Client side iCalendar Event Creator - javascript

I need to add some functionality to a web application that allows a user to create an event which will be added to a calendar. I would like to give the user as much flexibility as possible when created events (single events, recurring events, etc) ... bascially as much of the flexibility that iCalendar allows for its Events as possible.
I have started to look into building this myself, but I would rather not reinvent the wheel if something exists (and custimize it accordingly). Anyone have any ideas of any javascript/jquery library that allows you to create events which can be imported into an iCalendar? Bascially the client functionality I need is something similar to the google calendars 'create event' page.

jQuery iCalendar

Thanks for the link.
I have decided to roll my own front end since there doesnt seem to be something suitable already created.
Thanks for the help!!

Peter - recurring events are incredibly complicated.
I found that it took way longer than I had planned to achieve what you are looking for.
I have done it as a wordpress plugin (with the idea to offer standalone later. You an play with it here - wait a day s I have an update to apply to test site
You may find some of the notes on the main site helpful too (links to ical RFC 5545 resources at bottom right)
Whoops - sorry just saw you wanted client side - mine is php based with html/js front end.


How do I add a full site search to a website in Javascript/jQuery?

I am creating a HTML5 website and I need to create a site search box that
displays results in a results page with description and photo.
How would I go about this.
I have looked alot and only see google search and thats not what im after.
Can this be done without PHP or RAILS?
Looking for purely JS and html5 and css and jquery.
Thanks and a point i the correct direction would be great.
Example is this Wordpress sites search
I dont want to use WP but hand code it.
Any help is great.
Your best bet, given that you don't want to implement a third party indexing service, would be to set an indexing function on your server's back end to handle search requests. You mentioned Rails, and there are some pretty great gems for this.
One point of trouble you will have with this question is that, in my experience, full site search functionality without a back end / database to query is not a very useful solution for any applications I've seen.
However, given that you want to keep it JS, you might look into the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js) which does some pretty sweet things like two-way data binding. It's a pure Javascript solution (albeit not a purely-front end solution).
Honestly, it sounds like you might be taking too big of bites to start off with. Try working through a scripting language on a site like Code Academy and learning about basic web application setups like MVC (a common way to handle different parts of a web application (used by the aforementioned Rails)). Stack Overflow users can be pretty brutal when you ask questions about advanced functionality without some understanding of the functionality's underlying elements or functional requirements, and search engines from the ground up have historically been the thing of doctoral dissertations.
Good luck!

Library/Framework for Single Page Application Development (as of 2013)

In my company we've built a few in-house mobile web apps based on jQuery Mobile. Now we're transitioning to more serious stuff, and JQM has been ruled out because it is too slow. (We did our best trying to configure it, but in the end it was all in vain. Even in quad core mobile devices it takes 1s. to process a button click).
However I loved the way it loaded pseudo-pages using ajax. Since we have many developers familiar with JQM's Single Page approach, I'm now searching for a replacement working in a similar fashion. I'd like to know if as of now (2013) there exists a library or framework meeting most of the following requirements:
It swaps in and out the html of each "page" into the main one.
It provides at least one lifecycle-related event (e.g.: onPageLoad, onPageShown, onPageHidden, etc)
Single html file for each "pseudopage".
Fully Javascript based.
Bonus points. It would be nice if:
It provided a standard way of passing parameters to the "page" controller or initialization callback, or some built-in mechanism to help with initialization or recreating state. (I don't want each dev doing this in a different manner).
It handled the back navigation, maybe allowing parameters back to the previous "page" as well.
It allowed to choose whether to recreate the "page" each time it is shown, or show it in the last state.
However I don't really need:
Mandatory complex MV* stuff. We'll be using an ORM and there'll be DAOs but we don't want to be forced to code adapters to adhere to the framework's idea of what the model is.
Updates to the view when the model changes.
Templates (the views should be HTML5 and no preprocessor tool should be needed).
Built-in widgets (The design guys had enough with jQuery Mobile and they'll be using something different, probably Bootstrap).
(However I don't mind if it had any of these as long as they are optional to use)
I think it would not be very difficult to do it myself, but I'd like to hear your suggestions before reinventing the wheel. PagesJS looks like a good candidate by the moment.
I finally made my own jQuery plugin. It manages the page-swapping and the ajax loading from files, firing custom events before and after each page is shown. Took no more than 150 lines comments included. I kept the parameter-passing stuff out, though.

Capture all opportunity fields & send to PHP script

I am building an app that lets our sales team (who uses Salesforce) export to a new Evernote note with one click. I have the Evernote functionality already available in a PHP script I wrote, and I was planning on using Javascript to make an XHR to that script, but that is irrelevant at this point.
What I need to be able to do is capture all of the fields in the currently-open opportunity and upon clicking my custom button / link, capture all those fields as a javascript variable that I can then POST to my PHP app. Even a simple example of how I could go about capturing one field would be great -- I can't seem to find anything in the SalesForce documentation that covers this.
What you need here is an Apex callout. This doc on covers it OK, it's a starting point anyway (although it doesn't show you how to query for the fields of Opportunity -- you'll find that in the regular Apex docs under SOQL). For some sample code you might look at the Toolkit for Google APIs, which uses callouts pretty extensively (although you may need to wade through it a bit to find the relevant parts).
In any case, if you start by searching the docs on Apex callouts, that will probably get you rolling in the right direction.
Another method of doing this, incidentally, would be to wire up a custom button with the AJAX toolkit to compose the body of the post, and then post it and have your PHP page redirect the user back to where he started. That could work too, although my first inclination would be to do it in Apex instead.
Do they really have to click a button? What if meeting some condition would work?
I'm asking because Workflow rules (which are usually good for field updates, creation of Tasks or sending emails) have option to send out a SOAP message. It'd be a somewhat bloated XML but on the plus side - no coding needed, pure configuration. Plus - their delivery status can be tracked easily.
Check the help and at the very least you now have the keyword to Google for ;) Topic on consuming them on might also be useful.
If it has to be under a button - you probably could do with making a fake update of some helper field... Maybe even "count of messages sent"?

How to make a simple event calendar in a c# MVC web project

I'm making a web page that has a calendar in it. It will be used as an event calendar, but I need the events info to come from a database, not hard coded. I also need it so it only displays the events (you can not add one) but when clicked it takes you to another web page (that will add it to the database). I need it this way because of user control. Only the user who creates the event should be able to delete or edit it(which is why I want it to go to another page).
I've been googleing like crazy but have not found anything I need. I did find a calendar called FullCalendar but I can't figure any way to get the events into it. They require an array of events but of course I can't use a server side variable like or anything in the javascript. I also can't find one that doesn't allow everyone to edit or delete others posts (which is a security issue).
I'm not familiar with javascript so I have no idea how to get a variable form my database into the script.
Please help. I just want a very simple calendar that shows events that I can get from my own database. Hopefully one that allows hyperlinks as the events name so I can have it go to the events own page when clicked.
While it's difficult to answer your question (as you have not provided any code as to what you have tried or researched so far), if you are looking for something simple, I would recommend looking at creating a web helper for your calendar. By doing this, you can do everything you are looking to do without having to use JavaScript. A starting (but very simple) example of a calendar web helper is found here: ASP.NET MVC Calendar Helper
However, might I also recommend that you spend some time learning JavaScript as there is quite a bit you can do to improve the user experience. But, as the previous example shows, you don't necessarily have to.
If I understood you correctly, you need some kind of a calendar where a user can manage his tasks. I can advise you a calendar that requires no knowledge of JavaScript, stores info to a database, and you can adjust access rights to your calendar (so if you need, only one user can make changes to it). It is described in this tutorial, and you can also check the demo. To my mind, it should be a good solution for you.

Any Issues with ScriptCalendar

In looking for a javascript based events calendar (for displaying events on a calendar) and came across ScriptCalendar which seems pretty good, but their SEO tactics seem to be somewhat suspect. Download it and look at the scmrkt0912.htm file to see what I mean.
Has anyone used this Calendar, are there any comments on how good it is?
I think it's awesome. If you need an event calendar and you don't have server side scripting like ASP.NET or PHP it's perfect. It's javascript and can be hosted on a plain html website. (FYI: There is code available on the website that allows you to use it ASP.NET or PHP).
It may not be the best looking website out there, but perhaps you need to do something other a cursory look at it. The website allows to download a demo version of the calendar that has some limitations. But, there is complete transparency with the demo. It functions as the website describes. You can see all functionality for yourself.
I recommend getting the demo if you are interested in an event calendar.

