what is the name of the slideshow script in wipro site? - javascript

what is the name of the image slide show at :
http://www.wipro.com/index.htm and where can I find the script for free plz? I need to use it in a page built with php, html,css, javascript.

http://imageflow.finnrudolph.de/ ?

When you want to know usage of elements of a website, look at the code source.
Image Flow : http://imageflow.finnrudolph.de/

Uh...word of caution: Wipro is a horrifically bad IT outsourcing megacorp. I'd NEVER borrow any code that they use. Having had to work with them, I can tell you the code that comes from that operation is pretty much useless.


Copy/paste Lightbox script for third-party sites

I want to give my clients a few bits of copy/paste code so that a Lightbox shows on their site with an iframe showing a URL that I specify. This would be something similar to a support widget that comes up when you click on a button (ZenDesk, UserVoice, etc.).
I've been trying to write this on my own, but after attempting to include jQuery on page load plus the Lightbox CSS file, it's proven to be a little bit of a mess.
Could someone point me in the right direction as to how I can create an optimal bit of JS that can accomplish this? Perhaps a framework already exists so that I don't need to reinvent the wheel?
I found something reliable. Decided to use http://sandbox.scriptiny.com/tinybox2/

How can I add embed function to a page

How can I add this function to something: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0ec17ri8dc
Its from this page.
Notice when you click on it a popup appears with the generated html to add the code somewhere. Have ben unable to find a good google search query that doesn't bring up irrelevant pages.
Thanks in adv.
Here's a quick solution.
If you know some basic jQuery you won't have problems with understanding the code but feel free to ask if you need any help.
Keep in mind that the code won't trigger a pop-up, it's just to get the embed code. I'd suggest using some plugin for this, fancybox is a good one.

How to view all html content using Javascript?

I am trying to find a way to save all html content from a webpage to a variable. This should work even if the webpage has frames in it. By current best solution is:
javascript: alert(document.body.outerHTML);
Just paste the code into the control in your browser where the url is placed and push enter to see the result. Any idea how to do this?
You should cycle over all the frames and ajax-load the content.
Somethings like
to get the source. But I strongly suggest you to use library to help you out. In jquery can be quite simple task. Cycle over all frames, than $.ajax request all the externals source and build it (replacing the relative section)
But, as pointed by smeg4brains, innerHTML can be your way.
Here is the direct answer to "how to do this":
Having this in the address bar just press Enter and you'll see the contents in alert dialog.
To see contents of frames you'll have to iterate them separately it won't be part of the HTML.
Does this work?
var copyOfHtml = document.documentElement.outerHTML

Anyone know what Javascript library is used here?

I was reading an article, and it had an image, and when I clicked on it it had a really interesting way to display the full size. I was wondering if anyone know which javascript library. Here is the link:
Click the image in the middle of the article.
It's using the FancyZoom plugin, pretty sure cabel.name was the originator of that entire script... http://www.cabel.name/draft1/2008/02/fancyzoom-10.html
As o.k.w pointed out if you are using the jQuery library you can use the jQuery port of it # http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jquery_fancy_zoom

making un-visible a specific part of url generated by javascript + codeigniter

I use CodeIgniter, and this is the url I have. I use a gallery script at the page, and it generates #/uploads/18.jpg such thing at url :( is there any way to make it unvisible or sth . maybe with htaccess. i dont know.
i dont want to spend an another day finding an another gallery script, im already out of deadline :(
appreciate helps...
Just leave it there. What's the harm? Really. You are on a deadline, and are wasting time trying to remove a #tag from the url.
Can we have a look at the gallery script? perhaps you could edit something there to make it work. That's what I always do with the scripts I use to make them work with CI.
I'm afraid that's how it's supposed to work. the '#' part is an HTML anchor that the script uses to do the switching as far as I know. You might to look for a different script.
you can try to play with window.location in JS erasing the string after hash, but I doubt that would make some sense.

