MVC web app is auto minimizing javascript - javascript

I have a project that just happens to be MVC and in Visual Studio 2010. (I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I'm just trying to be specific in the problem) The issue is that when I build it it is auto minimizing the javascript and as such makes it really hard to debug.
I have looked at the build events and there are none.
I have looked for any vs extensions that could do this and I don't see any out of the ordinary.
I have edited the project file just to make sure nothing was hidden in it.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this behavior could be happening?

Does your site master just reference a minified js file instead of your development version of the js file?

Thanks to all for trying to help. I found it though. Our company has created an HttpHandler that was configured in the web.config that causes this functionality. I thought I had looked everywhere, but missed this as I was going through it.


How do I enable JavaScript type checking in Vue files on Visual Studio Code?

I have found the settings in Visual Studio Code to enable type checking for JavaScript in JS files. Such that: Bad code is highlighted and it also shows the reason why it's bad code
This behavior does not occur for JavaScript code in Vue files. I have searched through all the settings in Visual Studio Code. I have scoured the internet for any extension that can do this for me to no avail.
How can I make my Vue files type-check the JavaScript in them?
LOL. I found the answer.
All I had to do was add //#ts-check directly underneath the script tag and type checking was enabled.
Thank you, everyone, for your input
For best results I'd suggest starting a new project using vue-cli and selecting the options for TypeScript and ESLint. You'll also need the ESLint extension for VS Code.
Here's a helpful blog post showing the parts of this process.
Once you have a nicely working setup with the clean project, then move the code over. I suggest this because getting all the config right can be a mess with an existing project.

JS works until I bring it into a foundation Framework

I am working on a project where I want to make it look as if a shutter of a camera is opening and closing... I was able to get this to work in a regular html/css/js file structure however when I trie to bring/ incorporate it into Foundations Responsive Frameworks I was not able to get it to work. There are no errors in the console and checked to make sure everything is linked correctly. ... I have attached both folders in the link, the working folder that is not in a framework and the broken folder that I am trying to use foundations framework..
Thank you in advance for any feedback/help.
Unfortunately, I cannot fix it.
Fortunately, I did figure out the problem.
The jquery.shutter.css is not loading properly. Here is my attempt at your project in React.
When I take your working example and delete the jquery.shutter.css file, I get the exact same result as the React version which has no error message. I gave it a good try and cannot fix it without more time. I hope knowing the problem helps you.
Note: Unfortunately Google will not let me upload a JSON file so you will have to change package.txt to package.json and install using Node

Adding JQuery/Javascript Files to Project

I have a project I am working on at work that is ASP.NET in TFS. I have checked out the solution and have made some adjustments to the code behind with no issues. When I try to add JQuery and a Javascript file to the project, it does it fine in Visual Studio 2012. But when rebuilding and running it won't execute the javascript code. It's like it ignores it. When I put breakpoints in the Javascript file I get the message 'The breakpoint will not currently be hit, no symbols have been loaded for this document'. I simply cannot get the web page to acknowlegde either the JS file, or the JQuery file.
(And yes, I have scoured and tried all the suggestions mentioned)
Any suggestions appreciated!

How can I reverse engineer my JavaScript files with js/uml?

My goal is to get an UML model out of my JavaScript project (consisting of several .js files) and store it as XMI.
How far I've come
I searched the internet and found out js/uml is the first place to go.
I've managed it to get the js/uml plugin running with Eclipse 3.7.1 (Win32) and a local installation of my pre-downloaded additional plugins: (installs required org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.clazz 0.10.0) (only works with Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo))
I loaded the provided example project into Eclipse and added all my .js files to this project also.
Now I'm stuck and do not get it how to call the reverse engineering of my .js files. I can call 'New'->'Other'->'UML 2.1 Diagrams'->'Class Diagram' from the project's context menu, but I don't get the following steps of that assistant dialog, nor do I get it if this is the right way at all. Please, could you help me with an easy understandable click tutorial? The js/uml homepage does not explain it well enough IMHO. Thanks for your help in advance.
Someone adapted UML for web artifact, its called the "WAE" extension of UML. This way you can see not only your javascript files but the html and css. If you work with node.js, i created a module that generate class diagram for javascript/node/html/css. Its called wavi. For javascript, function,variable are automatically recognized. You can use it for documenting your application.
Well, I think I have come quite close.
There's a command-line tool called Code2Flow. which uses GaphViz to generate graphs for Python and JavaScript sources.
I tried it, it does generate the graphs but somehow i can't make to do right.
I hope this will help you or someone.

Grails — CSS and JavaScript cache

When I make changes to CSS and JavaScript files, my users often have to reload a couple of times to get the changes (obviously to clear out the cache).
I was wondering if someone had a really good experience with a plugin to solve this issue.
I am currently using grails 1.3.7 and I use tomcat for my production environment.
Seems to me that this might be the best option for me.
As you say, the cached-resources plugin is a great option.
You need to install it alongside the resources plugin. Assuming the resources plugin is installed and configured correctly, you don't have to do anything with the cached-resources plugin in order to get it to work correctly. Hence the apparent lack of documentation for the cached-resources plugin. Everything you need to know is linked from the resources plugin.

