
type: 'HEAD',
url: url,
success: $.proxy(callback, this, true),
error: $.proxy(callback, this, false)
Then you can do
urlExists('/something', function(success) {
if (success) {
} else {
alert('Oh no!');
It also worth mentioning the same origin policy.
Also, returning from an anonymous function's scope will not return in the parent function (like in your original example). It just returns that inner function. To return from an inner to a parent, set a flag and return it.
Basically, there is nothing wrong with your code. See it work here:
My guess is that you're using it to check the availability of content on a different domain, which fails because browsers don't allow cross domain ajax-requests.
If the url is from the same domain as your page you can do it. But if it is from a different domain, for example, then it will fail due to cross domain security.
In general, you should probably run your script in Firefox using the firebug plugin. It will give you the details needed to solve the issue.
The ajax and post methods are asynchronous, so you should handle the result in a callback method.
AJAX is basically asynchronous, and that's why the behavior you are describing.
I've used the following, which is free of cross origin, to get a simple true/false indication whether a URL is valid, in a synchronous manner:
function isValidURL(url) {
var encodedURL = encodeURIComponent(url);
var isValid = false;
url: "*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%22" + encodedURL + "%22&format=json",
type: "get",
async: false,
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
isValid = data.query.results != null;
error: function(){
isValid = false;
return isValid;
The usage is then trivial:
var isValid = isValidURL("");
alert(isValid ? "Valid URL!!!" : "Damn...");
Hope this helps

