How do you create a html scrollable area, that just uses the main browser scrollbar - javascript

I was looking at an issue in JIRA (e.g. here, an issue in JIRA 4) and I noticed JIRA 4 has some interesting scrolling behaviour, where when scrolling down with the main browser scrollbar,the jira header scrolls up out of way, then the issue title stays fixed at top, then the rest of the issue continues to scroll. So the issue title is always visible.
There isn't an extra vertical scrollbar. Its all scrolled via the main browser scrollbar. So its either css or javascript magic! Any idea how they do that?

It changes dynamically the div #stalker which has position:absolute;top:76px;. When the user scroll, change the position to position:fixed;top:0 and keep it in a fixed place, giving you the ability to scroll the rest content.
I created an example of this behavoir, because I was curious and here the demo if you want to check it

Atlassian published the source of the Javascript at

That is created using JavaScript.
I can see by using FireBug to inspect the div#stalker that it changes class and style attributes when you are scrolling.


Show scrollbars on iOS when scrolling via Javascript

I would like the vertical scrollbar to be displayed when I call element.scrollTop = <somePosition>;
Here is an example of what I'm trying to achieve:
If that example is loaded on iOS, when the left box is scrolled, the right box should sync with it. That works just fine, but I need a way for the scrollbar to also show up.
I think your issue is that division being scrolled via Javascript is not recognized as active, to keep scrollbar visible.
I would suggest to try any custom Scrollbar library, they manage scrollbars with divisions rather than browser's.
Many such would allow you to configure scrollbar to be shown and hidden using Javascript.
It would add additional work for you, but it can be a solution to go with.
Here are few you can try with:
You could dynamically add a css class to the container when performing scrollTop().
Try a class that implements overflow-y: scroll when applied. That should yield the desired effect.

How to keep one element fixed and the rest scrolled?

I am doing an website where I have to keep one image fixed to the screen and on scroll I want different elements to appear one by one and stick to one position. When this is done I continue to the footer of the website.
I have done tried to reach that but whatever I do the page keeps scrolling and does not wait for all the elements to appear on the screen.
Example of what I want to do can be seen here Link on the second page where the mobile phone it is sticked in the screen and on scroll different content appear one by one.
How do I achieve this ? What kind of libraries would you suggest?
Thank you in advance.
stuff like this is usually done with js libriaries, as you already wrote. One that is actively supported and works quite well is Scrollmagic. It should be able to do what you describe, at least it can do the stuff in the example you linked: It can "pin" elements on the page for a defined duration (= "scroll duration") or animate elements controlled by the scroll position.
Scrollmagic can be found on Github or here: , examples to be seen here:
Your fixed html content should have css position: fixed;.
Have you tried position: sticky? There may be browser compatibility issues but there are polyfils out there to fix that.

Dynamically generated page scrolling down

In my App, I am creating the dynamic pages, in which I given the css property to page container as overflow-y:auto. all works fine,
the problem is whenever the page loads, the page height exceeds and the height of the contaienr, the scroll works, but the scroll bar placed in the end of page. so i am seeing the end of the content of the container instead of the top.
is there any way to sort this issue without using script? if so any one suggest me the correct way please?
or do I need to add any special css property in the container?
any one advice me the correct approach please?
This is happening only with Chrome browser. ie and firefox behaves correctly.
try below combination
by adjusting position to relative your scroll bar will remains at what you want.
hope it will help for you the same way i am doing this thing its works for me

The best way to prevent scrolling while mobile navigation is active?

I'm trying to find the best technique for showing a navigation/menu for a mobile site I'm working on. So far all my solutions have flaws, and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. (You may have to reduce browser window size to make the examples work as intended)
First off, take a look at this "basic" example:
You'll notice the content is still scrollable while the navigation is open. This is confusing and annoying.
My first attempt at a fix was to set the body to overflow:hidden and position:fixed whenever the navigation is open. Example here: (Had to remove link because maximum 2 links in post)
This, however, causes the body to snap back to the top and "forget" its scroll position. This means you are taken back to the top of the page whenever you open the navigation. Not good.
Lastly, my best solution so far is one where i put all the page content inside a #scroll-area-div with a fixed position taking up most of the screen, and body scroll set to hidden. Example here:
This solves most of the problems in the page itself, but breaks the "memory" of the back button. This means whenever you click back in your browser you are taken to the top of the page instead of back to where you were before you decided to click a link. (Mobile safari seems to be the only browser that remembers scroll position on div's aswell as body)
I can't really think of any more solutions to this, except for maybe some sort of javascript. Does anyone have some experience with similar cases, or any ideas on how to accomplish this?
The solution must:
Prevent scrolling on page content when navigation is open
Preserve scroll position on page content when navigation is open
Remember scroll position on previous page when back-button is used

Fix a div when scrolling down a page and then un-fix

I am trying to make a sidebar div sit below a header secion, when you scroll down, it will turn into a fixed div and stay fixed until the bottom of the page, once it reaches a footer section, it will stick to the top of it and allow me to scroll down the footer area without seeing it anymore.
There is a perfect emaxple of what I am trying to describe on this site
In the left column, it sticks as you scroll down and then un-sticks at the bottom
I am looking for a good way to do this, hopefully an example or tutorial, I realize it is done with javascript changing the divs properties. I have tried searching but all I could find was old outdated articles over 5-6 years old and they only did half the job. I am not sure even what to call this feature?
That web site is using jQuery Scroll Follow.
Note that according to the jQuery Scoll Follow web site...
The Scroll Follow object will remain inside its immediate container.
... hence why the scrolling stops before the comments on your example web site; the element which is scrolling on the page is constrained inside of its parent <aside> element. You can check out the example.
You basically handle the page's scroll event and move the box around.
Most tutorials require jQuery, so get familiar with it. If you want a tutorial, here's a working one:
Why not dissect the code of that website too?

