Do something when input field gets updated through jquery - javascript

I have input field
<input type="text" name="vehicle_make[]" id="make1"/>
and i have help dropdown that updates this field if user choose to do so. I do it trough standard jquery code
Problem is, since i use validate plugin to validate this field, if user click on validate before entering anything in that box, he will get notice that he needs to fill it, but then if he fills it trough dropdown, validate plugin will not detect it until user click on submit again.
I know i could call submit in function in which i process dropdown, but i think that it is not right solution, since i would need to check if validation is already done before doing that (since if it is not, it would start validation before i want it to start).
I also need to tie some other things to that field also, so i would like to know is there is a way in which i could write function so it always check if field is filled, even if user did not fill it directly.
Sorry if i didn't explain everything right, this is my first message here.

Try this
//do something there

I have found solution. First, i created js variable form_submitted, and added onclick event to submit button, to change value of variable form_submitted to yes. Then, i created function:
function update_validation(){
if(form_submitted == 'yes'){
that i call when user do something that is not detected regularly with validate plugin. This function manually starts validation again, but only if it has been started before by clicking on submit.


Textbox with default value does not get detected in validation until a change is made

So my register(post) part of my project is done. Now I am trying to do update profile (put). Btw, I didnt add the css designs or anything here just to make it simple.
So, For the textboxes, for example for name I have:
<input defaultValue={name} />
So basically, one of my validations is
if(!Name) => {setError('blah blah')
and this works also when I call the info for profile update and put the defaultValue={name}, it also works.
so here is the problem:
The textbox gets updated with the name that I call from the database however my validations do not work until i erase something.
Example: Someone registered as the name "John"
when I call John from database for profile update, my textbox gets updated with the name "John"
but if i dont erase a letter or add a letter, my validation wont work. It simply doesnt detect anything in the textbox.
Even if i erase a letter from John and type it back, it will work.
So to put it all together, I have do at least one thing in the textbox for my validation to detect it. I hope I haven't confused anyone. Let me know if additional info is needed.

jQuery change function, how to save the state like a session

I am looking for a way with my form I am currently showing and hiding fields based on the values selected in the dropdowns, What I want to know is.
when i select yes and the field below displays I click submit on the form, if I return to the form the value is still present but the field is hidden again...
How can I prevent that from happening by default?
I want my browser to remember the jQuery change funtions state I left it at after I submit the form.
What you want to do is 'refresh fields visibility' in some cases. I suggest you to create such function refreshFieldsVisibility. Such function reads values from the dropdown and shows/hide the proper field. Then call your function:
When elements state is changed, with on('change') events.
When document is ready (this is your case as I understand), with $(document).ready
Any other situation if necessary

How to disable Sharepoint textbox?

I am trying to disable a textbox in SharePoint WSS3 and force a specific value (given by another JavaScript function) but I can't seem to find the right way of doing it. I have come across different issues. Let's say I have a normal single line text value named prova and another one named Description. Description is required, prova is not.
First Issue: If the field IS required, even if there is something in the textbox, SharePoint says otherwise and does not allow me to insert the entry.
//var value = someFunction(...);
var value = "test";
$("input[title='Description']").attr("disabled", "disabled");
Second Issue: If the field IS NOT required SharePoint doesn't say anything but it inserts a blank value instead of the one given.
//var value = someFunction(...);
var value = "test";
$("input[title='prova']").attr("disabled", "disabled");
I have a feeling that tells me that there is some kind of SharePoint JavaScript function somewhere that listens for KeyUp or something. I have really no idea what to do now...
EDIT: It looks like the problem is related to disabling the textbox, if I comment the line where I disable the textbox it works in both scenarios. Maybe if I catch the insert request I can re-enable the textbox before SharePoint do the actual post. No idea how to do it though...
Your problem really is related to disabling the textbox first. By default disabled textboxes are not contained in the POST request in IE.
See this post: Disabled form inputs do not appear in the request or this one: how to save data by disabled text box?
What you actually want to do is set the readonly attribute of the field, not disable it (readonly="readonly"). The problem with that is that the readonly state sometimes looks the same as the default state, so you also have to add some CSS to make it look greyed out.

remove value on field on submit if value is equal to default value?

I have a form that uses a servlet I don't have access to for validation. The powers that be want the field to be prefilled with a value "Enter promotion code" - unfortunately, since placeholder doesn't work with IE, the field is going through the validation process on submit for the default text.
Is there a way to clear the value on that field if the value equals the default text when the form is submitted? (jquery or javascript)
You should toss this somewhere on load.
If you aren't using jQuery on the page yet, it'll look like this:
$(function() {
// when the submit button is pressed
$('#yourForm').submit(function() {
if($('#yourInputBox').val() == YOUR_DEFAULT_STRING)
$('#yourInputBox').val(''); // clear the value
return true; // submit the form
You haven't provided any code to work with, but conceptually you can hook the submit function for your form with javascript, check to see if the prefilled value is still in the form and clear it if so and then allow the submit to proceed.

Accept Field Value when Form is submitted with Dojo

Small but boring issue:
We have an Form field inside an DojoX Grid (1.2). If the user changes the value inside this field, and is hitting the "Submit" Button without clicking somewhere else the new value is ignored.
Is there any way to "accept" all Values entered inside the field, when hitting submit? Or something like "onMouseOut" Accept value?
An colleague has found an solution:
before submit..

