In General:
I need my nav to behave like a mobile app (swipe effect), but WITHOUT accessing it via a mobile product. (So JQuery Mobile and such isn't applicable here... at least I don't think.)
My nav (example attached below) is a set of horizontally arranged icons. I would like to be able to scroll horizontally, but instead of simply scrolling the icons over, I'd like them to slide in increments (much like how an iPhone's pages slide into discrete positions with swipes across the screen.) This means regardless of how much the user scrolls, only the same amount of slide is performed.
View work-in-progress here
My Problem:
So I currently have this (crappy/buggy) version working, but it's based on JQuery's .mousemove() which means as I cause the menu to move, the cursor is still also moving and no longer over the icon I wish to click. If I based it on .scroll(), then the containing div would have to be scrollable (which would show the scrollbars).
So: Is there...
a) an example of this already done somewhere? or
b) a way to make a div scrollable but without showing the scrollbars
This site is being used in a specific way for a specific purpose, so please don't reply just to tell me that hidden scrollbars on a scrollable div is bad juju/annoying for the users.
I found something called "Web In Touch". Could this help?
Many MANY thanks in advance.
Have you tried content flow? It can do horizontal scrolling for you on button presses (and you can map this to something else). I understand this isn't what you want exactly, but it might work, since you want to horizontally flow/scroll image icons.
I know this question sounds confusing, so here's a better explanation:
I'm using a mobile. Say there's a scrollable element somewhere in the body. When I scroll the element and it reaches the bottom, I want instead of getting stuck for keep scrolling the element, it scrolls the page instead. That's also true if I reach the top of the element, it scrolls up the page, not getting stuck.
I tested it on two different mobile phones with the latest version of Chrome. The First one does exactly that. Weirdly enough, the second one only works when it gets to the top but not to the bottom. Is there any way to make it always work irrespective of the environment (mobile phone or browser) we are using?
Edit: What I'm trying to achieve with this
I want a way so that the buttons placed at the bottom of the content are not so distanced from the user's view. If we remove the scrollbar, then the users have to scroll all the way to the end of the content to be able to click the buttons.
The problem with this method is that, on mobile, in some browsers, it blocks the user from scrolling the page, even after reaching the end of the element. So they have to touch the edges of the screen to be able to scroll the page instead of the element.
What I want is, for users having difficulty touching the edges, they can still scroll the element. And when it reaches the bottom of the element, it scrolls the page.
I know this is weird. I know some of the better tricks like using the Read More-Read Less button, but it requires JavaScript I guess? I'm in a situation that's really hard to use JavaScript at the moment (shortly because of how bad the code is organized), and looking for a way if there's a simple trick using pure CSS. Any help or idea is appreciated!
I have a requirement to add a scroll bar that is always visible and which can be directly used by mouse or touch to scroll the contents of a large ListView.
The normal way of scrolling on mobile devices is by swiping up or down. During the scroll process there will be a small scrollbar visible but that scrollbar disappears and even while visible it can't be used to do any actual scrolling.
After much searching I could not find what I needed.
So my question is: Is there a way to make the scrollbar in the ListView fully usable or should I disable it and create a separate scrollbar which I will need to keep in sync. If so how?
For a functional example of something I would be working with see:
I am working with the Skrollr Plugin.
I am running jQuery 1.9.1 too.
I have found out that parallax pages are a lot of fun on a desktop with a mouse wheel to scroll. On an iPad or other touch devices nobody wants to scroll through that much animation, no matter how cool it is.. poor user experience. So what I decided to do is add two buttons. One on the middle right side and the other on the middle left side for the thumbs. You press the one on the right and you autoscroll to the next section. Vice versa for the left side.
Well instead of testing a bunch of different screen sizes and manually adding a bunch of values to an array and then having a script figure out what size screen it is and go through the custom array... I would rather have a function that looks up the IDs and grab the scrollTopPosition and push that into the array.
As far as the plugins documentation I have only seen this function. s.getScrollTop. That returns your current scroll position.
I tried the following commands:
All gave me the wrong values when comparing to the s.getScrollTop() return value.
This is the last item in my icebox and I would love to knock it out today. Thank you for any help!
I'm building a one-page site with the content area as large content boxes stacked down the page.
I'm looking for ideas on a way to use javascript to jump to each content box. With a one-page site like this, it takes a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom.
My idea is to somehow make this easier. If you are in one box, and you scroll down just a single click, I want the next box to scroll all the way up the page in one jump. That way the content stays easy and readable, and a box will never be half-on half-off the page. Theoretically you could scroll to the bottom of the page in less than ten clicks.
Does that make sense? I'm thinking of something similar to the home screen on android phones. It jumps horizontally between screens, no matter how little you swipe. There will only be one box on the page at time.
Disclaimer: I am a noob web developer, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
I would point you toward binding on the scroll event with jquery .scroll(), and using either IDs via style of links or use the jquery.ScrollTo plugin
Ok, so I've created a little plugin that takes a bunch of elements and creates a sort of never ending list. I'll try to explain...
I have a div, and it's got about 20 elements tags in it. When the user scrolls up, the top element moves out of view and is moved to the bottom of the list. And vice-versa so that when the user scrolls down, the bottom element is moved to the top of the list.
This is specifically for Mobile Safari (iPad, iPhone) web content
What I would like to do is implement inertia so the scrolling slows to a halt in response to how fast or slow the user is scrolling when their finger leaves the screen. Just like the inertia commonly found in the iPhone / iPad UI.
The problem is, every time an element moves to the top or the bottom of the list, the scollTop value for the parent div is adjusted to make it look like all the elements are staying in the same place. Which means the scrollTop value is never more than the top elements total height. So there's no value I can think of that I can keep on manipulating to give the illusion of inertia.
I'm stumped. Does anyone have any suggestions?
iScroll implements scrolling with inertia, but I'm not sure how it would react to you adding and removing elements mid-scroll. Might be worth looking into though.