is it possible to develop a browser toolbar that accepts selenium automation - javascript

usually selenium does not identify elements on a browser toolbar. But this is for pre-build browser toolbars. Can a browser toolbar ( for FF, IE & Chrome ) be developed in such a way that selenium can be used to identify elements on the toolbar and then perform control actions on it , like clicking on a radio button on the toolbar.

Because Selenium can only control things that JavaScript can control, you need to find out whether JavaScript can control the toolbar. JavaScript has 3 main features. I controls the JavaScript processing, the DOM (document object model) and the BOM (browser object model). There might have been more control given to JavaScript when HTML 5 and CS3 came out, but this is my knowledge of it.
I think you may need to use a cross-browser extension to make your sidebar/toolbar. google-gears/silverlight/adobe-air/jnext. You might need to make the UI using the DOM. I'm not sure. You will need to research.. never done this before.
If the toolbar is part of the BOM (and/or DOM), then you can. Just create a custom command, called Selenium.prototype.doControlToolbar or something and put your JavaScript logic inside of that function (similar to what I have below). Good luck!
Option #1 - if using Selenium IDE:
Specify the user-extensions.js file under Selenium IDE > Options (menu) > Options (menu option) > General Tab, then browse to your file under "Selenium Core Extensions".
Option #2 - if using Selenium RC Server:
If you're not using the IDE and using Selenium RC server with a client driver (like JUnit for example), you must specify the path of the *.js file with the -userExtensions parameter when you start the Selenium RC Server on the command line. But you said you just wanted to use the IDE, so I'd ignore this. It takes quite a bit of other setup to use the Selenium RC server.
java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js
I made the following custom command (JavaScript function) in my custom user-extensions.js file.. I had to exit and restart the IDE before it found it. Type everything after the "do" in the "Command" field in the IDE to find the custom command. It looks like it also added a "customAlertAndWait" to the IDE as well.
Code in user-extensions.js file:
Selenium.prototype.doCustomAlert = function(sTarget, sValue) { alert('Target: ' + sTarget + ' ... Value: ' + sValue); };
Selenium IDE command details:
Command: customAlert
Target: custom alert target
Value: custom alert value


C# script that detect already opened website and click buttons and inserta data

I would like to write simple scripts which after I have already opened site ( I dont wanna script to open it) press two buttons and insert data in comment section after pressing f.ex. 'g' button. I am completly new in that kind of programming so any help will be nice( also link to good tutorials).
webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("User").SetAttribute("value", textBox1.Text);
I am aware of those 2 functions i will use but how to instantiate them on already opened page by pressing a button? (If thats important deafult used browser is opera).
You should use something like Selenium ( which is a browser automation framework.
Selenium scripts can be written in many languages (including c#) and the scripts can be run on a variety of browsers. There is even browser plugins for creating scripts my recording a macro - no code required!
This is much more robust that using a browser control embedded in an app as that is only a cut down version of internet explorer I believe.
This is a rough sample of selenium in c#
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.IE;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
var options = new InternetExplorerOptions();
options.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
Driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(options);
Driver.FindElement(By.Id("User")).SendKeys("<your text>");

Can't turn off Javascript using Selenium

I'm trying to turn off javascript via the profile when opening using Selenium. This has work previously but now I've updated Selenium/Firfox I can't get it to work.
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
profile.set_preference('javascript.enabled', False)
driver = webdriver.Firefox(profile)
All other settings seem to change while using profile.set_preference() on other option and javascript.enabled exists and is set to True when I look at the Firefox settings about:config. Is it possible Javascript is being set to True after loading the profile or something?
FF version 43.0.3
Selenium version 2.48.0
Any suggestions on why this could be happening?
Adding profile.add_extension("path/to/noscript_security_suite-2.9.xpi"); to the above code with the downloaded extension as #alecxe suggested fixed the issue.
This issue affects selenium starting with 2.46.0, javascript.enabled is being ignored:
Firefox driver 2.46.0 regression - unable to set to non-js
As a workaround, load the noscript addon, see:
How to disable Javascript when using Selenium by JAVA?

How to test inline installation of Chrome extension in Protractor? [duplicate]

I am using selenium for some browser automation. I need to install an extension in the browser for my work. I am doing it as follows:
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
executable_path = "/usr/bin/chromedriver"
options = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, chrome_options=options)
The browser is starting fine but I am prompted with a pop-up to confirm that I want to add the extension as follows:
and after I get this pop-up, Python soon returns with the following exception:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: u'unknown
error: failed to wait for extension background page to load:
unknown error: page could not be found:
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.12.301324
3.13.0-39-generic x86_64)'
I tried handling the popup as a regular JavaScript alert using the following code:
alert = browser.switch_to_alert()
However, this doesn't help. Could anyone please tell me how do I install this extension without the popup or a way to accept the popup? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Usually, you cannot test inline installation of a Chrome extension with just Selenium, because of that installation dialog. There are a few examples in the wild that show how to use external tools outside Selenium to solve this problem, but these are not very portable (i.e. platform-specific) and rely on a state of Chrome's UI, which is not guaranteed to be consistent.
But that does not mean that you cannot test inline installation. If you replace chrome.webstore.install with a substitute that behaves like the chrome.webstore.install API (but without the dialog), then the end-result is the same for all intents and purposes.
"Behaves like chrome.webstore.install" consists of two things:
Same behavior in error reporting and callback invocation.
An extension is installed.
I have just set up such an example on Github, which includes the source code of the helper extension/app and a few examples using Selenium (Python, Java). I suggest to read the README and the source code to get a better understanding of what happens:
The sample does not require the tested extension to be available in the Chrome Web store. It does not even connect to the Chrome Web store. In particular, it does not check whether the site where the test runs is listed as a verified website, which is required for inline installation to work.
I had some really big code which I would have to re-write if I had to use Java. Luckily, python has a library for automating GUI events called ldtp. I used that to automate the clicking on the "Add" button. I did something on the following lines:
from ldtp import *
from threading import Thread
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
def thread_function():
for i in range(5):
if activatewindow('Confirm New Extension'):
def main():
executable_path = "/usr/bin/chromedriver"
options = Options()
browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=executable_path, chrome_options=options)
Hope it helps somebody.

How to Execute a Javascript in Internet Explorer from Command Line?

Recently at my job we have been wanting to automate our deployment process with new machines. I figured the best way to do this was by launching IE (since it's the default browser that's installed via Litetouch) via command line, which the generic code for it is as follows:
Which works as expected; however the next part of the automation process is to pass IE at least a javascript file that can select the building I want to register a new NIC device at, then on the next pass I would pass it my administrative credentials.
For the most part, I can figure out by scrounging the net how to get Javascript to execute certain things in a browser like clicking links and entering text into text boxes. I'm just wondering if there's any way during running my batch script that I can pass IE a .js file to execute after the browser opens.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can bypass IE completely by using cscript.exe to run JavaScript.
> cscript.exe "path/to/file.js"
cscript.exe is in c:\windows\system32.
Keep in mind that globals like window and document will not be available because you have no head.
Here you go enable by command
1) Go to Start -> Run
2) Type : CMD (then enter)
3) You will get command prompt window on screen.
4) Type below command and ten enter :
regsvr32 jscript.dll
5) Now check Internet Explorer. You will have javascript enabled.
Hope this would help you to solve your problem.

How run a windows console for JavaScript

I would like to have a console window (a command line) on Windows 7 which will allow me to play with JavaScript just like a python console.
It's important to have a file access from within the console (or script run through it).
You can use Node.js's REPL. To do so follow this steps:
Download and Install Node.js.
Call Node.js from the Start Menu / Start Screen or directly node.exe installation path (e.g C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe).
You may want to add the installation path to your PATH enviroment variable for ease of use.
Note: to leave node.js press Ctrl + C twice.
To access the local files, you will need the File System module. This is an example of usage:
var fs = require("fs");
function(err, data)
if (!err)
This will output the contents of the file C:\test.txt to the console.
Note: An unhandled exception will cause node.js to "crash".
You can just use the developer tools.
For example, in Chrome, press F12. This will bring up the developer tools. The last option on the menubar is console. This will allow you to create JS variables and functions and to interact with DOM elements on the current page
It's possible thanks to Mozilla Rhino JavaScript Engine.
To create a console window for JS:
1) Download Mozilla Rhino JavaScript Engine binary.
2) Extract: js.jar.
3) Create a script to run the console window (e.g. rihno_console.bat):
java -cp js.jar
For more information about usage (for instance, and global functions inside this console) visit the Rhino Shell web page.
Just like I informed another user with the same question as yours who was faced with the same need, check out DeskJS ( It's a portable Windows console application that lets you run pure JavaScript code and even load any existing JS files. It supports even the basic JS popup boxes implemented in browsers. You can save your commands as JS files that can be run on startup or by dragging-and-dropping them on the app. Plus there's so much more to it like you can create a build system for Sublime Text that can run JS files via cmd, it supports themes for customizing the entire console and snippets which let you save short snippets of JavaScript code for later use. Improvements are still being made on the app together with other native APIs being included. Hope this helps you as it did for me.

