Javascript - Want to jump to new div at scroll event - javascript

I'm building a one-page site with the content area as large content boxes stacked down the page.
I'm looking for ideas on a way to use javascript to jump to each content box. With a one-page site like this, it takes a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom.
My idea is to somehow make this easier. If you are in one box, and you scroll down just a single click, I want the next box to scroll all the way up the page in one jump. That way the content stays easy and readable, and a box will never be half-on half-off the page. Theoretically you could scroll to the bottom of the page in less than ten clicks.
Does that make sense? I'm thinking of something similar to the home screen on android phones. It jumps horizontally between screens, no matter how little you swipe. There will only be one box on the page at time.
Disclaimer: I am a noob web developer, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!

I would point you toward binding on the scroll event with jquery .scroll(), and using either IDs via style of links or use the jquery.ScrollTo plugin


Scroll the page up or down after scrolling reaches the top or bottom of a scrollable element in mobile

I know this question sounds confusing, so here's a better explanation:
I'm using a mobile. Say there's a scrollable element somewhere in the body. When I scroll the element and it reaches the bottom, I want instead of getting stuck for keep scrolling the element, it scrolls the page instead. That's also true if I reach the top of the element, it scrolls up the page, not getting stuck.
I tested it on two different mobile phones with the latest version of Chrome. The First one does exactly that. Weirdly enough, the second one only works when it gets to the top but not to the bottom. Is there any way to make it always work irrespective of the environment (mobile phone or browser) we are using?
Edit: What I'm trying to achieve with this
I want a way so that the buttons placed at the bottom of the content are not so distanced from the user's view. If we remove the scrollbar, then the users have to scroll all the way to the end of the content to be able to click the buttons.
The problem with this method is that, on mobile, in some browsers, it blocks the user from scrolling the page, even after reaching the end of the element. So they have to touch the edges of the screen to be able to scroll the page instead of the element.
What I want is, for users having difficulty touching the edges, they can still scroll the element. And when it reaches the bottom of the element, it scrolls the page.
I know this is weird. I know some of the better tricks like using the Read More-Read Less button, but it requires JavaScript I guess? I'm in a situation that's really hard to use JavaScript at the moment (shortly because of how bad the code is organized), and looking for a way if there's a simple trick using pure CSS. Any help or idea is appreciated!

How to make a smooth scrolling effect using javascript

I've been looking everywhere and I cannot find an answer for this specific need.
I want to create a page with this effect - I want the page to scroll down automatically and smoothly to a certain section on the page as soon as the user begins to scroll their mouse. The problem with using the plugin linked above is that I already have my page designed the way I want, I just want to implement this scrolling effect. I am by no means a javascript expert - I deal mainly with the layout aspects of web. But if someone could show me how I could use javascript to automatically drop to a certain section on the page when the user begins to scroll, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you!
Try Using Nice Scroll
<script src=""></script>
mousescrollstep: 40, // scrolling speed with mouse wheel (pixel)

Fix a div when scrolling down a page and then un-fix

I am trying to make a sidebar div sit below a header secion, when you scroll down, it will turn into a fixed div and stay fixed until the bottom of the page, once it reaches a footer section, it will stick to the top of it and allow me to scroll down the footer area without seeing it anymore.
There is a perfect emaxple of what I am trying to describe on this site
In the left column, it sticks as you scroll down and then un-sticks at the bottom
I am looking for a good way to do this, hopefully an example or tutorial, I realize it is done with javascript changing the divs properties. I have tried searching but all I could find was old outdated articles over 5-6 years old and they only did half the job. I am not sure even what to call this feature?
That web site is using jQuery Scroll Follow.
Note that according to the jQuery Scoll Follow web site...
The Scroll Follow object will remain inside its immediate container.
... hence why the scrolling stops before the comments on your example web site; the element which is scrolling on the page is constrained inside of its parent <aside> element. You can check out the example.
You basically handle the page's scroll event and move the box around.
Most tutorials require jQuery, so get familiar with it. If you want a tutorial, here's a working one:
Why not dissect the code of that website too?

Need to prevent user from manually scrolling a web page. (Only navigate using internal links)

I am currently designing a webpage that is extremely vertical, my idea was that users would not scroll around the page, but only when they clicked on links with internal anchors (href="#someDiv"), the page would automatically scroll down to that section.
So that the elements of the page are organized into bundles, and the user clicks to go up or down to one section of the single page or another.
I've uploaded the page to the following url:
DWS - Prototype
The page is fairly straightforward, and I am using a smooth-scroll jQuery plugin for the automatic scrolling. All I want is for the user to not be able to wander about on his/her own.
I have tried using overflow:hidden, and looked for javascript or jQuery to get this done, but can't seem to find a viable solution. Overflow hidden prevents the page from loading past the screen, so you can't link to the other elements of the page.
I haven't really tested the HTML/CSS beyond Mac OS, but it works fine on Safari, Firefox and Chrome.
You can disable the scroll bar on a page using the following css property
body{overflow: hidden;}
This will disable both the scroll bar and the mousewheel (im not sure about Pg Up and Down Buttons)
While you definitely have an interesting concept I think it will be very hard to pull off the way you're wanting. What happens if I have the height of my browser window set so small that I can't see your Navigation menus and I also can't scroll? Chances are I'm just gonna get fed up with your site and leave.
When users see a vertical scrollbar they expect to be able to scroll up and down. Taking that way from users is more likely to frustrate and anger them as opposed to them thinking 'This is really cool'.
That being said you could load up jQuery and do something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('html, body').scroll(function(e) {
This should prevent the scrollbar from going up or down. disclaimer: I have not tested this.
I suggest you make the sections (partially) collapsible. E.g. like here.

How to mimic a swipe without a mobile device

In General:
I need my nav to behave like a mobile app (swipe effect), but WITHOUT accessing it via a mobile product. (So JQuery Mobile and such isn't applicable here... at least I don't think.)
My nav (example attached below) is a set of horizontally arranged icons. I would like to be able to scroll horizontally, but instead of simply scrolling the icons over, I'd like them to slide in increments (much like how an iPhone's pages slide into discrete positions with swipes across the screen.) This means regardless of how much the user scrolls, only the same amount of slide is performed.
View work-in-progress here
My Problem:
So I currently have this (crappy/buggy) version working, but it's based on JQuery's .mousemove() which means as I cause the menu to move, the cursor is still also moving and no longer over the icon I wish to click. If I based it on .scroll(), then the containing div would have to be scrollable (which would show the scrollbars).
So: Is there...
a) an example of this already done somewhere? or
b) a way to make a div scrollable but without showing the scrollbars
This site is being used in a specific way for a specific purpose, so please don't reply just to tell me that hidden scrollbars on a scrollable div is bad juju/annoying for the users.
I found something called "Web In Touch". Could this help?
Many MANY thanks in advance.
Have you tried content flow? It can do horizontal scrolling for you on button presses (and you can map this to something else). I understand this isn't what you want exactly, but it might work, since you want to horizontally flow/scroll image icons.

