Decode Javascript Encoded Variables - javascript

How do I decode encoded javascript variables like:
I decoded most of it but there are still portions I can't decode:
var _0xa2bax2 = 'DESCRIPTION';
{ message: _0xa2bax2 },
function (_0xa2bax3) {}

From the code sample you provided in your comment (and I edited into your question), those appear to be just arbitrary variable names in the code. Using the code sample from here, they are probably translated roughly into something like this:
_0xa2bax2 = message to post to the wall
_0xa2bax3 = response from the post - can be used to check for error message from posting or retrieve the new Post ID
_0xa2bax5 = no idea?? you don't have any examples...
See the FaceBook Developers API page for more information.


Unable to find why base64 image code is invalid

Can anyone tell me why the base64 image code linked in here is invalid? Some kind of issue with the syntax I believe?
My file looks like this:
I have truncated it (the "...") since the entirety of the file won't fit in the question.
Here is my Javascript Fetch API POST code:
function submitPhoto(){
console.log("name: "+name);
console.log("email: "+email);
console.log("market: "+market);
//console.log("base64: "+b64data);
fetch('', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
body: '&name='+name+'&email='+email+'&market='+market+'&picture='+b64data
Yes I believe the syntax is not correct and it may not be a valid image or some parts are removed.
check this link
the format should likely began with this: data:image/gif;base64, or just this image/gif;base64, so first section shows image type. in your case it should be image/jpeg and the ;base64, is like defining that its a base64 inline image.
And at the end of the code or just end of anybase64 coded content there should be like == or = but you should not remove it its part of the coded content.
So this is another answer. I post it separately, cause your question is changed.
There is two way to achieve this. First is to use URL-encode and URL-decode. So before you send the base64 string containing your image data u do encode it then on the server side you first echo is to see how it looks. Then you use PHP urldecode to get your string back.
URL decode/encode with javascript:
URL decode/encode in PHP:
But the other way which should fit better in this situation is to use the post body when u wanna post something. But as you are already using a library to do that I guess its just the limitation of your library. So try to check if there are other ways to set parameters for POST with that library. Like you are adding the parameters to body but the way you do it (the library) just limits you. so for example you cant use some characters when you do this:
body: '&name='+name+'&email='+email+'&market='+market+'&picture='+b64data
So in case you failed to find other ways to do the request. Like you can do it with form object with pure javascript and other ways. so in case you failed just go with the first one try to url encode the data.
example of url encode in javascript:
// encodes characters such as ?,=,/,&,:
// expected output: "%3Fx%3D%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%BB%D1%8B"
// expected output: "%3Fx%3Dtest"
example of urldecode in PHP:
$query = "my=apples&are=green+and+red";
foreach (explode('&', $query) as $chunk) {
$param = explode("=", $chunk);
if ($param) {
printf("La valeur du paramètre \"%s\" est \"%s\"<br/>\n", urldecode($param[0]), urldecode($param[1]));

PHP $_GET and underlines

I have a very short piece of PHP that I use to make HTTP requests from JavaScript.
<?php echo file_get_contents($_GET['url']); ?>
I have used it successfully in a few projects, but am running into a problem with making requests in my current project. Based on my searching, I believe it may be caused by the underscore in the request, though through my searching and not knowing PHP, I have not been able to confirm that.
Below is an example of what I am doing from JavaScript:
$.get("grabber.php?url=" + "", function(forecast) {
If I copy the url and put in it in a browser, I get back the JSON that I requested. When I use the code above, I end up getting an error message from NOAA:
Wrong Product : Product cannot be null or empty Wrong Time zone: Time zone cannot be null or empty Wrong Unit:Unit cannot be null or empty Wrong Format: Format cannot be null or empty Wrong Date: The beginDate cannot be null or empty
Do I need to use a regex for the underscore in PHP? Is there some other issue that I do not understand?
You need to send it encoded, which will convert all the underscores/spaces/ampersands etc. with their encoded equivalents:
var url = "";
$.get("grabber.php?url=" + encodeURIComponent(url), function(forecast){
Using encodeURIComponent() on that URL shows:
Alternatively, if you just want to access the JSON data and handle it within the JavaScript function, you can retrieve the data via the URL directly, without having to encode the URL:
$.get("", function(forecast) {
Um why do you even need your php code ... the code below will work just fine and eliminate your server overhead.
$.get("", function(forecast) {

Mailgun in .xsjs

is there a way to send an email via Mailgun with html page as its content that is longer than ~2000 characters?
I have this code, that works perfectly for short html as I believe it is sent in URL address:
var obj = $.request.body.asString();
var req = new $.web.WebRequest($.net.http.POST, "/messages");
req.headers.set('Content-Type', encodeURIComponent("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
req.parameters.set("domain", "");
req.parameters.set("from", "");
req.parameters.set("to", '');
req.parameters.set("subject", "subject");
req.parameters.set("html", obj); //email content
In the code above I receive the file and save it to 'org' variable and then send it to mail. What I need is to probably get my "too large" .html file to the body and then show it as a content of the email. As you probably can see, I'm quite new in .xsjs so the more detailed answer the better. If you need any more info, feel free to ask. Thank you.
Edit1: I should add that when I try to send a larger file, the response I get is "414 Request-URI Too Large".
This seems to be the right approach, jointly figured out by the OP and myself:
var obj = $.request.body.asString();
var req = new $.web.WebRequest($.net.http.POST, "/messages");
// request headers
req.headers.set('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
// request URL parameters
req.parameters.set("domain", "");
req.parameters.set("from", "");
req.parameters.set("to", '');
req.parameters.set("subject", "subject");
// request body
The $.web.WebRequest class sends everything you set in the .parameters collection as an URL parameter, even if the request method is POST. This is perfectly all-right, POST requests may have URL parameters. However, URLs are length-limited, as you have noticed.
The body of a POST request is not length-limited, but you have to do the proper content encoding on your own. The body of a application/x-www-form-urlencoded type request follows the same rules as the URL - key=value pairs separated by & characters.
var obj = $.request.body.asString();
var req = new $.web.WebRequest($.net.http.POST, "/messages");
req.headers.set('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
var message = {
domain: "",
from: "",
to: "",
subject: "subject",
html: obj
where urlEncodedFormat() is a little helper function:
function urlEncode(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) {
return encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);
Turning objects into an URL-encoded string is a pretty common operation. It's likely that one of the libraries you use already contains a function that does that.
While the above function is is probably correct (there might be edge cases with undefined or null values), it's preferable not to use a hand-rolled variant. Spend some time looking for the right function in your libraries.
Maybe WebRequest already does the right thing on its own, I have no way to test it, though. Try setting the message object as the body directly:

Issues accessing Facebook profile image

This is the kind of question that I am sure has a simple answer, but I been with this for days now without finding it.
The issue comes when I try to access the picture via the graph API.
According to the graph API the following URL should return a JSON with is_silhouette and url
When I try that in the Graph Explorer it works fine, but when I test the same URL in the browser I get automatically redirected to the URL attribute of the response instead of getting a JSON.
My problem is that I need to access the contents of that JSON to get the URL attribute in order to display the user profile.
My code looks something like this
var fbimage = "" + e.uid + "/picture/";
var xhrFbImage = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload : function() {
jsonData = '';
jsonData = this.responseText;"inside FB response...");;
});"GET", getFbImage);
The response is always null
Any tip in the right direction will be really appreciated.
Found the answer.
By adding ?redirect=false I get the actual JSON without the redirect.
So the correct URL to query is
The answer was more visible than I thought. You can refer to it here

Json object in jquery can't be read?

I am trying to read the finance info from the google page into a json object.
Code is below:
try {
alert(data);//var jsondata = data;
//jsonobj = $.parseJSON(jsondata);
} catch(e) {
However I keep getting this error all the time on firebug
invalid label
"id": "4052464"
Is there any way this info can be read. My ultimate goal is to create a windows 7 gadget that doesnt use server side scripting and can be used from any Windows 7 system.
Appreciate all the help.
Response isn't valid JSON (response is prefixed with //), so jQuery won't be able to parse it correctly anyway.
To solve change &jsoncallback=? to &callback=?
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
The response from Google has two leading /'s, making the response invalid JSON... for some reason.
Because of this, you cannot use jQuery.getJSON, as it expects a JSON response. Instead, you should use jQuery.get, and parse the JSON yourself after removing the two leading slashes.
jQuery.get('', function (string) {
var validJson = string.slice(2);
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(validJSON);
// use obj
Two additional points:
No JSONP is being used, so you don't need the jsoncallback=? in your request URL
The Windows Sidebar has been retired, so you cannot publish you finished gadget to the official gallery.

