Splitting an array - javascript

I have two javascript functions, the first one is working, teh second is working but not echoing the correct value in the hidden inputs.
Ive manage to get the last hidden input value correct but I'm not sure how
var customTicketsArr = Array();
function EditEventAddTicket(){
alertWrongTime = false;
var TicketName = jQuery("#ticketname").val();
var TicketPrice = jQuery("#ticketprice").val();
var ticketquantity = jQuery("#ticketquantity").val();
var storeString = "TicketName" + TicketName + "TicketPrice" + TicketPrice + "Quantity" + ticketquantity + '';
function EditEventUpdateTickets(fade){
var output = "";
var style = "";
for (i = customTicketsArr.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
ticketname = customTicketsArr[i].split("TicketName");
ticketprice = customTicketsArr[i].split("TicketPrice");
ticketquantity = customTicketsArr[i].split("Quantity");
if (customTicketsArr.length - 1 == i){
style = "display: none; ";
var fadeInDiv = i;
} else {
style = "";
if (i % 2 == 1) { style += "background-color: #660000; "}
html = "<div id='customticket" + i + "' class='customeventbase' style='" + style + "'>";
html += '<input type="hidden" name="customTicketid[' + i + '][Name]" id="customticketName' + i + '" value="'+ ticketname + '" />';
html += '<input type="hidden" name="customTicketid[' + i + '][Price]" id="customticketPrice' + i + '" value="' +ticketprice[1] +'" />';
html += '<input type="hidden" name="customTicketid[' + i + '][Quantity]" id="customticketQuantity' + i + '" value="'+ ticketquantity[1] +'" />';
html += '<button class="customeventdel" type="button" onClick="EditEventRemoveDate(' + i + ')"></button>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>\n';
output += html;
output += "<input type='hidden' id='custom_ticket_info' name='custom_ticket_info' value='" + customTicketsArr + "' />";
setTimeout("EditEventfadeInDiv(" + fadeInDiv +")", 10);
this outputs:
<div style="background-color: #660000; " class="customeventbase" id="customticket1">
<input type="hidden" value=",testTicketPrice50Quantity44" id="customticketName1" name="customTicketid[1][Name]">
<input type="hidden" value="undefined" id="customticketPrice1" name="customTicketid[1][Price]">
<input type="hidden" value="44" id="customticketQuantity1" name="customTicketid[1][Quantity]">
<button onclick="EditEventRemoveDate(1)" type="button" class="customeventdel"></button>
<div class="clear"></div></div>
the values for the first two hidden fields are incorrect

They're not incorrect values - split() is doing exactly what it is supposed to - returning an array of substrings after removing the separator.
With your string structure, splitting on TicketName will give you two strings - the substring before the separator and the substring after - TicketName itself is not included.
Thus, for the string "TicketNametestTicketPrice50Quantity44", you will get "" and "testTicketPrice50Quantity44" when you split on "TicketName" . Splitting the same string on TicketPrice will give you "TicketNametest" and "50Quantity44".
I'd suggest putting objects into your array instead -
var storeObject = {
"TicketName" : TicketName,
"TicketPrice" : TicketPrice,
"Quantity" : ticketquantity
You can then get back the data as:
for (i = customTicketsArr.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
var currentObject = customTicketsArr[i];
var ticketname = currentObject.TicketName;
var ticketprice = currentObject.TicketPrice;
var ticketquantity = currentObject.Quantity;
//do other stuff here

why do you save it as a string? I would recommend storing it in an object:
function EditEventAddTicket(){
alertWrongTime = false;
var TicketName = jQuery("#ticketname").val();
var TicketPrice = jQuery("#ticketprice").val();
var ticketquantity = jQuery("#ticketquantity").val();
var ticket = {"TicketName": TicketName, "TicketPrice": TicketPrice, "Quantity": ticketquantity};
and then you can simply load the data:
for (i = customTicketsArr.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
ticketname = customTicketsArr[i].TicketName;
ticketprice = customTicketsArr[i].TicketPrice;
ticketquantity = customTicketsArr[i].Quantity;
// ...

Why not just make a two dimensional array?
var customTicketsArr = Array();
function EditEventAddTicket() {
'name' : jQuery("#ticketname").val(),
'price' : jQuery("#ticketprice").val(),
'qty' : jQuery("#ticketquantity").val()


Suggest a way to store the value form csv into dropdown with javascript variable perform operations on it

<script> //script loading the csv and reading the files to out into an array of variables which are used in dropdown
var $csvData = [],
$colNames = [];
function _ReadCSV($a) {
var $f = $a.files[0];
if($f) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onerror = function($e) {
div.innerHTML = 'The file can\'t be read! Error ' + $e.target.error.code;
reader.onload = function($e) {
var $data = $e.target.result.split("\n");
$colNames = $data[0].split(","); //split to separate the column inside the csv
$data.splice(0, 1);
for(var $b = 0; $b < $data.length; $b++) {
var $tmpJSON = {},
$colData = $data[$b].split(",");
for(var $c = 0; $c < $colData.length; $c++) $tmpJSON[$colNames[$c]] = $colData[$c];
document.getElementById("try").innerHTML = "Value: "+ $colData; //just to check the value
function _CreateDropdown() {
var $tmpHTML = '<select onchange="_UpdateFields(this.value)">';
for(var $a = 0; $a < $csvData.length; $a++) $tmpHTML += '<option value="' + $a + '">' + $csvData[$a][$colNames[0]] + '</option>';
$tmpHTML += '</select>';
document.getElementById("dropdown").innerHTML = $tmpHTML;
function _UpdateFields($a) {
var $values = '';
for(var $b = 0; $b < $colNames.length; $b++) {
console.log($colNames[$b], $csvData[$a][$colNames[$b]]);
if($csvData[$a][$colNames[$b]] != "") $values += $colNames[$b] + ': <input id="' + $colNames[$b] + '" name="' + $colNames[$b] + '" type="text" value="' + $csvData[$a][$colNames[$b]] + '" /><br />';
document.getElementById("fields").innerHTML = $values;
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('fileBox').onchange = function(){ _ReadCSV(this); }
Currently I have two columns in csv and need to pick the value of one of the column item. Which is selected upon the dropdown selected by the user and then need to modify the value. The $values variable stores both the columns values.

Unable to generate a multiplication table with user input in JavaScript

I have a page which prompts the user to enter a positive integer from 1 to 9, then the javascript code will generate a multiplication table from the input value all the way to 9. I am getting an error in which I cannot retrieve the value and do a multiplication with it.
function timesTable()
var values = document.getElementById('value1');
var showTables = '';
for (var i=1; i<9; i++) {
showTables += values + " x " + i +" = "+ values*i + "\n";
var p_tables = document.getElementById('tables').innerHTML = showTables;
<label>Enter an integer from 1 to 9 : </label>
<input type="text" size=20 id=value1 name="value">
<button onclick="timesTable()">Generate times table</button><br> <br>
<p id="tables"></p>
Expected result:
You have to take the value of the element not the element itself
var values = document.getElementById('value1').value;
function timesTable()
var values = document.getElementById('value1').value;
var showTables = '';
for (var i=1; i<9; i++) {
showTables += values + " x " + i +" = "+ values*i + "<br>";
var p_tables = document.getElementById('tables').innerHTML = showTables;
<label>Enter an integer from 1 to 9 : </label>
<input type="text" size=20 id=value1 name="value">
<button onclick="timesTable()">Generate times table</button><br> <br>
<p id="tables"></p>
You are trying to multiply the element itself. What you actually want is the value.
function timesTable()
var values = document.getElementById('value1').value;
var showTables = '';
for (var i=1; i<9; i++) {
showTables += values + " x " + i +" = "+ values*i + "\n";
var p_tables = document.getElementById('tables').innerHTML = showTables;
<label>Enter an integer from 1 to 9 : </label>
<input type="text" size=20 id=value1 name="value">
<button onclick="timesTable()">Generate times table</button><br> <br>
<p id="tables"></p>
the javascript line in which you are trying to find value, is wrong as it will return the whole DOM and it's attributes and property.
You just have to find it's value, replace you line
var values = document.getElementById('value1');
var values = document.getElementById('value1').value;
This does what you want.
Note that if the user enters something unexpected, it may still fail. You can use an input of type="number" to require an integer (at least in some browsers.)
const userValue = document.getElementById("value1").value;
const p_tables = document.getElementById("tables");
let outputHtml = "";
for(let i = 1; i < 10; i++){
outputHtml += userValue + " x " + i + " = " + userValue * i + "<br/>";
p_tables.innerHTML = outputHtml;
you are using input field as text for table generation its better to use Number as input type and to get the value of input field you have to use value function as used in above code and for line break use
<\br>(please ignore '\').
function timesTable()
var values = document.getElementById('value1').value;
var showTables = '';
for (var i=1; i<=9; i++) {
showTables += values + " x " + i +" = "+ values*i + "<br>";
document.getElementById('tables').innerHTML = showTables;
<label>Enter an integer from 1 to 9 : </label>
<input type="Number" size=20 id=value1 name="value">
<button onclick="timesTable()">Generate times table</button><br> <br>
<p id="tables"></p>

Javascript wrong variable type

Hello I'm preparing little guessing word game.
Somehow the type of my variable get changed from string to obj type what causes an Uncaught TypeError.
Here is a fragment of code:
let passwordArray = ["Java Script Developer", "FrontEnd"];
let sample = passwordArray[Math.floor((Math.random() *
let password = sample.toUpperCase();
let new_password = "";
for(let x =0; x<password.length;x++){
if(password[x]===" "){new_password += " "}
else{new_password += "-"}
$("#password span").text(new_password);
This part works correclty problem appears when I want to repalce a letter
String.prototype.replaceAt = function(index, replacement){
return this.substr(0,index) + replacement + this.substr(index + replacement.length)
function check(num) {
let test = false;
let temp = $(event.target).val();
if(password.indexOf(temp)>-1){test=true; /*alert(test +"/"+temp+"/"+password)*/}
$("#"+num).attr("disabled", true);
if(test === true) {
let indeksy =[];
for(let i =0; i<password.length;i++ ){
if(password.charAt(i) === temp){indeksy.push(i)}
for(let x=0; x<indeksy.length;x++) {
let indx = indeksy[x];
new_password = new_password.replaceAt(indx, temp);
My HTML basically is just:
<input type="button" value="o mnie" id="me">
<input type="button" value="kalkulator" id="cal">
<input type="button" value="Wisielec" id="wis">
<input type="button" value="Memory" id="mem">
<div id="content"></div>
Rest is dynamically added in JS:
$(function() {
$("#wis").click(function () {
$("#content").empty().append("" +
"<div id='container'>\n" +
"<div id='password'><span>Sample text</span></span></div>\n" +
"<div id='counter'>Counter: <span id='result'></span></div>\n" +
"<div id='gibbet' class='image'></div>\n" +
"<div id='alphabet'></div>\n" +
"<div id='new'>\n" +
"<input type='text' id='new_password'/>\n" +
"<button id='add' onclick='newPass()'>Submit</button>\n" +
"</div>\n" +
function start(){
let new_password = "";
let letters = "";
for(let i=0; i<32; i++){
letters += "<input class='letter' type='button' value='"+litery[i]+"' onclick='check("+i+")' id='"+i+"'/>"
for(let x =0; x<password.length;x++){
if(password[x]===" "){new_password += " "}
else{new_password += "-"}
$("#password span").text(new_password);
The problem is that variable new_password is somehow changing from type string to type object when i want to use function replaceAt()
looking at your code, with the new String.prototype.replaceAt this error can happen on 2 situations:
when the variable that uses replaceAt is not a string, example:
the other situation is when you pass null or undefined as replacement:
just add some verification code and should be working good

Paragraph numbers changing HTML JAVASCRIPT

I'm working with list which elements can be added with JS by the following code:
function getMovementButtons(size, articleId, articleTitle, articleType){
var lowerArticleType = articleType.toLowerCase();
var html = '<div>'+
'<span style="vertical-align: top">'+ size +
'<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> '+
'<span style="vertical-align: top" class="'+lowerArticleType+'-title displaying-'+lowerArticleType+'-id' + articleId +'">' + articleTitle + '</span>' +
'<input class="'+lowerArticleType+'-button-delete" type="button" value="' + '<%= LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "global.action.delete")%>' + '" onclick="removeArticle(this,\''+articleType+'\')"/>' +
'<div class="'+lowerArticleType+'-div-move"><input class="'+lowerArticleType+'-button-up" type="button" value="" onclick="moveArticleUp(this,\''+articleType+'\')"/>' +
'<input class="'+lowerArticleType+'-button-down" type="button" value="" onclick="moveArticleDown(this,\''+articleType+'\')"/>' +
return html;
I have a function removeArticleLine.
function removeArticleLine(button) {
var parentDiv = button.parentNode
var articleListDiv = parentDiv.parentNode;
There is a problem, because if I delete an object paragraphs don't change their numbers. I would ask you to give me a hint how can I change these numbers with JS.
I'm adding working functions which can help us. It's moving everything properly:
function moveArticleUp(button, articleType) {
var articleDiv = button.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentDiv = articleDiv.parentNode;
var prevArticleDiv = articleDiv.previousElementSibling;
if (prevArticleDiv && prevArticleDiv.tagName == 'DIV') {
var articleIdValue = getArticleIdValue(articleType);
var ids = articleIdValue.split(',');
var articleId = getArticleIdFromArticleDiv(articleDiv, articleType);
var articleIdIndex = ids.indexOf(articleId);
swapPosition(ids, articleIdIndex, articleIdIndex - 1);
setArticleIdValue(articleType, ids.join());
removedArticleDiv = parentDiv.removeChild(articleDiv);
parentDiv.insertBefore(removedArticleDiv, prevArticleDiv);
prevArticleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + 1 + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
articleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
function moveArticleDown(button, articleType) {
var articleDiv = button.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentDiv = articleDiv.parentNode;
var nextArticleDiv = articleDiv.nextElementSibling;
if (nextArticleDiv) {
var articleIdValue = getArticleIdValue(articleType);
var ids = articleIdValue.split(',');
var articleId = getArticleIdFromArticleDiv(articleDiv, articleType);
var articleIdIndex = ids.indexOf(articleId);
swapPosition(ids, articleIdIndex, articleIdIndex + 1);
setArticleIdValue(articleType, ids.join());
removedArticleDiv = parentDiv.removeChild(nextArticleDiv);
parentDiv.insertBefore(removedArticleDiv, articleDiv);
nextArticleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + 1 + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
articleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + 2 + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
Let me add two screenshots of the displayed table:
After you remove a line you should loop the array of elements and assign new numbers for them. The code was not tested, but it should works
function removeArticleLine(button) {
var parentDiv = button.parentNode;
// getting the number of deleting div
var divNumber = parseInt(parentDiv.firstChild.textContent);
var articleListDiv = parentDiv.parentNode;
// we need to loop elements after deleted div, because elements before did not change theit number
for (var i = 0 || divNumber; i < articleListDiv.children.length; i++) {
//changing number
articleListDiv.children[i].firstElementChild.innerHTML = (i + 1) + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';

Field updates for a second then disapears

so i made a field status as p paragraph, and it supposed to be able to hold a value after button click but it only appears momentary and disappears
the library js just has the array required to fill in the data needed
<script src="library.js"></script>
<b id="chakra"></b>
<div id="planet"></div>
var index = setChakra(0);
var planetConection = "";
function setChakra(index){
document.getElementById("chakra").innerHTML = chakra[index];
while (index < chakra.length){
if (index < chakra.length-1) index++;
else index = 0;
return index;
function getPlanets(chakra){
var planetIndex = 0;
document.getElementById("planet").innerHTML = "";
while( planetIndex < chakraPlanets[chakra].length){
document.getElementById("planet").innerHTML = document.getElementById("planet").innerHTML + planetDesc[chakraPlanets[chakra][planetIndex]] +
"<form>" +
"<input id=\"planetStatus" + planetIndex + "\" type=\"text\" name=\"plntStat\">" +
"<button onclick=\"getPlanetConection(" + planetIndex + ")\">Click Me!</button>" +
"</form>" +
"<p id=\"status\"></p>";
function getPlanetConection(planetIndex){
planetConection = document.getElementById("planetStatus" + planetIndex).value;
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = planetConection;
<button onclick = "index = setChakra(index)" >Click Me!</button>
Ok solved it button is meant to be input if i am not refreshing the page
<script src="library.js"></script>
<b id="chakra"></b>
<div id="planet"></div>
var index = setChakra(0);
var planetConection = "";
function setChakra(index){
document.getElementById("chakra").innerHTML = chakra[index];
while (index < chakra.length){
if (index < chakra.length-1) index++;
else index = 0;
return index;
function getPlanets(chakra){
var planetIndex = 0;
document.getElementById("planet").innerHTML = "";
while( planetIndex < chakraPlanets[chakra].length){
document.getElementById("planet").innerHTML = document.getElementById("planet").innerHTML + planetDesc[chakraPlanets[chakra][planetIndex]] +
"<form>" +
"<input id=\"planetStatus" + planetIndex + "\" type=\"text\" name=\"plntStat\">" +
"<input value=\"Click\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"getPlanetConection(" + planetIndex + ")\"/>" +
"</form>" +
"<p id=\"status" + planetIndex + "\"></p>";
function getPlanetConection(planetIndex){
planetConection = document.getElementById("planetStatus" + planetIndex).value;
document.getElementById("status" + planetIndex).innerHTML = planetConection;
<button onclick = "index = setChakra(index)" >Click Me!</button>
I think the page is reloading. Add a type attribute with value 'button' to your button.
Like so:
<button type="button" onclick = "index = setChakra(index)" >Click Me!</button>
"<button type=\"button\" onclick=\"getPlanetConection(" + planetIndex + ")\">Click Me!</button>"
This is so that the button acts as a button and not a submit button.

