OK I am stumped!! IIS7 vs my javascript - javascript

I made a couple of changes to my javascript (which uses jquery ajax get). All I did was add an alert to see what was being sent. So the alert showd me what I wanted to see and I removed it from the script.
But now no matter what I do it keeps on popping up the alert. Somewhere somehow it seems to be cached. I cleared my browser cache. I even went onto a different system and it still pops up. When I remove all the code and I just leave an empty .js file it is fine. But the moment I put the code back it starts doing the alerts again.
I double tripled and double tripled checked again. I removed the 1 alert statement I had.
What must I do? Help thanks.
(function($){$.cabrowserTest=function(a,z){var u='unknown',x='X',m=function(r,h){for(var i=0;i<h.length;i=i+1){r=r.replace(h[i][0],h[i][1]);}return r;},c=function(i,a,b,c){var r={name:m((a.exec(i)||[u,u])[1],b)};r[r.name]=true;r.version=(c.exec(i)||[x,x,x,x])[3];if(r.name.match(/safari/)&&r.version>400){r.version='2.0';}if(r.name==='presto'){r.version=($.cabrowser.version>9.27)?'futhark':'linear_b';}r.versionNumber=parseFloat(r.version,10)||0;r.versionX=(r.version!==x)?(r.version+'').substr(0,1):x;r.className=r.name+r.versionX;return r;};a=(a.match(/Opera|Navigator|Minefield|KHTML|Chrome/)?m(a,[[/(Firefox|MSIE|KHTML,\slike\sGecko|Konqueror)/,''],['Chrome Safari','Chrome'],['KHTML','Konqueror'],['Minefield','Firefox'],['Navigator','Netscape']]):a).toLowerCase();$.cabrowser=$.extend((!z)?$.cabrowser:{},c(a,/(camino|chrome|firefox|netscape|konqueror|lynx|msie|opera|safari)/,[],/(camino|chrome|firefox|netscape|netscape6|opera|version|konqueror|lynx|msie|safari)(\/|\s)([a-z0-9\.\+]*?)(\;|dev|rel|\s|$)/));$.layout=c(a,/(gecko|konqueror|msie|opera|webkit)/,[['konqueror','khtml'],['msie','trident'],['opera','presto']],/(applewebkit|rv|konqueror|msie)(\:|\/|\s)([a-z0-9\.]*?)(\;|\)|\s)/);$.os={name:(/(win|mac|linux|sunos|solaris|iphone)/.exec(navigator.platform.toLowerCase())||[u])[0].replace('sunos','solaris')};if(!z){$('html').addClass([$.os.name,$.cabrowser.name,$.cabrowser.className,$.layout.name,$.layout.className].join(' '));}};$.cabrowserTest(navigator.userAgent);})(jQuery);
var caHref = window.location.href;
var numRand=0;
function pProcess()
var pname = "";
var phref = "";
var pqty = "";
var pcip = "";
var pcit = "";
var custa = "";
var custb = "";
var custo = "";
var prod = "";
var custd = "";
var caSURL = "https://"+caHref.substring(caHref.indexOf("/",0)+2,caHref.indexOf("/",7));
$.ajaxSettings.async = false;
$.ajaxSettings.cache = false;
function handle(table) {
custa = '&abanurl='+caHref;
custb = '&browser='+escape($.cabrowser.name+' '+$.cabrowser.version);
custo = '&os='+$.os.name;
custd = 'custfname='+escape(CustFName)+'&custlname='+escape(CustLName)+'&custemail='+CustEmail;
table.find('tr').each(function() {
pname = $(this).find('.PName a:first').text();
phref = $(this).find('.PName a:first').attr('href');
pqty = $(this).find('.Quantity input:first').val();
pcip = $(this).find('.IndividualP').text();
pcit = $(this).find('.TotalP').text();
prod+= '&pName='+escape($.trim(pname))+'&purl='+escape($.trim(phref))+'&pqty='+$.trim(pqty)+'&pcip='+$.trim(pcip)+'&pcit='+$.trim(pcit);
return false;
if (prod != "") {
$.get('https://www.SOMEWEBSITE.com/default.asp?'+custd+prod+custa+custb+custo+'&rnd='+numRand, function(){return false;});
if (caHref.search('finish.php')==-1)
var table = $('<table/>');
table.load('/mypage.php?Check=1 .Contents tbody', function(){handle(table);});
} else if (caHref.search('finish.php')>-1) {
$.get('https://www.SOMEWEBSITE.com/cart/?custemail='+CEmail+'&fin=1&rnd='+numRand, function(){return false;});
if (prod=="" && caHref.search('finish.php')==-1)
$.get('https://www.SOMEWEBSITE.com/default.asp?'+custd+custa+custb+custo+'&rnd='+numRand, function(){return false;});
if ( $.cookie("YouAreLogin")!=null && caHref.search('Check')==-1 )
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#frm input[type="image"]').click(function () {
$.get('https://www.SOMEWEBSITE.com/mypage.asp?product='+caHref+'&rnd='+numRand, function(){return false;});
function CrossDomain()
$.ajaxSettings.crossDomain = true;
$.ajaxSettings.timeout = 5000;
$.ajaxSettings.jsonp = false;
$.ajaxSettings.dataType = "jsonp";
numRand = Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999) + parseFloat(1000);
The numRand I added to see if that would work. The link to the website I have replaced as at the moment it is not puplic knowledge.

Looks like a caching issue.
Can you first check to make sure if it is/is not a caching issue. You can check the HTTP response code for the js file you are using ( user Firebug in Firefox, it should be other than 304 Not Modified).
Also check to make sure that the content of the js file that is transffered has alerts in it or not.
Can you post back what you see after that here?

Well only option left which sorted it out! I never want to go through this again! We uninstalled IIS and reinstalled. Problem sorted. What a nighmare! Thanks to all those who picthed in. I really appreciate it!

just had this occur on my local dev environment - win7 64 bit enterprise SP1 - IIS7 - VS2010 - javascript is inside an old classic site running thru IIS7 not studio's internal server.
Possible clue: have never had this happen to me until i created an active x control for the site...
first - what worked: runnign CCLeaner over the system - all cookies and registry clean - restart and sigh finally working.
tried (all failed):
updating affected files, writing alerts into the code
recycle app pools / stop / start site
added no-cache rules for .asp, .js in IIS7
close re-open studio, close all restart computer.
delete temp files C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files
uninstall IIS and re-install IIS
This was a javascript file included by classic asp pages - so where does the system cache js files i wonder? users/temp internet or something?


Can I use javascript timer in a mobile browser

I am using IE in a mobile browser. I add a javascript function to a button that when the User clicks it says 'hello'.
This works.
I then add a timer.
On a desktop browser it works.
it does not work on my mobile browser.
This is my code. (note I Had just tried placing an alert('hi'); in the swapImages() and that did not work either.
var div = document.getElementById('divImage');
var imgCached = document.getElementById('imgCached');
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
function OnImgLoaded() {
img1.src = imgCached.src;
var interval = 30;
var _timer;
var _index = 0;
function test() {
_timer = setInterval('swapImages()', interval);
function swapImages() {
imgCached.onload = OnImgLoaded();
imgCached.src = 'my server url~/' + '0000' + _index + '.jpg';
_index = _index + 1;
if (_index == 10) {
_index = 0;
I had been runningit on Chrome desktop and not IE. I am mow testing it in IE desktop. I get the same erro so now I can debug.
The error is this line:
img1.src = imgCached.src;
It tells me:
Unable to get property 'src' of undefined or null reference
I have changed the code to:
var imgLive = document.getElementById('imgLive'); (I have renamed the img control)
function OnImgLoaded() {
imgLive.src = imgCached.src;
I get the same error.
I look in Source and the control is correctly named..
i'm not sure that the following line is valid in your mobile phone:
imgCached.src = '' ...
the timer executes successfully, but the image doesn't get the proper src since the device doesn't run a web server on it (unless you configured one).
and to answer your topic question, yes- you can use javascript timers in mobile browsers just like desktop browsers.
hope that helped.
First of all: Do you ever call the test function, that starts the timer?
Second: Maybe it's really document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true), that fails - it may not be enabled in the mobile version of IE that you are using. You can check if it's enabled using the queryCommandEnabled function, see more here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/ms536676(v=vs.85).aspx

Chrome Extension doesn't considers optionvalue until reloaded

I'm working on my first Chrome Extension. After learning some interesting notions about jquery i've moved to raw javascript code thanks to "Rob W".
Actually the extension do an XMLHttpRequest to a remote page with some parameters and, after manipulating the result, render an html list into the popup window.
Now everything is up and running so i'm moving to add some option.
The first one was "how many elements you want to load" to set a limit to the element of the list.
I'm using fancy-setting to manage my options and here's the problem.
The extension act like there's a "cache" about the local storage settings.
If i do not set anything and perform a clean installation of the extension, the default number of element is loaded correctly.
If i change the value. I need to reload the extension to see the change.
Only if a remove the setting i see the extension work as intended immediately.
Now, i'm going a little more into specific information.
This is the popup.js script:
chrome.extension.sendRequest({action: 'gpmeGetOptions'}, function(theOptions) {
//Load the limit for topic shown
console.log('NGI-LH -> Received NGI "max_topic_shown" setting ('+theOptions.max_topic_shown+')');
//Initializing the async connection
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'http://gaming.ngi.it/subscription.php?do=viewsubscription&pp='+theOptions.max_topic_shown+'&folderid=all&sort=lastpost&order=desc');
xhr.onload = function() {
var html = "<ul>";
var doc = xhr.response;
var TDs = doc.querySelectorAll('td[id*="td_threadtitle_"]');
[].forEach.call(TDs, function(td) {
//Removes useless elements from the source
var tag = td.querySelector('img[src="images/misc/tag.png"]'); (tag != null) ? tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag) : false;
var div_small_font = td.querySelector('div[class="smallfont"]'); (small_font != null ) ? small_font.parentNode.removeChild(small_font) : false;
var span_small_font = td.querySelector('span[class="smallfont"]'); (small_font != null ) ? small_font.parentNode.removeChild(small_font) : false;
var span = td.querySelector('span'); (span != null ) ? span.parentNode.removeChild(span) : false;
//Change the look of some elements
var firstnew = td.querySelector('img[src="images/buttons/firstnew.gif"]'); (firstnew != null ) ? firstnew.src = "/img/icons/comment.gif" : false;
var boldtext = td.querySelector('a[style="font-weight:bold"]'); (boldtext != null ) ? boldtext.style.fontWeight = "normal" : false;
//Modify the lenght of the strings
var lenght_str = td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title_"]');
if (lenght_str.textContent.length > 40) {
lenght_str.textContent = lenght_str.textContent.substring(0, 40);
lenght_str.innerHTML += "<span style='font-size: 6pt'> [...]</span>";
//Removes "Poll:" and Tabulation from the strings
td.querySelector('div').innerHTML = td.querySelector('div').innerHTML.replace(/(Poll)+(:)/g, '');
//Modify the URL from relative to absolute and add the target="_newtab" for the ICON
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]').href += "&goto=newpost" : false;
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]').href += "&goto=newpost": false;
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_title"]').target = "_newtab": false;
(td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]') != null) ? td.querySelector('a[id^="thread_goto"]').target = "_newtab": false;
//Store the td into the main 'html' variable
html += "<li>"+td.innerHTML+"</li>";
// console.log(td);
html += "</ul>";
//Send the html variable to the popup window
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = html.toString();
xhr.responseType = 'document'; // Chrome 18+
Following the background.js (the html just load /fancy-settings/source/lib/store.js and this script as Fancy-Setting How-To explains)
//Initialization fancy-settings
var settings = new Store("settings", {
"old_logo": false,
"max_topic_shown": "10"
//Load settings
var settings = settings.toObject();
//Listener who send back the settings
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.action == 'gpmeGetOptions') {
The console.log show the value as it has been cached, as i said.
If i set the value to "20", It remain default until i reload the extension.
If i change it to 30, it remain at 20 until i reload the extension.
If something more is needed, just ask. I'll edit the question.
The problem appears to be a conceptual misunderstanding. The background.js script in a Chrome Extension is loaded once and continues to run until either the extension or the Chrome Browser is restarted.
This means in your current code the settings variable value is loaded only when the extension first starts. In order to access values that have been updated since the extension is loaded the settings variable value in background.js must be reloaded.
There are a number of ways to accomplish this. The simplest is to move the settings related code into the chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener callback function in background.js. This is also the most inefficient solution, as settings are reloaded every request whether they have actually been updated or not.
A better solution would be to reload the settings value in background.js only when the values are updated in the options page. This uses the persistence, or caching, of the settings variable to your advantage. You'll have to check the documentation for implementation details, but the idea would be to send a message from the options page to the background.js page, telling it to update settings after the new settings have been stored.
As an unrelated aside, the var keyword in the line var settings = settings.toObject(); is not needed. There is no need to redeclare the variable, it is already declared above.

How is it possible, that ajaxing is much more slower in Chrome and IE than Mozilla?

I would like to ask you to find the point, why the site -I'm working on- is slow.
the conditions of the problem:
large row count (so I think maybe the problem is related to this.)
there is ajaxing event (I have tired to comment it out and the problem disappeared)
using not Mozilla (this freeze effect appear in IE and Chrome)
description of the problem (see the image):
I change the value of input
after there is an ajax call (in order to calculate prize) and it takes in FF about 30 ms otherwise more than 1 s
there is a freeze until the ajax finished (but ajax is not set to async:false)
only after that can I change the next input
I have tired to reproduce the error, but I could't. So see the original site:
site: foto/fotokidolgozas/elohivas-beallitasok.php
Log in and pass: d838292#rtrtr.com
Update: It works now fine, the trick is the following:
I use hidden input fields, their values are json_encode-d strings. I can process them anytime with js.
Thank you for any help!
if( $(this).attr('name') == "kijelolve" && !$(this).parents('#magic_bar').length)return true;
var cikk_id = $(this).parents('.cikk').attr('id');
var cikk_tipus = $("input[name=cikk_tipus]").val();
var tulajdonsag = $(this).attr('name');
var ertek = $(this).val();
if(ertek == "-1")return false;
if($(this).is('[type=checkbox]'))ertek = $(this).prop("checked")?'1':'0';
if(cikk_tipus=='fotokidolgozas' && (tulajdonsag=='meret'||tulajdonsag=='vagas'))
var sor = $(event_object.target).parents('.cikk');
var act_meret = sor.find('select[name=meret]').val();
var act_fill = sor.find('select[name=vagas]').val();
var act_zold_class = sor.find("input[name=zold_"+act_meret+"]").val()=="1" ?"zold":"feher" ;
var name = "src_"+act_meret+"_"+act_fill;
var name2 = "szoveges_uzenet_"+act_meret+"_"+act_fill;
sor.find(".dpi_megfelel").text(sor.find("input[name=minoseg_"+act_meret+"]").val()+" ("+sor.find("input[name=dpi_"+act_meret+"]").val()+" dpi)");
sor.find("select[name=meret]").removeClass("feher zold").addClass(act_zold_class);
var before = now();
//this is the ajax part
var elapsed = now() - before;
//there is new price
var php_time = Math.round(a[4])
a_min = Math.min(a_min,elapsed);
p_min = Math.min(p_min,parseFloat(php_time));
a_max = Math.max(a_max,elapsed);
p_max = Math.max(p_max,parseFloat(php_time));
if(!a_avg)a_avg = elapsed;else a_avg= Math.round((a_avg+elapsed)/2);
if(!p_avg)p_avg = php_time;else p_avg = Math.round((p_avg+php_time)/2);
trace("ajax="+elapsed+"\tphp="+php_time+"\tajax_min="+a_min+"\tphp_min="+p_min+"\tajax_max="+a_max+" \tphp_max="+p_max+"\tajax_avg="+a_avg+" \tphp_avg="+p_avg);
},"json").error(function() { postHiba() });
The problem was that the hidden data was too large (see my other question), and it decreased the processing time. (Firefox seems to be well coded, because this does not mattered)
Now the problem is fixed.

Return address of image or error if it doesn't exist

I know my problem is the fact that I can't check if the image is good until it has time to load. I'm trying to check width and return after it or the src changes (using onerror to set an src.) I'm always getting stuck with a race condition though, and it errors out long before the height and width or src change. When I reload, the image is cached and it works fine. I don't know how to avoid this. Here is my current code (also not working, it loops until Firefox complains.) I'm setting the return of this function to a variable. There are some writes in there I'm using to see how far it gets, and it stops in the while loop. I tried using getTimeout('tstit = chkload("thisisatest",tinypth);',250);, but that didn't work either. I wish I could force this to load in order...
function buildimg(tehname,myc,pth1,pth2,tinypth)
var myimg = pth1+tehname+"/"+tehname+"-"+myc+".jpg";
var testimg = document.getElementById("thisisatest");
var tstit = chkload("thisisatest",tinypth);
while(tstit == false) {
tstit = chkload("thisisatest",tinypth);
if((testimage.width > 20) && (testimage.height > 20)) {
return myimg;
else if(typeof pth2 == "undefined") {
myimg = "error";
return myimg;
else {
myimg = buildimg(tehname,myc,pth2);
return myimg;
document.write('No return error in buildimg.');
return "error";
/*Builds a hidden img tag for testing images*/
function buildtest(itsid,itssrc,tinypath) {
if(document.getElementById(itsid)) {
var imgobj = document.getElementById(itsid);
document.write('<img id="'+itsid+'" style="display: none;" src="'+itssrc+'" onerror="swaponerr(\''+itsid+'\',\''+tinypath+'\')" />');
/*Swaps the image to a small picture, so we can detect if it worked*/
function swaponerr(tagid, tinypath) {
var theimg = document.getElementById(tagid);
theimg.onerror = '';
theimg.src = tinypath;
/*Recurses to return when the image is loaded*/
function chkload(loadid,tinychk) {
var tehobj = document.getElementById(loadid);
if((tehobj.naturalWidth > 20) && (tehobj.naturalHeight > 20)) {
return true;
if(tehobj.src == tinychk) {
return true;
return false;
I need to test for an image, and return error if it is non-existent. The code below works fine on my server:
/*Checks if the image at /tehname/tehname-c.jpg exists in either of the paths
outputs it's address if it does, and "error" if not.*/
function buildimg(tehname,index,pth1,pth2)
var myimg = pth1+tehname+"/"+tehname+"-"+index+".jpg";
error: function()
error: function()
return myimg;
Unfortunately, I'm trying to do this on a messed up system my work uses. We do have jquery, but the system stores user files on a separate server from code, so ajax won't work. This will eventually be in a .js file, I hope.
Now I've got code starting with:
function buildimg(tehname,myc,pth1,pth2)
var myimg = pth1+tehname+"/"+tehname+"-"+myc+".jpg";
var tehimage = new Image();
tehimg.src = myimg;
I tried to have the function load the image, and check its width, but I always get 0, since I can't pre-load the images without knowing how many they are (and I don't want to have some outrageously high number of requests with most being errors.) For some reason (at least on Firefox 4, as that's what my goal is to get working first) tehimage.complete always returns false. I've tried using onerror and onload by a global variable, and a few other methods. I must admit though, I'm not very versed in Javascript, so my callbacks may not have worked.
Please help, I'm getting desperate!
Do you hold the 'power to execute php code' on that user files server? If so, check them in php and output to images.js in that server, than in your html, first load images.js, then your usual javascript.
By the way, jQuery had memory leaks in ajax for ears, don't know about 1.6, but 1.5 definately had those. if you wan't to use ajax to get data from server to javascript - use plain javascript: http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_xmlhttprequest_send.asp
Edit: Definately worth checking out: http://fettig.net/weblog/2005/11/28/how-to-make-xmlhttprequest-connections-to-another-server-in-your-domain/
Since I'm getting no answers, I'm closing the question. What I ended up doing was a modification to make the image change class in the onload, have the image onerror delete it, and have the rest of the code run in the window onload. Unfortunately, this means the 404s aren't caught before it tries to load more images, so I'm forced to limit the max number of images that can be used (changeable in the function call,) and the images that aren't there just waste a little time.
See the final result here.

Disappearing Menu Commands After User Input in Tampermonkey

Tampermonkey is an extension for Google Chrome that attempts to emulate the functionality of Greasemonkey. To be clear, I got my script to work in Chrome and the default JavaScript changes to show up. I wanted to test the menu commands, however, and entered a 6-digit hex color code after clicking on the command in the Tampermonkey menu. I reloaded the page, and the commands disappeared from the menu! My script was still there (and the checkbox was ticked).
No matter what I did or what code I changed, I could never emulate this initial functionality after that user-defined input was set. This leads me to believe that there's some persistent data that I can't delete that's causing my script to fail prematurely. NOTE: This exact script works perfectly and without errors in Firefox.
This is obviously not a Tampermonkey forum, but people here seem very knowledgeable about cross-platform compatility. I didn't hear a single peep from the Chrome console after all of the changes below, and I'm really just out of ideas at this point. Here are some things I've tried (with no success). Any console errors are listed:
Changing jQuery version from 1.5.1 to 1.3.2
Calling localStorage.getItem('prevoColor') from console after page load (both values null)
Changing client-side storage from localStorage to get/setValue
Calling GM_getValue from the console = ReferenceError: GM_getValue is not defined
Deleting localStorage entries for veekun.com in Chrome options
Refreshing, Re-installing the script, and restarting the browser more times than I can count
Repeating all of the above commands using Firebug Lite (bookmarklet)
Here's the code I was using:
// ==UserScript==
// #name Veekun Comparison Highlighter
// #namespace tag://veekun
// #description Highlights moves exclusive to pre-evolutions on veekun.com's family comparison pages (user-defined colors available)
// #include http://veekun.com/dex/gadgets/*
// #author Matthew Ammann
// #version 1.0.3
// #date 3/11/11
// #require http://sizzlemctwizzle.com/updater.php?id=98824
// #require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
Goal: Change checkmark color & move name to user-specified color on family comparison pages if
[DONE] Baby poke has a LEVEL-UP move unlearned by any evolutions
[DONE] a) Make sure move is not a TM or tutor move
[DONE] Any other mid-evolution has a move unlearnable by a final evo (Caterpie, Weedle families)
[DONE] a) Make sure move is not a TM or tutor move
[DONE] Any pre-evo has a TUTOR move unlearned by any evo (Murkrow in HG/SS)
[] Implement auto-update after uploading to userscripts.org
Credits: Brock Adams, for helping with Chrome compatibility
Metalkid, for the jQuery consult
var isLevelupMove = false;
var isTutorMove = false;
var isTM = false;
var TMhead = $('#moves\\:machine');
var hasSecondEvo = false;
var hasFinalEvo1 = false;
var hasFinalEvo2 = false;
var header = $('.header-row').eq(1);
var TMmoves = new Array();
//This section deals with the user-defined colors
GM_registerMenuCommand("Color for pre-evolutionary-only moves", prevoColorPrompt)
GM_registerMenuCommand("Color for first evolution-only moves", evoColorPrompt)
var prevoColor = GM_getValue('prevoColor', '#FF0000');
var evoColor = GM_getValue('evoColor', '#339900');
function prevoColorPrompt()
var input = prompt("Please enter a desired 6-digit hex color-code for pre-evolutionary pokemon:")
GM_setValue('prevoColor', '#'+input);
function evoColorPrompt()
var input = prompt("Please enter the desired 6-digit hex color-code for first-evolution pokemon:")
GM_setValue('evoColor', '#'+input);
//This loop tests each 'th' element in a sample header row, determining how many Evos are currently present in the chart.
if($(this).find('a').length != 0)
case 2:
hasSecondEvo = true;
case 3:
hasFinalEvo1 = true;
case 4:
hasFinalEvo2 = true;
//All 'tr' siblings are TM moves, since it's the last section on the page
//This array puts only the names of the available TMs into the TMmoves array
var moveName = $(this).children(":first").find('a').eq(0).html();
moveName = $.trim(moveName);
case 'moves:level-up':
isLevelupMove = true;
case 'moves:egg':
isLevelupMove = false;
case 'moves:tutor':
isTutorMove = true;
case 'moves:machine':
isTM = true;
if(isLevelupMove || isTutorMove)
var babyMoveCell = $(this).find('td').eq(0);
babyMoveText = $.trim(babyMoveCell.html());
secondEvoCell = babyMoveCell.next();
secondEvoText = $.trim(secondEvoCell.html());
finalEvo1Cell = secondEvoCell.next();
finalEvo1Text = $.trim(finalEvo1Cell.html());
finalEvo2Cell = finalEvo1Cell.next();
finalEvo2Text = $.trim(finalEvo2Cell.html());
//This checks if evolutions have checkmarks
if(babyMoveText.length > 0)
if(hasSecondEvo && secondEvoText.length == 0 || hasFinalEvo1 && finalEvo1Text.length == 0 ||
hasFinalEvo2 && finalEvo2Text.length == 0)
//See if the move is a TM before proceeding
var tm = tmCheck(moveName);
if(secondEvoText.length > 0)
babyMoveCell.css("color", evoColor);
secondEvoCell.css("color", evoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", evoColor); //highlights move name
babyMoveCell.css("color", prevoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", prevoColor);
else if(secondEvoText.length > 0)
if(hasFinalEvo1 && finalEvo1Text.length == 0 || hasFinalEvo2 && finalEvo2Text.length == 0)
var tm = tmCheck(moveName);
secondEvoCell.css("color", evoColor);
babyMoveCell.prev().find('a').eq(0).css("color", evoColor);
function tmCheck(input)
var isTM = false;
//Iterate through TMmoves array to see if the input matches any entries
for(var i = 0; i < TMmoves.length; i++)
if(input == TMmoves[i])
isTM = true;
if(isTM == true)
return true;
return false;
//alert("evoColor: " + localStorage.getItem('evoColor') + ". prevoColor: " + localStorage.getItem('prevoColor'));
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
EDIT: I messaged sizzlemctwizzle about this problem, and this was his reply: "Tampermonkey’s #require implementation is incorrect. It downloads my updater far too often so I have banned it from using my updater via browser sniffing. My server just can’t handle the traffic it brings. The script it is downloading from my server shouldn’t have any actual code in it. Since it is causing errors with in your script I would guess Tampermonkey isn’t passing the User Agent header when it does these requests. I’m never tested my updater in Chrome so I have no idea why it breaks. Perhaps you could try and install NinjaKit instead."
What URL are you testing this on? I tested on http://veekun.com/dex/gadgets/stat_calculator.
Anyway, the script behavior, vis à vis the menu commands did seem erratic with Tampermonkey. I couldn't really tell / didn't really check if the rest of the script was working as it should.
The culprit seems to be the sizzlemctwizzle.com update check. Removing its // #require made the menu stable. Putting that directive back, broke the script again.
I've never been a fan of that update checker, so I'm not going to dive into why it appears to be breaking the Tampermonkey instance of this script. (That would be another question -- and one probably best directed at the 2 responsible developers.)
For now, suggest you just delete it. Your users will check for updates as needed :) .

