I'm working with list which elements can be added with JS by the following code:
function getMovementButtons(size, articleId, articleTitle, articleType){
var lowerArticleType = articleType.toLowerCase();
var html = '<div>'+
'<span style="vertical-align: top">'+ size +
'<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> '+
'<span style="vertical-align: top" class="'+lowerArticleType+'-title displaying-'+lowerArticleType+'-id' + articleId +'">' + articleTitle + '</span>' +
'<input class="'+lowerArticleType+'-button-delete" type="button" value="' + '<%= LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "global.action.delete")%>' + '" onclick="removeArticle(this,\''+articleType+'\')"/>' +
'<div class="'+lowerArticleType+'-div-move"><input class="'+lowerArticleType+'-button-up" type="button" value="" onclick="moveArticleUp(this,\''+articleType+'\')"/>' +
'<input class="'+lowerArticleType+'-button-down" type="button" value="" onclick="moveArticleDown(this,\''+articleType+'\')"/>' +
return html;
I have a function removeArticleLine.
function removeArticleLine(button) {
var parentDiv = button.parentNode
var articleListDiv = parentDiv.parentNode;
There is a problem, because if I delete an object paragraphs don't change their numbers. I would ask you to give me a hint how can I change these numbers with JS.
I'm adding working functions which can help us. It's moving everything properly:
function moveArticleUp(button, articleType) {
var articleDiv = button.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentDiv = articleDiv.parentNode;
var prevArticleDiv = articleDiv.previousElementSibling;
if (prevArticleDiv && prevArticleDiv.tagName == 'DIV') {
var articleIdValue = getArticleIdValue(articleType);
var ids = articleIdValue.split(',');
var articleId = getArticleIdFromArticleDiv(articleDiv, articleType);
var articleIdIndex = ids.indexOf(articleId);
swapPosition(ids, articleIdIndex, articleIdIndex - 1);
setArticleIdValue(articleType, ids.join());
removedArticleDiv = parentDiv.removeChild(articleDiv);
parentDiv.insertBefore(removedArticleDiv, prevArticleDiv);
prevArticleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + 1 + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
articleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
function moveArticleDown(button, articleType) {
var articleDiv = button.parentNode.parentNode;
var parentDiv = articleDiv.parentNode;
var nextArticleDiv = articleDiv.nextElementSibling;
if (nextArticleDiv) {
var articleIdValue = getArticleIdValue(articleType);
var ids = articleIdValue.split(',');
var articleId = getArticleIdFromArticleDiv(articleDiv, articleType);
var articleIdIndex = ids.indexOf(articleId);
swapPosition(ids, articleIdIndex, articleIdIndex + 1);
setArticleIdValue(articleType, ids.join());
removedArticleDiv = parentDiv.removeChild(nextArticleDiv);
parentDiv.insertBefore(removedArticleDiv, articleDiv);
nextArticleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + 1 + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
articleDiv.firstElementChild.innerHTML = articleIdIndex + 2 + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
Let me add two screenshots of the displayed table:
After you remove a line you should loop the array of elements and assign new numbers for them. The code was not tested, but it should works
function removeArticleLine(button) {
var parentDiv = button.parentNode;
// getting the number of deleting div
var divNumber = parseInt(parentDiv.firstChild.textContent);
var articleListDiv = parentDiv.parentNode;
// we need to loop elements after deleted div, because elements before did not change theit number
for (var i = 0 || divNumber; i < articleListDiv.children.length; i++) {
//changing number
articleListDiv.children[i].firstElementChild.innerHTML = (i + 1) + '<span style="vertical-align: top">.</span> ';
I want to add the "unread" class to an append content with a specific data-id. The following line of code works fine in the browser console. However, when the code is run it does not add the class "unread".
var idMessage = message[message.length-1].id;
$('#visitors').find('h5[data-id=' + idMessage + ']').addClass('unread');
The goal is to add "unread" in the following line of code:
$("#visitors").append('<h5 class="' + state + '" data-id=' + visitors[i].idSession + '>' + visitors[i].visitorOnline + '</h5>');
I will provide you with a code snippet
<div id="conexion-chat">
<button id="btn-conexion-chat" onclick="initWebSocket();">Iniciar chat</button>
<div id="display-chat" style="display: none;">
<div id="visitors"></div>
<br />
<textarea id="chatRoomField" rows="10" cols="30" readonly></textarea> <br/>
<input id="sendField" value="" type="text">
<button id="sendButton" onclick="send_message();">Enviar</button>
function initWebSocket(){
$('#conexion-chat').css('display', 'none');
$('#display-chat').css('display', '');
websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/o/echo");
websocket.onopen = function (event) {
websocket.onclose = function(event) {
websocket.onmessage = function(event) {
var message = event.data;
websocket.onerror = function(event) {
console.log("ERROR: " + event.data);
function visitorSelected(event){
var visitorSelected = $(event.target).data('id');
localStorage.setItem('visitorSelected', visitorSelected);
websocket.send(json_messages(visitorSelected, '${email}', '${read}'));
document.getElementById("chatRoomField").innerHTML = "";
function processMessage(message){
if(message == '${disconnected}'){
document.getElementById("chatRoomField").innerHTML += "El patrocinador no se encuentra conectado." + "\n";
}else {
var json_message = JSON.parse(message);
var visitorSelected = localStorage.getItem('visitorSelected');
if(json_message.hasOwnProperty('message') && message.length > 0){
var message = json_message.message;
var text = "";
if('${currentUserRol}' != '${rolPreferences}'){
for(var i=0; i<message.length; i++){
text += message[i].from + ": " + message[i].message + "\n";
document.getElementById("chatRoomField").innerHTML = text;
if(message[message.length-1].id == visitorSelected || message[message.length-1].idTo == visitorSelected){
for(var i=0; i<message.length; i++){
text += message[i].from + ": " + message[i].message + "\n";
document.getElementById("chatRoomField").innerHTML = text;
var idMessage = message[message.length-1].id;
$('#visitors').find('h5[data-id=' + idMessage + ']').addClass('unread');
if(json_message.hasOwnProperty('visitors') && json_message.visitors.length > 0){
var visitors = json_message.visitors;
var state;
$("#visitors h5").remove();
for (var i = 0; i < visitors.length; i++) {
state = (visitors[i].idSession == visitorSelected)? "selected" : "not-selected";
$("#visitors").append('<h5 class="' + state + '" data-id=' + visitors[i].idSession + '>' + visitors[i].visitorOnline + '</h5>');
if(visitorSelected == null){
$("#visitors h5:first-child").attr("class", "selected");
visitorSelected = $("#visitors h5:first-child").attr("data-id");
localStorage.setItem('visitorSelected', visitorSelected);
$('#visitors').on('click', 'h5.not-selected', visitorSelected);
*Note: The entire code has not been submitted, but a code snippet.
I am having some trouble to get through this below jsfiddle task.
jsfiddle link
I want to do the same function using dynamic id.
I tried so many methods, but nothing works.
Please don't recommend to change the infrastructure. The page has been already designed the same kind of structure.
I need to achieve this same kind of function using two nested for loops with dynamic id.
<div class="col-md-4" id="beforeDiv0">
<div class="col-md-2" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 5px;">
<label for="Amount" style="font-weight:bold;">Amount:</label>
<div class="col-md-6">
<input class="form-control" type="number" id="textboxId0" value="1000" />
<div class="col-md-4" id="beforeDiv1">
<div class="col-md-2" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 5px;">
<label for="Amount" style="font-weight:bold;">Amount:</label>
<div class="col-md-6">
<input class="form-control" type="number" id="textboxId1" value="1000" />
Javascript & jQuery:
var newAmount = parseFloat(1000) + parseFloat(5);
for(var id=0; id<3; id++){
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
var html = '<tr style="height:50px;">';
html = html + '<td class="td-Amount" style="text-align: right; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;">';
html = html + 'Original: '+ '<span id="OrginalAmount' + i + '">' + 1000 + '</span><br/>' + 'New: <span id="Output' + id + "" + i + '">' + newAmount + '</span></td>';
html = html + '</tr>';
$(html).insertAfter("#beforeDiv" + id);
//var abc = id + "" + i;
//var xyz = '#textboxId' + id;
//var zyx = "Output"+id+""+i;
var myArr = new Array();
var myArr2 = new Array();
for(var id=0; id<3; id++){
var xyz = '#textboxId' + id;
myArr[id] = id;
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
myArr2[i] = i;
var calc = myArr[id] + "" + myArr2[i];
var zyx = "Output" + calc;
//below line is for dynamic id retrieval
$(xyz).on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
document.getElementById(zyx).innerHTML = AmtChange;
$("#textboxId0").on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
document.getElementById("Output01").innerHTML = AmtChange;
document.getElementById("Output02").innerHTML = AmtChange;
$("#textboxId1").on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
document.getElementById("Output11").innerHTML = AmtChange;
document.getElementById("Output12").innerHTML = AmtChange;
I looked at your code, and considered your comments, and if I understand you correctly, then something like this is what you are after:
$('input[id^=textboxId]').on("click change paste keyup", function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
id = id.replace(/\D/g,'');
var x = parseFloat(1000);
var y = parseFloat($(this).val());
var AmtChange = x + y;
* The following could not really be simplified, because
* there are no defining data- attributes, or anything
* to identify the table rows as belonging to the textbox.
* When I tried to simplify the selection of "output" spans,
* a span with id Output111 would have been matched by Output11
* and Output1.
$('#beforeDiv' + id).nextUntil('br').each(function(i,el){
$('span[id^=Output]', this).text(AmtChange);
I tested this on Codepen: https://codepen.io/skunkbad/pen/ayeVLp
I am just trying to get the percentage in html table in second row
Database Consensus.
So just tried that jQuery
var TableData = new Array();
jQuery('#myTable tr').each(function(row, tr){
"1st" : jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(2)').text())
, "2nd" :jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(3)').text())
, "3rd" : jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(4)').text())
, "4th" : jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(5)').text())
var First = [];
var Second = [];
var Third = [];
var Fourth = [];
for (var i = 0; i < TableData.length - 1; i++) {
if (TableData[i + 1]['1st'] == TableData[i]['1st']) {
if (TableData[i + 1]['2nd'] == TableData[i]['2nd']) {
if (TableData[i + 1]['3rd'] == TableData[i]['3rd']) {
if (TableData[i + 1]['4th'] == TableData[i]['4th']) {
var first = First.length;
var total = TableData.length;
var percent = first/total * 100;
jQuery('.1st').text(First[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
var second = Second.length;
var percent = second/total * 100;
jQuery('.2nd').text(Second[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
var third = Third.length;
var percent = third/total * 100;
jQuery('.3rd').text(Third[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
var fourth = Fourth.length;
var percent = fourth/total * 100;
jQuery('.4th').text(Fourth[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
But i am not getting right percentage :(
I am not have very good experience in jQuery but tried Here is demo
I am not much of a Fiddler, so I'm not sure that the link will even work, but I think that this might work:
Fiddle Link
I mostly changed the HTML in one section:
<td align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#ffffff">
<p align="left">
<span style="color: #d89b5a;"><strong>Database Consensus</strong></span>
<p align="center">
<span style="color: #d89b5a;">-------</span>
<p align="center">
<span style="color: #d89b5a;" class="1st">L.Tunsil</span>
<p align="center">
<span style="color: #d89b5a;" class="2nd">C.Wentz</span>
<p align="center">
<span style="color: #d89b5a;" class="3rd">J.Ramsey</span>
<p align="center">
<span style="color: #d89b5a;" class="4th">M.Jack</span>
and some of the JS:
var TableData = new Array();
var Picks = new Array();
jQuery('#myTable tr').each(function(row, tr){
if (row == 1) {
Picks[0] = jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(2)').text());
Picks[1] = jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(3)').text());
Picks[2] = jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(4)').text());
Picks[3] = jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(5)').text());
"1st" : jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(2)').text())
, "2nd" :jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(3)').text())
, "3rd" : jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(4)').text())
, "4th" : jQuery.trim(jQuery(tr).find('td:eq(5)').text())
var First = [];
var Second = [];
var Third = [];
var Fourth = [];
for (var i = 0; i < TableData.length; i++) {
if (TableData[i]['1st'] == Picks[0]) {
if (TableData[i]['2nd'] == Picks[1]) {
if (TableData[i]['3rd'] == Picks[2]) {
if (TableData[i]['4th'] == Picks[3]) {
var first = First.length;
var total = TableData.length;
var percent = first/total * 100;
jQuery('.1st').text(First[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
var second = Second.length;
var percent = second/total * 100;
jQuery('.2nd').text(Second[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
var third = Third.length;
var percent = third/total * 100;
jQuery('.3rd').text(Third[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
var fourth = Fourth.length;
var percent = fourth/total * 100;
jQuery('.4th').text(Fourth[0] + "\n" + "(" + percent + "%"+")");
Can you please tell me how to make list in jQuery mobile? I am trying to make this type list as given in fiddle on pop up screen dynamically .
Here is the fiddle
In this fiddle I make two rows.In first row there is only p tag. But in second row there is nested collapsible rows. I need to make same thing in pop up screen. I am able to make first row. But In my second row contend is null why? Can you suggest where I am wrong?
$(function () {
var tabsHeader = [ "InputParameter", "basic"];
var tabsHeader_basic = [ "XYZ", "Third Level",
function createCommandPopUpTabs(){
var header = "<h3 >dd</h3>";
var commmand = 'dd';
var button = '<button onclick="return submitCommand("'+
'")" style="" class="donebtn common-button1">Save</button>';
for ( var i = 0; i < tabsHeader.length; i++) {
var headerId = tabsHeader[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"
+ headerId + "'><h3>InputParameter</h3></div>";
var content ;
content = "<p>yes</p>";
}else if(tabsHeader[i]=="basic"){
for ( var i = 0; i < tabsHeader_basic.length; i++) {
headerId = tabsHeader_basic[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"
+ headerId + "'><h3>basic</h3></div>";
content += getcontend(tabsHeader_basic[i]);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(content);
function getcontend(name){
if(name=="Third Level"){
return"<p>Third Level></p>";
} if(name=="XYZ"){
return"<p> second Level></p>";
There are errors in your code and logic. I will only go over a couple of them to hopefully get you on the right path:
In tabsHeader_basic array the Third Level has a space in it which you later use as an ID which makes it an invalid ID because you cannot have spaces in an ID.
From the HTML 5 Draft:
The value must not contain any space characters.
Also, the "basic" collapsible div needs to exist before you start adding the nested collapsible div.
So this line needs to come out of the for loop
header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='false' id='"+ headerId + "'><h3>basic</h3></div>";
Go through the JSFiddle and compare your code agaisnt my changes.
Hopefully that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
I have updated createCommandPopUpTabs() function.
Also removed space in Third Level on var tabsHeader_basic = ["XYZ", "ThirdLevel"];
Check the Updated Fiddle
function createCommandPopUpTabs() {
var header = "<h3 >dd</h3>";
var commmand = 'dd';
var button = '<button onclick="return submitCommand("' +
'")" style="" class="donebtn common-button1">Save</button>';
for (var i = 0; i < tabsHeader.length; i++) {
var headerId = tabsHeader[i] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='true' id='" + headerId + "'><h3>" + tabsHeader[i] + "</h3></div>";
var content;
if (tabsHeader[i] == "InputParameter") {
content = "<p>yes</p>";
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(content);
} else if (tabsHeader[i] == "basic") {
for (var j = 0; j < tabsHeader_basic.length; j++) {
var headerId1 = tabsHeader_basic[j] + "_tab" + commmand;
var header1 = "<div data-role='collapsible' data-collapsed='true' id='" + headerId1 + "'><h3>" + tabsHeader_basic[j] + "</h3></div>";
var content1 = getcontend(tabsHeader_basic[j]);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId).append(header1);
$("#tabbedSet").find("#" + headerId1).append(content1);
I have two javascript functions, the first one is working, teh second is working but not echoing the correct value in the hidden inputs.
Ive manage to get the last hidden input value correct but I'm not sure how
var customTicketsArr = Array();
function EditEventAddTicket(){
alertWrongTime = false;
var TicketName = jQuery("#ticketname").val();
var TicketPrice = jQuery("#ticketprice").val();
var ticketquantity = jQuery("#ticketquantity").val();
var storeString = "TicketName" + TicketName + "TicketPrice" + TicketPrice + "Quantity" + ticketquantity + '';
function EditEventUpdateTickets(fade){
var output = "";
var style = "";
for (i = customTicketsArr.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
ticketname = customTicketsArr[i].split("TicketName");
ticketprice = customTicketsArr[i].split("TicketPrice");
ticketquantity = customTicketsArr[i].split("Quantity");
if (customTicketsArr.length - 1 == i){
style = "display: none; ";
var fadeInDiv = i;
} else {
style = "";
if (i % 2 == 1) { style += "background-color: #660000; "}
html = "<div id='customticket" + i + "' class='customeventbase' style='" + style + "'>";
html += '<input type="hidden" name="customTicketid[' + i + '][Name]" id="customticketName' + i + '" value="'+ ticketname + '" />';
html += '<input type="hidden" name="customTicketid[' + i + '][Price]" id="customticketPrice' + i + '" value="' +ticketprice[1] +'" />';
html += '<input type="hidden" name="customTicketid[' + i + '][Quantity]" id="customticketQuantity' + i + '" value="'+ ticketquantity[1] +'" />';
html += '<button class="customeventdel" type="button" onClick="EditEventRemoveDate(' + i + ')"></button>';
html += '<div class="clear"></div>';
html += '</div>\n';
output += html;
output += "<input type='hidden' id='custom_ticket_info' name='custom_ticket_info' value='" + customTicketsArr + "' />";
setTimeout("EditEventfadeInDiv(" + fadeInDiv +")", 10);
this outputs:
<div style="background-color: #660000; " class="customeventbase" id="customticket1">
<input type="hidden" value=",testTicketPrice50Quantity44" id="customticketName1" name="customTicketid[1][Name]">
<input type="hidden" value="undefined" id="customticketPrice1" name="customTicketid[1][Price]">
<input type="hidden" value="44" id="customticketQuantity1" name="customTicketid[1][Quantity]">
<button onclick="EditEventRemoveDate(1)" type="button" class="customeventdel"></button>
<div class="clear"></div></div>
the values for the first two hidden fields are incorrect
They're not incorrect values - split() is doing exactly what it is supposed to - returning an array of substrings after removing the separator.
With your string structure, splitting on TicketName will give you two strings - the substring before the separator and the substring after - TicketName itself is not included.
Thus, for the string "TicketNametestTicketPrice50Quantity44", you will get "" and "testTicketPrice50Quantity44" when you split on "TicketName" . Splitting the same string on TicketPrice will give you "TicketNametest" and "50Quantity44".
I'd suggest putting objects into your array instead -
var storeObject = {
"TicketName" : TicketName,
"TicketPrice" : TicketPrice,
"Quantity" : ticketquantity
You can then get back the data as:
for (i = customTicketsArr.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
var currentObject = customTicketsArr[i];
var ticketname = currentObject.TicketName;
var ticketprice = currentObject.TicketPrice;
var ticketquantity = currentObject.Quantity;
//do other stuff here
why do you save it as a string? I would recommend storing it in an object:
function EditEventAddTicket(){
alertWrongTime = false;
var TicketName = jQuery("#ticketname").val();
var TicketPrice = jQuery("#ticketprice").val();
var ticketquantity = jQuery("#ticketquantity").val();
var ticket = {"TicketName": TicketName, "TicketPrice": TicketPrice, "Quantity": ticketquantity};
and then you can simply load the data:
for (i = customTicketsArr.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
ticketname = customTicketsArr[i].TicketName;
ticketprice = customTicketsArr[i].TicketPrice;
ticketquantity = customTicketsArr[i].Quantity;
// ...
Why not just make a two dimensional array?
var customTicketsArr = Array();
function EditEventAddTicket() {
'name' : jQuery("#ticketname").val(),
'price' : jQuery("#ticketprice").val(),
'qty' : jQuery("#ticketquantity").val()