jQuery dialog - a unique dialog gets duplicated on an ajax site - javascript

I have a fully ajaxed website, which uses jQuery's $.get calls to fetch the central content of the website upon header clicks.
One of the "screens" (views, actually, using Zend) has a hidden div which is "dialoged" when a user clicks a certain button. This is what happens to me:
I get to the desired screen, and click the open dialog button.
Dialog opens fine. Closing and reopening works as expected.
I go to another screen (mind you, this is ajax, which simply replaces the main content with new content - the hidden div is inside this content, however, and gets replaced along with the main content)
I come back to the previous screen (still ajaxing), and click the open dialog button again. Now all of a sudden, there are two of those hidden divs, both with the identical ID (I can see that if I do a console.log($("div#hiddenDiv").length); ) and they are both spawned in dialog form - I have them on top of each other.
The dialogs get duplicated for as many times as I redo this. If I go to another screen, come back, and open dialog again - I get 3, etc.
I took a lot of precautions - I empty the memory at every ajax click, setting all variables I have nothing to do with anymore to null. I also take care to replace the entire content, the hidden divs as well, on every new ajax call, i.e. screen-transition. I checked and made sure that the function which summons the dialog isn't called more than once - it simply dupes the dialog upon returning to the screen which contains it by default, and I have no idea why. Mind you - no other element is duped. Only this hidden soon-to-be-dialog div.
Also worth noting is the fact that the duping process never begins until I open the dialog for the first time. From that moment on, every ajax [departure/return/dialog-opening]-scheme dupes the invisible div.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Edit: Code example:
// This causes the screen change when it detects a hash change
// ... stuff ...
// ... stuff ...
// This causes the actual change of on-screen content (i.e. this is the ajax call)
function ajaxData(value) {
// ... stuff ...
url: "/siteexample/"+value,
type: "GET",
mode: "abort",
dataType: type,
success: function(data){
$("#main_content").html(data); // the hidden div is always inside this "data", so it always gets removed when a new screen loads
// Clean Memory
data = null;
data: ({ajax : 'Y'})
// ... stuff ....
// And finally, this is the part that summons the dialog
function summonDialog() {
console.log("here"); // this shows up only once, so I know this function is not called multiple times.
var dialogBox = $("div#new_window"); // this is the infamous div
modal: true,
title: "Some title",
resizable: false,
zIndex: 22000,
width: 800,
buttons: {
"Save": function(){
// some function, ends with:
$(dialogBox).dialog("close"); // destroy doesn't change anything
dialogBox = null;
Cancel: function(){
$(this).dialog("close"); // destroy doesn't change anything
dialogBox = null;
So the sequence of events is:
1. ajaxData to the location where the div is.
2. ajaxData away from it.
3. ajaxData back, and open dialog, everything fine.
4. ajaxData away from it.
5. ajaxData back and open dialog, duped.
Rinse and repeat, from now on they're getting duped.
I was able to temporarily hack this into a fix with this in the summonDialog function:
var dialogBox = $("div#new_window");
var usableDialog = dialogBox[0];
// ... dialog code as usual ...
But I don't like the solution much. Marc's explanation makes sense, but since I have many different hidden divs with the potential to become dialogs scattered across many different views, removing each one in such a way would be tedious, since they tend to have different context-appropriate IDs and removing by "ui-dialog-content" class (which all divs get once they're dialog-opened) could produce some issues in other parts of the site, since it's a too general scope.

I believe the div that is the dialog will be attached and hidden on the body. Thus, when you replace the #main_content html, you're not really removing it. I would recommend removing the div and re-enabling the .dialog plugin on each html(data) reload.
Something like this:
success: function(data){
And easy way to test this is to simply console.log($("#new_window").length); when you get dupes.

I had exactly the same problem, The dialog was duplicated even after
So I added this:
That was the solution as #Marc mention above.


Content hide/show

my goal is to hide the content of my homepage when someone visits. onClick to begin button the content should be shown. Content should stay open when user goes to other page and comes back to homepage. But it will be hidden when user closes the window and opens up the homepage again. To achieve this goal I have put the following code but it keeps the content open even when user closes and opens the window. So please help me out.
if (! localStorage.noFirstVisit) {
// hide the element
// check this flag for escaping this if block next time
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
I would highly appreciate if you check website, suggest me fix or show me proper way to achieve this goal. url:iamicongroup.com
You can totally use sessionStorage to detect whether it is new tab(window) or not.
When you first visit this page, set sessionStorage.noFirstVisit = "1";.
After you go to another page and back, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit is still "1".
But when you close the tab or browser and open the page newly again, sessionStorage.noFirstVisit will be undefined.
Documentation is here
The documentation also provide the difference between sessionStorage and localStorage.
I would suggest reading this: Detect Close windows event by Jquery
It goes over window unloading (beforeunload), which I believe is what you're after. You can set/unset your localstorage values there based on certain criteria being met; for example:
$(window).on("beforeunload", function() {
if(localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1" {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "[someValue]"
else {
// do something
localStorage.noFirstVisit = "1"
Another issue is when the content shows the design gets little messed up(by widening the divs, bringing horizontal scroll)
how about adding something like 'ng-cloak' in angular, to avoid the undesirable flicker effect caused by show/hide.
when clicking the roll-button, it prevents the divs from showing unfinished..

Bootstrap remote Modal doesn't update content after first run

It comes javaScript and jQuery are beeing a big challenge for me. Like it's not enough I've started to use ajax to get over my problem - which is:
I've got some empty tables on my page. Each cell of a table has got its own id. A php-script is parsing a .xlsx file and puts the right link to the cell of my html table through javaScript code like:
document.getElementById("cellNrXY").innerHTML = "someLink";
If the link is clicked, then a Modal (Bootstrap) appears and loads the remote content (which is different depending on the clicked link).
My problem was that the remote content was cached in modal, so it worked only on first run. After closing the modal and choosing another link the previous modal appeared und didn't change to the new remote content.
I've read a lot solutions here that are based on:
but had no luck with it. After some trying with different solutions one worked properly. The only problem was: when I've clicked the second time on some other link, the modal opened up with previous content and it took some seconds for the modal beeing updated. This is why I wanted to show a rotating element while the new modal content is beeing loaded. Somewhere here I've read a solution tu use ajax for this, which I've added "on luck" and ... it worked:
$("#myModal").on("show.bs.modal", function(e) {
beforeSend: function() { $('#myModal')
.html('<div class="rotatingElement"></div>')
.show(); },
complete: function() { $('#myModal').html.hide(); }
var link = $(e.relatedTarget);
The only thing is - I've no idea why this is working. Is there any chance that somebody here explain the functionality of this code to me?
if you read about the event show.bs.modal you will know that this event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event. Learn more about Events
so what is happening is every time you open a modal this event triggers and makes an ajax call which you see like this $.ajax({ wchi has 2 options set
A pre-request callback function beforeSend
A function to be called when the request finishes complete
so whenever the modal triggeres the ajax requet is made and every time ajax request i made just before sending the request the modal html is overridden $('#myModal').html('<div class="rotatingElement"></div>').show(); and a loader is added in form of a div element with class rotatingElement and as soon as the requet completes that loader is removed via complete function $('#myModal').html.hide(); and then the e.relatedTarget property as described above gets the anchor object and the href of that anchor .../remoteContent.php is loaded in side the modal body in the following 2 steps
var link = $(e.relatedTarget);

How can I reuse a cloned element?

I have a Bootstrap modal on my page. Basically, what happens is the user picks some options on the page, clicks a go button and that modal pops up and gets populated with the live output of the job they started.
After the job runs, I'd like for the user to be able to close the modal, choose more options, and run the job again. The problem is, I can't seem to get rid of the output from the previous job.
I tried this answer, which was to clone the div and use replaceWith() to restore the content to it's original state. This works for the first two times (job runs once, then when you start another the modal is back to it's original state), but for any time after that, the modal pops up with the content of the previous run until it's text gets overridden.
I have this at the beginning, to capture the contents before anything is done:
$(document).ready(function() {
modalHold = $("#postModal").clone();
And, this runs when the modal closes:
$('#postModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (){
I would've expected the replaceWith(modalHold.clone()) to replace it with a new clone of the original element, however it seems that I'm still modifying the original. Any help would be appreciated, or if there's a better way of doing this I'd be glad to hear it.
Bootstrap does some javascript magic with the Modal, so I guess you can't just clone whole the Modal's HTML. As a workaround you may try to play with class="modal-body" node only, clone and replace it.
But the truth is on another way. You need to implement a function which would reset your inputs and call it each time the Modal is being hidden.
var modalDefault = {
input1: '',
input2: 'Hello!'
var resetModal = function() {
// ...
$('#postModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', resetModal);
Not sure why I didn't think of this to begin with, but dhilt's answer helped point me in the right direction. The idea of creating defaults and just switching back to those could be helpful in some cases, but I had some content (including job info and a loading bar) inside the modal that I'd really like to be displayed each time a job starts, until it is done and the output can be displayed.
Instead of doing any fancy cloning, I placed that content into a div and just grabbed its innerHTML:
$(document).ready(function() {
modalHold = $('#jobOutputHolder').html();
When the .load () runs, it will update #jobOutputHolder with the output of the job. Then, on hide of the modal:
$('#postModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (){
With this method, I can run a job, see the loading screen, see the job output, close the modal, and repeat as many times as I need without ever seeing the output of previous jobs.

How to auto save when using TinyMCE editor

I am using tinymce editor to provide rich text formatting and along with that I want to provide the option of autosave. I managed to write a script that does exactly that, but there is one problem. I do not want to call that save function if the window is not the current tab, so that unnecessary save calls are not made.
To over come this I using the $(window).focus() but this does not seem to work because when the tinyMCE editor is in focus (meaning I am typing in it) somehow the window goes out of focus (most probably because tinyMCE editor uses an iFrame) and as a result my periodic update function is not being called.
i would very easily solved this problem if there was a handler .onFocus for the editor but there seems to be none. Can anybody suggest me how can I overcome this problem? My code is given below
/* Function to be called for saving the blog */
function saveBlog(){
var ed = tinymce.activeEditor;
/* Ajax call will be done only when some changes has been made in the editor*/
if (ed.isDirty())
var link = $(this).attr("href");
var cur_elem = $(this);
type: "POST",
url: link,
data: $("#blog_form :input[name!='csrfmiddlewaretoken']").serialize(),
dataType: 'json',
success: function(){
var interval_id;
/* Timer resumes when the window comes back in focus */
$(window).focus(function() {
if (!interval_id)
interval_id = setInterval(saveBlog, 5000);
/* Whenever window goes out of focus the timer is cleared */
$(window).blur(function() {
interval_id = 0;
/* Starts the auto saving for the first time */
interval_id = setInterval(saveBlog, 5000);
Can anybody help with this problem, I just need to know when the tinyMCE editor instance is in focus so that I can resume the auto saving periodic function. I can add that in addition to the $(window).focus
Although this post is quite old, I have written a plugin that sends the form data to the specified url every x seconds. I have blogged it here.
In short, the idea is to create an iframe, change the target and action of the form dynamically, and submit the form to stimulate an ajax effect. Once saved, I am putting the form element into its initial state so that if the user wants to save manually he or she will not have any difficulties.
Please note that the plugin I've written is for tinymce4. You'll have to change the source code a bit for older versions.
Did you try the onActivate-handler already?

jQuery code repeating problem

I have a piece of code in jQuery that I use to get the contents of an iFrame after you click a link and once the content is completed loading. It works, but I have a problem with it repeating - at least I think that is what it is doing, but I can't figure out why or how.
jQuery JS:
var theID = $(this).attr("rel");
var response = $("#fileuploadframe").contents().find("html").html();
{action:"savePage",html:response, id: theID},
HTML Links ( one of many ):
<a href="templates/1000/files/index.php?pg=0&preview=false"
target="fileuploadframe" class="pageSaveButton" rel="0">Home</a>
So when you click the link, the page that is linked to is opened into the iframe, then the JS fires and waits for the content to finish loading and then grabs the iframe's content and sends it to a PHP script to save to a file. I have a problem where when you click multiple links in a row to save multiple files, the content of all the previous files are overwritten with the current file you have clicked on. I have checked my PHP and am pretty positive the fault is with the JS.
I have noticed that - since I have the PHP's return value alerted - that I get multiple alert boxes. If it is the first link you have clicked on since the main page loaded - then it is fine, but when you click on a second link you get the alert for each of the previous pages you clicked on in addition to the expected alert for the current page.
I hope I have explained well, please let me know if I need to explain better - I really need help resolving this. :) (and if you think the php script is relevant, I can post it - but it only prints out the $_POST variables to let me know what page info is being sent for debugging purposes.)
Thanks ahead of time,
From jQuery .load() documentation I think you need to change your script to:
var theID = $(this).attr("rel");
var lnk = $(this).attr("href");//LINK TO LOAD
var response = $("#fileuploadframe").contents().find("html").html();
id: theID
As for the multiple responses, you can use something like blockui to disable any further clicks till the .post call returns.
This is because the line
Gets executed every time you press a link. Only add the loadhandler to the iframe on document.ready.
If a user has the ability via your UI to click multiple links that trigger this function, then you are going to run into this problem no matter what since you use the single iframe. I would suggest creating an iframe per save process, that why the rendering of one will not affect the other.

