Circular timer/clock in milliseconds - javascript

I am looking for a flash clock online which displays in milliseconds. I need it to be circular style (not digital) and never stop (unless page is refreshed).
Anyone know know any?

Something like this:
It also provides a nice walk-through of how to build it, so it should be easy to modify if you feel up to it.

You can use Images and CSS3 transform:rotate() for doing this.
You can also use jQuery rotate() for this.

Here is a pretty good flash alternative.
It shows not only the coding required, but help with the interface. It also provides a working sample.
Hope this helps.


How I can do this effect? css jquery

I dont know how to do this effect
I want to do exactly same that I am showing in the image
If you open the dev console We built this site with the help of Manipulator, an extremely flexible and performance optimised JavaScript library. Check out if you want to know more.
Check out for their Manipulator javascript library. It might be what you're looking for. It's unclear from your question which effect you're looking for. Perhaps if you describe the part you're referencing it may help.

How do I selectively print parts of web pages with Prototype JS?

I'm still relatively new to Prototype JS. I spent a good portion of the day yesterday trying to find an existing library/extension to Prototype that enables selectively printing sections of a web page. I found something similar written for jQuery in the jqPrint plug-in. However, I couldn't seem to find anything comparable for Prototype. Before I try to re-invent the wheel, I wanted to see if anybody else had found something along the lines of what I'm looking for. While using the jqPrint and jQuery libraries would be nice, unfortunately I can't do that. My work environment long ago decided to go with Prototype so that's what I'm stuck with for the time being.
Thanks in advance for whatever help is offered!
If the selected part never changes then ignore Javascript (which is over-engineering and over-kill) and use CSS with a media="print" attribute or #media print rule.

how to make a JavaScript transition

I want to make a JavaScript transition that is similar to the one on this website:
Could you please give me some suggestions and show me some libraries that would make it easier
to implement?
Thank you!
I think that you meant "library" rather than "literary".
It looks like this site is using jQuery along with some custom code, although such an effect could be achieved in pure CSS3 (at the cost of some cross browser compatibility).

Jquery thumbnail gallery

I'm looking for a jquery thumbnail gallery like this one (or similar) on .
Anyone know where can I get it?
Thanks you so much.
Have you looked at this posting for creating a collage, which I believe is similar to what you want:
You will probably have to kick the source around a bit to do precisely what you want, bit it's a good starting point.
There is a jQuery plugin which helps you to create a collage -
With a little bit HTML/CSS and this plugin, you can easily create the collage.
Hope this helps!

Can this type of flash dragging, dropping, and animation be done in a javascript library?

Sorry. I don't know a good title for this, but please look here:
I saw this from delicious over the weekend. It is in flash and I wondered if something like this, as far as the graphics and interaction goes, could be done in javascript (jquery or other library, not rolling my own.)
Again, I do not mean logic gates specifically but more the dragging, dropping and the drawing lines between objects, moving them around, etc.
Does anyone know of a website that has something like this in javascript? It kind of reminds me of dragging and dropping points on google maps but nicer. Thank you.
Looks like someone has recently made a Logic Gate Thing that might interest you, though it doesn't quite have the level of animation that the Flash version has. (Here is an explanation from the author.) and jQuery draggables is what you want.
Too bad the wire-it library is YUI. Would be nice if it were jQuery.
jQuery UI has some effects such as dragging and animations. There are some demos at
Im sure you could work something similar with jQuery. Checkout the jQuery UI, they have demos of its capabilities.
Mootools can also do this - they have some pretty slick demos on their website.

