how to format time with jquery/javascript - javascript

I have a JSON feed that drupal spits out time in this format: 2010-12-16T04:41:35Z
How do I go about formating it to X minutes/hours ago?

Take a look at the timeago jQuery plugin which can be used programtically like
var t = jQuery.timeago("2010-12-16T04:41:35Z");
or on HTML elements like
<time class="timeago" datetime="2008-07-17T09:24:17Z">July 17, 2008</time>
<script type="javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

I think something on this page will help you. There's a couple formatting jQuery plugins toward the bottom. Good luck!

Here is a highly relevant Stack Overflow post: How can I convert string to datetime with format specification in JavaScript?

You can use regexp object in JS to build your own regular expression, separate hours-minutes-secs from the original string and then do whatever you want.
Tip: actual_date - your original string time

does the 04:41:35 part is correct? or do you need like to take into consideration time zones and stuff?
because basically this can work:
var str = "2010-12-16T04:41:35Z"
var arr = str.split("T")
arr[0] = arr[0].split("-")
arr[1] = (arr[1].replace(/Z/ig,"")).split(":")
var year = arr[0][0]
var month = parseInt(arr[0][1],10)-1
var day = arr[0][2]
var hours = arr[1][0]
var minutes = arr[1][1]
var seconds = arr[1][2]
var d = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, 0);
var now = (new Date())
var diffMS = now.getTime() - d.getTime()
//alert ("difference in milliseconds: " + diffMS)
var hoursago = diffMS/1000/60
var ANDminutes = (diffMS - Math.floor(hoursago) * 1000*60)/1000
alert (Math.floor(hoursago) + " hours and " + ANDminutes + " minutes ago")

Here's a library which give you a humanized time difference.
The output is completely customizable, allowing you to set different output formats for various time bands; So you could have:
'10 seconds ago'
'3 days and 2 hours ago'
you can even set custom time units.
Additionally it's native JS and so doesn't rely on any framework.


How to get the Australian Time Zone using Javascript? (Not JQuery)

I am trying to help a friend to get the Australian Time Zone for the University Assignment and finding difficulty.
Could someone point us in the right direction?
Thank you!
function Timezone() {
var x = new Date();
var currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
document.getElementById("add").innerHTML = currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours;
<p id="add"></p>
You simply use
let AuDate = new Date().toLocaleString("en-US", {timeZone: "Australia/Sydney"});
By looking at your code, looks like you are trying to get the current date and time of an Australian timezone. Lets say you want Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and you want the date displayed how they would in Australia DD-MM-YYYY then do the following:
var timestamp_UTC = new Date();
var readable_timestamp_AEST = timestamp_UTC.toLocaleDateString("en-AU", {timeZone: "Australia/Sydney"}).replace(/\//g, "-") + ' ' + somestamp.toLocaleTimeString("en-AU", {timeZone: "Australia/Sydney"});
"en-AU" is the locales argument which tells the toLocalDateString to display the date as DD-MM-YYYY and the second argument is for options (timeZone is just one such possible option). Info about toLocalDateString function can be found here
Here is some information about the Date() function
Hope this clears up a few things around getting times and dates from the Date() function.
I think i understand what you mean. But before that i'd like to make 2 points:
1: The Timezone() function should be called somewhere.
function Timezone() {
var x = new Date();
var currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
document.getElementById("add").innerHTML = currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours;
2: The convention usually is that methods start with a lower case letter. Maybe updateTimezone() would be more appropriate.
Your question can be interpreted in 2 ways now:
you want your timezone's offset in hours and for this the code above should work. getTimezoneOffset() is the way to go.
you want a human readable name of your timezone, as you can see on my site (in my case it says GTB Summer). You can look in my source code to see how i achieve this:
var s = date.toString();
var iOfP = s.indexOf('('); // index of parenthesis
if (iOfP < 0) {
s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
} else {
s = s.substring(iOfP+1, s.length-1);
if (s.length > 4 && s.lastIndexOf(" Time") == s.length-5){
s = s.substring(0, s.length-5);
timezoneM.innerHTML = s;
This works because when you call toString() on the date the result should contain the full name of your timezone:

Javascript / Jquery - Calculate date and time

departing date time 13/6/2014 01:00 AM
estimated landing time is 1 hour 50 minutes
i want the result like: 13/6/2014 2:50 AM
anyone have idea?
i have been using datejs with no luck
Here, take a look at moment.js (
So let's say you have your starting time and duration set up like this:
var departTime = '13/06/2014 01:00 AM';
var duration = '1 hour 50 minutes';
First you need to convert the depart time to a moment object and parse the duration, like so:
var departTimeObj = moment(departTime, 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A');
var durationParts = duration.split(' ');
var durationHours = durationParts[0];
var durationMinutes = durationParts[2];
Now you can use moment to do the addition:
var landingTime = departTimeObj.add({
hours: durationHours,
minutes: durationMinutes
To format the output the way you want, do this:
var landingTimeStr = landingTime.format('MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm A');
Use the JavaScript date object.
var travelling = 110 // in minutes
var departing = new Date(2014, 6, 13, 1, 0, 0, 0);
var arriving = new Date(departing.getTime() + travelling * 60000);
Here's a fiddle.
Or use many of the libraries already out there.
As Matt Johnson says, you need to be weary of gotchas like daylight saving time if you're going to be adding variable units of time like days.

Java script - invoice due date miscalculation

Apologies in advance for my (something less than) basic knowledge of java script.
Can someone explain in basic – but specific – terms how this script is calculating?
Here is the script:
var d = new Date(year, month, day);
var e = new Date(d.getTime() + offset * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var month_out = e.getUTCMonth();
var day_out = e.getDate();
var year_out = e.getUTCFullYear();
date_out = month_out + "-" + day_out + "-" + year_out;
year = 2013
month = 12
day = 01
offset = 15
The offset is the “payment terms” and the date is the invoice date. The output is supposed to be the invoice date plus the offset to arrive at “12-16-2013”
That is NOT what it is kicking out and I need to figure out how to fix it.
One customer is having dates show up as: 0-16-2014
I don’t know which string is wrong or how it should read in its place. This is one piece of an entire function that pulls an invoice date from an XML file, strips the time from the date and creates a new "Date_Due" using the offset. This script is the only area that is failing.
Can anyone help?
getUTCMonth() returns 0 based months - 0 is January, 1 is February, etc.
Add 1 to this value to make it more human readable.
See docs for more info.

JavaScript time question

I am new to JavaScript but need to run a check to make sure it is daylight. I am using yahoo's weather API to pull sunrise and sunset. I'm just a little confused as to the best approach for comparing its results to the current time.
I am confused because it returns a time like sunset: '9:01 pm'. bsince there is a PM it is text. I can't think of a good way to compare it to the current time... RegExp, then convert to an integer maybe?
What would be the best approach to this, and why (sorry I'm trying to learn)?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Create a new Date() with the info from yahoo's api, then compare with sunsetDate.getTime() and sunriseDate.getTime().
Passing today's date in mm/dd/yyyy format with the time as '9:01 pm' to the Date constructor will give you a valid date.
var today = new Date();
today = [today.getMonth()+1, today.getDate(), today.getFullYear()].join('/');
var yahooSunrise = '5:45 am';
var yahooSunset = '9:01 pm';
var sunrise = new Date(today + ' ' + yahooSunrise).getTime();
var sunset = new Date(today + ' ' + yahooSunset).getTime();
var now =;
var isDaylight = (now > sunrise && now < sunset);
This would work with something like this, but maybe you might need to change the timings to suite a particular climate:
function getNow() {
var now = new Date
if (now.getHours() < 5) { return "Could be still dark";}
else if (now.getHours() < 9) {return "Definitely day time";}
else if (now.getHours() < 17) { return "Definitely day time"; }
else {return "It gets dark now";}
One quick approach is to turn both the current time of day and the time you get back from yahoo into the value "minutes since the beginning of the day."
For example, if Yahoo gives you 9:01pm, use the pm to turn the time into 21:01. That is
21*60 + 1 = 1260 + 1 = 1261 minutes since the beginning of the day
Do this for both sunrise and suset. Then get the current time with
new Date()
and do the same kind of thing.
Then just do integer comparisons!
Hope that helps.
This sounds like a good candiidate for a regular expression on the data you get back from the service.
Something like (\d{1,2}):(\d{2})\s(AM|PM) will give you 3 capture groups.
1: The hour (1 or 2 digits)
2: The Minute (2 digits)
3: Either string "AM" or "PM"
You can then use these to parse out the actual time as integer hour and minute to compare to the current time.

How can I convert string to datetime with format specification in JavaScript?

How can I convert a string to a date time object in javascript by specifying a format string?
I am looking for something like:
var dateTime = convertToDateTime("23.11.2009 12:34:56", "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Use new Date(dateString) if your string is compatible with Date.parse(). If your format is incompatible (I think it is), you have to parse the string yourself (should be easy with regular expressions) and create a new Date object with explicit values for year, month, date, hour, minute and second.
I think this can help you:
There's a getDateFromFormat() function that you can tweak a little to solve your problem.
Update: there's an updated version of the samples available at
#Christoph Mentions using a regex to tackle the problem. Here's what I'm using:
var dateString = "2010-08-09 01:02:03";
var reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/;
var dateArray = reggie.exec(dateString);
var dateObject = new Date(
(+dateArray[2])-1, // Careful, month starts at 0!
It's by no means intelligent, just configure the regex and new Date(blah) to suit your needs.
Edit: Maybe a bit more understandable in ES6 using destructuring:
let dateString = "2010-08-09 01:02:03"
, reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/
, [, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds] = reggie.exec(dateString)
, dateObject = new Date(year, month-1, day, hours, minutes, seconds);
But in all honesty these days I reach for something like Moment
No sophisticated date/time formatting routines exist in JavaScript.
You will have to use an external library for formatted date output, "JavaScript Date Format" from Flagrant Badassery looks very promising.
For the input conversion, several suggestions have been made already. :)
Check out Moment.js. It is a modern and powerful library that makes up for JavaScript's woeful Date functions (or lack thereof).
Just for an updated answer here, there's a good js lib at
Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing.
var temp1 = "";
var temp2 = "";
var str1 = fd;
var str2 = td;
var dt1 = str1.substring(0,2);
var dt2 = str2.substring(0,2);
var mon1 = str1.substring(3,5);
var mon2 = str2.substring(3,5);
var yr1 = str1.substring(6,10);
var yr2 = str2.substring(6,10);
temp1 = mon1 + "/" + dt1 + "/" + yr1;
temp2 = mon2 + "/" + dt2 + "/" + yr2;
var cfd = Date.parse(temp1);
var ctd = Date.parse(temp2);
var date1 = new Date(cfd);
var date2 = new Date(ctd);
if(date1 > date2) {
time = "2017-01-18T17:02:09.000+05:30"
t = new Date(time)
hr = ("0" + t.getHours()).slice(-2);
min = ("0" + t.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
sec = ("0" + t.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
t.getFullYear()+"-"+t.getMonth()+1+"-"+t.getDate()+" "+hr+":"+min+":"+sec
External library is an overkill for parsing one or two dates, so I made my own function using Oli's and Christoph's solutions. Here in central Europe we rarely use aything but the OP's format, so this should be enough for simple apps used here.
function ParseDate(dateString) {
//, or
var dateArr = dateString.split(".");
if (dateArr.length == 1) {
return null; //wrong format
//parse time after the year - separated by space
var spacePos = dateArr[2].indexOf(" ");
if(spacePos > 1) {
var timeString = dateArr[2].substr(spacePos + 1);
var timeArr = timeString.split(":");
dateArr[2] = dateArr[2].substr(0, spacePos);
if (timeArr.length == 2) {
//minutes only
return new Date(parseInt(dateArr[2]), parseInt(dateArr[1]-1), parseInt(dateArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[1]));
} else {
//including seconds
return new Date(parseInt(dateArr[2]), parseInt(dateArr[1]-1), parseInt(dateArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[1]), parseInt(timeArr[2]))
} else {
//gotcha at months - January is at 0, not 1 as one would expect
return new Date(parseInt(dateArr[2]), parseInt(dateArr[1] - 1), parseInt(dateArr[0]));
Date.parse() is fairly intelligent but I can't guarantee that format will parse correctly.
If it doesn't, you'd have to find something to bridge the two. Your example is pretty simple (being purely numbers) so a touch of REGEX (or even string.split() -- might be faster) paired with some parseInt() will allow you to quickly make a date.
Just to give my 5 cents.
My date format is (UK format) and none of the above examples were working for me. All the parsers were considering mm as day and dd as month.
I've found this library:
and it worked, because you can say the order of the fields like this:
>>console.log(new Date(Date.fromString('09.05.2012', {order: 'DMY'})));
Wed May 09 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (EEST)
I hope that helps someone.
Moment.js will handle this:
var momentDate = moment('23.11.2009 12:34:56', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss');
var date = momentDate.;
You can use the moment.js library for this. I am using only to get time-specific output but you can select what kind of format you want to select.
1. moment library:
2. time and date specific functions:
convertDate(date) {
var momentDate = moment(date).format('hh : mm A');
return momentDate;
and you can call this method like:
I hope it helps. Enjoy coding.
To fully satisfy the Date.parse convert string to format dd-mm-YYYY as specified in RFC822,
if you use yyyy-mm-dd parse may do a mistakes.
//Here pdate is the string date time
var date1=GetDate(pdate);
function GetDate(a){
var dateString = a.substr(6);
var currentTime = new Date(parseInt(dateString ));
var month =("0"+ (currentTime.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var day =("0"+ currentTime.getDate()).slice(-2);
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
var date = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
return date;

