Dynamic Table navigation in JavaScript using mouse and keyoboard - javascript

I am using dynamic table creation and I want to create table navigation using keyboard and mouse when the list is populated in the table. Below is the code that is printing the dynamic list in the table and now I want to navigate it.
function validateInputs(dealerresult) {
var params = $("#getDealerdetails").serialize();
var url = '<fmt:message key="app.contextPath"/>/channels/getDealerListbyCriteria.htm?channel=1';
$.post(url, params, function (data) {
var dealerData = data;
var JSONObj = JSON.parse(dealerData).result;
var table = document.getElementById(dealerresult);
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
//var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
// var cell; = row.insertCell(0);
// cell1.innerHTML="Dealer"
// var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
// cell2.innerHTML = 'Town'
for (i = 0; i < JSONObj.length; i++) {
var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
//row.style.className = 'navigateable';
row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = JSONObj[i].bpName;
row.insertCell(1).innerHTML = JSONObj[i].bpTown;
document.getElementById('popupa').style.display = 'block';

You can find which key is pressed by identifying the keyCodes of the key pressed. Take a look at the following snippet of code which is being currently used by me to navigate through a jqgrid using up/down arrow keys.
e.preventDefault(); // so that the default event for the key, which is to
// scroll is disabled.
if(e.keyCode == 40) { // down arrow key
// write code to get the row or highlight it using jquery and css
if(e.keyCode == 38) { // up arrow key
// write code to get the row or highlight it using jquery css
Also if you intend to just highlight the row and show it always in the screen then you can write appropriate code to do that. Suppose the row is not visible then look into scrollIntoView() which can show an element on the screen.
Hope this is what you are looking for. If you find a better answer please post it here so that I can change my approach. :)


EditableGrid - How to make every column header into individual filter

I am using EditableGrid (http://www.editablegrid.net/) Which creates some nice looking Editable tables
I'm Trying to modify the table header to make them into Individual filters like in example - https://phppot.com/demo/column-search-in-datatables-using-server-side-processing/
Current Filter textbox works very nicely but has a limit for searching one value for all columns.
I find many solutions for an individual column filter but I don't want to use other tables as they do not provide inline table editing functionality with dropdown and date picker, Is there a way I can implement it in EditableGrid?
I have also Asked this Question on Github (https://github.com/webismymind/editablegrid-mysql-example/issues/66) but the thread is not been active for a long time so I have very little hope of getting a solution from there.
In index.html update this code: see where //new code ---- starts and //new code ---- ends, try it out..
<script type="text/javascript">
var datagrid;
window.onload = function() {
datagrid = new DatabaseGrid();
//new code ---- starts
var list = document.getElementsByTagName("thead")[0];
for(var i = -1; i < list.childNodes.length; i++){
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "text";
input.className = "filter";
var z = document.getElementsByClassName('filter')
for(var i = 0; i< z.length; i++){
z[i].addEventListener("input", function(e){
datagrid.editableGrid.filter( e.target.parentNode.querySelector("input").value, [i]);
//new code ---- ends
// key typed in the filter field
$("#filter").keyup(function() {
datagrid.editableGrid.filter( $(this).val());
// To filter on some columns, you can set an array of column index
//datagrid.editableGrid.filter( $(this).val(), [0,3,5]);
$("#showaddformbutton").click( function() {
$("#cancelbutton").click( function() {
$("#addbutton").click(function() {
$(function () {

javascript highlight multiple rows

I have looked all over but can't find a good answer.
So what I'm wanting to do is highlight multiple rows on a table
Then if you click on a highlighted row it gets un-highlighted.
All of this works for me. The problem I'm having is when I un-highlight a row for some reason it won't highlight again.
function highlight_row() {
var table = document.getElementById("display-table");
var cells = table.getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
var cell = cells[i];
cell.onclick = function () {
var rowId = this.parentNode.rowIndex;
var rowSelected = table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[rowId];
rowSelected.className += "selected";
I have changed out $(cell) with $(this) and that works but only re highlighting the cell I click on and not the whole row.
I'm at a lose here.
If you want to highlight the whole row, you need to get parent tr
cell.onclick = function () {

javascript editable table does not work properly

I am using the following code to make a html table editable (this code is obtained from an online tutorial link: http://mrbool.com/how-to-create-an-editable-html-table-with-jquery/27425).
$("td").dblclick(function () {
//Obtain and record the value in the cell being edited. This value will be used later
var OriginalContent = $(this).text();
//Addition of class cellEditing the cell in which the user has double-clicked
//Inserting an input in the cell containing the value that was originally on this.
$(this).html("<input type='text' value='" + OriginalContent + "' />");
//directing the focus (cursor) to the input that was just created, so that the user does not need to click on it again.
//the opening and closing function that handles the keypress event of the input.
//A reserved word this refers to the cell that was clicked.
//We use the functions first and children to get the first child element of the cell, ie the input.
$(this).children().first().keypress(function (e) {
//check if the pressed key is the Enter key
if (e.which == 13) {
var newContent = $(this).val();
It seems to work fine. Then I am using the following function to read the contents of the table and create a json representation:
function showRefTable(){
var headers = [];
var objects = [];
var headerRow = $('#dataTable thead tr');
var rows = $('#dataTable tbody tr');
for (var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){
var row = rows.eq(i);
var object = new Object();
for (var j=0; j<row.find('td').length; j++){
object[headers[j]] = row.find('td').eq(j).text();
var json = JSON.stringify(objects);
This function is used as a callback to an onclick event.
The problem is that the function used to read the table contents shows the original contents even if I make an edit (show page source shows the original content).
It's really bad to read table contents from .text(). You will not be able to use any formatting for numbers and many other problems. You'd better of keeping table contents in standalone datasourse object and redrawing table from it every time when user changes values.
I would advise using kendo grid - it's powerfull, reliable js table.
EDIT: your function does not work, becuse you said you call it as callback to onclick event. So you read contents of the table before they actually changed.
You should read contents when they are saved. In your case, try calling you function when user saves the input (presses Enter)
if (e.which == 13) {
var newContent = $(this).val();
//Now, when content is changed, call your function

How to generate a table of colors?

I'm trying to create a table with 32 buttons.
Each button generated must have the name of a color (in turn generated for the button).
If I click on the button, placed in the table, the page background color should be with the text (color) displayed on the pressed button.
I thought about this:
var tableRef = document.getElementById('table').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
var newRow = tableRef.insertRow(tableRef.rows.length);
newRow.id = "row"
Can you do this?
What advice could you give me the components to be used?
I making this in Javascript code.
Create the entire thing using Javascript.
function createTable(){
var body=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var tbl=document.createElement('table');
tbl.setAttribute('id', tableID);
var tbdy=document.createElement('tbody');
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
var tr=document.createElement('tr');
for(var j=0;j<8;j++){
var td=document.createElement('td');
var bt = document.createElement('button');
// add button attributes
then you create the onclick method
function changeColor(color){
var body=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
body.style.bgColor = color;
Mind you I'm doing this from memory, if the bgcolor doesn't work then try something else

Hide table column ondblclick

I have a table and I want to hide a column when I double click a column.
Code for hiding a column is practically all around Stack Overflow. All I need is a hint on how/where to add the ondblclick event so I can retrieve the identity of a <td> within a <table>.
Here are two solutions that should work. One done with jQuery and one with only standard Javascript.
// Iterate over each table, row and cell, and bind a click handler
// to each one, keeping track of which column each table cell was in.
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
var rows = tables[i].getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
var cells = rows[j].getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {
// Bind our handler, capturing the list of rows and colum.
cells[k].ondblclick = column_hide_handler(rows, k);
// Get a click handler function, keeping track of all rows and
// the column that this function should hide.
function column_hide_handler(rows, col) {
return function(e) {
// When the handler is triggered, hide the given column
// in each of the rows that were found previously.
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cells = rows[i].getElementsByTagName('td');
if (cells[col]) {
cells[col].style.display = 'none';
With jQuery it is much cleaner. This method also uses event bubbling, so you don't need to bind an event handler to each table cell individually.
// Bind a general click handler to the table that will trigger
// for all table cells that are clicked on.
$('table').on('dblclick', 'td', function() {
// Find the row that was clicked.
var col = $(this).closest('tr').children('td').index(this);
if (col !== -1) {
// Go through each row of the table and hide the clicked column.
$(this).closest('table').find('tr').each(function() {
You can do this way:
<td ondblclick="this.style.display = 'none';">Some Stuff</td>
Here this refers to current td clicked.
Working Example
To go unobtrusive, you can do that easily using jQuery if you want:
$('#tableID td').dblclick(function(){
Due to lack of answears I came up with a workaround, which is a big ugly, but it works fine.
On the window load event I decided to iterate the table and set each 's onclick event to call my show_hide_column function with the column parameter set from the iteration.
window.onload = function () {
var headers = document.getElementsByTagName('th');
for (index in headers) {
headers[index].onclick = function (e) {
show_hide_column(index, false)
show_hide_column is a function that can be easily googled and the code is here:
function show_hide_column(col_no, do_show) {
var stl;
if (do_show) stl = 'table-cell'
else stl = 'none';
var tbl = document.getElementById('table_id');
var rows = tbl.getElementsByTagName('tr');
var headers = tbl.getElementsByTagName('th');
for (var row=1; row<rows.length; row++) {
var cels = rows[row].getElementsByTagName('td')
Note: my html only had one table so the code also assumes this. If you have more table you should tinker with it a little. Also it assumes the table has table headers ();
Also I noted this to be an ugly approach as I was expecting to be able to extract the index of a table cell from the table without having to iterate it on load.

