setTimeout("this.disabled=false",3000); is not working - javascript

I am trying to prevent duplicated data to database when the user click the submit button multiple times within a very short time (eg double click speed). First I disable the button after one click, then enable the button again after 3 seconds. I don't know why setTimeout("this.disabled=false",3000); is not working on jquery. Please help me out, below is my codes :
$(function() {
$(".btnSendResp").click(function() {
this.disabled = true;

You have the wrong this.
You need to save a reference to this in a local variable, then pass a function to setTimeout that uses the variable.
For example:
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
self.disabled = false;
}, 3000);

$(function() {
$(".btnSendResp").click(function() {
var that = this;
that.disabled = true;


Wait inside if command with Greasemonkey

I want to click a button on a page when it appears then wait a few seconds and click another button.
Relevant part of my code is below;
window.onload = function(){
The problem is when it clicks the btnx it has to wait a few seconds till click btny but it click both almost at same time. Any advise about this will be great.
I figured it out, just keep my question here with it's answer to help aynone who search in future;
window.onload = function(){
Here is my version of solution for this
window.onload = function() {
let btnx = document.getElementsByClassName("btnx")[0];
let btny = document.getElementsByClassName("btny")[0];
btny.addEventListener("click", function() {
console.error("btny clicked");
btnx.addEventListener("click", function() {
console.error("btnx clicked");
setTimeout(function() {;
}, 1000);

Ignore function if occurred within x seconds

Since people are misunderstanding my wording, I will rewrite it, I want "with the following code below" to ignore the function which i have commented on below in my jquery if it happened in the last "X" seconds.
Here is my code.
EDIT:: Please write answers in reference to this, example. "the script ignores the change in class and the delay wont work"
Sorry for confusing everyone including myself.
Edited due to author's post update.
You can create custon event. By this function you will define: "delayedClick" event on the selected objects.
function delayedClickable(selector, delayTime){
$(selector).each(function () {
var lastTimeFired = 0;
if( - delayTime > lastTimeFired) {
lastTimeFired =;
Remeber that you should define delayTime and this event on selected elements by:
var delayTime = 3 * 1000; // 3 sec delay between firing action
delayedClickable('.Img2', delayTime);
And then just use your event on elements. For example click event can be used in that way:
$element.on('click', function () {
// ...
And your custom delayedClick event should be used in that way:
$element.on('delayedEvent', function () {
// ...
Full example:
I've found some another tricky way to keep using click function and makes it works as expected:
function delayedClickable(selector, delayTime){
$(selector).each(function () {
var scope = this;
$(this).click(function(){ = 'none';
setTimeout(function () { = 'auto';
}, delayTime);
And then
var delayTime = 3 * 1000; // 3 sec delay between firing action
delayedClickable('.Img2', delayTime);
That's all.
The key of second way is that we are disabling any pointer event on element when clicked and then after timeout we're turning these events back to work.
And full example:
Can use setTimeout() to change a flag variable and a conditional to check flag in the event handler
var allowClick = true,
delaySeconds = 5;
return; // do nothing and don't proceed
allowClick = false;
allowClick = true;
}, delaySeconds * 1000 );
// other element operations

Can't submit the form manually in Javascript when I do document.loginform.submit()

In the code bellow, if I have the line hackButton.type='hidden', my form gets submitted (which is what I want), but I don't want to hide the button. What is the alternative that I have? I can't change it to 'submit' or 'button' since they don't work.
var hackButton = document.loginform.submit_login;
var listener =
hackButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
//do things here before form submission
setTimeout("document.loginform.submit()", 3000);
}, true);
Try setTimeout("document.loginform.submit", 3000); or setTimeout(document.loginform.submit, 3000); or even setTimeout(function() { document.loginform.submit() }, 3000);
You should change your logic, as forms can also be submitted without clicking on the button. You could set a flag:
(function() {
var processed = false;
var form = document.getElementById('formID');
form.onsubmit = function() {
if(!processed) {
processed = true;
return false;
Then use a normal, visible submit button.

How to use both onclick and ondblclick on an element?

I have an element on my page that I need to attach onclick and ondblclick event handlers to. When a single click happens, it should do something different than a double-click. When I first started trying to make this work, my head started spinning. Obviously, onclick will always fire when you double-click. So I tried using a timeout-based structure like this...
window.onload = function() {
var timer;
var el = document.getElementById('testButton');
el.onclick = function() {
timer = setTimeout(function() { alert('Single'); }, 150);
el.ondblclick = function() {
But I got inconsistent results (using IE8). It would work properly alot of times, but sometimes I would get the "Single" alert two times.
Has anybody done this before? Is there a more effective way?
Like Matt, I had a much better experience when I increased the timeout value slightly. Also, to mitigate the problem of single click firing twice (which I was unable to reproduce with the higher timer anyway), I added a line to the single click handler:
el.onclick = function() {
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout(function() { alert('Single'); }, 250);
This way, if click is already set to fire, it will clear itself to avoid duplicate 'Single' alerts.
If you're getting 2 alerts, it would seem your threshold for detecing a double click is too small. Try increasing 150 to 300ms.
Also - I'm not sure that you are guaranteed the order in which click and dblclick are fired. So, when your dblclick gets fired, it clears out the first click event, but if it fires before the second 'click' event, this second event will still fire on its own, and you'll end up with both a double click event firing and a single click event firing.
I see two possible solutions to this potential problem:
1) Set another timeout for actually firing the double-click event. Mark in your code that the double click event is about to fire. Then, when the 2nd 'single click' event fires, it can check on this state, and say "oops, dbl click pending, so I'll do nothing"
2) The second option is to swap your target functions out based on click events. It might look something like this:
window.onload = function() {
var timer;
var el = document.getElementById('testButton');
var firing = false;
var singleClick = function(){
var doubleClick = function(){
var firingFunc = singleClick;
el.onclick = function() {
// Detect the 2nd single click event, so we can stop it
firing = true;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
// Always revert back to singleClick firing function
firingFunc = singleClick;
firing = false;
}, 150);
el.ondblclick = function() {
firingFunc = doubleClick;
// Now, when the original timeout of your single click finishes,
// firingFunc will be pointing to your doubleClick handler
Basically what is happening here is you let the original timeout you set continue. It will always call firingFunc(); The only thing that changes is what firingFunc() is actually pointing to. Once the double click is detected, it sets it to doubleClick. And then we always revert back to singleClick once the timeout expires.
We also have a "firing" variable in there so we know to intercept the 2nd single click event.
Another alternative is to ignore dblclick events entirely, and just detect it with the single clicks and the timer:
window.onload = function() {
var timer;
var el = document.getElementById('testButton');
var firing = false;
var singleClick = function(){
var doubleClick = function(){
var firingFunc = singleClick;
el.onclick = function() {
// Detect the 2nd single click event, so we can set it to doubleClick
firingFunc = doubleClick;
firing = true;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
// Always revert back to singleClick firing function
firingFunc = singleClick;
firing = false;
}, 150);
This is untested :)
Small fix
if(typeof dbtimer != "undefined"){
timer = undefined;
//double click
dbtimer = setTimeout(function() {
dbtimer = undefined;
//single click
}, 250);
, cellclick :
if (this.dblclickchk) return;
click event......
, celldblclick :
this.dblclickchk = true;
dblclick event.....
this.dblclickchk = false;
I found by accident that this works (it's a case with Bing Maps):
pushpin.clickTimer = -1;
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'click', (pushpin) {
return function () {
if (pushpin.clickTimer == -1) {
pushpin.clickTimer = setTimeout((function (pushpin) {
return function () {
alert('Single Clic!');
pushpin.clickTimer = -1;
// single click handle code here
}(pushpin)), 300);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pushpin, 'dblclick', (function (pushpin) {
return function () {
alert('Double Click!');
pushpin.clickTimer = -1;
// double click handle here
It looks like the click event masks the dblclick event, and this usage is clearing it when we add a timeout. So, hopefully, this will work also with non Bing Maps cases, after a slight adaptation, but I didn't try it.

Changing HTML on click in D3.js disables doubleclick [duplicate]

I've toggled click event to a node and I want to toggle a dbclick event to it as well. However it only triggers the click event when I dbclick on it.
So How do I set both events at the same time?
You have to do your "own" doubleclick detection
Something like that could work:
var clickedOnce = false;
var timer;
$("#test").bind("click", function(){
if (clickedOnce) {
} else {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 150);
clickedOnce = true;
function run_on_simple_click(parameter) {
clickedOnce = false;
function run_on_double_click() {
clickedOnce = false;
Here is a working JSFiddle
For more information about what delay you should use for your timer, have a look here : How to use both onclick and ondblclick on an element?
$("#test-id").bind("click dblclick", function(){alert("hello")});
Works for both click and dblclick
I think its not possible. I was trying something like this.
dblclick: function(){alert("Hii")},
mousedown: function(){alert("hello")}
But its not possible to reach double click without going through single click. I tried mouse down but it does not give any solution.
I pretty much used the same logic as Jeremy D.
However, in my case, it was more neat to solve this thing with anonymous functions, and a little slower double click timeout:
dblclick_timer = false
.on("click", function(d) {
// if double click timer is active, this click is the double click
if ( dblclick_timer )
dblclick_timer = false
// double click code code comes here
console.log("double click fired")
// otherwise, what to do after single click (double click has timed out)
else dblclick_timer = setTimeout( function(){
dblclick_timer = false
// single click code code comes here
console.log("single click fired")
}, 250)
you need to track double click and if its not a double click perform click action.
Try this
<p id="demo"></p>
<button id='btn'>Click and DoubleClick</button>
var doubleclick =false;
var clicktimeoutid = 0;
var dblclicktimeoutid = 0;
var clickcheck = function(e){
clicktimeoutid = setTimeout(function(){
clicktimeoutid =0;
var performclick =function(e){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += 'click';
var performdblclick = function(e)
doubleclick = true;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += 'dblclick';
dblclicktimeoutid = setTimeout(function(){doubleclick = false},800);
document.getElementById("btn").ondblclick = performdblclick;
a slightly different approach - The actual click comparison happens later in the timeOut function, after a preset interval... till then we simply keep tab on the flags.
& with some simple modifications (click-counter instead of flags) it can also be extended to any number of rapid successive clicks (triple click, et al), limited by practicality.
var clicked = false,
dblClicked = false,
function onClick(param){
console.log('Node clicked. param - ',param);
function onDoubleClick(param){
console.log('Node Double clicked. param - ',param);
function clickCheck(param){
if (!clicked){
clicked = true;
clickTimer = setTimeout(function(){
else if(clicked){
clicked = false;
dblClicked = false;
} else {
dblClicked = true;

