Advanced documentation for node.js developer [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Recently our team is working on a new project with node.js. It is not difficult to start working with node.js. But now we're all just start to use this new technique and have little experience in such event-based development.
So I am wondering if there are any books, blogs or other materials covering the topics of "best practice" of node.js, just like "effective c++", "effective java", etc.

Well, i can just support you with the findings that helped me the most when learning "how to node":
DailyJS: JavaScript in general, contains a lot of node.js specific posts/tutorials
HowToNode: Blog specifically about node.js, highly recommended
Essential JS Design Patterns: REALLY good description of design pattern implementations in JavaScript
JavaScript Garden: great documentation about the most quirky parts of JavaScript
There are also some good books on advanced JavaScript techniques around, i haven't read them all in full though.
High Performance Javascript (by Nicholas C. Zakas)
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns (by Ross Harmes & Dustin Diaz)
Secrets of a JavaScript Ninja (by John Resig, to be released end of August 2011)
And last but not least, i recommend GitHub as a source of learning. By digging through the source of some more sophisticated projects (such as express, mongoose or, you can learn A LOT about writing clean and proper node.js code.

Regarding JavaScript I would recommend to watch Douglas Crockfors's videos and reading resources on his website. Also JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov is a very good book to read (even for experienced JavaScripters).
For node.js there is a Node Tuts website which contains video tutorials and there are also two node.js specific books which you can read now: Mastering Node (open source eBook) and Up and Running with Node.js (preview).

Real time online activity monitor example with node.js and WebSocket:

awesome link for MEAN stack and node , Angular , Mongodb.


Can we use python with react? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have seen many people are using Nodejs with reactjs but I liked python and react so much that I wanted to know if I could python with react. If so could you please give me some links for learning that please
I have experience building web applications using React and Python Flask together, so perhaps I can help.
I do not know of a way to directly use Python on client-side web applications, but there are certainly plenty of ways to use Python on the backend. The most popular Python web frameworks are Flask and Django.
If so could you please give me some links for learning that please
YouTuber Corey Schafer has a great YouTube tutorial series on Flask, which I would wholeheartedly recommend.
Once you get more comfortable with web development in Python, I think the website has great tutorials for both specific questions (e.g. Token-Based Authentication in Flask) and more general tutorials.
If you go with Django, it has a great ORM built in for working with databases.
If you go with Flask, which is definitely more beginner friendly IMO, I would recommend Peewee ORM for working with relational databases unless you have more complicated use-cases, in which case SQLAlchemy is the de-facto standard.
Good luck learning!
I just came across this cool Python library called Transcrypt that transpiles Python code into JavaScript, so it turns out you can write client-side code for the web in Python. Their website has some cool tutorials.
Yes. React is mostly agnostic of what's going on at the server-level.
ie it does not care what backend you use.
Check this example :
I have been using this to build up react app with python.
They have new libs 'dash' and dash component whose underlying is react.js.
React is backend-agnostic.
React manages the UI, which possibly interacts with some HTTP APIs regardless in what language they're made of.
What's important is that your API use some standard like REST, jsonapi or GraphQL so you can benefit a wide range of tools (documentation, tests...)
That said, if you want to make "server-side-rendered" react web apps, like Next.js does, or if you need WebSockets, you'll need NodeJS on the server-side too. Also, the ability to use the same code, tooling and ecosystem on the client and the server is useful for a developer.

Need Guidance in learning advanced Javascript concepts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am having experience of more than 3+ yrs in (Web Forms & MVC) development, I have used Javascript mainly for validations or modifying HTML structure (most of basic stuff) .
I am looking for guidance on:
Resource/books to learn advance Javascript concepts
"Open source projects/ideas" to apply those concepts
I would first recommend Professional JavaScript For Web Developers by Nicholas C. Zakas. It will give a fairly easier transition to JavaScript than the second book recommendation below.
After that I would recommend JavaScript Patterns by Stoyan Stefanov. This will give you a great foundation to understand how JavaScript framework/libraries like BackboneJS, KnockoutJS and AngularJS do a lot of the things that they do.
If you are so inclined, I highly recommend Pluralsight's course JavaScript For C# Developers by Shawn Wildermuth. It is a great way to see how constructs in C# translate directly or not so directly into JavaScript.
Douglas Crockfords "JavaScript: The Good Parts" is also a great book, I suggest you check out some of his lectures on youtube.
I do suggest you don't pick up a library at first as that will not teach you JavaScript. NodeJS may be of some help if you want to learn the language semantics outside of the web browser.
I really started my JavaScript journey with the free course here:

Any recommendations for starter tutorials for Titanium Mobile? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm just starting to code in Javascript and in Titanium. Does anyone out there have recommendations for starter tutorials? Would prefer tutorials that are somewhat step-by-step and actually describe stuff instead of just throwing a huge chunk of code with no explanations; like being thrown into Kitchensink without any explanations; since debugging is difficult to implement in Titanium.
I'm also gonna recommend some tutorials that I've found useful so far:
I love this tutorial. It starts from the very basic and discusses quite a lot of modules:
Edit 2018, 7 years after originally writing this answer.
There are tons of guides now, a LOT of them on the official documentation:!/guide
Also the alloy kitchensink is a great go-to
It is better to explore the KitchenSink example that is provided by Titanium Appcelerator team itself! here is the link to download the latest version for the same. All the best. :)
You can start from The Wiki for Titanium .
I will give a +1 to the Kitchen Sink example but don't use it as a best practices on how to structure your app. There are a lot of examples of how to use the api and learn about the different options but the way they structure the project is just bad practice.
For project structure take a look at tweetanium and struct.
Finally, check out Appcelerator on Vimeo

What to do to improve my skill and knowledge on javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I've finished studying the book name "Beginning JavaScript 3rd Edition", so I just wonder what should be my next step in order to strengthen myself on using and manipulating this language?
Besides, how can I improve myself in programming in JavaScript? Is it by thinking something cool myself, and start coding it? Or googling around the internet to find some task and question offered?
Is there any book that teaches the correct method of coding? Thank you
One recommended resource would be
It is a combination online tutorial + online book
After that, it depends on whether you want to focus on clientside or serverside JS.
Have a look through
for Serverside.
I would recommend that you avoid relying on a javascript library until you are able to make a good assessment of its quality. And pick YUI3 once you can ;)
Is it by thinking something cool
myself,and start coding it?
yes - think of something that would be funny/cool to code and try to do that (and, of course, ask mr. google if you get to a problem somewhere)
You could take a look at "Javascript: The Good Parts", Douglas Crockford, O'Rielly & Yahoo Press:
I suggest that you check out Douglas Crockford's JavaScript site for some quality articles on style and usage of the language itself. On top of that you should be constantly coding in it, look for interesting problems to solve and implement solutions using the techniques you have picked up.
As an aside I would also say that if you're looking to truly go further with the language and not just "get stuff done", stay away from jQuery etc for now until you have a good understanding of how it is likely to be working under the hood -- once you have this understanding though it'd be worth picking it up purely for efficiency.
Visual Studio allows you to develop mobile applications using JavaScript for all platforms. You can try your skills there
Watch the Crockford on JavaScript videos.

Looking for some great example web applications to learn real-world development techniques [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've done a bunch of web development with JSP/J2EE and some ASP.NET. Nevertheless, I still feel like I'm catching up with the web 2.0 stuff that relies heavily on JavaScript.
I have two questions:
I'm looking for great samples of web applications to learn development techniques. I prefer to look at real-world examples (i.e. something open source). I'm open to learning from any great code, regardless of language used on server side. The kind of example webapps I'm looking for are ones that clean and not too complex, but also not too trivial. I have checked out some code from google code project hosting, but I don't have time to download and look at hundreds of different projects, so I'm looking for suggestions.
Second question: I know Ruby on Rails was an innovative framework (which I've never used, but I'm familiar with it and I've played around with Grails, a similar framework but more Java-like). So rails is now a few years old. What are the major things we learned since the introduction of Rails and what does the next generation of web framework look like?
I knew that saving this tweet from Ruby News would come in handy.
Take a look at Chris Lowis's post: Open-source rails apps to study and learn from.
about the first question, I can suggest you TeamBox, very similar to Basecamp, but it's open source, with an avaiable repository on github. it's written in rails.
for the second question: for sure I learnt about MVC approach (I re-applied same philosophy to PHP in some works). the next generation frameworks are using even more abstractions and layers. for example using ORM libraries for different databases (you save time writing SQL queries, you can use same API for different databases, even for the new NoSQL storages).
I suggest you to look for Redis, CouchDB and MongoDB databases. they are different each other about approach and data-organization, but they are becoming very useful for complicated web-apps

