div with rounded forms - javascript

I'm trying to create a web design and there are a bit strange forms, something like this:
when the user hover on 1 section the background should change only for it:
the same for the second and third one:
Hope I'm clear...
I have no idea what technology should I use in order to achieve this affect. Can anyone please help?

Could use absolutely positioned pngs with image replacement on hover, then throw a rectangular div inside there

There are two ways:
use SVG to draw the shapes, with a fallback for older versions of IE.
Use background images. on normal shaped divs.

I would go with three separate images, each with the whole background and one "selected" area - on hovering a div just replace the background to the one having that div as "selected".
Quick example for the JS code:
function ReplaceBg(oDiv, num) {
oDiv.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = "url(images/background_" + num + ".png)";
function RestoreBg(oDiv) {
oDiv.parentNode.style.backgroundImage = "url(images/background.png)";
And the HTML:
<div style="background-image: url(images/background.png);">
<div onmouseover="ReplaceBg(this, 1);" onmouseout="RestoreBg(this);">First</div>
<div onmouseover="ReplaceBg(this, 2);" onmouseout="RestoreBg(this);">Second</div>
<div onmouseover="ReplaceBg(this, 3);" onmouseout="RestoreBg(this);">Third</div>
Hope the idea is clear enough..

There is a CSS3 syntax boreder-radius and you can do this with it, but you had do the work here , I mean you had set the random pixels and look for the one which suits best. For example here it is -- http://jsfiddle.net/divinemamgai/Ld7He/
Maybe you should keep the main background image as white for images 1 and 3 and for image 2 use png
based background-image and change it on mouseover using Jquery and don't forget to keep the highest z-index for image 2.
Hope this helps you.

May this help http://jsfiddle.net/JeaffreyGilbert/G3VG7/


fade backgrounds move text up

I have multiple background images that are behind a block of text each. I would like to fade each background image and have the text move up when one background image fades into another.
For example
BG1 (background image 1) has Tegxt1 on top of it. As BG1 fades into BG2, Text1 moves up and is replaced by Text2.
How can I do this with simple jquery and javascript and CSS?
Here's what I tried
this._currentTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
this.slides$.eq(newSlideIndex).css('z-index', 3).fadeTo(ANIMATION_FADE_DURATION, 1, function() {
this.slides$.eq(this.currentSlideIndex).css('z-index', 1).css('opacity', 0);
this.slides$.eq(newSlideIndex).css('z-index', 2);
this.currentSlideIndex = newSlideIndex;
this._setTransitionTimerForNewSlide(this._getNextSlideIndex(), 5000);
}.bind(this), durationUntilTransition);
You did not provide enough code to generate a complete working example (How is your html structured? Where is your jQuery located on the page? What does your existing CSS look like?), so unfortunately no one on StackOverflow and give you a perfect answer. The best we can do is create a small demo of what you could do to accomplish this affect. It's then up to you to learn from the example and apply the concept to your own code.
If I was going to try to accomplish this, here's the approach I would take:
Stack images on top of each other with position: absolute;
The first image group should have the highest z-index, so it's on top. CSS can do this!
The second image group should have the second-highest z-index, so that it shows behind the first image during the fade. CSS again!
all other image_groups should have z-index below the second image. Yay for CSS!
Animate the image and text seperately
The image just needs to fade out
The text needs to fade up and out
After the first (top) image group is completely faded, move it to the bottom of the list
Remove the inline style="..." that jQuery's .animate() applies to the image group. Once we do this, the image group will adhere to the css rules we set up in step one.
JS Fiddle Demo
The first step will be done manually by you when you're writing HTML and CSS, but then your jQuery can handle steps 2-4. Then just repeat as much as you'd like. Ask questions if you need to, but try hard to apply this to your own code. Good luck!!

Hover over an image so that another hover image can perform an animate

So, I have this project to do for school and and partially got my answer from Reveal image underneath a mask css/javascript which is awesome.
The thing is, I do not want the color to move when I point my mouse over to the glass. Instead, what if I have 5 small thumbnails of different colors (listing on the side of the glass), which when I point to each of them, that would be the color moving in the glass. Is that possible? Would someone help me please.
Thank you very much!
Basically you need to change the color of the div that is the water "animation". Which you can easily do with $("div").css("background-color", color); that is attached to events on some display objects (5 small thumbnails in your case).
Here is a small example # JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MartinTale/Mz6VH/1/
As Martin said, you can simply change the background color based upon what you are hovering. However this can be slightly problematic if you then hover over a different color (the color will then switch before finishing the animation).
If you have some markup like this:
<img src='http://www.videsignz.com/testing/images/water-front2.png' />
<div id="blue-fill"></div>
<div id="red-fill"></div>
<div id="green-fill"></div>
<div class="thumbnails">
<div id="blue"></div>
<div id="red"></div>
<div id="green"></div>
And you can use this line of jQuery in your function to get the corresponding element
var theFill = "#" + $(this).attr("id") + "-fill";
This is basically grabbing the id of the current hovered element and concatenating on the format of your fill selector.
You can then grab select your fill using
and animate from there. I made a codepen example with class attributes and the required css for styling: http://codepen.io/prythm/pen/Lwoyd

How to keep div focus when the mouse enters a child node

So I have this page here:
As you can see when you mouse over the images the div slides up and down to show more information. Unfortunately I have 2 problems that i can't figure out and I've searched but haven't found quite the right answer through google and was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial.
The first problem is that when you mouse over an image it changes to color (loads a new image), but there's a short delay when the image is loading for the first time so the user sees white. Do I have to preload the images or something in order to fix that?
My second problem is that when you move your mouse over the 'additional content area' it goes crazy and starts going up and down a bunch of times. I just don't have any idea what would cause this but i hope one of you will!
All my code is directly in the source of that page if you would like to view the source.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes, you have to preload the images. Thankfully, this is simple:
var images_to_preload = ['myimage.jpg', 'myimage2.jpg', ...];
$.each(images_to_preload, function(i) {
$('<img/>').attr({src: images_to_preload[i]});
The other thing you have to understand is that when you use jQuery you have to truly embrace it or you will end up doing things the wrong way. For example, as soon as you find yourself repeating the same piece of code in different places, you are probably doing something wrong. Right now you have this all over the place:
<div id="service" onmouseover="javascript:mouseEnter(this.id);" onmouseout="javascript:mouseLeave(this.id);">
Get that out of your head. Now. Forever. Always. Inline javascript events are not proper, especially when you have a library like jQuery at your disposal. The proper way to do what you want is this:
$(function() {
$('div.box').hover(function() {
}, function() {
(You have to give all the #industrial, #sustainable, etc elements a class of 'box' for the above to work)
These changes will also fix your sliding problem.
I can see your images (the ones that are changing) are set in the background of a div. Here is a jquery script that preloads every image found in a css file. I have had the same problem in the past and this script solves it. It is also very easy to use:
I will take a look at your other problem...
1) You should be using the jquery events to drive your mouseovers. Give each div a class to indicate that its a category container and use the hover function to produce the mouseover/mouseout action you're after.
<div id="industrial" class="category"></div>
function () {
function () {
I simplified the code to just do show and hide, you'll need to use your additional code to slide up and slide down.
2) Yes, you need to preload your images. Another option would be "sprite" the images. This would involve combining both the black and white and colour versions of each image into a single image. You then set it as the div's background image and simply use CSS to adjust the background-position offset. Essentially, sliding instantly from the black and white to colour images as you rollover. This technique guarentees that both images are fully loaded.

How does Bing.com create enlarged thumbnails?

When I search images using Bing.com, I realize their images are well cropped and sorted. When you place your mouse on an image, another window will pop up with an enlarged image.
I want to do the same thing in my program. I checked the source code of their page. They are using javascript, but still I have no clue how they make it. Does anyone familiar with it? Any suggestion is welcomed.
If you look at the HTML, you'll see a span immediately above each of the images. It sets that frame's display style from "none" to "block". It then uses an animation library to resize the content of the covering frame.
It's the same image. It just enlarges it slightly.
Here's a simple HTML/CSS/Javascript example on changing the display property of an element with javascript:
<div id="image1" class="image" onmouseover="showImg(1);">
Here's the small image
<div id="bigImage1" class="bigImage" onmouseout"hideImg(1);">
Here's the enlarged image and info about the picture
function showImg(num){
document.getElementById('bigImage' + num).style.display='block';
function hideImg(num){
document.getElementById('bigImage' + num).style.display='none';
They also use a fancy transition thing like scriptaculous's effect-grow found here.

Animating Background Image

I Like using Jquery and its companion Jquery Ui but can not find a way to animate background image over a certain period of time like 5 seconds.
I can not do something like:
Any ideas??
This is not possible like this. Css does not allow for backgound image manipulation like this. You should put in a div with the background behind your content and fade that in:
<div id='background_img' style='display:none; position:absolute;'><!-- position me behind the content!--><img ... /></div>
<div id='content'>YDADA</div>
Use the jQuery Background-Position Animations plugin. See the demo.
Why don't you use an animated GIF?
Pim Jager's approach is about the closest you will get without an animated gif.
You could create multiple images and just replace one with another using setTimeout. It's kind of like emulating .gif, just gives more flexibility and quality.
What I did on Cheer Us Up is used basic javascript to change the background image --
curr = 0;
function changeBg() {
document.body.style.backgroundPosition = curr + 20;
That is the basic idea. I didn't use jquery because I just wanted it to slowly slide by.
This is what you need: http://www.ovalpixels.com/bgImageTransition/

